Showing Posts For Pack Hunter.6103:
Its QQ because Waaaaaayyyyy back that used to be the command to quit some popular game(Might be warcraft, but don’t quote me)
I’d collect skins if I could swap them out as i pleased. And I mean more than one use per skin. Kind of like the achievement skins you know?
I think the change was…excessive. Dailies should reward you more…Even I agree with that and I’m barely a casual
My only problem with this information….I’m getting married the 12th and will be on my honeymoon >_>
Melandrus Resilience. I loved sitting in the lava, being set on fire and crippled and still regenerating health and energy. Gosh i loved being a ranger in guild wars 1
lol the cutscenes are crap.
^opinion, just saying. I enjoy the cutscreens
I disagree with all your points. I didn’t even know Dulfy existed until this thread, I’ve only looked up some Vista’s on youtube when I’m really tired or feel like getting to the next are quicker.
I’ve never had an issue with disconnects, that may be related to your pc/internet connection.
No one is forcing you to care about achievements you know. If they annoy you why do you care if you’ve killed 327/500 ogres?
As to “forcing you to play”…You choose to care about the rewards they are “time gating”, so you are forcing yourself to play. No one from Anet has a gun to your head telling you to participate. I hardly ever participate in that type of content, to the point where I’m not sure what you are actually referencing but I understand what time gating is.
On question though…what insta kills are you talkiing about? I haven’t run into any and I want to make sure I know what I’m talking about before I try to discuss that particular point.
tl;dr: Not having fun anymore? Stop playing. I’m glad you had an intelligent well thought out post though. Most people just whine. Maybe Anet will see this, maybe not. You tried.
No, they’re not fun. But finding ways around them is. That’s why I love shields on my warrior. See an abomination widing up to send me flying? Shield Stance. Or dodge. Or shield bash.
I see what the OP is saying. He’s basiacally saying that in a lot of situations condition/boon removal is pointless because it will be added again in a few seconds. Like fighting a warrior in PvP. There is zero point in cleansing bleed because next time he hits you it’s reapplied.
And I agree too. It’s nice to have those constant ticks eating away enemy health but it makes cleansing/boon removal a bit less useful. I don’t have any condition removal on my warrior because the options I have don’t regen enough to be more useful than another banner/stomp
I personally hate those picks, i find the animation greatly annoying so I dont want it, but im glad its only a bug for the people who like it. Maybe I’ll get the bone pick if its true and if its not annoying
Recursive argument to avoid proof. /bug it and let it go. I dont believe you, it doesnt make sense from a programming point of view
Why…do I not believe you? Also, this goes in bugs if true
Can someone post a video of the new one? I dont have that pick or know anyone that does
Someone helped me, thanks
I need some help/advice here. I’m a level 80 warrior and Ive never had an issue with an enemy until this mission. I can get to the end but the Risen Spider Lord whoops me everytime. I have lvl 80 gear(masterwork not exotic) and I can’t do it.
I’ve noticed that I get more look from group events when im in a party versus not, but I’ve only been in one party in an event I’ve never done solo so that’s not a great statistical sampling.
I agree, we need a mixture of both and more numerous mobs. I like the times I accidentally backed myself into a corner and im fending 6-7 enemies off by myself. It feels to have to think and maneuver properly.
For example, as my warrior I try to keep all mobs in my front quarter because I can easily see them all and hit them. This way I can time my blocks and dodges properly. Whereas a single touch enemy is much easier to deal with for me.
tl;dr I feel awesome-er when I fight 6 mobs as opposed to one with 6 times the toughness
There are hundreds of permutations of height, race and gender to deal with, I’m not surprised some didn’t come out perfectly. Report it as a bug, include that pic and they should fix it with a future update
tl;dr — We’re not even paying subscription fees! Why are people complaining about content in a (after you pay a flat price) free game?
Some people’s kids..
I’ve spent about 150€ on the game box and gem store so far.
So can I complain now?
Exactly my thoughts as well. He sounded reasonable until he said the word “kids” and that totally blew it. I think he’s probably in his twenties and that’s being generous.
The thing that gets me is it’s not that it’s not fun to play, it’s not that it’s not a beautiful game with lots of potential. It’s the misdirections we’ve had to deal with, the dishonesty, the not receiving the things we were originally promised in this product.
And sure they’ve apologized in an unofficial interview with no marketing to bring this to the customer’s attention however, when they apologize to try to win back the trust of those of us they’ve disappointed and then turn about to continue down the same exact path they were on before the first time a disappointment was released, that doesn’t exactly give us any choice but to complain about that behavior.
Case in point, “Play how you want to play”, yet dungeons and WvW give significantly MORE of the ascended materials than the open world events do. They can’t blame that cutoff on the bots this time.
See my point?
But you can still play the way you want. If Ascended gear is your sole goal then go do dungeons and WvW. If you like PvE, start a new character/go for full exploration/ect, if you like PvP, play PvP, you’ll get what you need for the new tier of gear sooner or later. I’m not sure how this keeps you from playing the way you want to.
Well… lets look on the bright side:
- Anet implements Tier Exotic +1 gear that will bring Competitive PvP into a serious imbalance.
- Tier Exotic +1 gear is impossible to create, because it requires ridiculous amount of materials.
- Nobody makes ascended, so nobody needs to get them, cause if nobody has them, PvP won’t be imbalanced.
On top of that.
- No more reason to play, since Ascended was ment as their newest stick/carrot.
- No more GW2 full-time job (aka. grinding), time to go play a real game.
Then leave, no one is making you stay. If it stops being fun…It is a game after all.
I’ll preface by saying I don’t post here much. I mostly just lurk around, watching other what other people say about the direction of the game. Well, I finally want to add my input.
I don’t mind the way the game is moving forward. In fact, I like it a lot. I’ve only played a few other MMO’s, but I find this one to be my favorite. Actually, this is the only game I’ve been playing since I built my computer earlier this year. I’ve been having so much fun with it, the only action my PS3 sees is for the occasional movie.
Here’s where it gets sour. I absolutely loathe reading all of the “hate” topics towards the devs now. In my mind, I can’t actually understand why people are complaining so much. Maybe this game is everything for you? I don’t really know. I want to say, as this being my sole entertainment (videogame wise, and that counts for a lot) for the last 6 months, I love it.
I do get a little ticked at the quick rate of some of the content, as I don’t have as much time as I want to play. I do have a more than full time job, and a family. I suppose it helps that my wife also plays. But, it’s not a massive deal! Sure the AP are a big thing to get, but I don’t get terribly mad if I can’t get them all in the time allotted between releases. I move on. I play more of the game. I’m at 702 hours played and 3,510 AP, I just got my second level 80 geared, and I don’t see myself slowing down any time soon.
I do have an interesting proposition. If any of you haven’t watched The Guild season 6, I strongly suggest you take the time. It’s a short youtube series/season. I’m sure, beyond the humor, it might actually be what this team goes through on a day-to-day basis. The negative opinions these people have to wade through everyday affect them in some way or another. It can’t be good for their morale as team.
Anyway, that’s how I feel about the current standing of the community, as I’ve seen it change over the last few months. Time for me to go to work. Have a fantastic day in Tyria!
tl;dr — We’re not even paying subscription fees! Why are people complaining about content in a (after you pay a flat price) free game?
Some people’s kids..
I agree, completely with this. It’s just a game. It baffles me the extreme emotions that it seems to evoke in people. You’re supposed to have fun here, that’s the point right? And I, personally, don’t like feeling like I have to go to the forums and have it out at the devs of a game. I quit the game before I do that and move on to something I actually enjoy. I’ve done that a lot in my life.
+1 for a reasonable post.
I’m in the eastern time zone, I.E. GMT – 5
That’s a…disturbing thought. I’d like the dev to weigh in on this one. I like loot bags usually more than weapons/armor because I get mats in them that I don’t get from disassembling said weapons/armor(If anyone knows of a way to get, say, venom sacs from from weapons pm).
I only ever care if I get 3/5 or 4/5 dailies or I notice im a hair away from like killing x enemies with x weapon. Otherwise, I just have fun
So…any halo game that doesn’t have a Halo in it needs to be renamed? And dark souls? All the souls I see are light colored…so, that should be renamed “Light Souls” or just “souls”. Oh and final fantasy should be renamed just “Fantasy” because its obviously not the “Final” one, they have like 30.
Your arguments are invalid, they can name it whatever they feel like.
I love charr. Have since guild wars 1. My main is a human because…well, guild wars one. Same name, look, and profession.
Other than him, I have a sylvari, asura and a bunch of charr.
I love their aggressive, militaristic culture and direct approach to… well everything. Especially after I read the books.
I like both the trinity and the way guild wars 2 does it. I like being able to plan out a build and go play by myself doing healing, tanking and dps and sometimes escaping by the skin of my teeth and feeling like a hero.
On the flip side, I had a blast playing a healer in the SW:TOR with my friend. There is an awesome feeling to have something saying that they’re gonna die/wipe/ect and then they realize that they’re not because you are the best at what you do.
I love “traditional” MMO’s when I have a group to play with and Guild Wars 2 when I don’t. When I just want to sit down for an hour by myself it can’t be beat.
Unless its something super immature or an offensive name then no have at it .
This. Un-creative names annoy me but I usually spent 30 min on a name for mine so…
The majority has spoken.
Actually, just the vocal minority. Compare the amount of people who have actually expressed a dislike of Ascended Gear and, for example, the population of a single instance of Lions Arch and you’ll realize that most people A) Don’t care or B ) Like it. Because they’re in the game enjoying themselves and, because it frustrates you(And I understand why, honestly) you are here trying to get your opinion heard.
That said, I like Ascended gear being craftable. Is it bad for WvWvW and sPVP? That’s debatable, there are many viewpoints on this. Would it be nice for casual players or players that hate grind to be able to hold their own in those arenas? Yes, it absolutely would. On the flip side you could argue that Ascended gear encourages people who only do PVP to go and play other things to get the materials to make this gear, and the same argument for Legendaries. Does it work? I don’t know, but I’m leaning towards, no, it doesn’t because those players tend to be wealthy in game for many reasons and they can buy the materials, make it and go back. But either way, it doesn’t really affect them.
Sadly, the group that seems to be getting shafted by this is that sweet spot of PvE players that also like PvP but aren’t hardcore players that have money out the ears and way too much time. Someone like me and(apparently) the people on this thread that hate Ascended gear.
Granted, I can ignore PvP and still be happy because I actually enjoy the story and world and combat system in PvE and I can use sub-exotic gear and still accomplish everything I want to.
Ascended gear isn’t perfect, nor is it inherently evil. Merely misguided.
Edit: Silly smiley showed up
I play a few hours a day, almost everyday. I dont bother with most of the “time gated” stuff because it’s not fun. If I get 4/5 dailies fin stuff I find fun I’ll go do something I don’t normally do, get the fifth and go back to having fun. If this “time gating” really bothers you(and some of you sound really upset), then go do something fun, even if it’s NOT guild wars. Because that’s what this is about, having fun.
Now I don’t really like the idea if time gating either but they have their reasons and purposes
I like the Living Story. Now, granted, I haven’t been around through much of it because I stopped playing a while back when I moved and stuff and only just picked it up again in time for the Queen’s Jubilee. But I believe they will keep it going and expanding it like they promised. Then again, I’ve always been a patient man too and not overly concerned about this because I love the game for its whole, not just the idea of having an effect on the world.
That would be awesome. Especially if they kept it per character(like dyes). I would actually care about skins if they did that.
word is they’re also coming out with a wardrobe that’ll store skins similar to how the account wide Zenith weapons and such are stored.
I personally like a challenge. My goal is to get to level 80 without being forced to ask for help. I’ve gotten to level 67(I believe, I’ll check tonight) without serious issues. I love trying my skills against a group of tough enemies.
I do see your point though, the areas im in are nearly dead but I put that down to having decent end game content and people not making alts to replay the story.
My two cents. Keep it as is
I’m an intermediate player(no level 80 characters yet) with a good grasp in the game. I want to do dungeons and pvp but my current guild is mostly mia and focused on end game content and wont help me out. Im on borlis pass but id be willing to swap after im in the guild for a bit and its a good fit. I’m semi casual…ie I have a full time job and a fiancé so I can’t be on all day everyday but I usually put several hours in 2-4 times a week
Thank you koko! That was it. I crafted new gear, and its all good now. Thanks
What I mean is some gems can’t go in some pieces of armor. Example: I have aTopaz Nugget. I can put it in my shoulder piece, my earrings or my speargun. I cant put it in anything else. Why not?
Can anyone tell me if there is a trick to telling what gem can go in what slot? IE: a gem that can be put into a headpiece but not a chest piece and so on. Currently I just have to kinda…guess on what to buy and that’s mildly annoying. Any help?
I haven’t played in a while and when I went to play today I noticed an odd bit of behavior. Since I had like 63000 files to download I popped up netflix while I waited, and when I did my download speed went from ~5mb a second to ~200k a second. I know netflix doesnt burn that much data. Anyone else see this?
I’m looking for a guild that is willing and happy to provide their members with advice as well as events like dungeons, pvp, and to a smaller extent WvWvW. I played guild wars 1 since the alphas and im fairly good but i would like to help and be helped by a group of players. Im not lvl 80 yet. Mail me at Pack Hunter.6103 or respond here if you think I’d make a good addition to your guild. Thank you