Showing Posts For Nakaa.6304:
Hi im playing on desolation.
Server ip
Time 17:30 +-x
My isp says my connection is fine its not their fault.
So is there any timeline for fixing the lags in spvp?
(edited by Nakaa.6304)
I’m pretty sure that they dishonourable system currently works on AFK player, but only if they are AFK for 3 minutes.
Till i see an officel word from anet i doubt it. And if you are 3 minutes from an max 15 minutes match away your team is very likely to lose or so frustrated from getting farmed thakittens hard to turn it around.
Any response from the anet team on this issue would be nice. Please fix the afk problem.
Out of five matches i got two matches with one afk player. So where is my report afk button? Whats so kitten hard to check if a player moves and does damage(or capture a point)? I just wasted 30 minutes of my life in a match we could only win against untrained monkeys (beause of their number advantage). When there are only four player playing give them a surrender button and the winning team gets a better rating and the surrendering team doesnt change there rating.
Dear Anet,
please fix the long loading times you introduced in the last patch. I run a 2500k with 8gigs and a 830ssd. Before the patch loading times were /- 6secs, after your patch 20 secs. Nothing has changed on my pc just your patch. All oter games load fast. Deleting local.dat didnt fix the problem. /caugh*Only happy cumstomers buy gems*
When you play WvW its Lag Wars2.
Its not fun in Wvw just to see a red cloud running at you and you only could tab and press 1 and hope for some bags. Thats not my definition of fun.
Get someone to fix it asap please.
1) Solo or Duo-Q
2)Working Matchmaking (not level 30+ against <20)
3)No matches starting with 4vs5
If your damage sucks, take a look at the armor you are wearing.
Get yourself up to 40-50% passive crit, 40-50% crit damage, and somewhere close to 3k attack and the whole world will open up.
Hi i would like to know with what armor and traits you get this stats and with what amount off toughness?
With Berzerker Jewels and Knightgear i get 2.6k dmg and 32/70 crit. The dmg in wvw with axe is still meh. 1.2k toughness doesnt feel very tough.