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Suggestion: Gem Store Outfits

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nailath.8570



My suggestion concerns the full outfits which can be purchased for 800 gems ($10) in the gem store.
These outfits should not require transmutation charges to use, and should work the same way heritage pieces do.
Having to pay more money to use something you already spent $10 on just doesn’t make sense.
You (ANet) stand to make more money off these outfits if people know they can equip the skins whenever they want. Knowing this, I’m sure lots of people will buy multiple outfits.
Of course, transmutation charges would still be used on normal weapon and armor skins, found in game.

Thanks for reading,

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nailath.8570


Along the lines of no reply….

I know most of this tread is about town clothes. While I sympathise, for me, it isn’t really a pressing issue as the lack of transmutation stones and WvW and karma gear. That is actually directly affecting my effectiveness in the game. I, and many others like myself, have tons of gear with idle runes and sigils in them that we’d love to use, but can’t. Buying all new gear (because you don’t want to put runes and sigils in karma or WvW gear anymore), new sigils, and new runes is not a solution and would cost hundreds of gold. Buying extractors is not a solution and would cost thousands of gold.

Why is this not more of an outrage?

I’m with you on that, and it’s an outrage on how ANet is trying to milk its customers for every possible cent they can. It’s greedy, bad business practice, and really very sad when you think about it. Many of us and you included, I’m sure, have been fans and patrons of the Guild Wars franchise for a very long time. The fact that we would be abused financially in such a way is terrible. Granted, there are no subscription fees for GW1 or GW2, but there is a way to make money and support your game and a way NOT to. Forcing me to pay MORE money to use something I already paid for is disgusting.
I sent a support ticket last night and it was immediately handed off to some other division to be handled. I don’t want a refund, I don’t want free transmutation charges, I want a change. And I’m not going to spend another cent on this game until ANet admits they screwed up and they stop f—-ing their players over.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nailath.8570


I’m a little confused about this new wardrobe system, and slightly worried. Today, I bought the Phoenix outfit from the gem store for $10, and I was able to apply each piece of it to my current armor, and it shows up in the wardrobe tab to be applied to future armor. However, my problem is that I have to spend these transmutation charges in order to do it. Maybe I’m missing something here, but I just spent ten dollars on this outfit, and now I have to spend more money to use it as intended? Should these outfits not be free to apply the same way heritage pieces are?
I’m sorry if this is covered somewhere in the 17 pages before this one, but it’s 3:12AM and I’m dead tired.

Thanks for anyone giving input on this issue!

Edit: I’ve been away from GW2 for a little while, I’m just getting back into it now. All this stuff we’re talking about is completely new to me.

(edited by Nailath.8570)

Regular Server Restarts, Please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nailath.8570


With all the missing NPC’s and bugged events, I think it would be possible to ‘fix’ those problems temporarily by restarting the server every 24 hours. I know this will not fix the issue that causes them to vanish or bug out, but should make them respawn at least for a while until the root issue is solved.

I think a restart every 24 hours would be a good thing for the time being.
