Showing Posts For Nikaido.6739:

pvp rankings not updating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


It doesn’t work these way, first of all, I played enough games! And my game record updated each time on the leaderboard. It only stop updating after the previous update. It has nothing to do with how much you play the games. the require game is to be shown to your guild/friends, but your record will ALWAYS updated after one round.

pvp rankings not updating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


My skill rating updated, but the leaderbroad friends/guild section didn’t updated. Pretty sure it’s a bug.

How would you redesign the elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I prefer the old school traditional Elementalist (or Mage) in GW1 or other MMos. You choice one or two elements but have more spells to choose from and each elements have different play style. I hope in next expansion Ele has the ability to choose whether to remain to be jack of all trade or focus on a rather improved, strong, elited version of single attuntment. (with the ability to acquire second weapon choice)

[Talk]Freezing Gust/Cleansing Wave/Churning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Yeah finally someone mentioned freezing gust… I always feel this should be AoE chill or adding Tormented condition on. (Like winter’s embrace back in gw1)

Code 1083:5:7:1595:101 error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


This error usually occurs when the game server you were previously on has crashed. You should be able to log in again after waiting a few minutes. << according from their support page, that’s the error code.

My friend also suffer from disconnection from the same time! So it must be Anet’s problem, I’m surprised I didn’t see people posting any issues beside me and Eval.

Code 1083:5:7:1595:101 error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Different code error show up now…. 7:0:0:996:101

Code 1083:5:7:1595:101 error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I was in GW2 and noticed some lag issue. I restart and I can get into my account but can’t log in to any maps. It keep on show internet error Code 1083:5:7:1595:101 error!

My friend also suffer from the same problem. My internet is perfectly fine, but I think I saw other ppl still in game, so I don’t know what’s going on. Anyone suffer the same issue?

Is there a good ice dps build for pve?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I rarely don’t reply on forum, but when I see someone who’s as passion as an “Ice” or Water Elementalist. I have to reply and bro I feel you!

Back in GW1 I was sooooo passionate of being a Good DPS Water Elementalist with a lot of chilling, crowd control. In GW2? Whoever design Ele and whoever approve his idea are completely garbage… at least give us an option to play a theme ele but ohhh no, we need to play their way!

I give up long ago to be a “water ele”, but you can use more water spell, icebow never leave my bar even when they stupidity reduce the dmg. I still rely on Fresh-Air trait and overload air to deal dmg. Basically I stay in Air/Water most of the time.

GW2 completely fail to design CHILL condition and Water spells…. it’s sad, but I still like the overall game package so I continue to play.

I suggest Water/Air/Tempest trait, with Fresh-Air (the other two are up to you, use inscription if you like ice golems). Cleansing Water, Aquamancer Training and Piercing shards (work with ice storm from icebow).

Ele IceBow new Bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I noticed there is a new bug after the recent game update. Elementalist’s conjure Icebow, skill 4 (ice storm), when you cause the spell, in the old days, you can freely switch attuntment without interrupt casting ice-storm, now if you do so, ice storm simply got cancel and will start recharging.

Icebow is always on my skillbar even when anet reduce all the damage, so I’m very familar with it…. I’m pretty sure this is an unintentional bug. PLEASE FIX IT! Icebow really deserve more love.

Piercing Shards Trait Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I always use this trait on my Ele (Water Ele in heart), and I too, hate people associate water with pure healing. I like what you suggest here, or perhaps this…?

(While attuned to water, your spells deal more damage to vulnerable foes. Vulnerability lasts longer. Vulnerable foes also take damage from Chill condition!) Ele’s chill really should be able to deal damage! It make no sense only necro can.

GW2 dat disappear after unzipped

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


how did you manage to break a single file into 9 pieces? I’m guessing something you did in that process broke your .dat file. Did you not have a large enough drive to transfer the .dat by itself?

You will likely just have to redownload the game.

I use 7 Z to zip gw2 dat file into 001 002 003 etc. Like I said in my previous replied, two weeks ago on another computer with win10. I unzipped those files back to gw2.dat and it work and I can play the game. If I really need to redownload gw2.dat (which is my last resource) at least I wanna clear up all the hidden files that’s been wasting my pc space. (or prevent future problem.)

Hopefully anet team can help, any other guys got into the same issue?

GW2 dat disappear after unzipped

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Yeah the dat file just disappear… I try to run gw2.exe and it will start to download a brandnew dat file.

Pressing F5 didn’t help (well at least now it didn’t help, dunno if its helping right that moment) I dunno which McAfee security function should I disable, any suggestion? I wonder if that’s the blame…. because I tried the same method with Asus Win10 computer with just defend me anti-virus, it work for me!

I hope it’s not 7 Z’s fault… because I have always trusted 7 Z. I haven’t try the -repair option yet… I send a support ticket to anet team and did the test my game thing, still waiting for their reply, meanwhile any other suggestion?

GW2 dat disappear after unzipped

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I just got a new computer, was trying to unzipped my guild wars 2 dat file. (I previously zipped it into 9 pieces). I tried to unzipped with 7 z back to my new computer. The process was normal and successful, but after unzipped, the actual gw2.dat just went disappear. I’m using Window10 on a new Dell computer. Is this a bug? Is it Win10 fault? or 7 z? I’ve used the same method on another Asus computer two weeks ago in window 10 and it work perfectly.

I tried to click on gw2 64bit launcher, I think the gw2.dat file is starting to redownload the whole thing, so I quit and trying to figured a way to resolve this.

I’m kinda stressed out because the gw2.dat file is taking up spaces 24G+ but it’s invisible. I can see it on 7 z list (in the same folder), but when I browse it on my actual folder it’s just not there. I googled and follow the youtube method by running cmd cd c: method, didn’t work!

Please help me… I feel I been suffered enough with new computer these days. (First defected computer then now this!) The least method I want is re-download the whole gw2 client. Any idea?

(edited by Nikaido.6739)

I need advice on gaming computer brand

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


This was the PC I ordered, and it was defected, so I simply return it. It was R9 370 card, which I did some research, it was only slightly better then my old Nvidia 560i.

I’m more worry about the after sale customer service because I don’t know how to install or fix my PC problem. The one I saw on Dell computer is a package deal, I own PS4… so my computer is mainly for GW2 plus probably Blade and Soul soon.

I need advice on gaming computer brand

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I am not sure if this is the best forum to ask for help, but I’m searching for a good i7 computer for guild-wars2 and other future online games.

I have some basic computer knowledge, what I’m really asking for help is…. which brand (in Canada) has reliable customer service? I bought an ASUS i7 6700 few days ago and it is actually a defected computer with terrible psu or hd problem… (making chain-saw noise with burning smell). Lucky I can return to local bestbuy store. I then research DELL, HP, Lenovo (forget about asus and acer). But it turn out almost every computer company received terrible unacceptable after sales customer services review. (like they delay shipping, they won’t refund, you spend 2 hrs calling them for nothing if anything goes wrong, it all sound very scary!)

I need a desktop, but I don’t drive, and I have poor tech-skill on computer parts, so I’m hoping to get some advice which computer brand sell the “least” defected product that can let me enjoy my game for the next 3-4 years?

I used to own a DELL computer, the cpu/mother broad still work nice after 6 years, but graphic card died… so I was wondering can I trust Dell brand again. Here is the spec I been eye on.

6th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processor
Windows 10 Home
16GB Memory
1TB 7200 rpm Hard Drive
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 745 4GB DDR3
Integrated 7.1 with WAVE MAXXAudio Pro

Does this sound good enough for low budge? It priced 1100 CND. (on sale price)

I’m actually quite stressed out, as I don’t want to received another defected computer, and I wanna play my GW2 soon. Can anybody kind enough to share some advices? thanks. (Does those warranty plan worth the money?)

Cannot log in (build56500)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Case closed. Guild Wars 2 GM helped me solve the game error… by removing some spyware (although not virus). I can log in game, only to find out my PC is truly defected. In less then 5 mins outside Lion’s arch (where I’m not even in meta event), my PC scream like there is chain-saw hidden inside. I’m too stressed out and disappointed so I just return (refund) my PC 2 hrs ago. Need to start looking for computer again -_-!

(Unbelievable… Asus, i7 6700, expensive (although on sale), from Canada’s biggest retail, and it’s defected within 1 day! On top of that there is a weird spyware app in the machine? Probably window 10’s fault…) I am very appreciate to guild wars 2’s GM though, very helpful.

(edited by Nikaido.6739)

Cannot log in (build56500)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I’ve tried to do a clean boot like gw2 common error code section suggested, didn’t work at all. Still getting build56500, error code 42 0 9001 4433.

I’m also under the stress that my new PC is defected, because last night while playing, my first day brand new PC suddenly scream like it’s about to explode… I had to turn it off, re-try, still the same… until today it function normal. I don’t know if this has anything to do with unable to connect to gw2. I really need to test my game and see if my PC is defected so I can return it… and now that I can’t get in the game!

Cannot log in (build56500)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


So I am not the only one. However, the problem is… it worked once last night, i shut down my computer until now, so nothing has been changed or modified. I hope the problem is on anet’s end.

Cannot log in (build56500)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Is it the problem with window 10? I’m still trying, can’t get in. I’m using wire connection as always… I never had any problems until today, please help me out thanks.

Can other players with window 10 get in now? it was working last night. (but I remember I did encounter the same message once, the 2nd time attempt I can get in the game)

Cannot log in (build56500)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I am trying to log in the game but been encounter the error message. build56500, error code 42 0 9001 4433. It say I have firewall or router setting, but this is completely brand new computer, it work last night, and today I can’t get in. I did not change any setting on my computer at all.

I’m using window 10, I hope this is not the issue.

Re-use GW2.exe/datas on new PC?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I just did what you suggested… use 7 zip, moved gw2 dat into 8 pieces into my ex-HD. I also copy and paste gw2.exe (the 64 bit one), just this two? I see other files and folders such as crash file or bins… those are not needed?

Re-use GW2.exe/datas on new PC?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I have recently purchase a new I7 computer for gw2. (because my old videocard broke down and my cpu is 6 yrs old). I’m still waiting for my computer but while waiting, I am concerning should I re-download a fresh gw2 data? which i want to avoid that or is it possible to re-use what I have on my new OS? (It’s going to be window 10).

My computer knowledge is very minimum. My old pc graphic is completely mess up, but still able to find a way to back up files to small external hard-drive. Is it safe to just copy and paste the big gw2.dat to a small external HD? (I remember these external HD cannot store one single file bigger then 4gb)

Is there any steps I can follow? I can give up on my screenshots but would like to re-use the rest of my game and setting. Doing so won’t increase any game crash or bugged right?

Windows 10

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Oh no you’re scaring me… I’m also purchasing a new computer, waiting to be arrive, it will be Window 10, so does that mean it won’t work with GW2??

Tribal Armors (Anet please!)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I know people might have bring the issue up, but I haven’t see Anet give us an answer why remove ways to obtain this armor set.

I’m really looking forward to get the Tribal Vestments and Tribal Walkers. The design and game data are there, can Anet just unlock it again?

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


My PC has been crashing a lot lately, especially these few days. (Ever since they launched Raid)

This has never happened before HoT. Now I can crash even in Lion’s Arch. And most boss meta events…. this is unacceptable. Please fix it.

Why reduce overload Air sound effect?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Why reduce overload Air sound effect? I know this doesn’t influence the actual skill effect, but sound/graphic is part of the game as well. Just like those fancy weapon skin or legendary weapons… you need good skins, visual, sound effect to enjoy the game.

Overload Air sound effect was powerful, satisfying and entertaining. Now… it sound very weak… very unfinished. Anet already reduce the visual graphic from Engi’s Ob-strike and now this?

Orbital Strike

in Engineer

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Part of the GW2 game was the pleasure of visual graphic. (Especially the spell/skill graphic) When I first noticed the skill animation reduction, I almost thought it was my graphic option setting…
(I also realized when playing Ele, attuntment swap animation got reduction too)

Anet please bring back the good fancy animation, give us an option…. for player who doesn’t care, let them tune down the graphic effect, for people who care, let us keep it! Nice visual is really part of the game.

No sound Dreamer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I can hear the sound sometimes if I flip the character from the screen. (Like character facing the monitor while shooting The Dreamer) We spend so much time/effort/cash to craft this bow and now it’s bugged. Please fix it soon.

(By the way, there is ZERO people around me when I use my Dreamer… and sound don’t often come out, so I’m pretty sure it’s the problem on anet’s side not our sound device).

North Wind collection error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


This is clearly an error, if you check wiki, the double warhorn section is suppose to be the tempest loop.

At this rate The North Wind will never be able to get. Please fix this soon!

Mistward armor shouldn't be soulbound [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


This is completely ridiculous! If this is going to be soulbound, then why allow light/medium class to work on the collection achievement? I too, was hoping my Revenant can use it, luckly I only wasted two pieces on Guardian (which can also use the heavy armor).

Your toons can accidentally achieve the collection (world boss, skin unlock etc.) The rest of the exotic items from collection are account bound, I don’t know why is this soulbound, must be an unintended bug.

Please fix it soon Anet.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


In the HoT story, “In their footstep”. One of the frog NPC, Scout Acan, he is NOT responding.

I’ve seen many other experiencing the same issue. I’ve waited for one day and still no fix. Please fix the bug, it’s blocking serious story progress.

TP is bugged again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


TP is STILL not working. It work for 5 mins then when I try to listed items, the same old error message pop out.

[BW3] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Rebound – the base healing is way too weak. Either make the duration longer or dramatically improve the healing effect.

Frost Aura – this aura need some improvement to work with new skills/trait lines. Damage reduction should be 20% plus giving this aura a % to freezed enemy.

Flash Freeze – Recharge time should be shorter…. or give this shout a % to “freezed” the enemy (matching the name and make up the lost of FrostBow).

Ice Bow Skill 4 after 29/09 patch :c

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Icebow – Ice Storm work well with Water trait Piercing shards, I also think Ice Storm make up the lack of good water dps in game. It was a very good conjure weapon, control/chill and damage with small heal (?). I still use it after the nerf for the sake of liking the skill, but I can clearly feel the huge damage reduction, all thanks to the terrible balance team.

Signet of Humility Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I noticed Mesmer elite signet of humility is bugged… the duration is shorter then 10 sec, I’ve test it few times, it just doesn’t last 10 sec.

Irenio/Roy appreciation thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


When I see a title like this…. I don’t know which annoyed me more, the unnecessary over-nerf? (with unprofessional attitude) or a buffoon thread title like this…. people outside elementalist class might think we love being sabotaged.

Shatterstone is op now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Watch out! Those balance team may not know you’re just being sarcastic! If they nerf shatterstone next time we know who to blame.

If they can add 1 sec cripple or chill before the actual stone explosion, it might help us to hit something. (or make shatterstone aoe 3x bigger)

Rune/Sigil bugs after Sept 29 patch [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I also realized (6) is not working on my Mesmer, no swiftness at all. And someone mentioned rune of air too? Sigh…. Anet!

Over nerf on Ice Bow?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I agree with Thrag, you said everything in my mind. The whole Ele class mechanic on Water attuntment is very poorly design. There are damage boost but never really a good water dps, there are healing, but those are very weak heal. Ice Bow were meant to balance it, Icestorms work so well with Piercing shards trait, and Ele SUPPOSE to deal strong AOE damage regardless of PvE or PvP. If they want to nerf IceBow just because of the popularity, I’d say how about just “do not” let anyone else beside the caster pick up the additional weapon, keep the original dps. By reducing “50%?” dmg? plus even reduce icebow’s ability to hit only 3 targets? I didn’t watch the link but a person mocking fun of Ele players? Who’s the balance team here, are they approved by GW2’s creator? They might as well just tell us they don’t want us to use IceBow anymore.

Rework glyph of lesser elementals

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I use Glyph of Lesser “Water” Elementals all time along with the elite Water Elementals in PvE. They are… ahumm… mediocre, but I personally don’t like the rest of the Elite skills and I like extra allies to help out in PvE. They can be better, but I don’t think Anet care too much. If its possible…. we should summon two lesser elementals with the same recharge time and all. While the Elite elemental should last until it die.

Quartz Crystal cannot be charged after reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I just tested…. the recharge take “2” days to reset. I charge a crystal on Monday before reset, it didn’t work until today Wednesday (1:55pm Toronto time). It still wasn’t recharged last night (Tuesday) after reset around 9-10pm. So I hope someone can test it or maybe anet secretly fix it. I will test again later tonight after reset.

Quartz Crystal cannot be charged after reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I charged 25 Quartz Crystals and was trying to charge another after game reset. It didn’t response. I wait for another few hours almost until next game reset, still didn’t response.

Is this is a common bug? I know its one per day but I already wait after game reset. It’s making me impossible to craft my vine backpiece, please fix this soon, thanks.

Brazier of the Sunless "no smoke?"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I believe there is a bug (or a mistake) on Brazier of the Sunless. Among all the Sunless weapons, this torch is the only one without any black smoke effect around it.

I don’t know if this is intended or unintended but it’s worth mention it. It doesn’t make sense all other weapon have the special effect except this one. Hopefully Anet can fix this.

Tempest Beta Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


1) Water Globe: I find we need to add a following skill to blast the watery orb before it move too far away. (Like guardian’s scepter skill)

2) Overload animation: Earth one look very awkward… Water one could use a bit of work too.

3) Rebound: Very bad design… either re-design this or seriously buff it. (I’ve suggest to make this skill a more Ice/Water theme elite in the other thread)

4) How about giving Elementalist a chance to deal chill damage? Can add that in one of the Tempest grandmaster spec.

Rebound suggestions/improvements

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Somehow it didn’t always function correctly either. Very bad design. Anet should completely redesign this spell or just seriously buff it.

We have Air/Fire theme elite in game. Why don’t anet make it an Ice theme elite…. something like gain Frost Aura for 10 sec, recharge your next 2 or 3 skills 25% or 50% faster. (or only recharge your healing + water spells). That would be much useful. And just rename it to one of the GW1 Water Elite spell name. (Such as Mirror of Ice or Icy Prism or something).

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


Yes this is unacceptable. Everything is locked and blocking the LS reward process. It feel very harsh to see all the achievements you work your life with got reverted back to zero in one update. Its a bug for sure, they will fix it, we need to prey they won’t take another few months.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I think Anet is incompetent… to repair a minor mistake they made months ago. They created a 10 times, or 100 times worse bug. Now all the LS stories achievement are gone, I almost completely my luminous set, just one little ring and I can complete, now gone! Other achievements, collections are all gone…. if they will need another few months to repair the mistake, I think we should all just ask for refund for our hard earn achievements plus our efforts and time-wasted in the game.

Dodgy Crowd achievement bugged!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


To further explain the bug. When I play the game, if I got hit by wind-walls or sand pools, I WILL lose the dodgy crowd yellow icon.

But when I successfully dodge everything and complete the story. The yellow icon just keep staying there without giving me any reward. I complete all my story achievements in groups, it shouldn’t affect it because that’s how I got the rest.

Please fix the bug, this really block a lot of rewards people could have earn.

Hero Panel Dye Preview Failing [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I’m very tired of this bug, I changed my color from time to time, especially when I been buying those gemstore expensive dyes. This dye bug really is annoying.

I do noticed the only character that hasn’t been affect by the dye bug is my Thief. Weird enough. (or when you create new toon)

"Chill is ____ now!" thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I know I’m a bit old fashioned. Back in Guild-Wars 1. Chill (from Water Elementalist) is fabulous… long chilling duration, very decent crowd control. Winter’s Embrace even act like tormented condition in Guild-Wars 2.

Nowadays in Guild-Wars 2…. Chill doesn’t even deal any damage, and the duration is very very short. (At least under Ele’s dispose) I keep on hearing Chill is strong, but does it comparable to bleeding? burning? tormented etc. It doesn’t even have any damage, and now Anet further nerf Chill. Spells/Sigils/Skills that inflict Chill all have longer recharge time.

In GW2, we have a lot of condi-remove! Plus a lot of leaping, dashing, movement buff, or spec to prevented slower movement condi etc. I really don’t see how Chill is OP at all. Anet buff every condition while nerf Chill? The intention is just bizarre.