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Strongest 1v1 Class

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis.4753


What is the strongest 1v1 class other than mesmer ? Please don’t answer stupid answers like “4 signet burst thief”, “100b warrior” or “power based rangers”.

Could you please give the build of the recommended class too ?

(edited by Noctis.4753)

Thief reroll to 100b warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis.4753


Since thief is going to be the worst class in pvp now, I wonder how many thieves will reroll to the “noob slayer” warrior with the combo bull’s charge/bolas + fenzy + 100b.

I have seen several high ranking warrior rank 40+ using this “noob slayer” combo against another high ranking player and it actually works.

So, will this “noob slayer” build be popular and viable in pvp again ?

Class tier list in PVP after Dec 10 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noctis.4753


What will be the new class tier list in pvp after the dec 10 patch ?

Tier List Key:
S = Superior (OP tier)
A = Average (strong)
B = Below Average(weak)
C = Terrible (delete/reroll toon tier)

Bull's charge is the worst skill ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Noctis.4753


It always overshoot the target, making your next attack hitting the air due to some unknown bug which was not fixed since release.

Does anyone even use that garbage skill in pvp and wvw ?

(edited by Noctis.4753)

Executing combo with high ping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noctis.4753


Hi, is there anyone who have ping between 250-300ms plays a hundred blades warrior in pvp/wvw ?

Do you guys experience any issues when executing the bull’s charge to hundred blades combo in pvp/wvw ?

Hundred blades warrior in WVW

in Warrior

Posted by: Noctis.4753


Is it worth playing a hundred blades burst warrior in WVW or should I stick to thief for burst damage ?

By the way, when is bull’s charge bug going to be fixed ?

Zerker PVE survivability issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noctis.4753


Is the survivability of a warrior/guardian wearing full berserker gear as bad as thief/ele (squishy classes) when doing PVE (dungeon and fractals) ?

Help me choose a class :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noctis.4753


Hi, I am quite a new player in GW2. I first started out as a thief and I found out that thief sucks in PVE, so I decided to have a change and play Spvp instead. After playing and watching matches in Spvp, I realised thief is not easy to play. Mainly due to low defence and lousy condition removal. Thus, I was thinking of rerolling.

So, I was wondering if you guys can help me choose a all-rounder class that is easy and fun to play. By the way, I have ping ranging from 250~300ms.

Can you guys be more specific when answer my question.
Example (Please don’t just say “ranger”, give answer like “spirit ranger” or “condition ranger”.)


Burst Guardian or Burst thief for Spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Noctis.4753


Hi, I am playing a burst thief now and I suck very badly in 1 v 1 situations. (Due to low defence, always getting 1 or 2 shotted by a warrior)

I found a burst guardian video on youtube which made me wonder if a burst guardian would be easier to play than a burst thief in Spvp.

Youtube Video link :

By the way, I have ping ranging from 250~300 ms. Maybe the lag is causing me to
suck XD.

Thief playable in pvp with 250ms~350ms ping ?

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis.4753


I tried playing my thief in pvp and I noticed my backstabs misses a lot (enemy keeps running around like crazy after I stealth ) and I just can’t land a proper backstab on the side or back of the enemy for maximum damage.

Does anyone having high ping encounter these problems too ?

Anyway, I was thinking that should I reroll my thief into a guardian because I heard guardian is more forgiving than thief in pvp, any advice on that ?