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Posting this again, because obviously people don’t listen. Its NOT Anets fault there are bots, they may or may not be banning them as they are reported, but the simple fact is even if they ban the account, the hackers will just get another one and keep going. Stop blaming Anet for the bots, they are not going away anytime soon.
If they do it like most MMOs do, they will wait and do a mass ban at one time. Problem is, the botters will just create/steal new accounts and continue on their way. And by patching into the game files a block for whatever bot they are using, by weeks end the botters will have already come up with a new program to bot with. It’s a never ending cycle, sadly, if you don’t like botters, then playing any MMO is not for you. Gold selling/account hacking is a MULTI BILLION dollar a year industry…so, sadly, they will never go away until people STOP buying their gold. YOU, the consumer are what’s causing the bots. AGAIN, THE ONLY WAY THEY WILL EVER GO AWAY IS IF PEOPLE STOP BUYING THE GOLD FROM THEM!
Basically it works like this. I have a life, a job, a wife, and kids. There may be times that I am unable to get online and play. Now lets say its a Saturday afternoon, and I want to play for several hours to make up time I missed during the week. The way things are right now in GW2, I can not do that. Because once I play for an hour, I am capped on what I get for the effort.
So in a way, I can not play this game how I want to. I can not get online one day and play for several hours doing something I enjoy doing because Anet has decided that’s not the way they want their game to work.
So for those who use the argument “So you want things right now?” I say this is, it is NOT about wanting and getting right now…it is about playing the game like I want to or enjoy doing. It is not a good long term business decision to limit/prevent players from playing as their life allows them to.
(edited by Naughty.5064)
Well, considering it is estimated that you would need somewhere between 1-2 million karma for the gear, and the items sold by the Balthazar vendor for the legendaries, and only getting ~350 per event without deminishing returns….a whole lot more than we are allowed to get.
So this is a matter of long term goals versus “I want everything now!!” Got it.
No it is not. The entire point is that regardless of how we WANT to play they game. We are being limited and told how we can do it. That is what it seems most of the people are complaining about.
I want a game that thats going to keep my interest for awhile, but I do NOT want a game that has code built in it to prevent me from playing the way I want to.
And no it was not Yak’s bend…it was something with Wood in the name.
Not the only way,
a list of IP locations, a strike team equipped with castration tools and diplomatic immunity is a sure fire way to stop it.
lol, got me on that one =P
Talk about intentionally limiting yourself for no reason. If your world consists of only Cursed Shore I feel bad for you because there is so much more to do.
This is one example. The same can be said for anywhere I go, IE Frostgorge Sound, WvW, and dungeons.
Way to limit your understanding.
Go see other races? Maps? Events? I have completed the explorer achiev. I wvw. I help friends. I play the mystic forge slot machine. I play the TP game. I do jumping challenges.
The point is that in a game LARGELY BASED ON KILLING MONSTERS FOR “STUFF,” wth am I being punished for …….killing monsters.
EFFORT should equal REWARD
If you’re moving around as much as you say you are you shouldn’t be affected by the imposed limitations to begin with, exception is maybe the DE cap. But how much karma do you really need to accumulate in a day to make yourself happy?
Well, considering it is estimated that you would need somewhere between 1-2 million karma for the gear, and the items sold by the Balthazar vendor for the legendaries, and only getting ~350 per event without deminishing returns….a whole lot more than we are allowed to get.
I don’t see how this will stop botters. If they own (or have currently stolen) 10 accounts, what stops them from switching them all out to farm without diminishing returns?
Meanwhile, the difficulty of earning gold and gear for regular players is more likely to increase the demand for what those botters are selling.
I just don’t understand what they’re thinking. If they want the botters gone, why don’t they hire more people to go out looking for them and permaban them when they find them? Or hey, this is the age of computers. It is, in fact, a computer game. How hard is it to code bot detection?
Actually, I admit, I don’t know how hard it is, but at least some of these bots are so obvious players have vids of them all over Youtube, so…
I will copy/paste my response from an earlier thread on bots.
If they do it like most MMOs do, they will wait and do a mass ban at one time. Problem is, the botters will just create/steal new accounts and continue on their way. And by patching into the game files a block for whatever bot they are using, by weeks end the botters will have already come up with a new program to bot with. It’s a never ending cycle, sadly, if you don’t like botters, then playing any MMO is not for you. Gold selling/account hacking is a MULTI BILLION dollar a year industry…so, sadly, they will never go away until people STOP buying their gold. YOU, the consumer are what’s causing the bots. AGAIN, THE ONLY WAY THEY WILL EVER GO AWAY IS IF PEOPLE STOP BUYING THE GOLD FROM THEM!
Basically the bots will be around, no matter what Anet does to TRY to prevent them, they make too much money from idiots who buy their gold to just lay down and stop, they WILL find a way to make their money.
And no it was not Yak’s bend…it was something with Wood in the name.
What the hell are you guys talking about? Go explore. Go quest. Meet new races. Go to a different city or something. Meet new people and go to a meta-event dungeon if you want something harder before level 30. Please do not ruin GW2 for the rest of us.
Id rather kill them in PVP actually
PVE: Nothing for me here. OOOH WELL
70 bucks for a pvp game.
Have you actually tried the PVP side of things. Try being on the losing side when one of the opposing teams controls 95% of the map AND has the 3 orb buff (15% hp, and +150 stats). When it is literally beating your head on a wall just trying to get 200 feet past a waypoint, and Knowing that you still have a WEEK of this insanity until you can try again.
I am already finished with this game overall. I paid for it, therefore, I will still occasionally log on, or read forums. But overall, I can’t do it any longer, nor will I purchase any future Anet titles.
I play games because I am given the freedom to play them as I enjoy playing them. I feel like GW2 is taking back to pre-school. Being told what I can do and how often I can do it. I am forced to play it like THEY want me to.
I can understand if it included exploits, but seriously, come on. Stop limiting peoples enjoyment of the game only based on what YOU feel we should be doing. Telling people how they can play, and what they can do when they play…it is bad business in the gaming world.
And to those saying there’s a lot to do….there may be, for YOU. Everyone enjoys playing games differently, that’s the joy of them. The complaints here are that those of us who enjoy one way, are being forced to play it another way. If you enjoy the game, then go play it. I for one refuse to play a game where I am limited in what I can do to enjoy it.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Game Designer: Ok we made a game that gives you freedom. Have fun!
Player: This sucks, there’s not enough to do and I’m level 80 and no one else is here
Game Designer: Alright no problem, we added some mechanics a long the way to help slow you down and enjoy the game more
Player: WTF! I’m still level 20 after 3 days! This game sucks!
Game Designer: Ok…..
EA: We got this
This really has nothing to do with the topic at hand. The game overall is quite fun, there are alot of things they included that could be a lot of fun. However, when we are intentionally limited in what we can do and how often we can do it. That’s the point.
I am already finished with this game overall. I paid for it, therefore, I will still occasionally log on, or read forums. But overall, I can’t do it any longer, nor will I purchase any future Anet titles.
I play games because I am given the freedom to play them as I enjoy playing them. I feel like GW2 is taking back to pre-school. Being told what I can do and how often I can do it. I am forced to play it like THEY want me to.
I can understand if it included exploits, but seriously, come on. Stop limiting peoples enjoyment of the game only based on what YOU feel we should be doing. Telling people how they can play, and what they can do when they play…it is bad business in the gaming world.
And to those saying there’s a lot to do….there may be, for YOU. Everyone enjoys playing games differently, that’s the joy of them. The complaints here are that those of us who enjoy one way, are being forced to play it another way. If you enjoy the game, then go play it. I for one refuse to play a game where I am limited in what I can do to enjoy it.
(edited by Naughty.5064)
If they do it like most MMOs do, they will wait and do a mass ban at one time. Problem is, the botters will just create/steal new accounts and continue on their way. And by patching into the game files a block for whatever bot they are using, by weeks end the botters will have already come up with a new program to bot with. It’s a never ending cycle, sadly, if you don’t like botters, then playing any MMO is not for you. Gold selling/account hacking is a MULTI BILLION dollar a year industry…so, sadly, they will never go away until people STOP buying their gold. YOU, the consumer are what’s causing the bots. AGAIN, THE ONLY WAY THEY WILL EVER GO AWAY IS IF PEOPLE STOP BUYING THE GOLD FROM THEM!
Do the dynamic Event AoE spam fest in Orr. Chain run them until the anti-farm codes kick in, then wait and repeat. I run about 170ish% and usually get 1 or 2 yellows per event. Salvage the whites, and vendor the blues and greens (only because the TP is FULL of most blues and greens and only a few copper above vendor, meaning you will make less by posting them), i can make about 2g per hour this way, not fast, but its better than nothing and get a small fraction of the 1 Million karma I am going to need. =P When they stop dropping, you have reached the anti-farm code limit.
Keep in mind, 100% only means say the mob has a drop rate of 1% on rares (made up number), having 100% would only make the same mob have a 2% chance.
(edited by Naughty.5064)
Yep, same with mob killing/looting. Once you do so many it kicks in and the rewards, as shown in their screenshot, become almost laughable. Never have I attempted to play a game where you are punished for trying to play it your own way. We are basically being forced to play it the way someone else thinks we should be. We are limited on how many of a certain mob we can kill before we gain nothing, and we are limited on how many events we can do before we gain nothing.
There’s two separate caps, one for loot and another for dynamic events. I can only assume they’re anti-botting systems but ironically they have no effect on bots because bots can’t farm fast enough to trigger either of them. Only an actual player exploring dynamic events and actively seeking out places to AoE mobs can manage to trigger these caps.
Yep, I am aware they are 2 different ones…just pointing out it works the same. Was assuming previous poster knew about the anti-farm code, and trying to make a correlation. =)
Speaking of boosters. The last 3 magic find boosters i used….they disappeared off my buff line after 15-20 minutes. I guess one hour means 15 minutes.
Yep, same with mob killing/looting. Once you do so many it kicks in and the rewards, as shown in their screenshot, become almost laughable. Never have I attempted to play a game where you are punished for trying to play it your own way. We are basically being forced to play it the way someone else thinks we should be. We are limited on how many of a certain mob we can kill before we gain nothing, and we are limited on how many events we can do before we gain nothing.
If they do it like most MMOs do, they will wait and do a mass ban at one time. Problem is, the botters will just create/steal new accounts and continue on their way. And by patching into the game files a block for whatever bot they are using, by weeks end the botters will have already come up with a new program to bot with. It’s a never ending cycle, sadly, if you don’t like botters, then playing any MMO is not for you. Gold selling/account hacking is a MULTI BILLION dollar a year industry…so, sadly, they will never go away until people STOP buying their gold. YOU, the consumer are what’s causing the bots. AGAIN, THE ONLY WAY THEY WILL EVER GO AWAY IS IF PEOPLE STOP BUYING THE GOLD FROM THEM!
I don’t run them at all because people are “just trying to get tokens”. If you don’t move fast enough or know 100% what to do or where to go, they get pissy. The few I have done with pugs ruined the experience. I only run them with guild members now. You all want to see how fast you can do them, and complain when people can’t do them as fast you want. I seriously doubt he just rage quit. I am sure it was more like they were fed up with an attitude they got from you for not being fast enough or tired of charging into everything as fast as possible so you could get your tokens.
It was A LOT worse on my server, 200k+ to 60k+ for the other 2, including my server. Etenral battleground was horrible, they controlled the entire map and were literally farming us at out only waypoint. This included a 15% hp buff and 150 point stat buff to them for holding 3 Orbs. Worst "PvP’ concept ever. Maybe give the losing team the buff, or a similar buff to even give us a chance to fight them back, being heavily farmed at start waypoint is stupid even more so when they have buffs assisting them.
Way it stands now, which ever team has the biggest zerg team is the one winning. But to zone in and be farmed at spawn waypoint…no thank you. Not even close to my idea of fun.
I am certainly one that hates the grinding nature after obtaining level 80. I find it funny here when people say it doesn’t feel like a grind. Spam AOEing events for hours for karma isnt grinding, that’s fun to you? Running the same dungeon over and over for hours on end for 1 piece of gear, that’s fun and not grinding?
Anyway, Here is the deal. This happens in nearly every MMO. People complain stuff is too hard, or takes to long to obtain. Game designers change it to suit the players. BAM, players complain that stuff is now too easy, or now that they have obtained everything because it was made easier to obtain, and they have nothing to do, and demand more content, so they can devour it in a week, and start complaining again.
Again, I hate grinding. I do NOT like the way 80 content is currently in this game….but that’s me. I can play it or not. I will say this though, I am glad to see, atleast for now, Anet is not backing down from their vision in this game. So many companies jump through hoops to change their game and only make it worse in the end and people still complain. People are going to complain no matter what they do, and I am impressed that Anet is not caving into the constant complaints.
Yes, I am going to bring up WoW…here goes the fanboys, however look at what has happened to that game. People complained that 5 mans and raids were too hard, Blizzard listened to them, and now look at the sad excuse 5 mans and raids have become, the PLAYERS killed that game, and still complain.
Bottom line, you bought the game. Play it as is, not how YOU want it to be, or don’t play.
(edited by Naughty.5064)
I am pretty disappointed as well.
People say there are alot of things to do at “end-game”. Besides endless grinding and so called WvW, what else is there? I have several maxed crafting skills, and all there is really now is grind, grind, grind. The gear for karma, or dungeon tokens, are so absurdly high priced, that the only way to obtain them is near endless grinding. It is speculated that a legendary will take well over 500k karma for Obsdian Shards from a Karma vendor. Adds this to the Karma gear from the big events, 42K EACH, and you are looking at well over 750k total Karma, or roughly 2150 events assuming no karma booster and how efficient you were with Karma while leveling. Even the dungeon token items are outrageous. It has gotten to the point that most people are doing “speed” runs of these and/or not even completing them just to make this quicker. Which usually results in fewer rewards (can you even call them that) for a quicker grind. Speaking of rewards, the story completion rewards were the worst reward for anything. Mindless events give better rewards. I am sure I am screwed on that and will never see anything better than then the sub level 50 blues I received.
The travel in higher level zones is frustrating. They are usually contested, making long distance travel pointless unless you are leaving the zone.
I like the idea of events. However, some of them are so mind dumbingly boring and easy they are “zerg” farmed. They are nothing but an AOE fest, and if your not quick enough, you don’t even get credit for kills. People know exactly where mobs will spawn and aoe that spot. The bosses, while visually well done, are boring. MANY of them I have killed I have never had to move. I actually auto attacked one once, went to smoke, came back boss hadn’t moved, and I was still auto attacking. Then you throw in Grenth, and those Eyes of Zaitan. For 90% of the events up til now, you have made people do nothing for kills, then you add in mechanics of immune mobs unless you get a debuff, and make Eyes next to impossible to melee, and an eye beam that will kill you in less than 2 seconds at ranged? With a diminshing return on Karma, and some sort of anti-farm code (which kicks in VERY quickly in Cursed Shore since you only fight risen) what fun is there in chain farming events, with little to no loot drops, even with magic find sets, just to have to move on or log off til the code resets?
WvW, could be fun, however, the map is WAY too big and takes WAY to long to travel around. Rarely are there actual PvP battles, its more, again, a zerg. Its how many people you can get together to take a contested area, where its more about taking buildings and NPCs.
Between, the abysmally poor rewards from dungeons, and the anti-farm codes, diminshing rewards from from events, where you need astranomical amounts of Karma from, what fun is there in “end-game”?
Yes, Blizzard has their issues as well, but they have somehow kept me playing for almost 6 years. I feel I am almost finished with Anet and GW2 after only a month. I don’t care for pandas, pokemon style battles, I play for the fun and they things that keep me wanting to play. While some can still try to say WoW is a grind, I have never attempted to play a game with as much grind as I am facing in GW2, for very little reward.
For those that enjoy this type of game play, have at it and flame those of us who don’t, but in a weeks time, I don’t think I will be back to GW2.
I never said was a “high” end system, (I also have many friends who run $4k+ machines no problems in gw2) However if a higher performing machine is struggling where lower end machines are running fine. Its a much higher probability it’s on your end and not Anets. That is my point. Just because you have a “high” end machine doesn’t mean things are set to run smoothly. I find it odd that only a handful of higher end users are having issues, while many are not.
I run an i5-3570, 8 GB RAM, and a GTX 670. I have ZERO performance issues. Rarely drops below 55-60 fps, and very little stutter. I am not sure why so many people jump to blame Anet when their higher end PC won’t handle the game.
I have had poor performance, fps, and latency issues in other games and swore up one side and down the other it was a game side issue. In the end, it was in fact my own settings. Just one setting, one box checked that doesn’t need to be and it can completely crush performance. Before pointing fingers, try making adjustments on your end.
If you own an nVidia GPU. GW2 is not the game for you
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Naughty.5064
I have ZERO graphics related problems running a Gigabyte GTX 670 with the current beta drivers. Only issue I have is running an additional OC program while trying to run GW2. Disabling this I have no problems.
Those having issues, possibly have some things set incorrectly, not enough RAM, sloe processor, etc.
If its one thing I have learned with MMOs and technical related issues (lag, fps, etc) it is ALMOST NEVER the games fault for your issues. It is usually a user side problem. Before blaming a game for issues on your end, maybe you should check into every single detail about your PC setup. =)
I currently am running a Gigabyte GTX 670. Factory OCd. Yet, I also use a program called “gigabyte OC guru” which aids in additional overclocking.
The problem is, if this program is running, GW2 refuses to start up. In the beginning I would get errors, and the game would just shut down. Now, when GW2 loads up, the screen is blank except for the “hand” cursor. If I turn the program off, everything works fine.
Why is GW2 not accepting this program running? I don’t like that I have to shut it down every time I play GW2, then turn it back on and get all my settings back for everything I else I use it with.