Stormbluff Isle
Showing Posts For Nalivan.6451:
Stormbluff Isle
Happy new years! and EB quaggan/Dolyak fun, too good :P Cheers to all!
-Life (ASTC Guild Leader/CommanderI got suppressed spamming “NO” to the zerg coming to kill you, they didn’t listen.
Much love, we were laughing and screaming in dismay the entire time. It was pretty wonderful. (I was the quaggan)
We even got it recorded. (With voice!)
Stormbluff Isle
Happy new years! and EB quaggan/Dolyak fun, too good :P Cheers to all!
-Life (ASTC Guild Leader/Commander
I got suppressed spamming “NO” to the zerg coming to kill you, they didn’t listen.
Stormbluff Isle
And you had 30 TDS, so there is really no room to complain.
Stormbluff Isle
They’re a fine guild.
Oh god no.
This coming from the leader of VNG.
If you think Zara is the leader of VNG then you definitely know nothing about VNG.
Her actions and words on the forums suggest otherwise, but thanks a bunch for clearing up my misconception with your convenient signature. A friendly suggestion to you then, sir master guild leader. You should do a better job at managing your guildies on the forums and the amount of kitten talking they do given how little of it they can actually back up. “Zara” alone does so much kitten talking you’d expect your guild to be legends and gods of WvW, yet sadly, that is no where near the truth. Quite the opposite actually.
Given that, i do not remember fighting NA much at all except for super small man fights i’ll just sit here and laugh at this comment.
Also, while i may attempt to sway what people from my guild say at times if it gets too rash, who am i to tell them what they should say/do. They are human beings who can think for themselves, i am not here to babysit them.
Oh, and excuse the 4 month old guild for not being up to your super leet prosauce year old guilds standards.
4 months? really? Unless you are implying that all of your members were new to the game in the last 4 months (which they obviously aren’t), if you can’t hit your stride as a guild within 4 months then no amount of time is going to help. I also never said my guild is “super leet prosauce”, I’m just saying you should step up your game to match that of your forum warrioring (if that is even possible), or more people might think you are just a joke guild filled with trolls.
Some of my players are new to the game, some of them are mostly new to WvW, but as i said i have not fought NA with my guilds full force yet, and last time we played vs CD i did not have internet so you didn’t see us then either.
I don’t boast on the forums, never have, the opinions of one person on a forum is not the opinion of an entire group, and you are foolish for assuming such.
We have taken on and held our own against larger groups, and even similar sized skill groups, if you think we just fold like wet noodles in a fight you are sorely mistaken. We are not so incredibly bad as you say, but at this point im assuming you are just talking trash to talk trash.
Stormbluff Isle
They’re a fine guild.
Oh god no.
This coming from the leader of VNG.
If you think Zara is the leader of VNG then you definitely know nothing about VNG.
Her actions and words on the forums suggest otherwise, but thanks a bunch for clearing up my misconception with your convenient signature. A friendly suggestion to you then, sir master guild leader. You should do a better job at managing your guildies on the forums and the amount of kitten talking they do given how little of it they can actually back up. “Zara” alone does so much kitten talking you’d expect your guild to be legends and gods of WvW, yet sadly, that is no where near the truth. Quite the opposite actually.
Given that, i do not remember fighting NA much at all except for super small man fights i’ll just sit here and laugh at this comment.
Also, while i may attempt to sway what people from my guild say at times if it gets too rash, who am i to tell them what they should say/do. They are human beings who can think for themselves, i am not here to babysit them.
Oh, and excuse the 4 month old guild for not being up to your super leet prosauce year old guilds standards.
Stormbluff Isle
They’re a fine guild.
Oh god no.
This coming from the leader of VNG.
If you think Zara is the leader of VNG then you definitely know nothing about VNG.
Stormbluff Isle
Thx for the GvG ROT! SBI is lucky to have y’all, looking forward to seeing you on the field some more this week (and next week? wtf anet).
aww noo! take it nobody decided to livestream? what was the final score, just curious?
I don’t think any of us can reliably livestream, and the score was 5-0 for BB.
Stormbluff Isle
[SIC] was busy on CDBL
At least until they brought in 50-80 man zerg, than we moved to EB for a bit before logging off. Was a fun night.
Great fights out of you guys tonight, I learned a lot, thank you for the good times. May we fight again someday.
Stormbluff Isle
If this week’s match up was DB-Mag-SOS, you guys will face the EXACT same problem. DB will just roll over all of you. So what’s the difference? What’s your next plan? Disperse DB also?
Same thing with any of JQ, BG, SOR or FA facing Mag and SOS. The exact same thing will happen. So what are you going to do disperse them all?
Give me a break please.
As far as low population servers are concern, none of the top 6 servers is any different. They will roll over you, period.
I do feel sorry for you guys. But it is all Anet’s fault. Instead of disperse the bigger server to fit your needs, why don’t you transfer yourself to a lower tier server so you can enjoy yourself there?
Oh look someone that bandwagoned from SBI to Kaineng and then Kaineng to TC. Please tell me more!
Plenty of bandwagoner everywhere, including Maguuma. You guys just got a new bandwagon guild GOAT last week, remember?
You guys should kick GOAT out if you hate bandwagoners.
GOAT? Bandwagon? They have been on Borlis since like a month after launch. They’re not really classified as ‘Bandwagon’ – do you even know what that term means?
Besides – it’s not like GOAT is this massive guild that will take up a borderland… chill.
Well to be technical, you can be a bandwagoner even if you have only moved once; it is the motivation for moving that matters.
BP was winning almost every matchup, but we were brushed off for every single thing we tried to say to make the server better. We left to get away from BP not bandwagon to a winning server (lol) . We found mag as our best fit so we transferred there.
Man that bandwagon comment gave me a good laugh.
Stormbluff Isle
Holy kitten you killed 4 people get some help. Envy was in that area the whole time. Please, like I said to you before the thread was gutted, STFU!
Haha, so the guy that gloats and trash talks about “killing” a 5 man PAXA group with 15+ gets defensive after getting stomped in a more even fight. Again, I’ll ask you if Envy was there the whole time, why is there only 1 green dot in the fight on my minimap? Is the minimap having culling issues now too?!?!
Actually it is believe it or not, i’ve noticed people in front of me have their green dot on the map disapear 5 feet away from me, so yes it actually does. LOL
Stormbluff Isle
Please do explain to me kind sir how there were 3 Envy there at the time when GOAT died when there’s clearly 1 green dot in the fight and only one other far south of the fight. When I die solo to someone and wait a minute for a zerg to run over my body, that doesn’t mean that a zerg killed me. Haha
Dude why do you twist stories to make yourselves look better i know the facts of what was happening in that fight and even though you were there it seems you don’t know what was actually happening. You should look into going to a doctor man i heard they can help you with that!
Stormbluff Isle
Sup Plok, your zerg destroyed us badly. Nice try on the stealth bomb haha
What zerg? You really are delusional.
Funny, I took the same picture cause I know exactly the mouthpiece you are.
You mean where the one five man group I was in was sandwiched between AR on one side and paxa and Envy on the other? Yea, you’re so good at this. Man do you look dumb.
Hey look it’s the two servers that ran me over.
Haha, I knew you stayed around to watch our fight with AR after we wiped GOAT (and most of your guildies released while you watched us haha). Notice in my screen shot how there’s only one green dot on the map in the fight. Convenient for you that while you’re dead there is no minimap, right? Envy didn’t roll up until later when we had most of your GOAT, (ok, I got carried away not quite the normal GOAT zerg that we are used to seeing of 15+) wiped. Thanks for sticking around to watch us wipe AR too though, who also didn’t arrive until the majority of GOAT was dead.
Lol, wtf you seriously are delusional you outnumbered our guild by 1 but we were zerging? wow man you have reached a new level of trolling that i did not previously perceive as possible.
and im not even counting the 3 [Envy] that were there, that just made your post so much more hilarious
Stormbluff Isle
And to address your future posts, no while we were attacking you there were no PUGs.
Maybe a PUG might have slipped past my keen eyes in one of our fights, but I doubt it. Please refer to this post I so kindly quoted for you, as I seemed to have known the garbage you were about to spew. It’s like I have ESPN or something.
Yeah its almost like you knew you were wrong haha
Also if you want to see REAL PvD, please refer to the video
Stormbluff Isle
You guys are pro.
I don’t know what it was, but killing that [GOAT] “commander” ele and the entire back line 3 times in a row with 20 around them…mighty fun.
Yeah, sure does take a lot of skill to attack us from behind while we are occupied with trying to take a fortified AR tower , i also seem to remember you guys dieing a lot as well then you run away. But you leaving out the minor details is what makes you Pro right? And since you were so willing to defend ARs tower we decided to take your entire borderlands, enjoy!
That’s called coordination. You wouldn’t know anything about attacking anyone from behind quickly because your eyes and those you are “commandings” eyes are all on pvdoor pvdoor pvdoor. It’s like a drug for you. You have the event up…. We fly in… Kill you Mr. kitten commander 3 times in a row. Same tactic. Take 5-10 with us Everytime. Lost two of us in 3 attempts. Took 20-30 kills. That is a victory for us. Pvdoor…. Get outtttaaa heeeeere lol!
Wait PVD? Lol you didn’t see the 15+ AR inside the tower and coming through the tunnel all the time? Wow and 2 times? really? I specifically remember killing a few of you around 7 times. Yeah, i’m pretty much convinced you are delusional.
Write what you want to “save” your commander pride on the forums. Live in a dream world of our “10-15” 5 mans running around and dying to all u stellar players following the blue Derrito. Not like youre going to admit dying to a group that’s 3-5x smaller than what you are “commanding” lol.
Firstly, i wasn’t even the commander there. Secondly, When the hell did i say you ran around with 10-15 people? I’m starting to think you may have actually lost your mind.
You had around 8 people with you we had around 15 with multiple of them running supply the entire time.We had to be occupied with dealing with a constant stream of AR through the tunnel and you hitting us from behind killing maybe 1 or 2 of us while others were getting supply. Now i NEVER said you were terrible players, You build tanky and you work together with combo fields and focus fire, you are also very good at running away. Now if you actually think doing that yesterday was helping your server in any way, i truly feel sorry for NSP, and good luck in your next matchups .
Once again, we were running ranger, war, ele, thief, and guard. Where does 8 come out of that? Called a 5 man for a reason amigo. And if you weren’t the [GOAT] commander we Rick rolled 3 times along with the rest of the pvd’ers on the catas then why are
You even engaging in this convo? We stretched 8-15 kills a bomb back to the bridge.Did it 3 times with our group of “8” lol and had 2 deaths. Quit pulling crap out of your crapper. If you died, try the door they don’t fight back.
You know, you are counting pugs in our group why aren’t we allowed to count the pugs in yours? Everything you say trys to make you look like these gods of WvW when in reality things are much different. Also what does me not being the commander have to do with not being allowed to post about it? I was a ranger chasing down and killing you as you ran away.
P.S. the ele chasing you to die, well he tends to be suicidal a lot.
Stormbluff Isle
You had around 8 people
Stopped reading there. Still wrong. Try 5, then you’ll be correct. And to address your future posts, no while we were attacking you there were no PUGs. To address other topics that you will bring up – No, all that sewage coming out of your mouth is not a normal occurrence. Might want to see a doctor about that.
Ignorance is bliss i guess.
Stormbluff Isle
You guys are pro.
I don’t know what it was, but killing that [GOAT] “commander” ele and the entire back line 3 times in a row with 20 around them…mighty fun.
Yeah, sure does take a lot of skill to attack us from behind while we are occupied with trying to take a fortified AR tower , i also seem to remember you guys dieing a lot as well then you run away. But you leaving out the minor details is what makes you Pro right? And since you were so willing to defend ARs tower we decided to take your entire borderlands, enjoy!
That’s called coordination. You wouldn’t know anything about attacking anyone from behind quickly because your eyes and those you are “commandings” eyes are all on pvdoor pvdoor pvdoor. It’s like a drug for you. You have the event up…. We fly in… Kill you Mr. kitten commander 3 times in a row. Same tactic. Take 5-10 with us Everytime. Lost two of us in 3 attempts. Took 20-30 kills. That is a victory for us. Pvdoor…. Get outtttaaa heeeeere lol!
Wait PVD? Lol you didn’t see the 15+ AR inside the tower and coming through the tunnel all the time? Wow and 2 times? really? I specifically remember killing a few of you around 7 times. Yeah, i’m pretty much convinced you are delusional.
Write what you want to “save” your commander pride on the forums. Live in a dream world of our “10-15” 5 mans running around and dying to all u stellar players following the blue Derrito. Not like youre going to admit dying to a group that’s 3-5x smaller than what you are “commanding” lol.
Firstly, i wasn’t even the commander there. Secondly, When the hell did i say you ran around with 10-15 people? I’m starting to think you may have actually lost your mind.
You had around 8 people with you we had around 15 with multiple of them running supply the entire time.We had to be occupied with dealing with a constant stream of AR through the tunnel and you hitting us from behind killing maybe 1 or 2 of us while others were getting supply. Now i NEVER said you were terrible players, You build tanky and you work together with combo fields and focus fire, you are also very good at running away. Now if you actually think doing that yesterday was helping your server in any way, i truly feel sorry for NSP, and good luck in your next matchups .
Stormbluff Isle
You guys are pro.
I don’t know what it was, but killing that [GOAT] “commander” ele and the entire back line 3 times in a row with 20 around them…mighty fun.
Yeah, sure does take a lot of skill to attack us from behind while we are occupied with trying to take a fortified AR tower , i also seem to remember you guys dieing a lot as well then you run away. But you leaving out the minor details is what makes you Pro right? And since you were so willing to defend ARs tower we decided to take your entire borderlands, enjoy!
That’s called coordination. You wouldn’t know anything about attacking anyone from behind quickly because your eyes and those you are “commandings” eyes are all on pvdoor pvdoor pvdoor. It’s like a drug for you. You have the event up…. We fly in… Kill you Mr. kitten commander 3 times in a row. Same tactic. Take 5-10 with us Everytime. Lost two of us in 3 attempts. Took 20-30 kills. That is a victory for us. Pvdoor…. Get outtttaaa heeeeere lol!
Wait PVD? Lol you didn’t see the 15+ AR inside the tower and coming through the tunnel all the time? Wow and 2 times? really? I specifically remember killing a few of you around 7 times. Yeah, i’m pretty much convinced you are delusional.
Stormbluff Isle
You guys are pro.
I don’t know what it was, but killing that [GOAT] “commander” ele and the entire back line 3 times in a row with 20 around them…mighty fun.
Yeah, sure does take a lot of skill to attack us from behind while we are occupied with trying to take a fortified AR tower , i also seem to remember you guys dieing a lot as well then you run away. But you leaving out the minor details is what makes you Pro right? And since you were so willing to defend ARs tower we decided to take your entire borderlands, enjoy!
Stormbluff Isle
Back to more important things.
Like dueling and having fight clubs? lawlz. You’re so important to the server! Teach us your ways oh mighty Toble!
Like talking down to members of the large alliance on your server that actually does work?
Don’t care, Paxa is a non-factor. I’m pretty sure everyone knows it by now due to you being so loud on forums and so insignificant in game.
For being part of a large alliance on my server that actually does work, you sure don’t know much about WvW if you think PAXA is a non-factor. You might as well go and say other small groups like AD/NEWL and so on are non-factors as well. Makes me sad that “members of the large alliance” on my server don’t know much about the game. I guess that’s what happens though when a guild/alliance mass invites people to form a zerg – you’re bound to get people that aren’t very good or don’t understand the multiple layers of WvW.
And by your logic, everyone also must know you’re a non-factor as well – seeing as how loud you are on the forums and how insignificant you are (doing fight clubs 2 nights in a row) in game.
Small gank groups and solos as a general rule contribute very little to the overall goal of WvW. Several smaller coordinated groups working together can be very effective and destructive. Breaking up a fight club cause you had someone telling you where it was, Not getting involved in said fight clubs(Cause you are all just so good), targeting the back ends of zergs for easy kills cause your good at hitting the same target(Golf Clap) Smashing solos.
Hmm seems to me that you cry when you are hit by 20 people , yet have no issue smashing a solo. Hypocrites the lot. Yea, non factor, non entity, irrelevant, whatever one you like, they all fit you.
Plok knows I’m more of a factor than all of Paxa put together. :o
I’ll be back for your ballistas!
Keep waiting. 2 down, 3 to go.
Oh NOES! 2 of our supply of millions of ballistas! whatever will we DO!
Stormbluff Isle
So NSP … BP takes all/almost all of AR and NSP’s borderlands and EB and your response is to hit AR first then jump on BP border and hit AR holdings, not BP … makes no tactical sense (but does if all you can manage is pvdoor and paper gates).
God forbid you guys stop coattail riding and attack the top server in the tier. You did it with DR, now you repeat it with BP, must be why you get ending up in third of late.
Haha its ok man, last night while we were in your borderlands taking your stuff there was always 15 NSP following us around trying to steal keeps from us. As expected they failed every time and all they accomplished was giving us free badges
Stormbluff Isle
So, BP yet again gets transfers … not your fault guys but it gets old.
@Burn … pathetic, DR failing so you jump ship …
@Thug … Maybe a new guild or maybe a transfer, either way they seem bad but numbers help
@ the third random new guild … I will insult you as soon as I remember who you are.All smacktalk aside, it was a nice matchup. Within 1 night guilds like burn who rode the train then hit the brick wall jump ship and kitten up our nicely balanced bracket. Oh well it was a crap shoot and many were hoping we would avoid the transfers.
If this sways things drastically over the next day, we all know why. What a kittenty night, we lose a guild and get hit with 3 new ones.
Sad face.
BAHAHAHAHHAHAH All i can do is laugh at you as you know NOTHING about our server yet think BURN and THUG are transfers? oh man you made me have a real good laugh thanks for that!
Stormbluff Isle
@Nalivan & Plok Some serious conflict in those two stories. That is what’s really funny. So either you were inside a tower you didn’t own and wiped out a zerg from inside(which is impossible of course), or were inside a tower you did own, and watched the wall go down then wiped a zerg, which given the right classes we have seen happen with under 10 people. I like the lack of continuity that usually comes from [GOAT]. Maybe you are talking about 2 different towers? Maybe you are just trolling, after all, that is the one thing that [GOAT] does well.
The “one” thing we seem to do well? Well we also seem to be good at taking your garrison, and hiding our mesmers, and other things that i don’t care to mention like chasing people to the ends of the map. But wouldn’t that make it more than “one” thing?
Stormbluff Isle
You mean like all the guilds that used to run around in small groups like SoS, ALS that are now just giant zerg groups? Or that the entire strategy of the server is to out zerg the other guy?
This coming from [GOAT]? LOLOLOLOLOL you guys do nothing with less then 20. Heck you guys easily outnumbered us 3 to 1 in AR garrison a few days past and instead of rushing and wiping us, you decided to dance on the walls instead.
Oh and SoS built that treb down in stargrove to wipe your siege out … all 2 of us. Just before we built that treb the same 2 of us came into stargrove via hills side while 15+ GOAT were coming in from the west entrance and all of GOAT turned tails and ran back to the tower. Was the funniest thing.
You mean they ran back to our mesmer to get ported back into the tower at LITERALLY the LAST second? They went to get supply and i sat in the tower by myself to call out the wall hp, when it got to 10% i said you need to get inside now, the wall soon went down and as your zerg started to come up the ramp to get me our people were ported in and we wiped your entire zerg. So yeah “ran away” from you in order to get more loot bags than killing the 2 of you. hahaha
Stormbluff Isle
Oi! BP!
You’re falling behind. You gonna let NSP overtake you guys? I don’t want any lame duck excuses like “we took the week off” from you guys this week. You’re still in this fight and its anybody’s game! My sheep haven’t seen your [GOAT]s in 2 days. I want this fight to be decided in the hours before reset.
As for NSP, good show! Good fights! You’re [LOST] and [QQ] crews were super vigilant in defending your supply camps in EB last night.
Huh? We were there last night stopping your mass golem zergs on every single one of our keeps, and then we went and took garrison in your borderlands and almost took bay until you waypointed a giant zerg as we almost killed the lord. Also we are sneaky kittens so you wont see us much
Stormbluff Isle
Ayo, thanks for the badges NSP!
Stormbluff Isle
(edited by Nalivan.6451)
lmao it say GOAT plain as day!
Lmfao, alright buddy keep living in your little fantasy land where only 1 guild can have a certain tag. I know for a fact there are imposter GOAT guilds on BP, but since you weren’t intelligent enough to actually click on them we will never know which imposter it was making your post useless.
Stormbluff Isle
lawls, you got busted plain and simple.
Wtf do you mean “busted” The only people who have been on WvW tonight were me Plok and a charr player. So no we didnt get “Busted” when you have shown no proof that it was actually MY guild Shadow of Agony [GOAT].
Stormbluff Isle
Theres only 1 person on BP who has been hacking. He transfered over from Anvil rock last week and is in the guild CRFT or was. We have sent many reports/screenshots and even a video of this player doing so. It’s up to Anet to do their part now as we did ours. If you see any1 else using exploits or hacks please post it on the forums and we will report it as well. Dont judge BP as a server for the actions of a few tools.
is that the teleporting/no clip charr?
No, might be same guy different character, but either way report him if you can and ive loaded up fraps and am ready to record him if i catch sight of him.
Stormbluff Isle
Advanced Warnings RIGHT ANET?
Stormbluff Isle
HAHA it only took you 25 people to take it man that was hilarious.
Don’t be that “lol look how many it took 2 kill me” guy. Nobody likes that guy.
You know im just teasing you guys right? No need to get defensive im just poking fun :P
I had a ton of fun defending that supply camp, and maybe your guys learned a few things while trying to retake it!
Stormbluff Isle
This is my camp sorrows furnace and you cant have it!
HAHA it only took you 25 people to take it man that was hilarious.
Stormbluff Isle
(edited by Nalivan.6451)
Assume we have learned to work together since our last match up. The last time we played you, most of us were noobs and had no idea what we were doing, and no cohesion. It’s a whole new ballgame now.
Ahh, the old ‘we really improved’ angle, I am sure that is it.
Actually we have, the week after we fought you last time i wanted to fight you guys again sooo bad because of how much more organised we had become. Do not become Anvil rock and start crying about every little thing please.
Stormbluff Isle
Leave it for SOS to troll this thread, how can any1 like you guys on that server….
No body is trolling here but you. I’m just stating the facts. Rendering issues is a problem, and borlis players certainly made good use of it that day. Your idiotic remarks are what I call “trolling”.
Please stop just sucking period. BP’s ego is way to inflated already.
SoS has alot of nerve talking to anyone about sucking.
What are you talking about man, I LOVE U GUYS! you bring out your best and brightest to fight us, I still laughed at that pic you all posted about how “oh AR owns the keep, it will be easy to retake” 8 hours later as your all still bashing your numbers at the gates trying to retake your keep being held by SoS. lol, c’mon man we can’t get any action like that anywhere else. We absolutly love playing against 3 big guilds, Krew, Goat, and Dk over your turf.
We get high on the challenge, and we appreciate your outstanding attention.
If I was there, I assure you there would be no banging heads on anything. I get mad at commanders who do stupid kitten like that.
Yea guys, don’t take anything i say personally, i just like to egg you guys on so you won’t forget about us. It’s been a while since i’ve posted, infact this week other than sunday during sos’s operation to reset your keeps, we’ve been out of the picture. We’ve been doing other guild events, in include jumping puzzles. Which btw, those that did not attack my people, we let by and waved, those that did got killed eventually.
and plok, one of your commanders i believe was leading the first couple of waves, he’s on my contact list now, and a friend. He complimented us on the defense through a whisper. You guys are fun to play against seriously and I hope you all the best in the next tier. He did inform me you were in New York, and I asked him to send my regards, because I know the storm was hitting all along the east cost, but it looks like your okay.
AR has alot to work on, I think in the order of 1. Numbers, 2. Strategy, 3. Aggresiveness. I can do wonders with the amount i have right now, wait till I recruit more pve players and get them involved. Maybe then we can be a much more pain on the enemy side.
Not in new york but sending relief packages, same difference though. Also dont mention jumping puzzles around plok, he is not too fond of them >:)
Stormbluff Isle
Proof- and there are even more by the supply depot, so do not try to disprove this.
Stormbluff Isle
Big respect to SOS on AR. You held that keep well, but you don’t seem to do well vs prolonged sieges. That was fun though, again big props on the defense.
Stormbluff Isle
Don’t worry, AR and BP decided they were sick of us (as in spawn camping with siege in the first 5 min, you know who you are). If this keeps us, we will probably be in a lower tier next week.
Wait, do you not even look at the map?!?! We have had a blockade up stopping AR for over 2 times longer then we had one up for you. Thanks for the badges though, i appreciate it!
Stormbluff Isle
No we don’t have the population
I’m trying to understand something here, and perhaps a respresentative from Borlis pass can answer this question.
my group loves to fight borlis players, and this week you guys have shown your numbers again compared to last week. I am sitting here now as anvil rock throws everyone we can in arb to defend against your forces, and it seems equivalent to the numbers gom is showing up on their own map, plus eb.
The real threat to your lead is GoM, so i’m trying to figure out why you guys aren’t hitting gom, but instead spending your time here at arb, when arb has pretty much left you guys alone this week, at least my guild has, and has gone after GoM for posting how “dominating” they are in last weeks match up.
My question is, with all your numbers, are you spending your time fighting ARB, because your afraid to fight GoM? Just wondering, because as I see both your borderlands hardly change to either color often, but yet ARB gets green and blue majority of the time, I can only imagine this answer as a “yes”.
GoM will continue to fill two maps with their players, and hit ARB, while owning majority of the places in eb. They will catch up to you borlis pass, and I suspect if you continue to hit ARB and you don’t slow down GoM, they will surpass your score. If this continues, I may have to reconsider not leaving you guys alone on your map, since all of you seem to be hell bent on taking arb all the time. We could just have another repeat of last week, where ARB and BP fights it out while GoM takes everything else and sits in fortified, untouched towers and keeps. Because the two underdog servers in this match up can’t get it in their heads, that GoM is the threat in this tier, and not each other.
I do not take kindly to 40-50 AR hitting me in that back while i am sieging a tower that has been a thorn in my side all day. Oh and by the way before our forces even came to your borderlands we had taken all of GoM borderlands, it was just your turn.
Also you might want to get your server in that GoM is a threat mentality, because the more you attack us in undefended areas while we fight GoM, the more our players will want to wipe you off the map.
Stormbluff Isle
(edited by Nalivan.6451)
If it’s based on total score, I would agree, but my post was made if it was based on who won in the current match up.
Technically ANV, and GoM lost points and thus is going downwards, as BP improved, and their ranking went upwards.
So we will see in a few hours.
I think you will like this link, it will help you not have to guess anymore.
Stormbluff Isle
Anet just saved BP garrison!
5 golems, back door rush, doors down, lord down. clearing out the BP defenders. RESET!
You were Not going to take the garrison, right as the server went down we had 50 people show up to kill you there was no way you could take it.
Stormbluff Isle
Well, BP just took our garrison in SF borderlands, but the waypoint still allowed us to teleport, even after the keep changed to their color. Unfortunately, I cannot speak for our server, but I’m sorry it was bugged for you guys. The keep was definitely yours, and you should have been able to hold it after that sneaky attack you pulled off. Just know that some of the people defending there with me who died as you knocked down the inner gate feel the same way.
This bug has to be fixed asap.
We NEVER took the garrison i know because i was in there. we grabbed the orb and had him run while we try to cap the garrison. After you all used the waypoint bug we realised we could not cap and called the retreat. But we got the orb and that is all that mattered to us.
Stormbluff Isle
correction: i double checked the thread from the crafters guy, he wasn’t complaining about double teaming, he was complaining about spies and being double crossed by sbzy.
which is deliciously ironic considering what they(crafters) pulled last match.
I really don’t understand the whole “spies” fiasco, silva tried to work with AR in order for both of us to hit bay at same time. Eventually we did it but AR got wiped out and didnt move back but just gave up.
Stormbluff Isle
Well as of right now BP is invading AR’s borderlands…Yes i do realize that we(AR) had a commander in BP’s borderlands recently and he failed to take anything so left…Sorrow’s borderland is purely theirs…and they have majority of EB right my server and BP are not being smart at the moment..but one of our commanders…same one who failed in BP just now, says ‘an enemy is an enemey, we do not help them’….so yea.
You cannot have a commander run inside a SF keep and flank us while we are on inner door and NOT expect retaliation. Also the trying to hide and secret cap us was pretty cute. GL next time.
Stormbluff Isle