Showing Posts For Narthexia.1836:
I don’t care one way or the other, mounts that add character and aren’t silly would have their good points. But what I don’t get is the need for speed boosts, I have never gone anywhere in this game and thought it was taking too long. Compare that to vanilla WoW where it really took a very long time to run places (running was slower than now). I feel like my chars are quite zippy, even without speed boosts. Between the naturally quite brisk speed, the boosts available and the gazillions of waypoints I don’t see why mounts would be needed to go faster. For pretties, k, I get it.
I’d rather the BIG story was all in Living Story.
Personal story would be great if it focused on the background of your character’s race and choices. It should be about your college or warband (etc..) to lay the groundwork of who you are and then when you choose Whisper, Priory or Vigil it should pursue those things. Smushing everything into the Pact with one story is generic. I’d rather my character was not the hero of huge battles, lauded by all.
With my first character, Charr warrior, I picked Vigil. Early Charr stuff was great and then it was all fighting, all the time but hey it’s the Vigil right? Next character, an Asura engineer, I picked Priory. After all that fighting and brute force I was looking forward to the archaeology, the book work to puzzle out, the seeking of ancient knowledge to help Tyria fight its foes.. well you can imagine how that turned out. One dabble with dwarfs and it was all over. The only reason to pick any of these is for the armor at the end.
Fine, make us all do the Claw Island, perhaps the scholars get sent there on a discovery mission and are caught up in the fight. Throw in some other big events but keep the story focused on race, personal background and Order chosen. That’s what fleshes out the world, that’s what makes it personal.
School uniforms, kinda creepy IMO.
When I saw that helm my first thought was, “looks like something a 5 year old glued together with cardboard and toilet paper tubes”.
Grind gold, buy the exact dye you want from the TP.
Don’t gamble unless you love to gamble. Some people love the lottery, some people don’t. If you don’t you’re better off using gems to buy gold and then buying the dye.
I was surprised to see you can sell the tonics on the TP. Some are going for quite a bit.
AND NOW my very important question: Why has the Cherry Blossom outfit turned into the Ornate Ruched shirt? It is called Cherry Blossom but it looks exactly like the Ornate Ruched. What has happened to my beloved Cherry Blossom
I’m wondering why I have 2 Riding Clothes tonics when I only bought one set of the riding pants which I see are now the default pants. I admit I LOL’d at that because so many people hated those pants and now we are stuck with them.
Still working out what i will request to get refunds on. Is there a time limit for when we can get them? I forgot how ugly and brown some of it was!
I don’t understand why bosses have to be so limited in time. If you have it so you can only collect the loot once every 24 hours what would it matter if the boss spawned every two hours around the clock?
You can be a scientist and name all your pets specimen A, specimen B, etc.
That was inspired! Thank you, and to everyone posting on the Asura ranger.
I have now made an Asura named Vivisectionist Tam. Her pet moa is Specimen B and all her pets will have lab style names. I bought her a skritt mini pet, an experiment she is particularly proud of. She is a tinkerer with genetics. Golems are so loud and.. overt. Imagine what one could do with the natural world which exists with little comment, birds and wolves and pigs just hanging about everywhere. They can be used to gather information or to assassinate a foe if only properly designed. She will of course join the Order of Whispers. She is not interested in bonding with these creatures, she is interested in controlling and redesigning them.
Hey all I am pretty much in love with the Asura now. My first character was a Charr but I’m an Asura convert and just want MORE of them. I have an Asura engineer but was thinking maybe I would make a ranger because the person I play with has one and I like the idea of huge pets, little Asura. But I’m struggling to fit the idea of an Asura, from one of the colleges, as a ranger. It just seems so low tech and primitive. Maybe if the Asura could have SKRITT as their ranger pets (and only the Asura) it would make more sense to me, the product of experimentation now being used in the field.
So what’s your story about what kind of Asura becomes a ranger?
And yet you step through our gates..
I’m afraid my Asura would not be impressed with me entering him in a “cutest” contest. He would prefer to think of himself as dapper.
Here’s my engineer, Fray Adjacent (Adjacent is his title, you may call him Fray.) He’s wearing the Slayer’s Vest from the personal story and that’s his faithful companion, Goedulf.
I uhh.. love him
Their NPC’s are always interesting and amusing.
will there be individual mix and match pieces in future releases? Or will they all be complete sets?
We will continue to release mix and match armor skin pieces
You may not have intended it but this answer sounds a bit deceptive. Narthexia was in all likelihood referencing mix and match town clothes, yet your response only references armor pieces, completely sidestepping the question. If you meant town clothes will continue to be mix and match then… I don’t know how to reconcile that with anything that has been said so far.
Yes I was asking about Town Clothes, the subject of this thread.
Will there be future gem store releases of Town Clothes that can be mixed and matched and used individually and not part of all or or nothing costume?
Since everything is seemingly becoming armor now by Town Clothes I mean CIVVIES. Stuff that doesn’t look like armor. Shirts, pants, dresses, nifty boots, stuff you hang out in the pub wearing.
I want a tux (in several individual pieces), I want a wedding dress, I want beautiful blouses and fab shirts and shorts and pants and.. I want to play dress ups with this stuff and dye it. I want to change what I wear with what, you know like real dressing you do every morning.
I would like to wear this stuff without having to transmute it every time if I don’t care about stats, if I’m not actually wearing it into combat.. but I think that original town clothes option is disappearing right? Will we be able to just put on a non-combat item or are they all going to be things we must buy charges for to even wear?
(edited by Narthexia.1836)
I can’t stand the airship! So claustrophobic, no atmosphere!
But I haven’t seen the terrace. I just want to go where most people hang out which used to be LA.. hey maybe that’s why they nuked it? To get people to buy passes and not just hang out in LA?
Thanks for that phys. I know I’ve looked them up before, I guess I just miss the wacky diversity of other MMO’s and the odd one off pieces.
One thing I don’t get is.. people keep saying the game is all about customization and design. But it isn’t, it’s very very limited. Endless repeats of armor looks, repeats for multiple levels. Very small amount of unique items you have to do unique things to get. Why is all the temple armor cosmetically the same regardless of which temple? Everything is different name, different stats, same looks.
And of course the trench coats..
The only customization GW2 gives that exceeds other games is the dye system, which is lovely.
I’ve only been playing since last December and for a long time I thought I was missing something because I kept reading about how design and customization oriented the game was. I find it stifling as far as the choices go for armor. There’s just not a lot of fun stuff.. or unique items. I remember in my previous MMO which I played for years running dungeons to try and get rare and whacky drops like shoulders that were glowing orbs or trees, that kind of thing. But there doesn’t seem to be one off, oddments in GW2? Much less tons and tons of them?
Anyway I do love my Asura and my Charr (who is in most of the T3 cultural and looks great). I love their races and history and I enjoy the gameplay and I love their cities I’m going to drop the fashion element of GW2 with the cost as detailed by the OP and the town clothes debacle (I bought just about all of them, sigh). It’s stressful with things I loved losing all their customization and expensive and oddly limited.
(edited by Narthexia.1836)
Are they going to be bringing out new individual pieces or will they all be costumes?
I’m feeling totally ripped off. I knew it was kind of stupid to spend real money on pixels but I loved the town clothes. I was a bit bewildered there was so few of them (pants etc..) but I held on because I figured it would end up like WoW where you could dress up your character in a huge array of diverse looking items, it would just take time. And of course it was so much fun to play with dye combos.
Now I feel really really stupid to have ever spent real money on them.
Curtis Johnson.8456
SnippedThank you for your response. Given in mind everything you have stated, I am interested in exactly what the justification was in creating and releasing for sale mix-and-match Halloween and Wintersday town clothes when the loss of functionality of those as separate, mix-and-match pieces was in jeopardy, as the changes to the town clothes system in the upcoming release and loss of town close was undoubtedly in the planning stages when those items were offered for sale?
I honestly wonder if they have any idea what most people do with this stuff. Maybe they are so far removed as to not know that people don’t use complete sets and didn’t have a clue that people would be upset that this stuff and future stuffs was going to be one skin covers all.
Twyll Blackleaf excellent posts. There’s some odd things going on, saying it’s a problem if you can’t tell the difference between weight classes by looks and then letting everyone run into battle as a cook?
I will never buy a complete outfit that cannot be separated. What for, where’s the creativity in that? I was thinking of buying the Aetherblade medium for one part of it, I had looked up the preview codes and was fiddling around with the choices when this bombshell hit. SO GLAD I never bought it.
Anet NO ONE wants the tonics, the undyeable, unmixable tonics for items we bought to dye and to mix!
Why can’t you just leave them as they are and don’t give them combat capability? This would be far more acceptable. You’ve retired most of them anyway. Just don’t sell any more in that category.
You have to say goodbye to that bunny because you can’t wear more than one tonic at once. And you can’t dye them.
Go ahead and release more stuff that can be used in combat for people to buy.
Just leave us with the town clothes we have now, without combat capability. They will be old school town clothes and EVERYTHING we have been doing with them all along will remain.
Curtis my question is: will there be individual mix and match pieces in future releases? Or will they all be complete sets?
And Ryoki your guy is rocking!
Given the choice I will take them as they are now.
I don’t even care if all the retired ones can’t be used in combat and Anet brings out a thousand gems worth of new town clothes which can. I just want the ones I bought to still be able to be used the way they are now, which is WHY I bought them.
Though if they did go this route I sure hope they reconsider the all or nothing deal, for one thing they will make a LOT more money if they have people like me buying whole outfits just for boots etc..
Here’s my Asura in his current town clothes. Ornate Ruched Shirt, Riding Pants and Riding Boots. I know some didn’t care for the Riding Pants but he IS an engineer and he likes to be prepared with all those little pouches even when dressed in his finest.
I included the side picture because I love how this shirt has dots down the side, the same dye panel as the stitching in the front. This is great for colour matching details. And not only will he not be able to wear this outfit when the clothes-pocalypse comes he won’t even be able to dye this shirt and take advantage of the really nice detail that was put into the design of it. These items were made with dyeing in mind and now we can’t.
Taking away our customization just seems so backward. The complete outfits, bleh, the point of customization is NOT to look like everyone else.
IT is totally not cool. There is no way I would have bought that hoodie if I was told, A. I can’t dye it pink and B. I cannot wear it with anything other than what Anet tells me to wear it with! I bought it and the shorts and the sunglasses and put them together on a character and was happy and now I’m very very unhappy with a bunch of unmixable, unmatchable stuff.
And for what reason? I cannot understand, who does this benefit?
But the number of people who mix and match would be HUGE once they can be used in combat! That’s what held people back.
So will i be able to use this in combat (usable as armor skin)? or is this one of the items that they change into an endless tonic or whatever?And i take it, Reading Glasses can now be used as armor skin for headgear?
Because it’s a single item it will become a tonic.
You will not be able to dye it and you will have Anet fill in the rest of the clothes with it, you can’t just put this shirt on and have pants of your choice.
" Items related to endless tonics cannot be mixed or dyed."
I actually almost cried reading this. I bought ALL the individual town clothes and I have had a huge amount of fun mixing them, matching them, dyeing them. This just kills one of my characters, he basically doesn’t exist now.
Anet don’t you want to make money? You could make single item town clothes transmutable into combat stats and dyeable and only available via the gem store. Release a new set every month! I will buy them! I will dress up my characters and I will love it! All the people who didn’t bother with them because of no combat stats will get sucked in too!
I keep reading that this game is all about design options, cosmetics etc.. but honestly it is fail to me in this area. Every medium armor a long coat? Bleh. I was patient though, I assumed things were only going to improve, options were going to open up and someday town clothes were going to be used in combat. To find out now you have taken away dyeing them and limited me to wearing ONE ITEM and decided for me what all the other clothes my character will wear will look like.. well I’m flabbergasted. I can’t understand this backwards move. Who would think this is a good idea? Who is going to like this?
I’m not even an RP’er other than my one character. I can’t imagine how awful this is for RP’ers. You have 2 RP servers Anet, is it so hard to listen to what they want?