(edited by Niodyne.7085)
Showing Posts For Niodyne.7085:
Bauble Checklist for W2 Z3 (Storm Top)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
They’re probably just rolling the SAB updates into the Sept. 17th patch. No need to waste any more time on it, just patiently wait and see what we get then.
You can use dodge-jump where he gets stuck.
Bauble Checklist for W2 Z3 (Storm Top)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
I’m pretty sure that’s a re-used asset and there’s no way up there.
Did you guys fully check the ice song maze?
Bauble Checklist for W2 Z3 (Storm Top)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
For that last gatekeeper, I would check for another invisible teleporter behind gatekeepers we’ve already opened. I doubt there is anyway to physically climb into that room, so it’s likely a teleporter.
Bauble Checklist for W2 Z3 (Storm Top)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
Maybe you found this one (you didn’t list all the secrets), but… Area 3 when you bomb the wall that drops you from the top of the 750 bag shop, hold forward and land on the pillar, climb around, and you can bomb your way into the secret bear area. Pretty sure it counts as a secret.
/edit Yep, got all the secrets without opening that door you’re unsure about (I’m fairly certain I didn’t have a game with that open anyway)
(edited by Niodyne.7085)
I used this guide to find a ton of dig locations in world 2 zone 1: http://imgur.com/a/YuELG
750 bauble bag: W2 Zone 3, right after the first checkpoint… not too hard to find.
The Zone 2 song opens tons of walls with long bars across them (wind comes out of some) in Zone 3.
That down arrow is ominous.
I’m almost 100% done with zone 1, but I could definitely use a hint on this tunnel!
Same issues. I checked all the old W 2-1 bauble dig locations and only found 1 bauble box.
Two you mention.
Looping around to the left of the first alligator area – dug a lot, found nothing.
Going right instead of left at that alligator area – a bauble box near a hidden waterfall.
Jumping off the bridge that’s after the first set of alligators onto a platform – nothing anymore.
One more high up after the last alligators, but I only dug like 5 times – nothing.
Dropping down before the long bridge to the raft, nothing anymore (dug ~30 times everywhere in that area).
I found other areas in W2 that surely looked like a remote, secret bauble location, and usually ended up with nothing.
Tried twice: Bugged 2 floors down from top the first time, worked the second time in Easy mode.
Will Arachnophobia become account bound?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
The stats have been removed (they still do exotic level damage and have a sigil of night) and they are not account bound.
You can put it on the TP or select the stats and soulbind it. Also, they disabled the MF recipes for these.
(edited by Niodyne.7085)
Suggestion : Tribulation Mode Legendaries
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
I’d say make them SAB legendaries, Like legit SAB item legendaries, and by that I mean the actual SAB items but with special effects added to them all.
EX: bows and guns shoot baubles, staff shoots mini birds, etc, give some 8 bit sparkle around everyone with 8 bit swipes and foot falls and the noises etc.
I’d love to see SAB legendaries, but if they do it they should totally be SAB inspired entirerly if you ask me, don’t confuse players with it.
I’d love to see this. Show off the hardest SAB accomplishments inside of SAB.
Will Arachnophobia become account bound?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
I guess I should have put what I was referring to in the original post, updated it with the quote in question.
@Viral That could work too. I guess I’m feeling a little better with keeping mine (still not sure if I want to use it or sell it).
(edited by Niodyne.7085)
Will Arachnophobia become account bound?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
So, I was thinking, all Legendary weapons have PVT stats, right? So the only thing the comment could refer to are harder to acquire Exotics. Arachnophobia seems to be in that category.
Perhaps the Halloween recipes will make a stat-selectable item that can be placed on the TP, and the existing ones will be tradable before selecting their stats? I hope this is it.
(edited by Niodyne.7085)
Will Arachnophobia become account bound?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Niodyne.7085
They mentioned that some special MF items won’t get account bound after the MF changes, and I’d like to know if that includes the Arachnophobia (and The Crossing). Perhaps someone could just clearly outline what will not get account bound?
/edit Text in question from blog post:
“The only exceptions to this rule are in some high-end weapons that will still get the ability to select their stats, but will remain tradable.”
(edited by Niodyne.7085)
I tried it. There was no counter for his army, just his health bar. He did have an army with him though, which I killed When he got to 0 hp he shouted the “death chokes on me” line and restored hp to full. Couldn’t tell if any of his army had respawned right before he restored his hp.
If this is how it has to be then, PLEASE remove all minor traits that make you apply conditions whether you want to or not. I don’t need my character replacing a Necro’s 30 second high damage bleed with a 3 second low damage bleed, because I can critically hit.
Hmm the volume being sold is too high for them to be story rewards. This also isn’t one of the items that really fits into the category of underselling by a ton after crafting, and they are less than half the cost of similar/same-tiered jewels.
I noticed there are a large amount of certain embellished jewels selling for way under what it costs to make them. I know some items naturally do this, but these wouldn’t act like that, because they make valuable rares and can cost an ectoplasm to make. So, are there certain droppable trinkets that salvage to embellished jewels or something? Any help?
This is my biggest issue in the entire game. The only reason I haven’t talked about it, is because I figured it would have already been discussed to death. I hope the devs really take a critical look at the camera system and improve it so I can properly see the awesome content they’ve created.