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What was EOTM supposed to be?

in WvW

Posted by: Nem.1039


I just really don’t understand wtf anet was thinking. They touted it as a new WvW area to play during queues but there is no WvW involved currently. it seems that it’s mostly blobs avoiding contact. The sad fact is you get more loot, xp, wxp, karma and badges then you do in WvW. Seems like such a great resource only to have it filled with lemming trains.

What was EOTM supposed to be?

in WvW

Posted by: Nem.1039


When I first heard about it I was under the impression it was supposed to be a different place to go if you were in a queue for WvW to find fights.

But currently it seems that what you mostly see is a bunch of ppl doing karma trains.

This isn’t what anet really wanted this to be was it?

There is no defending of anything 99% of the time. The response I always get from the commander is more karma.

Can we just remove the Karma and Champ bags from EOTM and make it a place to have some epic open field fights.

10/18 SF/ET/DH(Round one... Fight!)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


Hey SF…. you will need more than 50 omegas to take down our garrison even with Darkhaven’s help b(o.o)b

Too bad you guys lost every T3 keep except your garrison

Happens when you have the same 40+ size zerg on both ETBL and EB. ET still has the same size group from last week alot of us didn’t go play PVE. That and having to deal with DH at the same time not much needs to be said.

10/18 SF/ET/DH(Round one... Fight!)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


Well I have to give SF credit after last weeks match you managed to get the kiddies back into WvW. I do thank you for so many loot bags you were dropping as you ran away from ETBL Garri over and over. Again nice to see you guys got your “Superior” numbers back after last weeks match.

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


yaks numbers or not they still are really really bad players, the main reason them even getting matched up with us is because they cant cope with servers in their tier who actually cordinate and have tactics lmao oh man u guys crack me up.. btw [GLOB] needs to leave your server you dnt deserve them. on a lighter note it was tons of fun flipping yaks t3 garri and hills earlier today. cheers.

It’s attitudes like this that make us do things like this
Have fun trying to get out now.

And it’s pics like that which just shows how pathetic your server truly is.

Hey I tired being nice in the beginning because I know how crappy it is to be on the receiving end of this sort of thing. I know it sucks, so I don’t blame you for being mad. But your forum warriors have gotten on my nerves and my patience is gone now. So i’m going to drop all the siege I have throughout this entire matchup and really give you something to cry about now.

lol go ahead and keep throwing your siege. You know it’s the only way you can do anything in open field. Besides when I kill it I get some nice WXP added to my ranks.

And as for your “Nervers and patience” haha you’re just making ppl like myself knowing that commenting on how lame your server is gets to you.

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


yaks numbers or not they still are really really bad players, the main reason them even getting matched up with us is because they cant cope with servers in their tier who actually cordinate and have tactics lmao oh man u guys crack me up.. btw [GLOB] needs to leave your server you dnt deserve them. on a lighter note it was tons of fun flipping yaks t3 garri and hills earlier today. cheers.

It’s attitudes like this that make us do things like this
Have fun trying to get out now.

And it’s pics like that which just shows how pathetic your server truly is.

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


Well now that we have had a taste of how lame Yaks is they can go back to their proper Tier and proceed to get railed. While I’m not saying I love All the loot bags you failures seem to be dropping for us when you run away from a good fight. I get tired of having to repair doors and walls because you matched 6 omegas into our garrison only to die like sheep.

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


i am rather surprised that ET is on last spot in points, from own observation they were doing quite well

I’m seeing less and less of ET even bother to show up with this crap match. Nothing like having both servers plague our BL over and over. I will truly be happy when IOJ and HOD get thrown back into a horrible match like this.

Orbs of Power gonna return?

in WvW

Posted by: Nem.1039


I wasn’t around during the initial Orb issues. And I do agree that if it gives a larger server an advantage over a smaller server that will be the end of wvw for a lot of players of those smaller servers. I do agree that the fight clubs, GvG need to have a place to have fun with out having a stat difference because of the orbs.

So what if the Orb’s provided only a defense buff on keeps and towers you own in your BL? Instead of a player specific buff that can cause issues.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


Sweet just what I wanted 2 lame zerg servers to have to fight against. Another low quality matchup brought to you by the mindless dev’s at Anet.

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


SF, Get out of T8, Come show IoJ some loving. Promise not to break you guys again with the other server ;P

One can only hope they get kicked back up to some other Tier then 8. Let them get abused for a couple months in a match up that wreaks them.

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.

Its hilarious to me when people post stuff like this. HoD QQ! Zergs and numbers QQ! Same thing happens to us when we get put up against servers like BP. Which they were so bored of outnumbered us, they built like 30 Omega Golems and pillaged our remaining land for fun. Don’t call the server pathetic. Blame Anet for making this wack system.

Or your server could stop being such cowards and stop only fighting the the lowest pop server. Apparently SF is to much of an even fight for you that you avoid them and resort to fighting a server with 1/3rd the pop. While yes Anet did this screwed up MM system it’s HOD that is showing how lame they are in their gameplay.

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nem.1039


I truly wish we could get away from HOD. Nothing like us having the outmanned on EB and HOD still has to be lame enough to send 14 golems to take our keep. What a seriously pathetic server. All I could see was a wave of red like HOD was on it’s period.