Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
Showing Posts For Nevermore.7963:
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
If one obtains a legendary and then transmute it to look like an exotic or ascended weapon; will the resulting weapon still have legendary quality, color and the ability to change stats outside of combat?
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
OP trolling. Still don’t see links to these supposed threads he’s been reading.. =P
Also; I like Scarlet and would love to see more of her story! =)
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
Ooh.. Didn’t even occur to me that they’d added all of that already. Will check it out! =D
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
Hot? What do you mean?
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
To each his own.. I’m sure they could’ve devised something more intricate of course, but I’ll take what I get! =)
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
Thanks for the replies, both of you! Excited to get it.
I agree with you Ezekiel. I like this mask aswell. It will look sweet on my character! =D
Makes me think of the masquerade ball in Van Helsing.. x)
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
Out of curiosity?
Haven’t played long so I can’t really tell.. =)
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Nevermore.7963)
If you read the thread you’d see it! =)
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Nevermore.7963)
Yes! I just got one as a normal drop from the candy freaks! =D So not only from bags in case anyone else comes wondering.. =)
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Nevermore.7963)
What exactly drops the limited ones in the Labyrinth? I haven’t gotten a single one and they don’t show as drops from anything on the wiki..
Is it Lunatic Inquisition reward? Rare mob drops from normal candy freaks? From the Large Candy Bags? Or maybe the chests from the bosses? Is it the Trick-or-Treat Bags?
I also screwed up with my finishers.. Do NOT want to buy permanent ones..
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Nevermore.7963)