Showing Posts For Peacekid.1463:
hmmm obviously hitman can u really hit? sure man im not a pro but even today when i beat someone in rank teams in rank pvps using gs/ham (u know gs/ham = bad build for wars) they say im noob…wow and u say warriors are garbage huh lol common l2p nd git gud
TBH hammer like gs/ham builds in pve,wvw,pvp is just purely for fun , but if seriously for like spvp specially ranks…BIG NO NO NO…its tooooo slow, its tooo obvious and its toooo dodge ABLE … and if fast class duels a gs/ham the BIG ?? win for ham wars…all i can say
nice and if it happens you’ll see this words " NERF WARRIOR THEY ARE OP" toinks lol
just want u guys to know TBH…warriors atm specially in pvp warrior berserkers are not reliable..very terrible..useless..utterly trash…very bad class and most of all they suck …. i hope they do something about this…give warrior a chance to hit someone without seeing this flowery words like (Immune,block etc)warriors can easily interupted…countered most skills are so telegraphed….wat more can u ask give some love make them atlist the very purpose of raw power..fearless as it sez… im a warrior a berserker warrior NOT A WALKING TIMEBOMB
ive been doing pvp from the begginging…pve atm coz warrior sucks lol ur build sure very gud..but in the end…in general they have limits…trust me (warriors are outclassed by any other class at any given position in a team fight even 1v1)
lol maybe his not its just that warriors no gud but i prefer on pve realible in pvp useless not included lol extinct
khainpride: u know man i like wat u said …warriors maybe easy to play but hard to master…yes we have those skills..we are slow…but how can we be effective warriors if we cant hit the enemy…the time u use your skills to counter them they can counter more…our telegraphic skills are pain in our kitten bcoz it so so easy to tell…plus u just said were slow…me i kill fast as a warrior but yet that was before coz now we die fast than kill fast…1v1 a gud rev a gud necro …not to mention a chrono…try to 1v1 great players trust me they say from the start can u reroll other class coz ummm warrior aint gud atm..
You HIT THE JACKPOT…. now back to topic warrior sucks
no need to i tried ur build … tried so many builds but still warriors suck atm…no offense even the best warrior or non warrior players could tell warrior berserker sucks hard atm
how can they balance cc if they cant in those other topic that u said…main thing is they shud atlist have the knowledge to estimate the duration of each skills coz if not it would not be balanced
i cant ull just kill another warrior….^_^
even trap guardian will just say hahahaha warriors sucks…u know why?simple they get hit far..big dmg …step on trap big dmg ..but warriors they hit u with wat gunflame? lol block immune uyohhooo im a guardian stay down warrior
lol warrior berserker shud be the most OP class ATM for the main reason that it SUCKS man so suck… OP= Out of place class lol … ummm do they exist in pvp?
balance maybe but even though u are so skilled any wep u use will be useless because other class ATM has TONS n TONS of so called block…immune etc… and warrior ummm i dont remember lol maybe 1?
well warrior in pve is reliable … u can do ur build but remember dont try it in pvp coz u know they suck
no offense man but in pro spvp dat build will be useless
the problem i think is the skills of the berserker its like gimick … like wildblow punch someone then wat be thrown out far for wat purpose in real pvp thats uselss
im in the roll maybe dat way devs shud participate also like (doing something) u know
like i said berserker sucks
underpowered?hmm warrior..unreliable hmm warrior…useless hmm warrior..atm it sucks warriors we now have the new king of the hill = warrior
and in return if u as a zerker hit someone big names like immune block etc just comes up lol
LOL it shud be DH tournament
cleaning of wat cant even fix warriors berserker thing how much for cleaning?
cc on other class very funny now wat would warrior do…when warrior hits someone ull see immune..block…how much time left 10 sec.. cant barely hit a rev not a elem bcoz of those skills..warrior now is dead in pvp…wats next battle of traps? aoe? full immune stability? lol no balance no entry…even if ur so skilled yet u can hit bcoz of this long duration of immune block thing its pointless to cc
oh yahh tnx.. so sad most skills of berserker look like gimmick..wildblow kitten blow etc. comon..most class if we hit its sez (IMMUNE/BLOCK etc. lol theyll just laugh about it)
how bout berserker 15 sec unblockable in all ways maybe its gud
try to realize but most skills of the berserker are gimmick … oh boy (wildblow..kitten blow lol comon) how bout they make it sustain skills that makes berserker more dangerous when active…as i remember if warrior tanks in pvp they sucks wat more if not
In league pvp or tournament it sucks kitten maybe so
Berserker shud be = tank = dps = power = sustain = fearless = most important they shud be reliable in the best situation that even kills them in the end but as of the moment they suck
sorry man … no offense but i knw u know berserker sucks in pvp ryt? just the point any build sucks atm
umm suggestion? how bout they put some sustain on a warrior when it turns berserker…like immune dmg for 5 sec
best tip…dont include warrior by any means atm.. coz they suck
(dev’s they dont do somethin about it)
bro pls dont try anything….watever u do its pointless berserkers suck in pvp … in pve they are gimmick class so pls just accept it (even devs dont do anything)its pointless
one thing’s for sure in PVP BERSERKER SUCKS (even devs knew it but they dont do nothing)
From the start they suck…till now they suck…buff still undoubtely SUCK wat more can u ask… by all means in pvp they are no where to be found u know why?Bcoz they suck and useless…funny thing? devs anet does NOTHING…like wow
WHY in the world they include BERSERKERS? this class in pvp is useless,horrible,unbelivable terrible…no sustain..outclassed in any way by other class…common from the start devs knew about this but yet THEY STILL DIDNT DO ANYTHING
same as mine…this problem is so serious already yet anet is doing nothing just plain WOW
why is anet not doing anything about this ? how can ppl play nice if the game itself cant be played nice
bfore the new so called " you can play core game for free" patch my ping is just from 60-200 now its frm 400 and spikes like so epic it reaches 1k..2k.. highest was 4.7k whats wrong with this.. fps bfore was 60 now its below 30 … is there a way to fix this ANET??? comon HoT is coming and here is a serious problem… i cant even kill teq bcoz of HUGE spikes help pls help
vaans nice gud player…but for me its alkore who stands best … 2nd is ROM 3rd tarcis