Showing Posts For Nightmare Of Zg.6059:


in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Next patch: PS now removes might from the party instead of applying it


in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

And there I was, having second thoughts about rerolling revenant after 3+ years of warrior.

This is just priceless

Condition Warrior PVE DPS Video Guide

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Sorry mate, while I see some decent DPS there, I don’t see that “more damage than any other class/build”.

Berserker update

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059


Berserker—Dead or Alive: When activated, this trait no longer ends berserk mode.

Berserker—King of Fires: The burn duration increase modifier has been increased from 20% to 33%.

Berserker—Eternal Champion: In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants 3 stacks of might for 8 seconds when you break stun.

Berserker—Rupturing Smash: Added 0.5 seconds of daze to this skill. Increased immobilize duration from 1 second to 2 seconds.

Berserker—Fatal Frenzy: This trait now grants 6 seconds of fury in addition to its previous effects.

Berserker—Bloody Roar: This trait no longer grants fury or inflicts bleeding. This trait now increases all direct damage dealt in berserk mode by 10%.

Berserker—Always Angry: This trait has been reworked so that it now grants an effect for 15 seconds when entering or leaving berserk mode, increasing outgoing damage and condition damage by 7%.

Berserker—Outrage: This skill can now be used underwater and while airborne.

Berserker—Blood Reckoning: This skill can now be used underwater.

Berserker—Scorched Earth: Updated skill facts to show the correct number of hits.

What do you think about these changes fellow forum warriors?

(edited by Nightmare Of Zg.6059)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

The new warrior meta is to reroll Reaper or Dragonhunter. All we can do, really.

Or a Revenant mind you

(edited by Nightmare Of Zg.6059)

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Another patch, another middle finger >.>
Guess we should get used to that

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

I’m getting more and more agitated by absolutely no changes or information if it’s even looked at since the 3rd BWE. And now they added studded whips to the overseers in the salt mines that i work at after announcing that druid has the degen removed on the celestial spirit. What about adrenaline then? What makes it not be on par with the druid? It’s a class mechanic resource in both cases so why are we getting the short end of the stick again?

No passion for Warrior/Berserker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Herald gets stability on dodge, a 1200 range no cooldown teleport that also makes attacks unblockable, a defiant stance that includes applied and incoming condition damage that can be used when stunned, a staff skill that blocks and blinds on short cd, a shield skill that blocks all attacks and heals on low cd, a shield skill granting protection, a stealth reveal, an on demand blind, more boons than ele, short cooldown long duration elite stuns, a knockback skill that hits harder than hundred blades, a relatively short cooldown high damage sword skill that evades and tracks players through portals requiring them to dodge twice to avoid damage but still siphons life if they block or endure pain, on demand quickness, permanent swiftness…

And I’m tired of writing.

There’s a big difference in the top tier elite specs vs. the low tiers. This was just Herald. Similar paragraphs can be written about Chrono, Reaper, Scrapper, Druid.

Adapt or die I guess. I’ll be playing a different class.

Mostly agreed except for Scrapper, engies got shafted with god awful ai that can’t keep up with a player that has no speed buffs (one of scrapper mechanics is superspeed, I guess you can figure out the result of having that with the drones)

Berserker since the start did not feel interesting at all in terms of gameplay. You still do the same old same old spam bursts for +20% dmg from trait, adding one additional button to press that does not change the way you play by any margin is not (at least in my book) considered “new” way of playing the class. Rage skills? First thing I checked was if they work with physical skills trait because THEY ARE LITERALY THE SAME as physical skills. Adding “gain x adrenaline” to the skill does not make it a new type.

Not questioning the usability of the spec as it had its uses in diferent places, but it does not change the fact how uninspiring it was.

Incoming War Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Just the healing.

See Chris, told you it was only healing you muppet

Incoming War Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

If they buffed duration on RR by 130% it would be way too strong, that would be around 20 sec? So I dont think its anything other than healing

Another Patch, no banner change.

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Or remake them into a skill that keeps the benefit of a banner but tied to your position, lower the uptime by half but add a way to extend it through specific action (crits, dodges, anything that is not 100% passive standing stick with a rug).

Berserker Changes for BWE3

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Just saw Druids new “transform”. Makes me sad how bland Berserk is comparably not to mention the fact that they can actually leave their celestial form or w/e it was called prematurely. Also full condi clense upon entering it from trait >.>

Berserker Changes for BWE3

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

My gripe with berserker is that it’s basicly warrior 1.5, rage skills are thematicaly almost the same as physical skills (leap will miss 90% of the time when verticality is involved, stunbreak that wont fix being cc chained or immobilized, clunky reflect, wild blow can be fun to use if you are not blocked/blinded and then there is headbutt, no complaints here), berserk is a small attack speed increase that doesn’t make me feel that much better or different that before other than making me glow like a bloody lamppost, primal bursts outside of a few exceptions are almost the same as regular bursts.
Torch gives you the opportunity to apply burns in melee which you were already doing on a longbow.

Overall, in my eyes it’s not a useless spec, it might find use in some niche builds, but as it stands, compared to other specs it feels incredibly boring and unimaginative. It’s more of the exact same warrior, exact same playstyle that we had aviable for 3 years. We don’t get a big scythe to flail around, we don’t get drones that do work for us at range, we don’t get to evade all over the place with added effects, no riding boulders or spinning up tornadoes, no time travel, adding missing decent ranged option? (couldn’t come up with anything for dragon hunter, not liking this one too much either :P). We just get angry, we get angry and do more of the exact same we were doing. Primal bursts are not a new mechanic, it’s just new bursts skills with different name and lower cd. Berserk is not a new mechanic, it’s an attack speed increase much like one we get from a trait in arms.

TLDR: Berserker feels more like a new CORE spec rather than elite

Warrior Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Agreed on the fast hands and banners needing some QoL, you are bonkers with the anthem tough :P
Moving the might on crit to a non weapon specific trait would be a good move in my opinion as it wont lock us (weapon master) into sitting on one weapon 90% of the time.

Now crawl back under your rock Chris

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

I’ve been on teq pug maps since the HP was patched that did just fine. You still need to coordinate teq and organize. That’s always been the case since the teq rising patch and that will always be the case. And it’s not hard to organize a map in chat folks. It’s just not. He needed the buff, he was ridiculously easy before and both teq and triple trouble wurm are NOT supposed to be faceroll easy bosses like shatterer (though quite frankly imho he should be buffed in difficulty too). There are plenty of faceroll bosses for those who want them. There should be more difficult ones as well.

Amen, my thoughts exactly

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Done teq with one minute to spare on a pug map which leads me to conclusion that as long as people stop going afk while autoattacking, it’s perfectly doable albeit “harder”. Give it a week so that people get used to it and you will have it back to normal, tough taking a tad longer then it did before.

you sure you were there with people from 150 guilds?you amy have been in a guild map without beeing in the guild itself

No single guild had the majority of the map, neither was it rly organized since we still lost a turret or two. Anyone who was doing teq prior to the hp nerf knows the drill more or less. You don’t need excessive commanding for it outside of proper turret defense and letting people know when to get back for dps phase. People just got too lazy to do it properly nowdays, I can still see a lot and I do mean A LOT of people not even bothering to go melee on warriors to hit that crit spot in fear of having to dodge a few waves. It’s only natural that people have issues getting out of their comfort zone at first but it will change very soon as it becomes clear to everyone.

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Done teq with one minute to spare on a pug map which leads me to conclusion that as long as people stop going afk while autoattacking, it’s perfectly doable albeit “harder”. Give it a week so that people get used to it and you will have it back to normal, tough taking a tad longer then it did before.

Fun with Costume Bugs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

You sir, got a kitten on your forhead

Warrior baselines

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

I have a question regarding the baselines for warrior.
Since they were not mentioned at all during the stream outside of longbow range increase, are we going to assume that we are not getting the banner traits as baseline and they are removed at the same time, no additional effect for physical skills, no heal sig changes and so on and so forth?

It baffles me as it was not clear if what they have shown is all changes we get, some of them or what is even going on because I don’t even anymore. If someone could clear this up for me if such a possibility exists I would be grateful for reducing my salt levels.

Not expecting a dev response here I guess, but hey one can always hope

quick breathing false alarm

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Don’t be too quick to apologize. It’s probably a typo on their part

Disappointed, can we get another designer

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

And here lies the issue. No clear explanation leaving us guessing on how it will work

make cleansing ire grandmaster

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

The fact that it did not exist and they had to read it instead of showing it on stream

make cleansing ire grandmaster

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

ah, i would be, very, very kittened, sad, disappointed if they poorly worded it.

I would not be surprised if it was just poorly worded after the tactics trait line fiasco

Disappointed, can we get another designer

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Unless the Warrior spec is bloody groundbreaking, we might be in a mammoth sized pickle gentlemen

Disappointed, can we get another designer

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Almost no changes to useless minor traits, no explanation to new physical skills mechanics, missing slide…
Comparing it to ele or engi, my conclusion is that someone should get slapped repeatedly for this :/
If those are final or close to final changes than i can get ready to roll an ele i guess

Worlds Second

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

I can confirm that plenty of people didnt get the achievement after killing the Amber wurm, me personaly I didnt get achievement even after killing the amber head twice

- Ziggy

Gandara [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Guilds

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Mature is a very loose term should I add, if you enjoy a good chat on mumble or in chat in general, runing naked for the hell of it and if you are new to the game or just inexperienced you can surely expect monsieur Ziggy to laugh you in the face and take you under his wings. We do not focus on any single aspect, we like to do dungeons, fractals, WvW, occasional PvP (I can always bash some heads in). We do have shedules, but we do not only focus on those. We have a core of rather experienced players, but there is always room for improvement. We are in no way elitists, we want to play the game the way we want, and we do it in STYLE!

Feel free to PM “Ziggy Icecleaver” in game and I’ll give you the tour of your life that you won’t forget for a long time, be it in a positive or a negative way

(edited by Nightmare Of Zg.6059)

Killer Snowballs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

As of late I found a new way of passing time on my warrior, yanking snowballs at NPCs so hard that they drop dead at my feet. Basicly, throwing a snowball at an npc and interrupting them combined with Distracting Strikes trait stacks up confusion on them, and when they try to lob a snowball back at me, they drop dead. Many children died when finding out this “bug”, lets say it was in the name of charr science .

I assume it is not intended for that to happen but not quite sure if it is a bug.