Showing Posts For Nirosu.1453:

Traps: Great utility, messed up traits.

in Ranger

Posted by: Nirosu.1453


Arenanet probably just wanted a weak trait tree for traps

Flanking Frustrations

in Ranger

Posted by: Nirosu.1453


An interesting solution would be to make flanking more rewarding by slightly buffing the bleed for flanking and adding a nerfed bleed for not flanking.

Crafting and Drop Rate Fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nirosu.1453


Definitely agree. I believe that gear should really come more from crafters rather than random drops from mobs.

Please remove drop caps for farming the same monster!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nirosu.1453


This really does need to be addressed. I know it is meant to stop bots but the time before drops get reduced on avg should be at the very least 200 minutes. I also think it should be a bit more visible as well, like you know how reduced the drops are from that mob type or whatever.

Player to Player trading

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nirosu.1453


Interesting, what about a middle ground solution. Keep the 5% listing fee but if you are online when your item sells then the 10% fee isn’t taken out. Along with integrate a player to player direct trading into the trading post. Say another section that you can input player name and it opens a trade with them if they accept and trade through that.

How exactly does "Secret in the Swamp" trigger?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nirosu.1453


Rumor is that Scholar Taryn is the trigger for the meta event starting over. Which is when you go through her dialog she’ll open a portal and spawn a demon. Supposively if the event hasnt triggered in roughly last 3 hours this will trigger it. However the swamp event has not triggered in the last 5, going on 6 hours on my server so i have a feeling Arenanet either bugged it last night with update or the trigger is something very stupid that someone hasnt done in the last 4 hours.