Showing Posts For Nerevaarr.2840:
Which is the following: dungeon selling makes no good for community. You can advocate for ‘party leader’ feature and honestly you will get my support on that, but advocating for dungeon selling is very selfish.
I can repeat it in every post to make it crystal clear.You guys should stop attacking me personally. It wont work – I am immune to trolls.
By “the community” you mean only people like you, right? Because there is plenty of buyers (some prefer to play wvw or PvP ONLY) but they want the tokens or achievements.
I have had people buying paths from me on a regular basis. They do not wish to do the dungeon. All they want is either tokens, achievements or leveling their alts. But then you show up and say that they have no right to do this. Its you who is being self righteous and wanting them to have no access to that content.
(edited by Nerevaarr.2840)
Anybody heard from the leader of the NA guild? He’s either not on during my times or just not on at all…
I’ve tried to contact him, and havent got a reply aswell.
I think a decent idea would be forming dungeon sellers guilds where you’d have to have membership to that guild in order to purchase a run. You can even advertise the guilds you’re okay with in the LFG dungeon path description. Legit path buyers and sellers could do business that way and strangers would be turned away. If anyone that was a member tried to exploit, I think more documentation could be kept manually and they could be kicked and remembered as exploiters. It would reduce a lot of through traffic of random dungeon buyers, but the ones that are on that list would be considered reputable. The only cost is giving up a guild slot of the 5 you can be a member of. It’s all I got until Anet implements a more realistic system.
Such guild already exists. We already have around 80 members, most of which are sellers.
PM me in game.
I’ve created the guild which i spoke of in another thread.
Basic idea behind this guild is :
1. To provide you with a list of players who can help you in duo’ing dungeons.
2. To provide you with a list of players who can be your Proxy. (Proxy – a player who will use the LFG tool to find path buyers, collect the money, then provide you with the names of players who you will invite into your party.) This way you can avoid getting kicked. There still will be a risk of loosing the instance, but at least you will have some gold left.
3. Create a reputation for this guild, which will make the buyers trust the Proxy player (he will represent this guild while finding buyers in LFG)
4. Members of the guild will also provide each other with names of players who have stolen instances, and perhaps make a list of their names somewhere)
Creating a reputation in my opinion is the main goal of this guild. Since buyers might not trust a random Proxy, however seeing that the Proxy is a member of Dungeon Sellers Guild they will know there is an actual path waiting for them, and that its not just a scam.
This is just a rough “sketch” at the moment. I just wanted to get this rolling asap. Rules, ranks and code of conduct will be created after this guild grows. I will definitely need help of others. As I said, I just wanted to get this rolling faster, I might aswell retire from leader position when better candidates will join the guild.
EU – Dungeons Sellers Guild [SELL] (current leader Nerevaarr)
NA – Solo Academy [SA] (current leader Vincent Durheim)
Timer on a kick vote (lets say 5seconds), and the ability to choose “no” would certainly change things.
In this scenario, griefers would need 3 players in order to hijack the instance, not just 2, which would definitely improve our chances.
But the perfect solution of course would be the ability to choose if you want to become an “owner” of the instance and be unkickable or not.
Using a proxy would at least leave you with 50% of the profit, which still is profit.
But asking first two buyers to pay the full price for all 4 slots wont work. People will not trust, since there is no way they can be sure that there actually is a path to be sold.
Proxy will also increase the time you need to fill the group dramatically.
But again – Dungeon Sellers guild can come in handy. If the seller is representing the guild, buyers knows that this guy is not trying to scam them, but indeed sell them the path.
Player who had the hammer in cliffside disconnected, and hammer never respawned.
After some feedback it seems that they are actually going so far as to atually “hunt” for sellers. Seems like even fillers wont help that…
Thats really sad…
There is no future for dungeon selling, how hard is it to accept it?
I understand your pesimism, but I will keep on doing that, and I will either join or make such a guild myself and adapt to the situation. Im sure ill find others who havent given up aswell. This thread was more of a search for such people.
It wasnt meant to be a discussion about current situation.
You fill spot 5 and make them pay on join. This way they are invested in your success and have no reason to kick you. You repeat the process for each member joining:
1. You
2. Filler
3. Filler
4. Paid Member
5. _Yes, that is what I meant. They pay on join, no other option. Fillers dont leave until the buyer has paid.
What’s to prevent the 2nd buyer from being in bed with the 1st and highjacking your instance for the price of merely a single slot and sell it or complete it themselves?
What you’ve failed to realised to this point is that not only can a seller be griefed more easily now, there’s actually a profit in it for those that would dare do it. I shudder to think how bad it will be once the general populace realises this.Sell at your own risk, you have been warned.
Than i will have 2 people who have payed instead of having NOTHING. I havent “failed” to realize anything.
My suggestion is merely an adaptation to a bad situation. Nothing more. I did not claim that I have found a perfect solution.
You fill spot 5 and make them pay on join. This way they are invested in your success and have no reason to kick you. You repeat the process for each member joining:
1. You
2. Filler
3. Filler
4. Paid Member
5. _
Yes, that is what I meant. They pay on join, no other option. Fillers dont leave until the buyer has paid.
It’s pointless since that’s what your friend list currently does.
Also they can still join and kick so selling is dead basically..yea..
I dont want to bother my friends every time i want to sell a path.
And how can they join and kick, if the rest of the slots are filled with your people? They cant, thats the purpose of this. I think you did not understand the concept.
While selling dungeons is still allowed, but barely tolerated, I had an idea of creating a specific guild, which purpose would be filling the empty slots.
Since the newest feature pack, having no opener has left us – dungeons sellers, at a vulnerable state of getting kicked out of our instance, that we solo’d or duo’d.
I propose having a specific guild which would provide us with slot fillers. So, instead of filling the spots with your guildies or friends, which might get bothered by our requests (or simply not be available at the time) you would have a non rep guild (basically just a list of players who sell dungs, and can fill your empty slots, when needed).
Example : A and B have just duo’d a path. They invite 2 players C and D from non-rep dungeon sellers guild to fill 2 slots. 5th player (buyer) joins to buy the path, D leaves, next buyer joins and C leaves. 3rd buyer joins, now you have a full party.
Just got kicked out of an instance, that me and friend of mine duo’d up until the last encounter.
Took them seconds, after I posted an lfg, to join and kick both of us.
Must be nice being able to kick players out of the instance that they duo’d, then get the daily reward. Takes 2-3min. Dont see any reason actually doing dungeons. Just wait til someone posts an LFG which says “Selling xPath xGold”, join with your friend, kick them, and finish the dungeon. Minimum effort, maximum reward.