Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)
(edited by Nsidiously iNsane.8195)
To try and keep things short and simple, I played for several months post release and had to take a break due to schooling and work reasons. I’m now returning to the game and I’m hoping to start fresh with a close knit guild and active server. My interests lie in all aspects of the game (WvW, tPvP, PvE), and I have ample experience playing in a small, dedicated group.
Some brief history on myself as a gamer in the Guild Wars franchise-
Guild Wars 1 Played from April 28th, 2005 – December 20th, 2012
I Led a guild by the tag of [PaW] in the #3 Luxon Alliance. We held a steady 10 mil Faction Rating alone with a core group of 10 players.
Organized alliance wide faction runs and GvG nights. I’ve always found myself to be more of the leader type, so organizing and maintaining scheduled events came easy to me. Team PvP was something we did on the side but I’ve always wanted to explore that section of the game a bit more.
In terms of solo skill, if it means anything, I reached Conquering Gladiator which was roughly 9,300 points within a couple months of casual Random Arenas. I reached that point around the time Guild Wars RA died down.
Guild Wars 2 Played from August 28th, 2012 – January 14th, 2013
Okay, so I played some between January 14th and today, but not enough to really enjoy the game. Therefor, sadly I do not hold many achievements. I did, however, farm WvW enough for my Commanders Badge, back when that meant something, and, in my opinion, was one of the first real commanders GoM had, even though I didn’t pursue that for long. I rebuilt my guild with most of my core members and friends that were carried over from GW1. We named it [Áí]. We had a great run! Man, we really did work in WvW, I think some of the old GoM members will remember that. That said, work and school just became too hectic and so I became more and more inactive as the weeks went on. Eventually we disbanded.
So I’m looking to come back now that everything has settled and I’m hoping to stay! I could easily remake a guild, but I thought I’d post here and see what comes my way. Add me in game or send me a PM here! Hell, you can even reply to this post and I will get back with you as I will be checking this thread several times per day. I’m fine moving to a new server for a good group.
(edited by Nsidiously iNsane.8195)
I don’t know what happens at Eternal Battleground but is like half of Darkhaven going to come and post on the forums every time they win a fight? =)
They think it makes them look good! :P
To the players of Darkhaven- I enjoy playing against your server very much. The commanders you have in EB lay down the exact same strats everyday. Its amusing!
Great job in holding SM though, your response time is very good. Several times GoM has broken into SM only to have DH rush in from behind us with 3 times our own numbers, and its always been a fun fight!
Had a lot of fun last night in EB. Thanks all GoM players for being there with me! Oh, and shout out to the AoS guild, who manned the field with 15-20 players throughout the night!
good fights so far everyone keep them up!
I’ve become very proud of the GoM server. It seems like we’re getting more activity and interest in WvW, and its great to have more even fights. Keep up the good work guys!
Good chance to reborn? The kitten?
Not many players are gonna want to jump ship and come down to the lowest tier. Especially since GoM is quickly becoming known as a Ghost server.
" GoM players are active most of the time, but there are no commanders, no commanders at all. "
I LoL’ed. Hard.
I have connections, my old guilds in gom, i speak with them all the time because we’re good friends and they tell me there are no active commanders, BUT if i was wrong then you shouldn’t be Loling so hard bud, you shouldnt be ……….
@styx such a long harash reply, i don’t have time to reply to every single point but you’re totally wrong about a lot of things
Good job using your “connections” for BP’s gain. You know what I’m talking about.
Way to stay classy Anvil Rock. Using the same exploit as mentioned before to try and bypass the outer gate and you brought 5+ Golems with you. I think it’s time to make peace with GoM and focus entirely on Anvil Rock. You reap what you sow.
Funny you should say this, because good ol’ Ronny came onto my vent to discuss teaming on you guys. Now isn’t this fun!
Really enjoying this week guys. I’ve taken a break this week to farm up for my commanders, but maybe you’ll see me here and there, leveling up my alts. Keep up the good work, everyone, and know that GoM is close to attaining the level of organization we so desperately need.
From what I hear, the 3rd and 7th tier are the most competitive. The matches within those tiers are extremely close, most of the time. I represent Gates of Madness. You’re always welcome to give us a try. 7th tier and getting our community together before we advance.
BP glitched into GoM’s Bay again? I’m gettin reports from several GoM players.
Everyone QQ’ing about Borlis… BP has a great morning/early daytime crew. At night, however, the activity goes down. AR has little to no morning/early daytime crew, but a stellar night crew. Stop your crying, learn the servers, learn how they play and the tactics they use and work around it, like I’m starting to.
Just to say, I really enjoy the small scrimmages I have against [WAR] and [Krew].
In other news… WTF is this? Lol!! Taken right after BP was pushed off our Garr/wiped at Woodhaven (with 2 omega golems, btw. like wtf.). Gave me a good laugh lol.
When that wall went down we’d actually hit the lord room with the golems, as you well saw we had to stay out there to protect them but I guess the lord tried to come out after he killed those few players that charged in through the busted wall anyways.
The Garrison attack was a roll of the dice for us anyways, but we had some problems when we ran out of supply and you guys still had some 7-800 in there, and we were running out of things to attack with the golems!
And it was fun fightin you guys, hope you don’t only play this late at night cause it’s not my typical time!
We had 640 supply when you guys backed off. We were well prepared for that fight. I gotta say, my entire guild had a facepalm moment when we realized NO ONE repaired the walls on Hills, and you guys just busted through without any real opposition. Here we are, upgrading bay, preparing garrison, attacking Redbriar, and suddenly I see our Hills turn green. I bout flipped.
Oh no, we’re on various times of the day. Overall, I had a fun time against BP. You guys didn’t zerg down everything, my guild and I got to scrimmage some of your smaller groups. Best part of tonight, though, was when 4 or so of the [EDGE] guild went to take the Vet Wurm and I came up behind them to mess with them. They chased me back to Bay gate where the vet guards and myself had a fun time picking them off. They got me eventually though. Stupid of me
In other news… WTF is this? Lol!! Taken right after BP was pushed off our Garr/wiped at Woodhaven (with 2 omega golems, btw. like wtf.). Gave me a good laugh lol.
Impressive force for a wood tower.
This prompted guilds like SoS to stay in your backyard, until you finally conceeded with the nonsense. You asked for it.
Can you provide me a link to where we were so boastful? Thanks.
I’m aware we have a zerg. All servers do. How many times do I have to say this? We don’t use our zerg to spawn camp you for HOURS at a time. That’s the difference. So go ahead and take your pictures if you’d like.
We have been using “small group tactics” pretty much the entire time we’ve been in AR. We had a zerg of maybe 20 or so in BP the day we took 2nd, but that’s all I’ve heard of. Could be more, totally possible.
Yeah because 10k crits on a ranged attack is fair and balanced….
I dont care if the enemy isnt in full exotics, anything that hits for 20K needs a MASSIVE nerf.
Warriors are durable, versatile and hit the hardest of any class in the game, luckily I can see them unlike the thief but that doesnt mean they are balanced whatsoever.
You’re just one of those players who want to QQ about anything you can’t beat, I can already tell. Because, if you could beat it, why cry about it?
“I don’t care if the enemy isnt in full exotics, anything that hits for 20k needs a MASSIVE nerf”
Look at this from both sides. If Anet nerfed warriors so that they couldn’t hit for “20k” against a level, say, 20 with masterwork gear, that would also nerf their damage against level 80s with full exotics. Does that sound fair to the warrior players?
No, it doesn’t. Now, what Anet COULD do is give those players below level 80 exotic stats, at the very least, defensive wise.
Warriors do hit hard. We can be extremely mobile. We can be very durable. But all our “hard hits” can easily be countered by good players.
GoM players have been too stupid to take a back path out of spawn, they wanna fight you right out front. Gaaahhh. xD
In most cases you right. in this match-up not so much. why? Free badges. just mark them with aoe and run back to guards, watch them die then pick up there loot. repeat. or even better stand in the invulnerable zone and wait for them to charge you..
by all means keep feeding me err i mean spawn camping. yup really stupid to be able to collect 12 badges in what 20 seconds..
That’s great! lol I know the feels. Players should continue to play for themselves, by all means, but do so in PvE. WvW is a team sport, and the players are every individual on GoM server. Like or not, I believe if you join a server you should do all you can to better it. And people either need to step up and lead on a map with no commanders, or listen to suggestions when they are made.
That said, I’m not speaking to you specifically, because those badges can be used for siege, which DOES help the server. But to the players that just keep fighting out there… Smdh.
@Nsidiously iNsane
It’s the same for every server…
It’s not because you odn’t see it, that it doesn’t happen. You even said it yourself : In our borderland, we have a Zerg taking everything back. In your borderland, you also have a zerg. You said it. It’s the saaamer thing on every side. BP have the same Zerg in their borderland.
Anvil Rock have small assault team too, ask BLZK or what ever is their name, specialized in this. BP also got small team. I don’t understand how we are Zergiest the any other server?
I really don’t see your point Insane, it like you are whinning just to whine.
Yesterday we attacked GoM BL, then we got stomped by a Zerg and they spawn camped us. Same thing as you said we did. Every server does that. A zerg just pushed the ennemy to spawn, they don’t have anything else to do then camp there? They can’t leave BL, so you attack back. That’s the right tactic.
Stop trying to accuse other server of things everybody does. You aren’t any different then us.
Whatever logic you are trying to spew has been disregarded by your horrible grammar and spelling.
From what I understand, GoM players spawn camped you? I’m sorry dude. It sucks, doesn’t it?? But obviously we’re not doing it enough. Our bl is constantly being taken over by green and red, THAT’s how I know we aren’t blocking you in. Now, when GoM can’t ever push past the tower outside spawn on AR map due to the same zerg pushing us back, THAT’S when I say there’s a problem. You guys can go wheeeee! and get through our entire map, but only with your zerg, golems, and 4 rams per tower gate. So, don’t blow it off as “every server does that” because in truth, THEY DON’T. There will always be zergs, of course, but how you use them will determine how the other servers view you. People tried to come at me because I said I lost any respect for AR. And this is why.
Okay, let me clear things up. I never once said that GoM doesn’t zerg. All servers do it and its got its place in WvW. But all I’m seeing at AR Borderlands is us (GoM) pushing for the tower, getting it, having AR treb down the walls from Hills, AR zerg rushes in, caps tower, then proceeds to spawn camp us for the next 3 hours. You guys have a single zerg jumping from BL to BL, swarming over everything like ants to a candy apple, and it seriously irritates me. We have small strike teams on BP and AR. When we cap something of yours, its normally not because of a zerg. We have a zerg that caps back our BL and stays at Eternal, thats about it. And you know what, I’d be totally fine with you guys jumping your zerg around, because thats a fine strat, so long as the spawn camping stops. I do my best to prevent our server spawn camping you, AR, and having your 20 or so push our 10 back to spawn, where we proceed to drag some of your dumber players into the range of the legendary defenders and snipe down the others, gets old. lol, and GoM players have been too stupid to take a back path out of spawn, they wanna fight you right out front. Gaaahhh. xD Once I get my commanders. Soon, AR, soon >:)
Okay, look here. I play warrior. Its been my main since beta and its remained my favorite class to play. People who QQ about 100b or “30k chop chains” listen here:
100b requires the warrior to land a cc. Bring a stun breaker. And condition removal, because we have a lot of ways to immobilize you.
These “30k chop chains” also reduce warrior mobility. In fact on the third attack of the axe auto, the warrior strikes 3 times and can’t use another skill during those swings.
The warrior can be seen as “overpowered” but he can be one of the most easily countered classes in the game. What makes them amazing is that they have so much utility and so many different paths on weapons they can go… People need to learn to find ways to counter classes, and stop QQ’ing that they are OP, when they really aren’t. Imo fighting something I can’t see is OP. But I stopped whining about that a while ago. I looked up thief build guides, figured out what was killing me, and devised ways to counter it.
Furthermore, Whiskey and Mere, that 19k crit in the video that he got there at the start… Its against a thief who isn’t even level 80. The poor kid doesn’t even have exotics lol! The 2nd crit, the 20k, also against a squishy who is not max level.
Also, look at this warrior’s hp. 18k?!! He’s running full berserkers. While his damage in a zerg is exceptional… He isn’t as mobile as a warrior should be, his hp is way to low, he put all his utilities into adrenaline, and he’s playing against kitten players. Literally. Dude skip to 4:50 in the video. The thief came up to get him and put some decent damage, then left to res his buddy, only to get downed right next to him. lol.
Against the level 80s with exotics he was critting what I crit for, 10k. Warriors aren’t OP.
Hey Borlis Pass, [CS]
I just want to congratulate you on your ability to 10 vs 1 a level 3 Ele in the EB jumping Puzzle. I mean, i walked past you guys with the intent to just do the jumping puzzle but clearly your might had to be shown. I really was impressed with how fast you took me out and proceeded to T-Bag my little Asuran face.
Glad to see PvP etiquette hasn’t evolved past Halo.
Hey Derako,
I was doing the puzzle at GoM borderlands last night with my lvl16 mesmer, so I’m at the first key and this AR guy comes (BLTZ guild or something like that). All the while I’m thinking, should I pull him down or wait and see what he does. So he comes, takes the key. I wave at him. He puts a portal, gets his buddies up, and one of his buddies comes and knockes me down. Then they kept chasing and trying to kill me. So yeah, all servers have baddies.
When those guys were gone, a guy from GoM, from your guild, comes and goes past me and waves. I wave back and we do the whole JP together. So yeah, I’m sorry but you’re gonna get that kinda of behavior from every server. Although 10 v 1 I think it’s just silly to attack. 1 person poses no threat to 10.
On the other hand though, tonight we got a WOTA member, from GoM, using the invulnerability exploit. He would get in there, wait til we were gone, start hitting camp and yaks. Then people would get there he would go to the same spot. Over and over again. Lame huh?
I’m so glad [Áí] is making a good impression to different servers. Makes me so proud of our wonderful guys and girls :’)
Every server has a zerg and pointing fingers to oooohhh you have a zerg and you’re pwning us….and then adding “I lost respect” is just the pot calling the kettle black. Just get that zerg you guys have and zerg the zerg……or take a long walk off a short pier.
Facts are facts. I’ve yet to see/hear of a small AR group inc. All I see/hear is AR ZERG inbound. I’m not hating on zergs itself, but when thats the only thing a server seems to be capable of doing… Makes me a sad panda.
I’ve seen had the pleasure of scrimming 2 of your smaller groups so far, though. Gotta say.. You have some really shiesty thieves
Funny. I know for most of the day in EB we have been outmanned, and still were holding our own for most of the day there. Don’t really know whats going on in the BL’s. Running a few 5 man tower defenses out there. Definitely a zerg taking SM, but then again, there were 3 different colored “zergs” in that castle.
EB is where the PUGS tend to go, because its different and more fun. Your organized zergs are bouncing between the 3 borderlands. Consider yourself “in the loop”
Anvil Rock in first?! Must be due to transfers…! :P
Congrats to AR. That said I’ve lost a lot of respect for you kids…
When we took 2nd last night, we did so without a zerg. There was a zerg going on EB, but on BP, Anvil, and GoM, we had smaller strike teams. Rethink your tactics. Zerging has its uses but its pathetic when thats all we here at GoM ever see of you.If all you ever see is the Zerg ball then things are going right. It’s what you don’t see that should worry you mwahahahaha
Cute, but you and I both know AR try to keep 20 or so defending while the rest of you zerg down the other maps. Dropping 4 rams at each tower gate, regardless of it being upgraded or not. Keep it up though and you guys can go up a tier! Once GoM gets the leadership a bit more established.. Well, I can’t speak for the server but [Áí] I know will be coming for you!
Also what is it with the [TCMM], [War], and [xxxx] players constantly trying to 1v1 or 2v2 the [Áí] guild? Do you guys have a hard on for us? trololo
Anvil Rock in first?! Must be due to transfers…! :P
Congrats to AR. That said I’ve lost a lot of respect for you kids…
When we took 2nd last night, we did so without a zerg. There was a zerg going on EB, but on BP, Anvil, and GoM, we had smaller strike teams. Rethink your tactics. Zerging has its uses but its pathetic when thats all we here at GoM ever see of you.
(edited by Nsidiously iNsane.8195)
And on another note, is there a reason you kids on BP are trying to mess with us? You guys should be hitting AR, cutting their point income. They took your lead, not us.
Seems like AR has picked their game up. Nice job ya’ll.
But is having a large zerg on 2 maps really needed?
Great work to everyone on GoM tonight. Keep this up, all you other commanders out there. We hit 2nd tonight, now lets continue the climb.
My guild has had a blast this morning holding the land we did in BP, and an even better time giving you guys over at AR borderlands a headache we hope you won’t soon forget Great job to AR defending Bay the way they did, though. Lucky most of our members had fallen asleep at their computers!
Special thanks to all the guilds that collaborated with the [Áí] guild tonight. Teamwork. That’s what I like to see for GoM!
I will be online tonight from 7pm EST – 4 AM EST. I will also contact the others who have yet to post here and inform them of the meeting. Message me in game @ Nsidiously iNsane.8195.
First thing everyone here needs to realize is that we do not want to rush this. Do not give this idea a premeditated completion date, that is probably a huge reason it has failed before. We need to do this right. Yes, we can have 3 different set times for a meeting. I am mostly a night player, online between 8pm – 5am EST. These past few days (and this weekend) I have a break from work, so I can be on anytime. Lets try for a meeting tonight. Anytime, doesn’t matter. Or early tomorrow morning.
[KBD]will try and help in any way. We are by no means a large guild but do our best to be organized in WvW.
What is the first step in gaining communication when players from GoM enter a WvW map? Use a certain voicechat, IRC channel, something else?
Can offer a ventrilo or mumble server for use or can setup a IRC chat channel like another guild did for GoM at launch. We are also willing to join other guilds communication setups whether voice or forums or whatever.
Passing out now from too much candy corn, but Tommorow night, tuesday [KBD] will make contact one way or the other.
What he said ^^^^^^^
We need a 100 person dedicated WvW vent server with lobby, war room, guild rep. channel and a decent admin.
Will buy if needed and nobody has one already. Let me know.
I agree, and thank you for the offer. However. We’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves, let’s try to keep an even head and not add too much to our plate here. Getting all of the “leaders” of each guild on one vent/ts/mumble is our first step. I realize that we have work, families, and such to deal with.
Can we plan for a meeting this coming Friday?
HAHA! Yes, it was a vent server. xD
Yes, and let’s all remember that our matchups will be screwed up as long as free transfers exist, so let’s not bail on this when we have a really bad week.
I’m not as naive to think that we’re going to always have guilds that fit well into this idea, but the ones that are here now are hopefully here to stay. When things get rough, we’ll remind each other that it would only be worse without this alliance. lol good point, though.
Might I ask…. how you expect to communicate with other guilds on this server strategically without an alliance? Map and team chat are great and all, but we can do better.
As far as being “outside that alliance” I’m not quite sure what you mean. Any guilds, or even the individual players, such as Foxinstrazt.4920, who are interested in forming a line of communication with other like minded guilds (or individuals) will have taken the initiative to read this thread, as I and my guildies have gone through several different zones on several different occasions and asked for support here.
I was wondering who was doing that work lol. I was in GoM at the time working with a SF commander to attempt to get our Garrison back. Yaks. Yaks everywhere. Lol they were NOT happy.
But certainly, this won’t be a weekend deal, I’ve already met with [SoB] and spoke with one of their leaders. Great group of guys, definitely a group of people we will have fun with. I’m aware some of you know each other, but I think a formal meeting is the first thing in order. Raist I’m gonna pick on you and volunteer your vent, as you were kind enough to post it for the server to see.
All we need before we meet up and discuss this is an agreed meeting time.
I am absolutely astonished by the feedback given here, everyone.
I believe the best thing to do at this moment, is get the leaders of each guild on a single chat, and work from there. I have no problem inviting you onto our vent or joining one of yours for this meeting. Regardless, Tuesday night I will mail you all my guild’s vent info.
I’m ecstatic, I look forward to speaking with each of you.
I would like to point out the fact that if you wait for Anet to “fix the system” we will already be several more slots down in the rankings, which will possibly decrease server population more.
Now, if I am missing something, I’m terribly sorry, but the alliance that I saw trying to be set up beforehand failed because they didn’t give the individual guilds within them any recognition. That is why a few of those guilds left, or so they said. Furthermore, while the ones who ran it were very skilled tacticians, they had an “elitist” attitude, which by nature will turn a lot of people away.
We will be professional, friendly, and capable alliance with commanders who can not only make effective calls, but know when and how to accept another’s advice/input.
A good leader knows how to lead, a great one knows when to follow.
Raist, I understand exactly what you mean. However, this post’s purpose was to inform the community and receive a response from those interested. Since [UO] and [UBEC] have already responded, I’d count this as a success.
Having an alliance of guilds would mean that we have communication. Not just for this week when things are rough, but for the weeks to come. And communication has EVERYTHING to do with WvW. The server is in fine shape to START an alliance. The two guilds listed above are proof that we have a community wanting to improve.
I’m well aware that we need off peak coverage, and I’ll turn my attention to that as soon as we have established a form of cooperation and communication. You need something to build off of, and asking right now when the server is in a rough spot ensures that I will receive a response from guilds that are loyal to this server (which is one of the main things we here at [Áí] are looking for).
As for the population I agree. We need a larger player base in this server. However, that comes from server reputation (as both a strong competitor and a community). As I said before, our reputation is not what it should be, but we are here working to change that.
I appreciate your input, and I’m not claiming to know as much about WvW as you by any means, but I can see what needs to be done, and I’m doing it, for the good of the server.
Hello everyone, some of you may know me, others may not. My in-game name is Saint Nisidious, and I the founder of Ábsolute ínsaníty [Áí]. What started as a goal to build a simple PvX community guild has turned into a near insane ambition to bring our server back from the ashes of its defeat. I can say, with my entire guild backing me up, that we need a structured, friendly, capable alliance built, and we have to build this from scratch.
Lately the odds have not been in our favor. There was the case with the hackers, who gave our server a horrible reputation, thus causing many people to leave, and then there are the handful of larger guilds that have left us (you know who you are, filthy traitors), thus weakening our WvW presence drastically. It seems that everyone on our server is tired of these unfair fights and disorganization but none want to do something about it.
Well, here we are, giving everyone interested an opportunity to make a name for themselves in GW2. What I’m proposing is an alliance of sorts. I’m aware that this has been done before in our server. I joined them on a few of their adventures, and it was effective. However, the way they went about it left the alliance very unstable, and it collapsed (I won’t go into detail). WE CANNOT MAKE THAT SAME MISTAKE. There will be no “leader” of this alliance that [Áí] is attempting to create. There are commanders (not just the guys with the “commander” title, either), and there are the theorycrafters (such as myself), and each of them would be working together for the benefit of our server. There is the zerg, and there are the smaller groups, both of them are of equal importance. That’s all this is about, guys. I want to see us succeed, and this is how we will do it.
If you need any more info or agree that action needs to be taken, feel free to shoot me an in-game mail at Nsidiously iNsane.8195
I look forward to your message.
I can see that everyone here wants to do something. Well then, let’s do it.
We need to band together and build an alliance of guilds. We need everyone on one voice chat system. We need organized groups within each guild.
If you’re interested in building this, pm me in-game at Saint Nsidious.
I had actually met you today and spoke with you back and forth (Saint Nsidious) and had made plans to speak later this evening.
I want everyone to know that the Ábsolute ínsaníty [Áí] guild is not leaving this server. We love it here, and we want to see it succeed. Further more, this is NOT just talk. As stated before, I spoke with Oss earlier and will hopefully be getting together to make plans with him soon. We’re taking action, and we need everyone else who wants to succeed with us. We want to create something from nothing. I can see this server rising if we can manage to get some cooperation in here. I will be posting my own thread, as well, much like your “Calls to Arms” here, Oss. I will see you in game.
Everyone hang tight, something big is on its way!
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