Showing Posts For OniDrake.4361:

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken just hide and follow vizuna zerg, then when vizuna engage us they try ninja our towers XDXDXD Ridicolous server ever prolly

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Pathetic thing is dat piken admit they cant beat sfr or vizuna alone, so since vizuna just focus us they chose to focus us as well.Piken dont even try to attack vizuna since they got no chance, so only way to make point is try to take free point from sfr while vizuna perma attack us.Loser tactic

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


P.S. I really feel bad for the 30 vizunah man group that upgraded Sfr garison all the night … What was the WP precent ? 80% ? -90% ?:))

It wasn’t night for them.

Keep going this way and you will be able to join the group of your buddies Wemil, Hembril, Empyre, Phoebe and co in the “Sickness caused by VS” institute of medecine.

Google “french people bad game” what all think bout french, dont be proud u win cuz sickness piken helping u, will come a match up without them soon

And you will loose as VS have far better coordination than any of us.

Good reason to help them win the league instead of focus them, clowns reborn topic what else

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


You’re missing the irony in that post. It’s, um, thick.

It’s fine if SFR focuses Piken because it’s the weaker server, but not ok if Piken focuses SFR for the same reasons

Yea so weak u need 2vs1 to have a chance to beat us, u was so strong in the match up without vizuna dat u end up 3 place.U must be all afk dat week

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


My condolences to SFR, someone mentioned in a prior post that kid is like that in maps, too.

What the excuse to 2vs1 this week? New strategy? Looking for good fight?(free cap while vizuna camp our spawn?) Enjoy ur 4 place piken, hopefully in season 2 can bring u down deep enough

no excuse we are focusing SFR. Infact you do when you call it Intentional double teaming. This is the only difference between you and us. We dont cry when we loose. besides you talking as if you already lost this match up

Yea but the reason? You just prefer french chees then european server like ur? If so at least is reason, i hate piken much like u hate sfr, so as soon we meet u without vizuna enjoy 3 place every week.
Vizuna has a reason to hate us, cuz we beat them after a year of their domination, and dat domination is end now.But Piken? what piken get by focusing us? nothing, vizuna at least focus us cuz they want first place back, piken wanna what? focusing us first week u just won the hate by all sfr for all the match dat will come

Like we care. Besides, Every time VS attacked our occupied garri on SFR border SFR always went for the hills and never bay. Hmm, interesting. You see you like french cheese too.

Kinda hard to focus 2 side when u get a 2vs1, so to take point for the thick we focus weak side(piken), too hard to explaine what thick is for casual player aiming for 4-5 place in season like piken doing, praying vizuna to bring piken out of bronze zone.

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


My condolences to SFR, someone mentioned in a prior post that kid is like that in maps, too.

What the excuse to 2vs1 this week? New strategy? Looking for good fight?(free cap while vizuna camp our spawn?) Enjoy ur 4 place piken, hopefully in season 2 can bring u down deep enough

no excuse we are focusing SFR. Infact you do when you call it Intentional double teaming. This is the only difference between you and us. We dont cry when we loose. besides you talking as if you already lost this match up

Yea but the reason? You just prefer french chees then european server like ur? If so at least is reason, i hate piken much like u hate sfr, so as soon we meet u without vizuna enjoy 3 place every week.
Vizuna has a reason to hate us, cuz we beat them after a year of their domination, and dat domination is end now.But Piken? what piken get by focusing us? nothing, vizuna at least focus us cuz they want first place back, piken wanna what? focusing us first week u just won the hate by all sfr for all the match dat will come

(edited by OniDrake.4361)

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Would be hilarious if Viz let Piken win this week, then SFR would be forced to share second spot with not only Jade Sea, but us too.

They should never ever do that, fight at 110% cos it’s the last match, but it did make me chuckle

Vizuna wont give u nothing, u just hope for second place since week 1, end up u are 4-5 now.Good deal sleeping in vizuna bed? Think not
Anyway good fight on EB vs the clown reborn guild ty for bags

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


who cares about point we are going to finish 2nd anyways ! i will just enjoy farming you … mais vous etes juste ridicule avec votre full focus troma !

And piken will finish 5, as strategy of focusing sfr

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Let’s cheer BB as well, if they win piken have a chance to finish 5 place lol

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


My condolences to SFR, someone mentioned in a prior post that kid is like that in maps, too.

What the excuse to 2vs1 this week? New strategy? Looking for good fight?(free cap while vizuna camp our spawn?) Enjoy ur 4 place piken, hopefully in season 2 can bring u down deep enough

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


As soon piken lose third place 2vs1 is fine

Week 7 - VS / PS / SFR [Grand Final]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken strategy bring them down to 4 place in season, let’s see wich excuse they find to 2vs1 us this week, maybe new strategy to end up 5-6

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken opportunistic way won 4 place in season 1 gg

22/11 VZ/AR/PS [EU Premier League Round 6]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Im vizuna so i stay here

As long as no one understands what you just said (And i honestly didnt ), you can stay

Ty moderator Bleed

22/11 VZ/AR/PS [EU Premier League Round 6]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Im vizuna so i stay here

22/11 VZ/AR/PS [EU Premier League Round 6]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


/Cheer Vizuna piken buying second place @first week risk to reach 4 place now gogo

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken will have his revenge @last week, well have revenge in season 2, this never gonna stop, since piken justify the 2vs1 saying is tactic.Well justify the revenge as a tactic as well.
If piken come third this one, wanna see wich tactic they will use doing 2vs1 with vizuna again even if they lost already.They will prolly say is new tactic to not end up with 0 points, in case vizuna/sfr ally vs piken.Trash server

Nah well do it just to annoy you as youve probably taken a week off work or called in sick just to get your so called REVENGE seeing as you take it so personally its a game but im glad you get really upset about it that you have to post here continually about how piken did this and that I personally dont worry about PPT i worry about how many kills i get on the field. But what you will probably do is not play week 7 and just post trash here like you have done all week. I would continue to take the kitten out of you but nature already did that.

If u just play for the kills and not for the win then u are casual.I play to be first in any game i played.But we know already piken is casual pve server,much more since pve desolation move there w

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken will have his revenge @last week, well have revenge in season 2, this never gonna stop, since piken justify the 2vs1 saying is tactic.Well justify the revenge as a tactic as well.
If piken come third this one, wanna see wich tactic they will use doing 2vs1 with vizuna again even if they lost already.They will prolly say is new tactic to not end up with 0 points, in case vizuna/sfr ally vs piken.Trash server

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


I just wanna make something clear because alot of piken posting in this thread seem to be oblivious to this fact the whole entire reason sfr are acting like this completely focusing piken square is due to the behaviour of piken in the first week of league except in this matchup we fulfill the role vizunah had week one and riverside are basically doing what you did. As far as sfr are concerned after this week is over we forget about week one and justice has been served u understand now exactly how lame it is for a server to play like this but you are the ones who started this trend. Although i fully expect piken to repeat this in the final week as some sort of wierd logic revenge and the animosity between our 2 servers may never end but i hope piken can reflect on their own actions and understand why sfr is acting this way in this curent matchup.

+1 but im sure last week they will play again with vizuna even if they lost already

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Wish to be piken they must be happy of wiping 2 blob and winning the week,nvm they hide in their spawn

OMG another signet warior with berserker set just found WvW and think that he is special. This is out of control sorry for that PS.
Please accept our apologies.

Yea sorry piken for ownage

spawn camping of any kind by any server is bad form, sure you can do it, but it is still bad form, gloating about it is possible even worse

Dude we doind the same u did to us with vizuna the same! U just blind and say is bad but u did dat 24/7 first week, why cant admit it

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Wish to be piken they must be happy of wiping 2 blob and winning the week,nvm they hide in their spawn

OMG another signet warior with berserker set just found WvW and think that he is special. This is out of control sorry for that PS.
Please accept our apologies.

Yea sorry piken for ownage

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


All we changed is welcome pugs and train them, like vizuna did.Truth is u eating the dust and u cant do much than stay afk at spawn waiting friday

Wish to be piken they must be happy of wiping 2 blob and winning the week,nvm they hide in their spawn

what do you expect if there’s a blob that is twice our number and has everyone on ts is at the doors of our spawn, while we have litterally no one in ts. did I already tell you you outnumbered us twice the entire afternoon/morning?

not to forget SFR’s great tactic: “dont attack RS because than RS will attack us and we might lose stuff that we have from PS at the moment”.

SFR, if you think you’re so superior to us fight wise, VG will be in your home borders tonight with 20 to 30 players. come in even numbers and we’ll talk again.

All this dont attack RS come by first week, when u did the same with vizuna on us, so u got payed with the same money, eat dat and try to be fair next times.

(edited by OniDrake.4361)

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Wish to be piken they must be happy of wiping 2 blob and winning the week,nvm they hide in their spawn


15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken just use others servers as a “card” calling it strategy like vizuna used them vs sfr.Too bad riverside “card” dont ally with u this time.

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Wonder why sfr just focus piken

It started with RG moving from Piken to sfr, to fight Piken first time we met.
Then I guess it spread like a virus.

Most like piken help vizuna win the league and 2vs1 us on first match up

If they got any help it was from you who dident attack them.
It was Anza, Speldon, Mendon 24/7.

Keep this up, like u did nothing

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Wonder why sfr just focus piken

It started with RG moving from Piken to sfr, to fight Piken first time we met.
Then I guess it spread like a virus.

Most like piken help vizuna win the league and 2vs1 us on first match up

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Wonder how piken feel to thick 60ish u got the good fight u looking for or not enough? start to pay vizuna for last week

No need to pay anyone, sfr will focus on Piken only like always.
Easy match for Vizunah.

Wonder why sfr just focus piken

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Wonder how piken feel to thick 60ish u got the good fight u looking for or not enough? start to pay vizuna for last week

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Awesome fight going on, it’s not 2vs1, it’s like u did with vizuna to us on match1, normal fight we never 2vs1 piken with river piken dont flame we look just for good fight and catapult invu wall


15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


I hope SFR have noted what happened to Jade Sea last week when they had a 25k point lead on us.

We are not jade sea not gonna happen XD

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Week 1 u performed nothing XD 2vs1 isnt a prove of force, only perfomance u had is build 10 cata @klovan on invulnerable wall and sleep in vizuna bed


15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


They want to prove a point in this match and we are here too

We prove already we can beat anyone playing fair, u just beat us by 10k point on a continue 2vs1 24/7 week, and u prove urself helping them u just dont point at first place like we got after a year of vizuna domination.


15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken doesn’t cry “double team” … we welcome the extra lootbags/fights.

We watched SFR claim that in the first match of the league when it wasn’t happening. It made them look a bit silly.

Welcome the third place too in season, and on this week u will taste the revenge for helping vizuna and double team us 24/7 first week

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Sfr just looking for good fight like piken always said they looking for, good fight going on on piken keep in EB


(edited by OniDrake.4361)

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


So far so good spawn camping piken in EB, sweet revenge going on


15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Sfr will just focus piken so helping riverside, like piken help vizuna win the league at first match up.

1/11 PS/ER/BB [EU Premier League Round 3]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Im from BB…Just saying we could do like piken, team up with stronger server to get points we would not get if no play 2v1 others.So we could just ally with ER and beat piken like piken always do to get free points.

1/11 PS/ER/BB [EU Premier League Round 3]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Well. i jus dont get what piken want, not first place for sure since they help vizuna, but for sure not second place as well, since if piken/sfr will end up with 27 point, piken will still be third cuz of rating i think.

1/11 PS/ER/BB [EU Premier League Round 3]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken will just win 3 match, leeching first and last match with vizuna, and losing to vizuna and sfr alone, so end of season: Vizuna 35 Sfr 27 Piken 27.So the piken leech from vizuna will bring them down to 3th place np for sfr.

1/11 PS/ER/BB [EU Premier League Round 3]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Piken got 8 points cuz they just double team others servers, if baruch and elona would do dat on piken maybe piken will start play fair /cheer BB ER

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


heres some facts

PS has attacked VS MORE than SFR has

SFR has attacked PS MORE than any other single focus by either team

SFR is loosing because they are 73% focusing on PS and only 27% on VS this is why they are loosing


PS is losing (you are second not first) because we have taged them. We are 2V1 against PS.

Dude when I talk about 2v1 is EB map. Bring those stats. I think you fliped Durios for the 1st time last night, with our help.

I’m not braging about our achivments against PS in EB map, because you are realy bad, we don’t deserve any credits for that. You are so bad in the map and, that we can defend from VS, an flip Anza and Mendon’s with easy.

In terms of VS point ofview its beter not to attack your map, they only go for SM, or open fights with you.

PS: I can’t play atm thats why I’m replaying to this kind of “things”.

You forgot to say that Piken cant cap free towers with vizuna blocking our spawn, piken also catapult invulnerable wall and use catapult for gate instead rams XDXD

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Eb not so big? the spawncamping from vizuna on us trying to defend own keep from piken happen there too,and piken still fail.Piken will have their cry time too soon dont worry

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


We took a year to take over vizuna, try to do the same, improve urself, indeed we punish u since u 2vs1 24/7, waiting just for a match up piken sfr bringing u down the league u deserve, bronze 0 points

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Viz you rly wanted to get ur Hills back ><
For Piken: pls Explain me “We only search good fights” and “it’s natural to go for a weak target”
Neather blobbing in our Part and wiping all the time nor attacking a fully sieged hill for hours does match in any way with these sentences.

But it was a really funny day. It was just like:
piken at our tower, viz on north hills-> piken going for north hills…viz just leaves when they saw them and went to our spawncamp->viz going for south hills->both wiped->viz going for north hills,piken going for tower
and this since 3pm without taking anything till about 8pm … not even our spawn camp!
Double Teaming? No way!

But thank you for 20x full inventory and 50 bags next to my ac at every engage

00.00 we breach piken bay vizuna in front, piken engaged us behind as soon we gone for vizu (happen 24/7 always) dat the good fight piken looking for, trying to wipe us with the help of vizuna,and they still fail 90% of the time XDXDXD cant stop laugh

(edited by OniDrake.4361)

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Broxigar u just dreaming, Piken winning their own.
Every evening on EB piken try to take keep and vizuna block ourspawn with 30 golems, but u just drreamind broxi, they not even 2vs1 once, just 24/7
Nvm Piken took Umber they hit vizuna as well


(edited by OniDrake.4361)

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Who keep deleting post? this forum boring already

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Get serious, just had duel with vizuna and piken try to avoid vizuna skill and just hit me XD Piken u just getting used by vizuna, and u wont reach second place anyway, u will feel the pain as soon we match up u without vizuna cant wait for it.Babysit by jungler will end soon

(edited by OniDrake.4361)

Piken Elite

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


w/e u just got used by vizuna, pray for second place it’s kinda for loser since a winner would try to reach first place, cant wait to get piken match up without viz for revenge, we will hurt u a lot

Piken Elite

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Must be bandwagoned yea, not piken/vizuna walking on eachothers not using skill

Piken Elite

in Match-ups

Posted by: OniDrake.4361


Sfr Vizuna Piken going on, it’s a continue 2vs1 piken blob just pass by vizuna and viceversa, 1 blob attack north gate other the south one, same for towers.
Kinda unfair, but just want to share something dat make me laugh so hard XD
Try to win ur own and pray next week vizuna will be with u again and use u again for they object enjoy the bronze league action on the pic now XDXD
