Showing Posts For Noein.7635:
Another day on the forums.
How many transfers from where to where did I miss?
Kazo from TC moved to MAG.
Hs from JQ moved to MAG.Those are the two big ones stackstackstackstacK$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Hs just showed up on mag last night. they did not get paid. Dunno why they came when our NA is already solid
Not fun to get steamrolled with a blob all the time during NA hours, and we felt like we were carrying JQ’s NA time some (if not most) days alongside Hard. Also couldn’t really recruit for the guild well despite trying for months on JQ, so it was a choice between BG and Mag (since TC is imploding). BG was closed, so Mag was the last choice.
TC is imploding? Do you mean just not stacked to the levels of Mag and BG?
As of 11/14/16 at 2PM CT
1st – 31
2nd – 2
3rd – 0
1st – 30
2nd – 2
3rd – 1
Thought you were trying to balance servers? BG hasn’t placed 3rd once in nearly 3 days across all time zones. LOL
Sorry, but if i have to go into PvE land to farm for a legendary (which I did, got map completion, as painful as it was), you should have to go into WvW.
Just be glad that for some reason WvW doesn’t count for map completion anymore.
I would have been against the nerf in a perfect world where servers have equal coverage.
But logging into WvW to find BG’s 10 t3 keeps + SM everyday, and spending the next 6 hours fighting siege trying to paper them is annoying. True, the strongest server can now PvD, but since in t1 all keeps are paper daily from TC/YB, it doesn’t really matter- this just helps the weaker servers take back their keeps now.
So thanks Anet, IMO this is a great change for t1.
There will always be individuals who are upset with change, and when it comes to WvW, PPT is very controversial.
Do what you did with rewards; after implementation and some play time, poll everyone and ask if they like the new PPT overhaul.
Also, thanks Anet for doing a complete 360. That was a close one.
This is a good thing. Queues will calm down after time- great to see people returning.
I’m actually happy where things are. If you’re having trouble sustaining as frontline, either beef up more or learn to dodge the red circles.
A well coordinated melee train now can sustain themselves pretty well, especially if you throw 3 guards in each party. If the melee train moves together, its hard to stop them.
The point isn’t to go back to the full melee train meta, but have a balance between the current and past meta’s.
Linked worlds will share the same queue. A map can contain any number of players from either linked world, until the team map cap is reached.
Thanks for the clarification. Good call.
Linked worlds will have lower population caps for the purposes of server transfers. We will not be changing map caps.
By linked, you mean all servers, correct?
Does this mean that servers in tier one and two are going to have their map caps cut in half, while being paired with t7-t8 servers which won’t even have anyone on the DBLs?
If thats the case, you’ll have half empty maps with queues of 50+.
Hopefully you’re offering free transfers to all servers if this is the case.
How will the queues work now? Are both servers ‘merged’ together and share the same queue or are the maps split in half (as one server is allocated 50 percent of the spots, and the other server allocated 50 percent)?
Hopefully not the former, as that will lead to extremely large queues for several servers while not even filling the map if the partnered server can’t fill their spots.
Will be interesting as TC is already queuing all maps nightly during NA. Wish they would exclude certain servers with the pairings, but will be nice to fight more opponents during NA.
TC queued all maps last night, EB was 70+.
DBBL was like 40+, and 20-30 for TCBL/FABL.
When I got off at 11pm CT EB was stilled queued with 60+
Will the linking be permanent ? Or at least long term link ?
To build a good community we need that the link don’t change every week (like eotm).
I can understand if the link have to change very few times to adapt to population, but not every weeks… Even not every month..
From the patch notes:
It’s also worth noting that the new world groupings aren’t necessarily permanent. We have the option to link different worlds together as populations shift over time.
It sounds like they will be semi-permanent at first, and will adjust them as needed. We’ll have to see how the new “tiers” play out.
I wanted to show my appreciation for all the work you’ve done going into WvW this update since there’s no feedback thread yet. The Reward track, skill balance issues, and server linking will help revive this game mode significantly (not to mention everything else).
The Provisions master ability line was a nice surprise. Fantastic!!
Thank you, Anet.
Copied from patch notes:
Since we’re significantly shaking up existing team membership, we’ll be resetting matchmaking data. This means there’ll likely be a lot more variation in matchups for the next several weeks. It’s also worth noting that the new world groupings aren’t necessarily permanent. We have the option to link different worlds together as populations shift over time.
We’re releasing world linking as a beta feature and asking the WvW community to test it on the live servers.
Proxy catas are fine IMO. One of the few ways to breach a t3 structure currently (especially in T1). Nerfing cata’s further is not a good idea, unless all siege is nerfed.
Thank you, Anet.
I have several accounts on various tiers, one being on JQ.
JQ would have to lose more than just a guild to drop to t2. Even if over night everyone left JQ, it would be month(s) till the glicko adjusted and JQ swapped with someone from t2, which in return would kill t1 before JQ dropped out. The issue with JQ atm is euro/NA coverage (mostly NA).
IMO BG is actually in more trouble than JQ. Unless JQ’s massive sea leaves, JQ will remain in t1. JQ’s issue is far easier to recruit for than BG’s issue.
The game is on life support- in all tiers. The only reason YB does so well is from a few commanders playing everyday for 6+ hours a day. Those commanders leave, YB will be right down there with JQ/BG (or worse).
For rewards,
Whatever you do, don’t reset WvW rankings. I’d be pretty upset (as would many other veteran WvWers) if my 3000 ranks disappeared.
If anything, you need to implement better rewards based on wvw rank, or at least take in account those of us who have thousands of ranks with little to show for it (other than platinum rank status)
Hi all,
This is a great thread. It’s constructive. We’re all reading it and referring to it in team discussions.
As we said in the AMA, our top internal priorities have been population balance and rewards. From this thread, your top five priorities are, in order:
1. Stability & skill balance
2. Fix or revert DBL
3. Rewards
4. Population balance
5. ScoringYes, we will take the feedback and make stability, general skill balance, and fixing/reverting DBL our top priorities. We’re not currently working on scoring and that has to be a longer-term project.
Karl is working specifically on WvW-focused skill balance. He’s looking for the wins for WvW that don’t screw the rest of the game.
We’re investigating whether to fix or revert DBL. They’re both a lot of work. These next couple days will be your last chance to give feedback before we make a decision, so speak now or forever hold your peace.
I want to reiterate that everything we work on either ships in April or starts beta-testing on Live servers in April. We’re locking down dev work for the April release soon — next up is localization, QA, integration and regression testing — but we’ll extend the deadline for WvW skill balance.
There is one thing that doesn’t need to get wrapped up into the April release: Friday night resets. That doesn’t require a Live build. We’ll do it.
Adding better rewards and implementing some of the listed items above will do wonders for WvW. Thank you.
Honestly, I don’t even care if WvW rewards are on par with the PvE junk. Just up it a bit so i’m not losing money by buying siege.
I bet we don’t pull more than about 3-5 gold per hour in WvW, and thats if you don’t buy siege.
Excellent changes. Implement these ASAP.
Rant time-
I think its a bit to late to save WvW honestly, or at least return it to the state it was 6 months- 1 year ago. These changes (along with many, many more) should have come out months upon months ago and has caused players to leave in hordes.
Working in the IT department myself, there’s no excuse for some of the bugs which have made their way past QA/feedback into production- and whats worse is that they have yet to be fixed. The current state of WvW is nearly broken.
The only logical reasons for that would be a lack of funding, developers, interest, or a combination of all the above.
WvW populations have been steadily declining for awhile now, HoT was just one of the last nails in the coffin. I feel bad for those that never actually got to experience WvW in all its glory two years ago. I remember not even 2 years ago 60+ queues on all maps in T2/T1 throughout the day.
Coming from someone who has an account in T1 – JQ, T2 – TC, T5 – EB, populations in those tiers have nearly flat lined. T1 has less players in it than T2 had 4 months ago. All timezones other than NA have pretty much died, and even NA is starting to become a ghost town with just EB being popular.
Go back one year and both T1 and T2 had large queues on all maps during NA, and queues outside of NA with T1 queuing multiple maps 24/7.
Go back 6 months, T1 had on average 2 queues during NA prime, and a queue in other timezones
Now, EB queued during NA prime in t1/t2- KT/ghost town outside of NA.
It’s a shame really. WvW had a lot of potential.
Anet, please hotfix and end this event.
Not only has this event turned WvW into EoTM- something that the majority of WvWers despise but also flat out destroyed the game for us. The duplication issue is running rampant, half the players in WvW are now abusing the golem buff and players are leaving by the bucketful.
Congrats ANet, you’ve successfully broken WvW for a week.
I’m not sure if you guys have found a new home yet, but TC could certainly use your help! Plenty of action during euro timezone. Come join a great community
We could really use some new transfers to help with nearly all timezones to continue to compete in t1! If you’re interested in t1 action, please give us a hand!
The queues on TC are insane. 5 Hours into reset and all BL’s were queued, with EB being over an hour still. Will be interesting to see how many PvE players this will pull into WvW.
I would think SoR and BG would want to save schedule whining for towards the end, as a sort of back up excuse, not burn it right out of the gate! No sense of timing.
I’d rather not have that many easy weeks, because it’s boring. But given I’ve thought this whole WvW league thing was stupid to start with, especially since the non-T1 servers have virtually nothing to look forward to, I can’t get too worked up about it either. At least TC/SoS/Mag get a break from us for two of the weeks, I guess.
I don’t think you understand. Many of us on TC, SoS and Mag, look forward to the fights and the endless blob busting action. Who cares what server wins. I’m very much looking forward to always be paired with a t1 server.
Sorry, but coming from someone on TC; this schedule is great. Mag, SoS and TC have no shot at winning the gold league, however the servers that many have rushed to in hopes of winning, which in affect is destroying lower tiers while guilds mass transfer off of them (“for better fights”) now find out that they stacked to these servers for no reason. I salute you Anet!
The supply according is gw2 flip is up to 17k now. 7000 of them listed in the past few hours.
Edit: make that 20k listed!
(edited by Noein.7635)
Yeah. Hopefully Anet isnt ignoring this situation. Guild seige is dropping also.
The difference in TCs population from when facing kitten t2 is amazing. The power of fairweathers.
For those saying its below 80, your wrong.. just today in TC we had a group of over 80 not counting the roamers in the BL.
Well i’ve been in several karma trains before on TC and today we hit 88 people at one point. The borderland did have a queue, however I know there were several others not in the zerg. So I can safely say we had at least 95+ on that map.
I know Tarinshed Coast is in need of more oceanics, especially for the league when we’re facing off against t1 more.
SBI is ticking 500+ against FA/Mag. Perhaps they have t1 coverage? Which means gold league will now consist of 4 heavily stacked servers, TC, and FA.