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Question about MMR.

in PvP

Posted by: Pantoufle.9015


Hey all,

Rather new to GW2. I started playing about two months ago (had GW2 since launch and nevver played it). I rolled an ELE and life’s been good. Well……. not really. At first, I sucked. I still am not super great, but I can hold my own now in most 2v1s, many 3v1s. I only play Ele, so I’m really focusing on learning the abilities and how to play my profession well.

Because I started right off the bat learning (played a few unranked games to get an idea of how to run but then jumped in ranked), I lost a lot of games. I currently have about a 30% win rate right now. That’s becasue I’m trying to raise it. But it’s difficult. I’m getting a lot of crap teams. I find that if there’s one other person on the team that’s good, we’re generally able to carry a loss to within 50-100 points below winning team – or to pull a win by our bootstraps. I’ve made it to Sapphire and am working on t3 but it’s one win, 3 losses. 2 wins, 6 losses. I’m not complaining about matchmaking or whatnot: team setups are clear and I can predict with accuracy which team will take it as soon as I see how the teams behave at team fight. And I’m not complainnig saying I should be in legendary… I def shouldn’t. STill learning my class and all: but being able to 2v1 without going down or even stressing along with frequently holding my ground 3v1 lets me know I’m probably good enough for at least ruby/diamond.

But my MMR is low . So my question is: as a solo queuer, am I basically doomed with my MMR now a chain of losing games? Should I game the system by queuing with a TS team to win? And how many wins would I need to raise my MMR enough that soloQ is not an endless stream of losses?

Thanks for replies.

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pantoufle.9015


Here’s a question: how required is ascended gear vs exotic (celestial wise)?

Because I’m currently running a Soldier’s with your build (just what I had/new to game) and Im’ trying to plan out my gear.

D/F Support Ele Vs DD Thief or DH Guard help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pantoufle.9015


Hi all.

Fairly new Ele (hit 80 yesterday). Love playing support! Love the dagger/focus (PvP, WvW) build and the dagger/warhorn for healing fractals or other stuff and kittening around.

In sPvP, I’m starting to get the hang of it: chilling with teammates, keeping them alive. In WvW too: I was fighting over a camp in a 2v1 and they couldn’t kill me, though it was taking everything I had to stay alive. But I’m just learning, for now. Dying once a game.

But I’m having trouble against thieves or DH guardians. Any suggestions you guys have? It’s the ridiculous burst/intrerrupts they have. Or is that our weakness?

Things I tried:
-timing/spotting burst with Earth Overload or Obsidian flesh
-switching to water but not Overloading right away to bait an interrupt (though thieves still shut it down)
-putting distance between us, with lightning flash, when I need to heal

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pantoufle.9015


My Sylvari mesmer. She so purty!
