Showing Posts For Noobles.4325:
NA I mean when one of us is just running to a point or something, not a fight club or intentional roaming.
I love mag’s obsession of bragging about beating in a 1 v 1, when the person they beat is most likely built for zerg style not solo roaming. more power to you!, soon ill be able to write a novel worth of insults from certain mag player’s trying to brag about it
a mag thread is normally 10 pages by now :O they probably all busy pveing
SoR BL has been a blast tonight. Hopefully we give these T1 people the idea that yes we are actually in this match up.
From my (rather limited, admittedly) experience in this matchup, I think the reason why you see a lot of SoR and BG people disappointed is because DB has been running away from a lot of fights, even when you have comparable numbers. Also, I’ve seen more than a few 5-10 man teams going about their business, and SoR/BG don’t really play like that.
Take it for what you want, but that’s what I’ve seen.
you haven’t been in your bl tonight then…. plus when you put 10 acs in a tower and dnot come out ofc we will walk away
jesus sor when you have a full map zerg stop hiding in a tower behind acs
Lets just stay out of this quarrel
why we dnot want the tower, just their boddies
jesus sor when you have a full map zerg stop hiding in a tower behind acs
Soon it will all be over…sooon my DB brothern we shall escape these forums
Or we could roll the same match next week!
I want jq and sor ;o
The dragon Brand EA warrior who was soloing around EB Speldon anz area) around 8ish EST time, was curious around the build/gear you were using (if anyone from EA sees this
if you were there around that time then it might be your Nooble. =)
wasn’t me just trying to figure out who ;o , a lot of warriors in EA
The dragon Brand EA warrior who was soloing around EB Speldon anz area) around 8ish EST time, was curious around the build/gear you were using (if anyone from EA sees this
I have a awesome suggestion for EP, since we seem to out number you so much, and because of that you spend a lot of time dead. id say rename to EG Everything Gray (the dead screen turns everything gray) for the remainder of the Week
Heya TC/FA. One of the few remaining Kain here.
T3 is so dead. Even having lost thousands of WvW’ers and with only 1 major remaining WvW guild we are managing to stay in T3. This makes it clear that the gap between T2 and T3 is now so huge that there is not way a T3 server could make it in T2 without a huge bandwagon.
So maybe remember that when thinking about DB. If it was just the old guard, they probably would have been stomped back down in T3 in one week (since the reason they made it up was Kain’s collapse).Anyway hope you guys are still doing what you do. <3
if you didn’t look we was stomping T3 well before w got any transfer in ye our transfer have helped a huge ton, but we would not have been push overs ether.
TC becoming yaksbend of T2 with the night crew QQing.
I find it very interesting that DB takes the lead in Tier 2 when Red Essence shows up (aka the ex-Emperium members who transferred from JQ). Some people on my server (TC) were set on talking trash about them, saying there was no way they could help DB beat TC or FA. But the first reset after they transferred and DB was victorious. And looking to be victorious again based on the newly reset scoreboard.
I think some of the haters on TC need to speak up and give some credit to DB and the newly transferred Red Essence guild. I’m not too proud to say it. You guys are good. Congrats on slaughtering us in WvW. :-)
RE is apart of it but we have had 4 excellent guilds transfer in, all boosting our na presences tremendously.
Yeah, EA held our east keep for a long time last night, pretty much impervious to our attempts aside from a golem rush that got us through outer only to run around like headless chickens on the inner. I dunno how long they held it or if they handed it off to another guild, but they held it for a long time. I think the only point of pride is that they didn’t hold it as long against us as against YB?
YB didn’t push us much, we have stay up till one of SEA commanders get on the map, then we let them handle it. but even then we have a few EA who pull allnighters
Congratulations Maguma. You finally took Hills from us with a 10 golem rush with 6 defenders. ;D How much gold you waste trying to get it back since reset? I’m just curious.
“from us”
I find it funny that NA guilds such as yourselves take/share credit for your SEA prime times accomplishments.
Besides, the money I make off of EA loot bags is enough to keep the golems rolling in.
we don’t use these words as referring to US as a guild, but as a server. our SEA guilds put in as much as we do in defending the keeps we manage to keep. your golem rush came an awesome time, lot of our SEA players had just logged off and half our NA had just went for lunch. that being said it isn’t a excuse. when you put as much into that keep as you did unless we had 30-40 people we probably wouldn’t have held it.
mag you disappoint me, 9 golems and no omegas
, yaks has you beat with 4 omegas suicided into hills in one push.
It was a bad push, and more than half the zerg had to leave and go back to defend West Keep in DB bl :/
But yeah, finally got to see why EA is known for holding Hills~
Could’ve pushed DB out of Mag early on, but Yaks Bend kept us busy while DB was freely able to upgrade East Keep. By the time we kicked Yaks Bend out of our bl, DB got wp done already :<
pushing us sure, taking it we would have to see, we are proud of how we can defend hills, lastnight was abit boring because we wasn’t pushed. but we got a lot done with upgrading.
mag you disappoint me, 9 golems and no omegas, yaks has you beat with 4 omegas suicided into hills in one push.
mag and yaks to busy fighting each other to bother pushing us in hills on mags BL, so idk how other maps are.
why we outmanned on mags BL
not like CL does much other then drop you loot bags. only guild worth much in a zerg on yaks bend is RAM guild
we could say the same about your BL a group of 20 flipping everything but garrison, and got to inner garrison twice. we just failed horriably at taking your siege out in lords room ;\
yaks bend garrison has 1 seige for every 2 people inside ;o, I wanted your garry
we held your hill for so long, how many 3 or 4 omegas to finally get in?
GG to the DB guy who started guards on SM with 2 doors down and a wall, byebye 1k supply
we have spent weeks loosing worse then you guys lost last week, so we know all about not winning and still having fun, granted we all want to win but we all want to have fun also winning is always more fun but not absolutely needed. you guys are just use to winning in tier 4. if winning is everything to you go to a tier 1 server.
SoS has less EU then we do and not much SEA, but own in oceanic, so it should even out good, but it hasent upto today, our asians stayed up later today and handed our NA krews a max SoS bl and ebg. so we will see if our NA can hold up against SoS na, im sure we will loose it all when NA logs off and SoS oceanic comes on. but it has been fun thus far today
just beecause your loosing doesnt mean your being focus’ed. just means you probly dont belong in this tier. you enjoy being in the top of Tier 4, yet kitten about being in tier 3 know you no how the other 2 servers in tier 4 feel.
you’ll only be here for a week so why dont you go pve for a weeek then come back and run over t4 like most pugs do O.o
Someone here said we should attach a screenshot for proof…I’m sure some DB people do this, too. Oh, I’m sure the lot of you wouldn’t be tolerating this. And I apologize ahead if I sound kitten …there were 15 of us defending DB Garrison in our borderland. We held TC off for as long as we could.
It was tough, and I’m sure those in that TC zerg knows it. Surely, this guy could show a little more respect.
thats where my 3 suppply is, i had 7 when i died o.o
People keep saying that TC has more numbers then DB/Mag and at times this may be true but from what I’ve seen of Mag they run 40-50 man zergs which is far over anything TC will usually run. I’ve seen Mag groups of ~60 running on EB which brings me back to the SoR days
so many bodies being thrown at choke points I know that I’ve seen good things from BP on DB had trouble with them yesterday stopping me from taking Valley
all in all keep up the good fights hope to have many more as the week goes on!
you guys ha 2 50-60 man zergs taking both our hills this afternoon…. one dpsed a gate w/o seige..
Maybe you should go fortify something in your home BL instead.
Everything was upgraded, though Hills was recently lost there, too. I know TC’s a T2 server, but these numbers are ridiculous. I hope they didn’t dps the door over there, too.
~ Kovu
i blame mag for there fail attempt at pushing TC so it was just us vs them!
think wwhat eva is saying is you guys have hackers as we do, none of our main guilds abuse this or use it to gain anything. so get ur pantys out of a bunch report the kittener and go back to having fun.
the main guilds in dragonbrand dont aim to be the best we are fine where ever we have good fight at. and we attract guilds because we have a solid asian community
4th golem rush did the job?
Sometimes we make golem rushes that we know will fail in order to relieve pressure off of other maps. It works.
Imagine that.
i lol’ed hard, your 11 people and 4 golems are easier to wipe then 15 people and no golems. if your loosing on a map it wont help.
i do not understand why people kitten about camping the jp, its apart of wvwvw get over it,
and do you get this upset when you cn not attend aconcert in your city beause you have school or work? come on get over it
1, the easy dungeons have a grind like feel to them because they are easy, and so people dont want to watch the same cut sense 3 times aday or kill th same mob 3 times more when u can simply run past the mob. if u want peopl to do content u hav to make it nonskipable and make it feel like its worth it, IE simply putting mobs isnt wworth it, where as a boss is. and imo peopl e complain about skipping first boss in AC i think if they didnt want u to skip it they woulda fixxed that allready…
2. the reason people dont run the lnger ungeons is because the reward is the same… im all for longer harder dungeons but i wan it to feel like it s worth it. grant ther is fun in doing a diffcult dungeon butalot of us have limited tim in game so taking 2 hours in arah for 60 token when u can do 3 AC’s and get 180 and get ur set 3 times faster.
(edited by Noobles.4325)