I post videos about GW2, LoL and just gaming in general:
The wiki is your friend.
Well, see, I did look at the wiki. But everything is grouped under one category in the shop.. Style. And I was under the impression they were “skins” as obviously the Zenith Kris is a skin (and not an outfit).
So, skins do, outfits don’t, basically?
Assuming the difference there is skins can also be re-coloured with dyes and you can pick and choose what parts of the skin you like
Thinking about dropping some gems on a skin set that looks BA. However, I don’t want to have to find out that I have to keep spending transmute charges on it as they aren’t very attainable at my current level on my character. I have the Zenith Kris skin which I unlocked a while ago that doesn’t require transmutation charges, but I noticed that some other non-legendary skins (i.e, everything else) does require a transmutation charge to transmute.
Are there certain skins that are exempt from costing a transmutation charge, then? If so, are the store bought ones exempt or do they require a transmutation charge every time you want to apply them?
My name’s Dan and I’m currently running a YouTube channel which I started up earlier this week. It’s a gaming-orientated channel, with main focus on Guild Wars 2 and League of Legends.
I’m an 18 year old gamer slash programmer slash unfunny man from Wales, who broadcasts gaming footage, rants and dicussions on Youtube.
Right now I have 3 types of content, and I’ll be looking at adding more;
In the (very near) future, I plan on adding a few more types too:
My YouTube channel is aimed towards gaming in general, or it shall be, once I get time to put some more videos on there, but right it’s geared more towards both League of Legends and Guild Wars 2. Right now I have two League of Legends videos on there, both discussiony-rant type things with no gameplay. They are about how Elo works and why you should stop blaming your team for your game loss.
In addition I have just uploaded Gw2 gameplay of a character I made specifically for that channel, so I’ll be leveling a GW2 character along with the channel and keeping the channel updated with the progress there, which should take around about 40 videos, along with any other I add when I reach max level on GW2.
Currently I have one edited video waiting to be published, which is another Rant, and this is about why you shouldn’t be saying “GG easy” at the end a LoL game.
I’d really appreciate it if you guys could check my channel out and let me know what you would like to see, how I could do things better and, more importantly, what you would not like to see. Getting the word around would make me very appreciative too.
I’ll be adding a couple of videos tomorrow, I want to try and get the Asura to level 10 as well as having a couple of commentated LoL matches up.
(edited by Neglected.1260)
I like playing Condition Damage because people generally don’t know what hit them. :P But I read somewhere that it’s only around after 8 seconds that CD takes over from raw Power in a fight. If bleed/poison/burn could crit I think it would be more worthwhile.
Transmutation, iirc, is a one way process and once you transmute something you can’t untransmute it and use the transmuted items to transmute another item. Does that make sense?
According to what the guildwars2guru.com people tested in beta, the direct damage formula is
damage = power * weapon strength * skill coefficient / armor
where armor = toughness + defense.
Condition damage is not affected by toughness.
Condition Damage not being effectedmakes sense, just like every other MMO. Bleeding or being poisoned isn’t really diminished by wearing big plates of armor so :P
But thanks for the info c:
and OP I know this doesn’t answer your question but you shouldn’t reroll because other people tell you to, if you enjoy necro then stick necro is my opinion. Buffs and nerfs come and go but if you delete your char that’s permanent.
Just wondering, how does toughness work? Ie, does anyone know how Toughness impacts the damage you take exactly?
I’m finding it hard to justify getting Toughness over Vitality simply because I can’t mathematically measure the difference. And yes. I’m from THAT game where everything was theorycrafted.. I promise I won’t theorycraft, I just want to understand the stat a bit more. c;
Why would no groups invite necros is beyond me. They have great group supporting skills and decent damage.
Warriors are really good when you’re playing against inexperienced people. New players won’t dodge eviscerate, and don’t realize that sitting in 100 blades = death.
you’re saying that if you don’t dodge you deserve to die?
Yes, that’s exactly what should happen. If a player doesn’t dodge a lethal ability, they SHOULD die. Part of the skill element of this game is knowing how and when to dodge.
For a game with no dedicated healer people sure seem to be craving a lot of burst damage. The fact that the warrior doesn’t lose adrenaline for a miss ( pretty sure but I may be wrong) has a signet that generate adrenaline out of combat and has multiple CC abilities ( Bolas, Bull’s Rush to name a few) I think it’s unfair to expect every to play perfectly against that ONE CLASS and be allowed to make mistakes vs the others. Especially since there are not duels in this game. If you’re on a point fighting say an elementalist down him and go for a stomp, is it fair that the warrior can roll up to you with your back turned Bull’s Rush > Frenzy > 100B and kill you immediately? A good one watching for stun breakers and dodges can immediately floor someone at 100%.
I am saying on the principle, I am not getting involved with the condition of warriors etc at the moment as I have not played one I do not feel I have the ability to judge their power. :P
Hello Reinhart,
here are some of my own observations regarding the problems you have encountered with some skills.Pistol Whip -
The damage portion of pistol whip has a long windup time, you can dodge out of it even if you are hit by the stun.Unload -
If you dodge even once then most of the bullets will miss you, even if the opponent has haste buff.
Secondly using Unload is not as effective as you make it out to be, even if you manage to get hit by a fully optimized unload under the best circumstances that’s at most 5-6k damage. The thief that shot you has 16k~ hp and 0 toughness.Warrior -
Warriors have one of the longest basic bleed with their 50%+ bleed-duration trait, Warriors can also put up the most bleeds in the shortest time with their Sword Burst.
The problem with them isn’t duration, but rather that warriors, unlike other classes have to get into melee to put the dots up.Lastly, consider relaxing on calling for increases on cooldowns. I get that you don’t like that every warrior is running around with Greatsword, but increasing cooldown to some arbitrary high number isn’t going to change anything, 100swords is mostly used with frenzy, and that has a 60sec CD.
That is true however with only 2 dodges good rogue will have a good uptime with pistolwhips. Especially if they use venoms.
Both unload and pistolwhip could be used multiple times back to back to back making them far superior cooldowns.
100 blades – well I am not sure what is needed to be done but balancing around it is not much fun.
Warrior bleeds applied fast but also fall off very fast i think the base duration buff from the flurry needs to be buffed by 2 seconds
I think you’ll find that you will be able to dodge more than the amount of times a rogue will be able to pistol whip you (unless the rogue is running heavy crit build and is insanely lucky with crit initiative procs (forgot the trait name) or runs kleptomaniac. If he is running kleptomanic that’s one GCD he just wasted and he’s right in front of you to mash his face in)
I totally disagree with the OP. Here is why:
Every class has their special abilities that if used properly in certain rotations and whatnot, can be totally devistating on the battlefield. The idea of nerfing a particular class (there is atleast 1 post per class wanting a nerf) is unballancing. This is not a troll post, this is to put things into perspective.
Instead of demanding a nerf for another class, how about finding ways in game or maybe trying to understand and play ur class better. If you nerf the Thief class cause of reasons the OP stated, might as well nerf the Rangers, their long range attacks and skills to do added damage and pets can devistate any other class as well. But wait how about the whirling attack of the warrior, that can also drop several enemies in a second or two. You can go on and on and on.
Seriously folks, learn to play the game a bit. This game has a learning curve… so learn it. Classes should not be ballanced. whats the point of that. Might as well be only 1 class if every class is good at the same things. Some classes match up well against others some not. That is why this is an MMO. You have to rely on your buddy left and right. Work as a team.
This game is not easy mode. You actually have to think a little bit about what your doing. Least that has been my expirence so far, and I am loving it. When possible “revive” is a teams friend. This comes down to learning the mechanics of the game and class abilities. Not just your class but the capibilities of other classes as well. Devise a stratagy to counter.
Name 1 ability (besides 100 blades) that either warriors, mesmers, ele’s, necros, guardians, rangers can spam and get away with it.
Heartseeker, pistolwhip and unload are the abilities that can literally be spammed and kill players from 100% – 0%.
Heartseeker costs 3 initiative (I think), Pistol Whip 5 and Unload 6. Thieves have 10 initiate as base, which can be increased to 3 and they can restore 3. Heartseeker isn’t all that dangerous until you reach below 33% hp, because then it becomes execution. If you are getting to 33% hp from 1 or 2 heartseekers, then you need more vitality or toughness, because if you can survive 4 heartseekers then that rogue has nothing else to do until his initiative regenerates.
As for pistol whip? The stun does not last as long as the attack animation. You can dodge and retaliate. Unload? Dodge or close the gap and smash their face in.
The problem with professions atm is no one knows their weaknesses (or are too ignorant to learn) and don’t know how to exploit them. If a rogue is engaged in a situation where he does not have control over it and cannot exploit his mobility through dodging and shadowsteps, he is one dead rogue.
Warriors are really good when you’re playing against inexperienced people. New players won’t dodge eviscerate, and don’t realize that sitting in 100 blades = death.
you’re saying that if you don’t dodge you deserve to die?
Yes, that’s exactly what should happen. If a player doesn’t dodge a lethal ability, they SHOULD die. Part of the skill element of this game is knowing how and when to dodge.
AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.4Ghz
Corsair 4GB DDR2 RAM (Can’t remember the exact model)
ATI Radeon 4870HD.
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
I get like 20fps at lowest settings. QQ
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