Showing Posts For Nenshou Sora.6321:

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Nenshou Sora.6321

Nenshou Sora.6321

Not that this weights much but:

Desolation, 2nd place, haven’t transfered (native Desolational… or something :P), meta done. No chest/reward.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Nenshou Sora.6321

Nenshou Sora.6321

I am one of those who rarely post anything on the forums, but that does not mean I hate what the developers are doing. I really like the freedom and mechanics of GW2.
However, that does not mean everything is perfect here. Every game has some aspects that do not suit me and it is only natural, because it is impossible to make a perfect game that absolutely everyone likes.
My issues with the living world are:
1. Lore seems a bit shallow and as some have said, disjoint. While I do love the idea of temporary events to progress the story, it is currently hard to say that anything I have done has had any kind of impact. Stuff has happened, even more stuff has happened and… almost everything is as it used to be? I would like to see that living world would really be living, events changing and interacting with each others (I know, this might be really, REALLY hard to do), areas changing and so on. Something that I could watch later on and my character could say “Oh yes, this sight reminds us all that we can’t let things like that happen ever again” (or something like that).
2. Achivements unfortunately guide my way. Living story is pretty much achivement fest for me, meaning me running and wondering “How can this be done” instead of “Oooh… nice story and events… one… more… event. Now when did I do those achievements?”. Add challenge to the achievements so that achieving them would really mean something (something like Liadri-difficult). Also permanent achievements might be nice.

I know I had something else too but my mind is currently blank. Mayby it comes back to me later.

ps. Thank you for communicating with the community. This is something we truly need.

Personaly, I don't think Dailies are a good idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nenshou Sora.6321

Nenshou Sora.6321

I seldom participate to discussions where people just complain about things.
However, I feel that my opinion is important and the only right one and after I say it, everyone thinks that too (…no even I don’t believe that ).

I am perfectly happy with the way GW2 is. I have a long term goal, which is getting a shiny legendary weapon. Do I spend my days grinding it? No, I do not. My main character is almost completely geared with exotics and I do not have any ascended items. Do I care or do I feel some kind of compulsion to get ascended gear? Again the answer is no and I also don’t feel like I’m behind everyone else just because I do not have ascended gear or full exotics. In fact (now this might shock some people), I’ve used most of my laurels to dyes and crafting materials!

I don’t have a need to do dailies every single day, and when I do them, I just play normally. I don’t do them separately from my normal gaming, they just tend to get done. Sometimes they do guide me when I can’t decide where to go next.

Guild Wars isn’t the first MMO that I’ve played. I’ve also played Lord of the Rings Online and World of Warcraft where I stayed way too long. Finally it seems that I’ve adapted the casual mindset and got rid of the semi-hc attitude I had in WoW when I was raiding. For those who complain how dailies and haven’t tried the latest WoW expansion: trust me, things could be far worse (A lot of “pre-raid” epics which those like me grinded to perform better in raids were gated behind N+1 reputation factions which meant dailies, dailies and more dailies. Also, Blizzard’s idea of “more to do in endgame” seemed to be… surprise surprise… DAILIES!)

So I’m happy with GW2. I play alot but I do not feel like I’m forced to play, it feels casual and relaxing. I want to do achievements, but not because my selfesteem depends on achievements points, but because I just want to do the achievement itself. And gear itself… well… for me gear isn’t everything. Exotics are easy to get and the rest is just knowing how to play (and no… I’m not the best out there). Gear does not mean skill. If I want new gear, I want it because it looks good but nevertheless I don’t actively grind for it. I get it when I get it, sooner or later.

While this post is all “me me me”, try to put yourself into my position (which means take a deep breath, relax, play casually and enjoy of the view).

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nenshou Sora.6321

Nenshou Sora.6321

Guild: Blissful Reboot
World: Desolation (EU)

Our guild is a rather small one consisting of real life friends (and friends of friends). The problem we are having is the opposite of what some are reporting in here. We’ve been around since day one of the head start and after a few days something interesting happened. First of all according to the history, something over 80 members had logged in to give us influence, which is impossible since we have only bit over 10 members in guild. Second, something like 6000-7000 influence appeared from nowhere. About 1000 of this could be explained with the collector’s edition influence booster, mayby even 2000 if the other one actually worked but not just showed up in history. We made a bug report and submitted a ticket to support but haven’t got an answer. Currently we are letting the influence drop below 7000 in case this is a bug (we do not want to abuse any kind of bugs). It would be great to get an answer on what is going on.

Incident number: 120902-015437