Showing Posts For Odinens.5920:
Nobody “spies” on BG. It doesn’t make a difference. Plus they have commanders that stream real time while raiding. Just go to Twitch to find out where that blob is and pick the spot you would like to fight and be rolled over.
40+ fps?!? You should feel lucky. Most people during 3-way blob fights in SMC on reset night are lucky to get 15
lol, 250 or 2k, doesn’t matter. I have 2k+ proofs of heroics to shell out either way.
You’re funny……
not really.
Why is everyone still using ts3?
Because, if you take the time to learn all the ins and outs of TS3 you’ll see that it’s much better than you think. If you’re just a regular player hopping into a channel then yeah, you don’t really notice anything, and think maybe discord is easier to use. You have a whole lot of control as the “owner” of a TS server tho.
Also, I want a good VoiP program, not a good social media platform with VoiP.
Because those people got all the stuff by now, and don’t care how long it takes everyone else to get it, since they got it 1st.
Watched someone kill an Oakheart with a ram the other night. Funny stuff.
But, all those red circles are pretty…
On a serious note, I’m pretty sure FXLEACH knows what he’s talking about. I run with his tag all the time.
All that needs to happen is to make it so chests don’t reset every week. Vets still get their stuff faster, and new players can at least see the silver lining, by actually finishing a diamond chest now and then.
Good for you, I’m proud of you, but you still haven’t answered MY question – do you, or do you NOT want more people playing WvW?
Do I need the rewards, no, but I am NOT most people. MOST people new to WvW are going to look at this reward system and how long it takes to get anything as a new player and not even bother.
It’s items ment for players that spend a lot of time in WvW. And maybe have spent hours a day for years doing mostly WvW.
Surely there can be no harm done having very hard to obtain items for those players?
For the rest there are tons of weapons and backpacks from pve raids, fractals etc etc that the WvW:ers rarely put in the time getting.
So, basically you’re saying rewards are for vets who have been playing for years and are fine, and everyone else should just get their stuff from PvE content. Sounds fair…..
/end sarcasm
Is not having the WvW shiny somehow putting you at a massive disadvantage in your gameplay to someone who has it?
No huh?
Then either invest the time, or go find something else that makes you happy. Life’s too short.
You may want to research my previous posts on this matter. All I’ve been doing for the past almost 2 months is WvW. So I HAVE been investing the time, and guess what, I’m still not even rank 180.
The reward system is fine for all of you who have been playing for years because you barely have had to put any effort in to get thru diamond and get max tickets every week. Meanwhile, you want new people to come to WvW because the number of players has dwindled the past few years, but you tell them the rewards are for “us players that have been doing this for years. Go do PvE.”
Which is it – do you want more people playing WvW or do you want them to go do PvE, because as it stands you won’t get many new players with this reward system either way.
New players can barely get to platinum.
If they got rid of the weekly chest reset guess what – because of pips you vets would STILL get thru diamond chests faster than newer players. The only difference would be that the new player would actually be able to GET the reward from a diamond chest eventually.
You vets need to stop being snowflakes and make up your minds – do you want more people playing WvW or don’t you?
It’s items ment for players that spend a lot of time in WvW. And maybe have spent hours a day for years doing mostly WvW.
Surely there can be no harm done having very hard to obtain items for those players?
For the rest there are tons of weapons and backpacks from pve raids, fractals etc etc that the WvW:ers rarely put in the time getting.
So, basically you’re saying rewards are for vets who have been playing for years and are fine, and everyone else should just get their stuff from PvE content. Sounds fair…..
/end sarcasm
While I don’t agree that the T2 armor and weapons should be tied to crafting, I believe the bigger issue is the reward chests. If these didn’t reset every week I don’t believe there’d be much complaining.
It’s still going to take a newer player longer to finish out diamond, due to pip acquisition, so I don’t really understand why they need to reset every week.
I was finally able to finish the plat chest for the 1st time just last night. I don’t see me being able to finish a mythril chest by the end of a week for a very long time, which is kind of disheartening, since WvW is all I’ve been doing for my play time for the last almost 2 months.
Does anybody know how the ranking for 1-up 1-down is determined? According to, Jade Quarry had a lower final score than Yak’s Bend but YB moved down. Either that site is wrong or something else determines the ranking. Is it victory points instead of warscore?
That site is wrong. YB definitely did not beat out JQ last week.
Sorry, I couldn’t explain myself better this morning. I was in a hurry trying to get ready for work. So, let me start by making this clear – I don’t have an issue with how long it takes, or the requirements to acquire the T3 gear. It’s just like the legendary gear…something I don’t plan on being able to get for a long time.
My complaint is regarding the T2 gear, and let me explain why -
Let’s look at what it takes to acquire 1 of the cheaper pieces -
1 – 2 gold; not a big deal. I think that’s actually kinda cheap
2 – 250 Memories of Battle; again not really a big deal. These are easy to get, and can even be purchased on the TP
3 – 175 WvW skirmish claim tickets; now we’re starting to get into one of the harder things to come by (see below)
4 – 3 Grandmaster Armorsmith Marks; this is my biggest complaint and the hardest to do (see below)
Skirmish Claim Tickets – being a new player to the game and even newer to WvW these are NOT as easy to get as veteran WvW players may assume. 1st, you have to spend your initial savings just to buy the recipe for the mark and THEN the recipe book to be able to get the mats to even make the mark (what kind of nonsense is that anyway?!?). You may ask why this is hard…..I’m rank 136, and have yet to get thru platinum. New players don’t get a whole lot of these claim tickets due to the nature of this almost non existent PIP acquisition low rank players receive.
Grandmaster Armorsmith Marks – This is my biggest complaint regarding this system;
1st – you have to have a crafting profession high enough to make these. Now, a lot of you will say “well that’s not hard to do,” and I agree with you, BUT it takes a lot of gold, mats, and time to do. Guess what that means – you now have to spend time doing stuff outside WvW to get to that level, and do you know what THAT means? That means new people won’t be able to spend the time in WvW acquiring those already previously mentioned almost non-existent skirmish claim tickets.
2nd – ok, so you’ve gotten armorsmith to 500 and can make ascended gear….YAY! But wait, let’s look at what it takes to make the marks now……wait a second! Are you seriously telling me that making regular ascended gear and making the T2 ascended gear from WvW share the same time gated account bound mats?!? Guess what… you have to decide which route to go. So ok, let’s decide – new WvW player comes in able to make ascended gear, which let’s face it IS a goal for most people, and figures out that the obnoxious amount of time it takes to be able to acquire a full set from WvW is probably at least double what it would take to make a normal ascended set….hmmmmm, wonder which route they’ll take.
Anet needs to change this. I don’t agree with making them a crafted item, and if they have to be then introduce a WvW crafting mat specifically for the gear, or something. The way it is now is pointless, and it will turn players away from WvW, which I’m guessing is the opposite of what they were hoping for.
Keep in mind, this is from a new player perspective. You guys that have been here from the start I’m pretty sure don’t have to worry about this stuff.
Is the 2k rank minimum for the FINAL REWARDS gonna turn people off? Maybe,…probably..GOOD.
But it will give people that are dedicated to the game mode something to look forward to.
And it may encourage other people to try the game mode and realize they love it.
As such. I STRONGLY disagree with anyone attempting to lower the rank limit.
If this seems super out of hand for you and turns you off from the game mode. You weren’t going to stay there long anyway.
Really? From what I understand there was a way to cheese the system at launch of this game that allowed people to gain butt-tons of ranks.
I have said this before….I have only been playing WvW since around 2 weeks before the patch. I play 2-4 hours in there every night. It’s all I’ve been doing lately during my play time. In fact the only PvE I’ve been doing lately is to check the Pact Agents every day.
I’m pretty dedicated to WvW, and don’t see me leaving it for any significant amount of time in the near future. With that said, I am only rank 136! So, you’re telling me it’s fine that it’ll take me around 2 friggin years to obtain rank 2000 and the gear I’ll FINALLY be able to acquire?!? What’s the point? I can already make ascended gear in PvE and have already started crafting a PvE set (and I’ve only been playing this game for a few months). A few months compared to a 1.5+ years for a full set of T2 from WvW? How is that even remotely comparable?
The rewards are not reasonably obtainable for most players, and I hate to tell you, but if you guys were hoping this new system was going to bring a ton of new people to WvW, the obnoxious length of time it will take to get to these ranks will repulse rather than attract new people.
Good on you for all of you that have been dedicated to WvW for so long. It is……commendable. But don’t expect many newer players to become as dedicated as you with the reward system the way it is now.
Currently sitting at ~300. With the Celebration Booster, playing 2~3 hours a day, I am gaining 80~90 ranks per week. I mostly follow zergs and enjoy ppting and fighting. So, it shall take 6-8 months to reach 2k. Not bad at all.
I may play extra 2-3 hours during the weekends. How many ranks are ya all gaining?
If you’re getting 80-90 ranks per week you are playing a whole lot more than 2-3 hours a day. I started WvW a couple weeks prior to the patch, I play at least 3 hours a night in there and I’m still only rank 134ish. I always have guild exp boost running, and use other boosters when I have them.
I only run with zerg groups, as I’m not comfortable enough yet to be a roamer, and I don’t generally run with smaller havoc groups.
Was following a commander last night that asked all the rangers and thieves in the squad to please leave the squad, and follow the main zerg from the edges.
There is a massive thread about why this is. The commander was likely not being rude, but just distributing boons properly across the ranks. Ganking rangers and thieves don’t need the ally support that frontliners do (party healing, stability, resistance, protection, etc.)
Thieves and rangers are still valued by commanders (some anyway, some are just ignorant) but they don’t need to be in the squad.
This guy is completely right. That’s ANet’s fault and not the commander’s fault btw. Balance is pretty much non existent in this game. Thus not all classes can do everything like others.
Thieves and Rangers got the short end of the stick in WvW. They have no role to play in a WvW squad outside of pin sniping. So honestly don’t blame the commander when more then likely he/she is trying to make a successful squad that is not going to get one pushed. Because that’s not fun either.
You are correct, and I wasn’t blaming him
I’m currently playing frontline guard btw.
Was following a commander last night that asked all the rangers and thieves in the squad to please leave the squad, and follow the main zerg from the edges.
There is a massive thread about why this is. The commander was likely not being rude, but just distributing boons properly across the ranks. Ganking rangers and thieves don’t need the ally support that frontliners do (party healing, stability, resistance, protection, etc.)
Thieves and rangers are still valued by commanders (some anyway, some are just ignorant) but they don’t need to be in the squad.
This is exactly what he was doing. He wasn’t rude about it, and he explained why. Was just saying that’s probably why there are so many roaming. They aren’t needed in the main tag’s squad.
Well, in my short time playing this game, and WvW (think I just hit 132 last night?), I have come to realize that thieves and rangers, as people have pointed out already, are great for roaming. However, a good zerg commander does not want them, as they have nothing to offer the main group.
Was following a commander last night that asked all the rangers and thieves in the squad to please leave the squad, and follow the main zerg from the edges.
I’m still fairly new to this game, and have only just recently (little longer than a month?) got into WvW – about to hit rank 130 I think. I’m not complaining since I’m having a blast, and I don’t expect anything to be handed to me. If I wanted that I’d go back to that other mmo that shall not be named, BUT…………the only time I have even reached platinum was when the patch hit. Since then I’m lucky to even get through half a gold.
At this rate I’ll be able to craft my 1st Ascended piece in another few weeks? LOL