Showing Posts For Patrick.7153:

Super Adventure Box: Bomb Bug? (Maybe)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Patrick.7153


Of course it’s one of the items I forgot to buy. Thanks for the heads up

Super Adventure Box: Bomb Bug? (Maybe)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Patrick.7153


I’m currently running through normal mode in W2-3 in a section just before the Storm Wizard that involves the moving boxes and throwing bombs at cracked icicles. The problem is that when I click the bomb throw button, the bomb only goes forward towards the crack in the icicle sometimes. However, most of the time it just either moves directly down and not in front or shoots up and explodes into the ceiling in the opposite direction I am facing, like I have grown some freakish bomb throwing hands on my back.

Not sure if you know of this bomb throwing bug, but please fix it, I went through about 100 Baubles. :’(

(and no, I am not placing the bombs on the floor)

SaB or Riot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patrick.7153


It’s about that time of year again. :0)

Someone had to do it, and I took it upon myself to be “that guy”.

SaB or Riot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patrick.7153


Riot is too bitter for my tastes. I’ll go with option 3: cheesecake.



SAB or Cheesecake, why not both?

Sounds delicious and fun <3

SaB or Riot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patrick.7153


So, it’s almost that time of year where we will be disappointed about the fact we still do not have the Super Adventure Box open…

Are we gathering around like the angry bunch we are and standing outside the super adventure box for random SAB related complaining fun like the last two times?


Some Wintersday items have no timer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patrick.7153


All of the Wintersday items have about 2-3 days left before they get removed from the gem store except for the Wintersday Wreath and the Snowflake Glider Skin. Does this mean they will be available after (it will be a little weird if it is) or is it just a minor error? Anyone know? Seems sensible that they will go after the 12th.


Where is the Mac Client?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patrick.7153


My brother owns a Mac as well as an old copy of Guild wars 2 and wants to play, but we are unable to find the Mac client to download. We thought we found it on the Guild Wars 2 account site, but was re-directed to a 404 error. If this was not the client download link, would it be possible for someone to link it.


Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patrick.7153


Right, these screenshots are what I got. It makes 0 sense to me and the rest was a jumble of numbers that scrolled on for what seemed like forever. If this makes any sense to anyone, some assistance would be great.


Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patrick.7153


Ah, sorry about that. Next time it happens, I will do so.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patrick.7153


For the past month, whenever I do something like the boss train, chest train and especially Tequatl, my game comes up with this error report (view attachment). Is this a common problem with a solution? I am tired of getting disconnected out of good maps.
