Showing Highly Rated Posts By Murdoc.4251:

Colour blind mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Murdoc.4251


I am partially colour blind so for the most part this is not an issue in game for me – except for one small thing. Names.

I find it extremely difficult to pick out the red names of enemies, whether it’s PvE or WvW – especially during any sort of fight that has a large number of spell effects going off. I tend to put the target reticle over bosses or enemies in a group, because it’s the only way for me to even have a slight chance to see them.

My suggestion is an option to be able to change the colour of names. It would be a huge benefit to be able to set my own colour options in the menu so that I can pick a colour that does stand out for me, one that I would be able to see no matter the situation.


[HDS] – Gate of Madness
Murdoc Jones – Brock Jones – Murdoch Jones – Jaedmara Jones
Warrior – Guardian – Ranger – Necro

Eartshaker on hammer bug..

in Warrior

Posted by: Murdoc.4251


I also get where the ability icon triggers but nothing happens. I just keep running around and Earthshaker goes on cooldown.

[HDS] – Gate of Madness
Murdoc Jones – Brock Jones – Murdoch Jones – Jaedmara Jones
Warrior – Guardian – Ranger – Necro

Right click name only brings up 'REPORT'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Murdoc.4251


I have an issue, which seems to be WvW only, where if I right-click someone’s name it only gives me the option to ‘Report’.

Because of this I am unable to whisper or invite to a group. The full right-click context menu is missing. In order to invite to group I have to type their full name (capitalization counts!) and can initiate a whisper by double clicking a name in my Friends or Guild list.

[HDS] – Gate of Madness
Murdoc Jones – Brock Jones – Murdoch Jones – Jaedmara Jones
Warrior – Guardian – Ranger – Necro

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Murdoc.4251


With the closing of this forums in a few hours the final recap is being written.
Without further wait, I present the Weekly Recap

I mostly blame VLK for letting this thread almost hit page 2. The quantity and quality of their yo mama jokes has been extremely underwhelming for this matchup.

You had ONE job…

With HoD suffering a great lost with Devon being out of the forum games for 3 weeks due to excessive “Yo mama” jokes. The HoD forum warriors struggled to match their dominance on the WvW scene. With the return of Devon tonight at midnight, will there be a revamped forum wars for next week?! Who knows?!

The biggest forum competition seemed to come from the one and only Narsil, who single handled wracked up: 40 posts! With five double posts! One triple. And the legendary quintuplet post! And there is still time to get more in. Though it does seem many people seem to skip over Narsil’s posts because of the spam. As seen by Silas Drake: “I honestly don’t read anything you post… so (I know I’m a jerk).” Even though the lack of reading going towards Narsil’s post this seems to be the biggest competition for Devon, seeing as Narsil has not figured out there is indeed an edit button for posts. Will Narsil’s forum spam match Devon’s Yo Mama jokes? Stay tuned for next weeks episode of: “The Clash of the Trolls: Episode 87”

Next we look upon [Deth] after calling out a number of guilds on reset night for their relentless T0 Blobbing (Yes, this is a GREATER number of people in T1 blobs). [Deth] has failed to show or respond in the GvGs they called for. Has [Deth] fallen from grace when they were once a dominate force in the GvGs in the lower tiers? Have they recruited to many PvErs? Questions that only they can answer.

[MU] is our next topic of discussion. With the 80 man [MU] zerging upscales and ambient creatures. Can anyone put a stop to them?! [CoSA] had the best approach of power rezing like a bunch of pros. There recent post of the video titled “Zombies” led to a debate in the thread about having skill compared to SPAM 1 HARDER FOOLZ, sorry about that I got carried away. [MU] has definitely made an impact on HoD’s WvW scene and will hopefully stay for the long run.

The lack of fireworks from the one and only Taco Thief is also up in the air. Has the sky rocketing prices of fireworks finally reached his purse? Or has the constant T0 zeros from HoD darkened out the sky covering them? Either way it is a sad disappointment that there was a lack of fireworks though out this match.

We shall now hit up the conspiracy theory rolling around the Bronze League, led by the one and only Styx of GoM. Though I have heard though the grape vine and weeds. That HoD has planed this fall or dive to Bronze League since the start of TA. Yes, you heard correct the famous Titan’s Alliance. The TA was hidden in the shadows to prepare for the Bronze League so HoD could sweep the competition. As HoD slowly unveils TA to the Bronze League will the infamous Buygate be able to compete as HoD pulls a Kaineng and moves up to T1 in a matter of days. Keep on following HoD to find out! Will Styx uncover the real secrets hidden since the start of the game? Or will he crash and burn as new forum warriors appear and push him aside like a solo upscale ranger in WvW.

The outburst of the week goes to: QuickLime! I know why. You know why. He knows why. Hell, Anet knows why. Though an apology was quickly written and put up. Regardless of being forced or if by own will. Let’s give him a round of applause for having the balls to admit he was wrong. Since we know 3/4ths of you wouldn’t. We hope he can deal with his real life problems and get back to the forum waring and upscale killing in a timely fashion.

We leave the best for last! The discussion of [Yarr]! They temporarily transferred to HoD to kill spawn farm SF and kill their fellow FC. Lets give them some love. A guild that HoD loves regardless of who they fight for. In recent news, [Yarr] called out [Deth] (the GvG dodgers) for a GvG. It is safe to assume we all know the outcome of that. [Deth] spent no time saving their dodges and double dodged out of there! [Yarr] will be missed on HoD and are wished the best of luck returning to FC.

This wraps up the conclusion of the

To steal something from last week, I present the recap in Wordle form.


[HDS] – Gate of Madness
Murdoc Jones – Brock Jones – Murdoch Jones – Jaedmara Jones
Warrior – Guardian – Ranger – Necro

Mini's and Finishers become unselected

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Murdoc.4251


My finisher keeps getting reset quite often, right in the middle of a play session too. One stomp will have the finisher I have selected, the next will be the default spike.

[HDS] – Gate of Madness
Murdoc Jones – Brock Jones – Murdoch Jones – Jaedmara Jones
Warrior – Guardian – Ranger – Necro

Emote Spamming

in WvW

Posted by: Murdoc.4251


The fact that you came to the forums to complain means that it was mission accomplished for whoever it was doing the emotes.

[HDS] – Gate of Madness
Murdoc Jones – Brock Jones – Murdoch Jones – Jaedmara Jones
Warrior – Guardian – Ranger – Necro

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Murdoc.4251


Having played these games long enough, emotes don’t bother me. I sometimes don’t understand them, like when you have a really nice long fight with a group and get /laughed at afterwards, but overall who cares? I just assume the people that /laugh tend to be the ones that aren’t very good so they don’t get a chance to do that very often.

[HDS] – Gate of Madness
Murdoc Jones – Brock Jones – Murdoch Jones – Jaedmara Jones
Warrior – Guardian – Ranger – Necro