Showing Posts For Natureswarden.5102:
I will make one comment I don’t think any server other than AS and VS would argue with. Blacktide deserve the T1 spot more than the previous win trading 2 v 1 servers at the top of the bracket through the employment of ANY strategy that would ensure a win at all costs. Goodluck Blacktide.
I think the vast majority of European servers are glad to see two win trading servers outta the top bracket. Minus VS and AS.
clueless players are clueless…
most VS players are glad to play BT this week and are even happy that AS got kicked out to t2. AS have very good players and guilds but they mostly play between 9pm and 11pm. it’s boring and unbalanced.and about the wintrading/alliance thing… it’s getting old. VS focused AS all the week as their primary target to get sure BT will come to t1 this week… (btw most big guilds on AS also wanted to be sure to go back to t2 and given up this week on purpose)
VS has a big respect for the disorder league. and i’m sure it will be the same With the whole improved blacktide server and RG. can’t wait to see them on the battlefield ^^
No need to insult Xd i guess its pretty clear your either with AS or VS. I was merely congratulating Blacktide and saying they deeserve the shot more. Again I think European servers on the whole are tired of the monopoly and after seeing both AS and VS on straight play heads up I have real trouble believing the previous wins werent manipulated one way or another (ie win trading)
Yeah it was getting old btw so old some people actually got up and did something about it. I think those people should be held in higher opinion by the rest of the bracket and probably silently are. Because now each servers going to have a fair shot.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
I will make one comment I don’t think any server other than AS and VS would argue with. Blacktide deserve the T1 spot more than the previous win trading 2 v 1 servers at the top of the bracket through the employment of ANY strategy that would ensure a win at all costs. Goodluck Blacktide.
I think the vast majority of European servers are glad to see two win trading servers outta the top bracket. Minus VS and AS.
Can’t wait for tonights reset win or loose its going to be fun and thats what its all about. GL to everyone although I do feel a bit sorry for arborstone. If they hand’t been thrown under a bus by their allies trying to claw the points to stay in T1 they might be here for the fun also.
lol actually that was Lyan in the clip as far as I am aware and if thats average gonna need more that a 2 to 1 ratio to do it
Its unfair cause it wasn’t a 2 v 1 XD oh wow it was actually 4-5 v 1 most times nice vid Lyan
Truly blessed are the lands of Desolation, the cry of their victory was heared all over the worlds and already many guilds in search for constant battle are on their way to further reinforce your numbers. From distant servers that used to speak a different language and are cross with the battle god anet because their enemys don’t seem to sleep and destroying their hard battle achievements at unhuman times.
With the urge to win they join your ranks for victory but at times where your fortresses are already overflowing and can not hold more fighter. So more and more who are dursting for blood and honor will have to wait for their time to come. I think your real test still lies ahead of you Desolation.
Wait theres a test noone told me there was work involved in this XD.
not really look at the graph and considering you had 2 v1 and we were outmanned much of the time…you come out ahead at times just like we do and any naturally progressing match would. ..well maybe time to go back to something other than the graphs?
Goodluck to you guys tho
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
Its a vintage year for Desolation “toasts”
i only see one ironic thing here the fact you can come and get upset about things that carried you up tot he top. I looked at your link and the evolution and it doesnt suggest a thing about Desolation not being able to compete thru primetime especially when there was a 2 v 1 and we got an outmanned buff many times last week.
The server pulled together as a whole and the rest of it well you can’t blame other servers for evolving to counter your tacts.
Maybe they just got tired of being told who was the best? who knows lol
People could sit here and argue with you about being outmanned in primetime but you would never believe it.
Btw I don’t get paid a thing just part of the liberating force spreading freedom and Democracy here
Hmmm I seem to recall mass zergs of Map hopping tagged servers though in the BL’s allot? was that you guys XD Is that what PvDoor is? Was it because they couldn’t break ground in EB? lol
Congratulations Desolation.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
Sorry but I am in the EU so your off the cuff insults towards me about a guild I don’t run but am a part of yes fall on deaf ears. I played during primetime and anytime I played even numbers on a map with Ruin I didnt see the things your talking about at all such as a losing scoreline. Unless we were being hammered by both VS and AS which was often the case. 40% of the time I was in Borderlands maps playing they were outmanned.
The picture speaks for itself past or present and there was a night cap to the top by Tagged servers and also 2 v 1 play. The latter is something desolation didn’t ever have the luxury of for one second.
The picture speaks for itself I can repost it if you would like to read it again?
As for weapons of mass desturction? XD pride hurt a bit much? Its a game and universal tactics were employed. You can’t be mad at anyone for that.
Your comments about Ruin being less polite than gvernments XD idk what governments your referring too but in terms of being the nice ones; I counted a 1/10 ratio of insults from your servers last week to insults from Desolation players. 4 threads were so bad they were tanked immediately. We couldn’t even get a match thread up through the week because of it. Not really what I call nice and probably why your community tailed off.
Most Desolation players even took the time to find soemthing good in the match as did myself. I learned how to play against a 2 v 1 so ty for the practice
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
The few times SM did get taken Ruin would retake it in under 20 minutes when it often took being hit from 2-3 points as hard as possible by both VS and AS for hour after hour for them to even stand a chance of claiming it. We also did it with little to no supply because AS and VS would ritually hammer supply camps on both sides of the map to ensure we got little to none. Those are probably the highlights of this match for me. Epic battles in SM and the ammount of siege that got obliterated in futile efforts to retake the hub of EB. One night in under an hour we destroyed over 13 golems in two seperate attacks and god knows how many catas with 40-50 players behind them on each occasion.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
I can deny it because vizunah had full ques 23 hours a day once upon a time and theres also this image that sheds some light on the cannadian guilds certain servers were not suppose to have XD.
The same people coming here to debunk or belittle Desolations climb to the top used exactly the same tactics and also a 2 v 1 to win trade in the tier one slot.
Desolation was also outmanned allot of the match and VS and AS map hopped to cap out zones literally running from toe to toe fights 9/10 times. Mythical tales of 10 v 50 wins just didnt happen and the scorline kinda states as such. The only time we struggled during the day was during 2 v 1 situations or when we were outmanned
Congrats Desolation to a victory long overdue and well deserved
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
^^ to the best most dedicated players in WvW salute Desolation
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
Not flaming its valid some servers complaining have/had a night cap and your not telling anyone else to leave supporting the false idea certain servers have problems during certain hours.
None of the last posts are rude? and address the fact certain servers saying they have no ability to night cap actually did/do.
Its unfair to trol a forum in a one sided effort to indirectly flame other servers actually working on their coverage if your unwilling to do so. Anet already stated its position in the Night capping and you thread..certain people just don’t want to accept their answers or play a tri faction game properly as was intended.
Your actually lucky certain players have more manners than to tank a thread on insults,
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
Gonna borrow that pic if you don’t mind King and use it everytime I see a post denying it. Great find btw.
Ruin and desolation arent going anywhere especially to appease you the only people that would be happy are a handful of you and over ridiculous things you have an answer for and counter for. Things you felt were quite fine for months and are too lazy basically to go and deal with.
No, You Surely wont move.
You came to win vs doors and it’s what you found.
Thus, no reason to leave.Oh and btw, I actually don’t care about night capping it’s a part of the game, we all deal with it. As you said, there always be unbalanced population at night, it’s impossible to avoid. And that’s why score and ladder mean nothing else than better 24h coverage.
Actually, what made us laugh is people like Ruin NA players that come to the EU ladder claiming to seek challenge and beat the french. So funny, they will beat the french without fighting them. Actually, UK may have beaten the french, they are strong opponents, but nobody will ever know because of the invaders.
Atm GW2 is a perfect illustration of the words : “How can we win when fools can be kings ?”. Not sure Anet will afford the losses.
Are you a ruin memeber? No your not so really leave your speculation out of things you have no real idea why Ruin came. over unless you were in the guild and seem extremely unlikely to want to understand at all.
Look at all your insults across the board. On the whole its disgusting and I am not surprised anyone with a rational thought process doesnt take much of what you have to say seriously on the matter.
What you want is far from fair and if theres any justice you will be knocked out of the T1 top slot like you deserve duck your heads and come back with a much less pessamistic view of the world generally.
Even here you guys come in droves attempting to tank a deso thread because you go 4 + threds oft your own canned. learn some manners. You couldn’t even manage to be civil in your own threads.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
i have a good idea, you so much want H24 battles and a H24 presence, saying that H24 WVW would be better for everyone, H24 here, H24 there.
Why don’t you ask deso to move to the H24 ladder then ? everybody will be happy !
technically it doesn’t change anything, WvW servers are in texas anyway, and it would be more glorious for you to win worldwide …
if you are not doing that just for easy wins of course, but for a true challenge.
@Aveneo, you know that tags can be the same on different servers i hope ? that i saw my tag guild on AS AND on deso ?
Ruin and desolation arent going anywhere especially to appease you the only people that would be happy are a handful of you and over ridiculous things you have an answer for and counter for. Things you felt were quite fine for months and are too lazy basically to go and deal with.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
Thanks we appreciate the sentiment and actually I have had a few nice pms from a few FR server players stating that this is not the majority view.
I think the people here from FR coming into a deso thread and passing judgement on where they steered a thread is ridiculous. Take it out onto the field we will see who tops out at the end of the week and if deso looses its just gives them more incentive to keep trying.
hey lyan great to see you yeah it was awesome haha all hail the great ram XD
Jaxom Last time i looked there were 4 tanked threads in the last week by 95% insults off people on FR servers and Ruin bashing. Most deso players at least chipped in something positive toward their adversary. Even now with the comment your ladder to fight doors. We know all about being night capped in Ruin we managed to help knock the T1 top slot off the peg without a 2 v 1 or a night cap group. Try doing that.
So why not stay? Because it was like watching paint dry and the server we were on had allot of underlying drama on it that made it a no go zone eventually for most guilds Ruin wanted to recruit. The kind of things that arent solvable so yeah Ruin left. They got tired of spending their gold and time to help a server that didnt want to join in.
Desolation guilds work as a team its far more fun that way.
Heads up in primetime many ruin players also join in so its not pvdoor and I can count dozens of times this week where VS or AS guilds hop across BL’s in masses until they meet an equal number of deso players then leave to go cap out another BL map we are outmanned in. So your argument of PvDoor is ridiculous.
People move round a map accordingly to cap things out and Ive yet to be steamrolled by a small AS or VS group of less than even numbers.
Jesus the week before we got up to your tier I went 3 v 10 for over an hour holding spirtiholme supply camp against a commander and other cohorts in the t2 bracket. They threw everything at us but the kitchen sink and eventually left when their commander died 4 times in 2 minutes. Thats hardly wanting unfair battles 3 v 10.
again , it’s not that you do it, but the way you’re doing it , breaking totally the game for all EU ladder….
the real force of FS are on GMT + 4 , russians , they were daycapping and had nobody at night , and sorry but old deso was just bad.
Admit it its because its Americans. Well I will just call that right out its racist in a game where Anet themselves are quoting that after registration an account is considered global.
For that matter where does that leave EU players in the ruin guild? We aren’t all american just because you decide we are and I am proud to fight with an NA group.
Some of your own players are even saying a couple americans doesnt matter and you had one of the most densly populated servers and ques 23 hours a day. With your general attitudes is it any wonder they are thinning out? No one likes a bully.
lol you guys are unbelievable. you call fair having a guild on both AS and VS where people can chat between worlds fair.
You also expect people to suck up what you offered them but don’t want the same treatment. Then do something about it or you never should have dished it out in the first place. Its called manners and heads up man for man primetime your loosing. Yes loosing. go look at mos graphing it says it all
yeah i know, you’re winning , congratz
so now calm down and think…
what is your interest in an easy win ? you have a new server, a lot of dedicated people, do you think it’s really interesting to win by kicking doors in primetime when we will be all demoralized?
do you really want that?oh sorry, blacktide is coming, so for you it’s fine if you’re always playing between the 2 same servers ?
competition makes things interesting, that’s why our alliance didn’t take more than 24h. We like too much to fight each other.
you can crush your adversaries using tactics they can’t use, but it’s a game, not a war, having 6 or 7 servers being able to go first is a lot more interesting than 2 servers locking T1 and the rest quitting for another game, because there is NO WAY they can compete
think about that a little.
Im very calm I just know due to graphing and in tourneys etc what the outcome would be. I am putting my energy into the match this just makes me want to work twice as hard to win tbh.
1/ we don’t have such a guild sounds like another troll like the 500 canadian force
2/ there is no alliance between our two server it last only 2 days the first week but seems like you will never understand this.
Thats your problem you can’t get it together not a developers. They make a great tri faction game and what are you guys doing? loving it when you win saying deal with it and oh no this isnt fair anymore when you loose to exactly the same tacts you lost by but with umpteen ways out of it. Deal with it as you told others.
whats good for the goose is good for the gander and be thankful you actually have the edge in a native language across 2 tagged servers. Try doing it without that! Its been done!
lol you guys are unbelievable. you call fair having a guild on both AS and VS where people can chat between worlds fair.
You also expect people to suck up what you offered them but don’t want the same treatment. Then do something about it or you never should have dished it out in the first place. Its called manners and heads up man for man primetime your loosing. Yes loosing. go look at mos graphing it says it all
you night capped end of story!
You also 2 v 1 but dont play it right thats your fault not ours or people also wanting a “fair” chance to win.
you have had a fair chance to win through the day you are unable to do so!!!!!
ticking at +600 several hours at night cannot be counter by day, even at 2v1, it’s maths
You wont even admit to night capping yourself or using 2 v 1 …go build a server that wins versus asking it to be handed to you on a plate or attemtpting to manipulate dev’s into giving it too you that were gracious enough to tag your server.
Roll on EU idc but dont come here QQing over things that were fine for you for months.
Dont roll out one guild with a single name across 2 servers and sit here claiming you want fair.
you also have 2 servers with a common native language !!!! and have engaged in 2 v 1
Why don’t you tell that to aDesolation or appologize for nightcapping on them for months and telling them to deal with it. now after 8 days you dont’t like it? Deal with it just like you said. go do something about it get up off your rumps and go recruit and id rather not hear about language being the barrier when other servers are melting pots and oceanic guilds have played these games for years. Somehow they communicate. We dont sit on skype drawing pictures.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
you have had a fair chance to win through the day you are unable to do so!!!!!
Your logic is you should be able to tell people where they can and can’t go in life as long as you win.
Also I can roll on both NA and EU servers on WoW anytime I want on the same account. be thankful accounts are world bound here
2 v 1 can counter anything 1 server has to throw out there and if you didnt like it you shouldn’t have used it to roll the red carpet out to the top. Even you said that eirlier in a tanked thread claiming if AS and VS allied no way we could dominate. Its a tri faction game pardon the pun but tri learning how to play it.
My thread is not about alliance or victory.
I don’t care if low players profiles need to play the night to win. I don’t care the reason if it’s for win easy karma, easy gold or because they are unskill and they need to fight vs wind to win.
My subject is about the insults and racists comments we are under fire from the coming of desolation in first pool.
read 4+ threads now FR have had tanked because after logic fails they resort to insults. Most Desolation players have a constructive arguement Fact not fiction and mos speaks for itself you guys are even loosing in your primetime heads up.
wow yet another thread where tri faction will be explained and every post shot to bits countered by logic..Then when all else fails 95% of insults will be thrown out by FR servers resulting in another tanked thread? trollgasmic XD
is good fight mean 10vs1 fight ??? lol.
anyway the zombies are on Deso now, and they only win thx of the night-capping and zerg, not the skill. too bad :/
2 v 1 not working for you eh?
heres a nice video for you btw..Looks like desolation does pretty well in small teams against ..well I wont even repeat what you said
again go read the mos graphs posted here numerous times. You still cannot win through the day now.
Because tell me, what’s the point of fighting if you know in the end you gonna lose because of some unfair timezone trick ?
Ummm you have 4 native language servers and this has been poured over again and again its your inability through unwilliness to recruit what you need. You could claw what you needed from those 4 servers if you really tried.
And if you can’t 2 v 1 is an option. Not everyone elses fault you are too proud to use it. can’t say the option isnt there in a tri faction game.Tried to have a full servers all servers are full. We can’t have 24/24 players cause we are tagged ! You understand bro ?
We haven’t the same chance to win !
Anet relaxes the transfer status at times and late nights and if you planned hops it could happen you just want it your own way.
You have as much chance to win as anyone else. From what I see your 2 v 1 and little night cap to the top sherade is over and you don’t like it. Don’t blame everyone else adapting to counter the SAME TACTICS YOU HAVE USED SUCCESSFULLY TO WIN.
Don’t blame EU servers which are melting pots and have many languages for your inability to promote your servers.. EU servers have a harder ride there. 80-100 people arent responsible for wrecking thousands of players competition. If thats so you should take a strong look and ask if you belong in the top slot.
Same tactics ? When we do some operation on Vizunah like morning cap with 50 players max ? In Desolation it’s 1500 players bro ! Come from USA in RUIN guild… 1500 PLAYERS IT’S SAME TACTICS THAN 50 PLAYERS ? BRO ? (I can caps lock same has you…pfff beaver !)
, omg this guy so funny, ummm can u explain to me how to fit 1500 players in 4 maps WvW pls, french ppl can be funny when whinning
I know lol. You can’t even have 1500 players in wvw from what I understand and the rendering would be hideous XD you wouldnt even see each other lol
again go read the mos graphs posted here numerous times. You still cannot win through the day now.
Because tell me, what’s the point of fighting if you know in the end you gonna lose because of some unfair timezone trick ?
Ummm you have 4 native language servers and this has been poured over again and again its your inability through unwilliness to recruit what you need. You could claw what you needed from those 4 servers if you really tried.
And if you can’t 2 v 1 is an option. Not everyone elses fault you are too proud to use it. can’t say the option isnt there in a tri faction game.Tried to have a full servers all servers are full. We can’t have 24/24 players cause we are tagged ! You understand bro ?
We haven’t the same chance to win !
Anet relaxes the transfer status at times and late nights and if you planned hops it could happen you just want it your own way.
You have as much chance to win as anyone else. From what I see your 2 v 1 and little night cap to the top sherade is over and you don’t like it. Don’t blame everyone else adapting to counter the SAME TACTICS YOU HAVE USED SUCCESSFULLY TO WIN.
Don’t blame EU servers which are melting pots and have many languages for your inability to promote your servers.. EU servers have a harder ride there. 80-100 people arent responsible for wrecking thousands of players competition. If thats so you should take a strong look and ask if you belong in the top slot.
Same tactics ? When we do some operation on Vizunah like morning cap with 50 players max ? In Desolation it’s 1500 players bro ! Come from USA in RUIN guild… 1500 PLAYERS IT’S SAME TACTICS THAN 50 PLAYERS ? BRO ? (I can caps lock same has you…pfff beaver !)
ruin does not have 1500 players in this game right now especially after a hop and condensing the guild as a whole. there are 80-100 and it tails off dramatically through the night as people have their reeal lives to contend with just like yourselves.
You just don’t like desolation recruited outside their server. You arent willing to use a 2 v 1..Not a dev’s problem.
I cap locked because you seemed okay with night cap and even told people to deal with it several weeks ago from what I understood. Your also outpaced during the day now. Your arguement holds no water just tears.
the best way for me is to remove US and EU ladder make only one ladder . this proposition has been made several times. If people can play where they want, there’s no need of an EU or US ladder this is a nonsense.How can you call this an EU ladder if american people come and in the same way how can you call an US ladder if european and oceanian people come.
i’m not favorable to ip blocking.
Anet probably wanted to be a whole lot more diplomatic than some people on these forums are being hoping they might be civil enough to roam to where they wanted without being pushed in any direction.
Still doesnt really solve your problem though does it? Your either going to end up in a melting pot like the rest of us who still have to make it work without one native language to fall back on.
Is it the fact its tagged that bugs you so much? Didnt bug you guys the otehr wek when you were yelling from the treetops french are the best most dedicated WvW players. You seem the most dedicated to these forums and getting your own way not the game.
Purchasing & Playing
There will be 3 major regional designations for the release of Guild Wars 2:
- Europe: Defined as Western Europe and Eastern Europe. Players in these regions connect to the European datacenter.
- North America: Defined as Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Players in these regions connect to the North American datacenter.
- Other: All countries not already listed above will connect to the North American datacenter.
Here :
Why americans play in EU regions ? I dont understand…
You are drawing conclusions from what you quoted when the rest of the page it comes from explains it. Read the whole thing.
Maybe you need to read the whole thing to.
I quote : “After you successfully register your Guild Wars 2 account, it becomes a global account. You can roam to any part of the world and still access the game.”
“You can roam to any part of the world and still access the game.”
English is not my mother tongue, but it seem clear enought.
The current problem is not the night capping, but the difference in timezone.
North American players have nothing to do on the European servers.
And Russian players should have their own server tagged RU, if they are sufficiently numerous.European players from Desolation should be ashamed of needing U.S. players to get in D1.
Oh, and for people with mental disabilities who still think that the guild “CaSu” is composed of french canadiens, they are only 2 and none of them is Canadian. It was probably one of the best trolls. Seriously, a guild composed of 500 French Canadian speaking hebrew…
I miss the real battles balanced with Riverside & Far Shiverpeaks (NUG & GF). They deserved their places in D1, certainly not desolation.
For your information, the true Francophone population in North America is 6 864 615 VS English-speaking population more than 342 000 000… Do the math, and stop saying that we can recruit enough people to join the French-speaking servers.
Oh, and the French are not the only ones to speak french. The Belgian, Swiss and Luxembourg also speak french and would really like you to stop associating with France. Maybe you do not learn this in school.
Other servers use relays and oceanic guilds have played these games for years and most servers using them ride to the top.
EU servers speak many languages and most are top heavy with one native language …it still doesnt stop them at least trying to understand others who would help them.
again go read the mos graphs posted here numerous times. You still cannot win through the day now.
Because tell me, what’s the point of fighting if you know in the end you gonna lose because of some unfair timezone trick ?
Ummm you have 4 native language servers and this has been poured over again and again its your inability through unwilliness to recruit what you need. You could claw what you needed from those 4 servers if you really tried.
And if you can’t 2 v 1 is an option. Not everyone elses fault you are too proud to use it. can’t say the option isnt there in a tri faction game.Tried to have a full servers all servers are full. We can’t have 24/24 players cause we are tagged ! You understand bro ?
We haven’t the same chance to win !
Anet relaxes the transfer status at times and late nights and if you planned hops it could happen you just want it your own way.
You have as much chance to win as anyone else. From what I see your 2 v 1 and little night cap to the top sherade is over and you don’t like it. Don’t blame everyone else adapting to counter the SAME TACTICS YOU HAVE USED SUCCESSFULLY TO WIN.
Don’t blame EU servers which are melting pots and have many languages for your inability to promote your servers.. EU servers have a harder ride there. 80-100 people arent responsible for wrecking thousands of players competition. If thats so you should take a strong look and ask if you belong in the top slot.
again go read the mos graphs posted here numerous times. You still cannot win through the day now.
Because tell me, what’s the point of fighting if you know in the end you gonna lose because of some unfair timezone trick ?
Ummm you have 4 native language servers and this has been poured over again and again its your inability through unwilliness to recruit what you need. You could claw what you needed from those 4 servers if you really tried.
And if you can’t 2 v 1 is an option. Not everyone elses fault you are too proud to use it. can’t say the option isnt there in a tri faction game.
again go read the mos graphs posted here numerous times. You still cannot win through the day now.
You also 2 v 1 but seem to fail hard at it. Thats the entire worlds problem? how exactly?
Now you seem angry XD better get some more sleep
You are just a beaver same has ruin guild.
If your going to insult someone at least get your engilsh correct
Yeah and you go back to your country thanks ! You can speack your own language in your country !
EU ladder it’s for European players. Thanks to go back to your US ladder to play in your prime-time, WwW it’s pvp, not a pve doors man ? You know ?Beaver !
Im in the EU ty and thankfully not all EU countires toss insults around as freely as bagguettes.
You have it as an option and its a tri faction brain. Wow at what point does the light actually turn on for you guys. I get that it doesnt make sense but I am not going to hand you all the answers otherwise I would roll on FR servers.
The only group I see as thinking they are special is you really. You expect an entire game to change to suit your play schedule. It means it could no longer be tri faction.
again go read the mos graphs posted here numerous times. You still cannot win through the day now.
You also 2 v 1 but seem to fail hard at it. Thats the entire worlds problem? how exactly?
Now you seem angry XD better get some more sleep
You are just a beaver same has ruin guild.
If your going to insult someone at least get your engilsh correct
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
Notice how most of these posts are coming from sides who night capped to the top and based on mos scorelines still can’t win through the day. Kinda says it all. and the insults lol personally I find hilarious but all the same at least most others have constructive arguemnts minus the insults and arrogance.
Last time I checked france was part of the EU..go roll on an EU server the dev’s gave you your own server and you crucify them. Classy really classy.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
[Quote=Guild Wars 2 Official website]
Purchasing & Playing
There will be 3 major regional designations for the release of Guild Wars 2:
- Europe: Defined as Western Europe and Eastern Europe. Players in these regions connect to the European datacenter.
- North America: Defined as Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Players in these regions connect to the North American datacenter.
- Other: All countries not already listed above will connect to the North American datacenter.
Here :
Why americans play in EU regions ? I dont understand…
You missed the best part out off that page still fromt heir information. If you want to twist and manipulate things to your advantage do that but I would rather stick to the facts works much better
“After you successfully register your Guild Wars 2 account, it becomes a global account. You can roam to any part of the world and still access the game.”
by Anet ^^
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
Anet already did respond again go read night capping and you. Attempts to troll or bait a dev just comes across really pathetic tbh.
they would need to redesign WvW entirely to accomodate youwhat troll are you talking about ? In every of my posts I’m trying to be constructive and find a solution to the problem.
Because there is indeed a problem : this thread here is about something that is impacting half of the EU servers (the localized ones) due to their incapacity to recruit oversea to gain geographic coverage
And it all started because of US guilds migration to EU to fight when EU is asleep.
Problem is many EU servers can’t retaliate.So let’s be positive here, and try to find solutions instead of accusing eachother of trolling please !
Solutions I see personaly :
- 2 separated ladder : 1 worldwide International / 1 for EU locals
- 1 unique ladder and supress all the localized tags
and stop you manipulating a 2 v 1 which we have all seen has/is being used by you in a trifaction game.
Dude, if there were reallly a 2v1, Deso won’t certainly be first : you are overestimating your server..
what you see is only tipical tri-faction. But I guess you’ll saw it in the next weeks against other servers.
Now your taking things personal lol that post about trolling tanking threads at mass is true and a group of people ina concerted effort to get what they want.
And your post about overestimating my server not really. You have your answer right there to your problem you just won’t or can’t use it. how is it a devs problem that 2 servers with the advantage of a native language can’t use a 2 v 1 to their benefit when other multilingual servers can? Its tri faction for a reason and again 1 v 1 your outpaced if they redesigned it in my honest opinion based on the mos stats you would still loose.
Umm ruin didnt make it to t1 lmao well I guess some other guy played my char when we faced henge in the T1 bracket then. You guys really know nothing about Ruin or the NA ladder do you. the least you could do before insulting people is take the time to read.
IP block status…Imposition um yeah the two run hand in hand.
I noticed the vast majority were french and every arguement you had has beeen broken into tiny pieces. theres ways round all of it from either side with the existing structure It just doesnt work for one group of people who used the same tacts they are now crying about and a 2 v 1 to remain at the top.
On the lessons of 2 v1 1v1 v1 seems like only one group of people need those lessons. your outpaced 1v1v1 which mos shows and 2v1 we hold ground with you and sometimes still pull out in front.
You just want it changed to keep a minority not a majority happy.
Thats how and why I can and will say it.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)
Theres nothing wrong with dropping a tier or two, or losing a match-up or two. You can learn a lot more from one defeat then from ten wins.
We learned a lot from NUG and GF while they were still on FS.
I know
It’s realisticly what’s going to happen soon for VS and AS : it won’t be long before they lose some places on the ladder.
But it’s not without bitterness when it’s because of something against there is nothing you can do… :s
I really hope Anet will clarify this, because VS deserve to be top tier server in EU.
dropping in tier just because you can’t recruit oversea pop is not fun.
I’m just sad that EU ladder will became like the NA one : not about dedication or about fighting battles, but about having the best geographic coverage battle.But well, at least we’ve won Deso the first week in a last-ditch stand !
I hope you Blacktides guys will defeat the NA invaders
Going to respond to that even though your going to ignore me anyway :P
Anet already did respond again go read night capping and you. Attempts to troll or bait a dev just comes across really pathetic tbh. they would need to redesign WvW entirely to accomodate you and stop you manipulating a 2 v 1 which we have all seen has/is being used by you in a trifaction game.
I’m guessing English isn’t your first language and I can see how a non-native speaker would have interpreted the article in the way you did.
EU servers are not EU players only.I have perfectly understood the article.
I know there is people out of EU playing on EU servers. I don’t have anything against them, and I don’t have anything against US players either !
Until a few weeks ago, EU ladder was mainly EU + RU guilds.
Then a big US guild decided to migrate : not to play with friends, not to have fun fights : just to have easy wins by being there when EU players are sleeping.
And that’s what I condemn : it’s pure selfishness, since it ruins the ladder for all localized servers that won’t be able to attract any oversea pop.EU ladder doesn’t need to be worldwide like the NA one.
Maybe you should actually go talk with some |Ruin members about why they hopped and try a 2 v 1 yourself sometime its not easy its very fun though and much harder than the NA brackets were for us.
Its very easy to hate what you dont understand but imposing your will on other players or suggesting they shouldn’t be allowed just like yourselves to move around freely is just wrong. Putting the EU ladder up on some pedestal also or segregating it is also very wrong.
Wars arent fought like they use to be where people had lunch breaks and stopped when the sun went down. They are dynamic and ever changing just like games are. Guilds and servers that put the most effort in win thats just a fact of life and fair. Especiallly when your outpacing your opponents often even in 2 v 1 situations through all hours of the day.
Ive played games all over the world online even using autotranslators set up in some to speak to Japanese players. I have to say this is the first time I have ever encountered such a one sided group of people or opinions in these games.
You want unfair go play games that aren’t instanced where you fight against other guilds that bot claim higher tier mobs with anywhere from 24 to 72 hour spawn windows +. You would be ripping your hair out. People still manange it and succeed. Its just about working with what you have and making it work for you and this game has all the tools to counter every arguement you guys are throwing out there.
You can’t go round blaming a dev because you won’t take those chances in life.
(edited by Natureswarden.5102)