Showing Posts For Phantom.6395:

Viper build for fractals only

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Oh ok, so let’s wait. I wish they won’t forget about condition builds at all Thanks for answers man.

Viper build for fractals only

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


I have also one more question. In the build there are runes of bereserker, which giving +100 power +175 condition dmg and +5% dmg and +5 condition damage.
But rune of throns are giving +175 condition damage and +45% posion duration + you are gaining +50 condition damage when you get hit by poisioned foe.
Which rune are basically better. Both seems to be great for that build

Viper build for fractals only

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


So to be honest, tommorow they will dystroy condi necro a bit and buff power necro in some way. And in expansion they will try to get healer/support power necro from us?

Viper build for fractals only

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Explain me something. Deathly chill was causing bleeding. So how they can put it into power damage? I know there is "chill deals damage over time, but basically it’s all about bleed right? If they change it, they will ruin condition build at all since chill is one of the best chain reaction on necro.

Viper build for fractals only

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hi everyone!

I was wondering if the build on metabattle is the best one for fractals. I remember when this build was a little bit different. Only 3 trinkets was Viper and other was Sinister + there was no greatsword in the hand. Sigils and Runes was also different. Now when i eventually got viper’s trinkets i want to use a build with high condition damage on fractals and i want to use it only there, so no raids included.

Please help me to select the best build. (we talking only about condition builds, i have second necro with power staff, but a little bit boring after many years of playing)

Reaper Builds for PvE

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


"Rebirth Again" - Polish announcement

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phantom.6395


“Rebirth Again” to ?wie?a gildia w ?wiecie gw2, za?o?ona przez do?wiadczonych graczy i starych wyjadaczy. G?ównym powodem do za?o?enia gildii by?a niska tolerancja innych graczy, którzy selekcjonowali nasz? poprzedni? gildie pod wzgl?dem klas postaci oraz posiadanych “achievement points”, drug? za? spraw? by?a niska kultura niektórych ludzi.

Szukamy graczy (niezale?nie z jakiego serwera) do wspólnej gry i zabawy. Nie liczy si? dla nas twój “skill” czy ilo?? “AP”, a ka?dy cz?onek jest traktowany na równi.

WvW - gramy g?ównie na serwerze FSP, gdzie znajduj? si? nasz commander: Yorn (1000+rank). Oferujemy po?yczki graczom, którzy chcieliby si? przenie?? na ten serwer.
PvP - na tej p?aszczy?nie nie znajdziecie u nas mistrzów, aczkolwiek nie brakuj? ch?tnych do wspólnej gry.
PvE - wspólne wypady na dungi, fraktale czy nawet world bossy to codzienno?? – osoby zaczynaj?ce gr? nie zostan? zignorowane, a wr?cz przeciwnie, po?wi?cimy im wi?cej uwagi, za? do?wiadczeni gracze znajd? tu co? dla siebie.

-w?asny serwer teamspeak
-wspólne wypady dotycz?ce wszystkich p?aszczyzn gry
-guild misj?
-sympatyczn? atmosfer?
-pomoc dla nowych graczy

1. Ka?dy ma swoje ?ycie prywatne, dlatego te? nie oczekujemy od Ciebie codziennej aktywno?ci.
2. Wymagamy od Ciebie kultury osobistej, jak i tolerancji wobec innych graczy.
3. Nie selekcjonujemy graczy ze wzgl?du na klas? postaci czy ilo?? “achievement points”.
4. Wymagamy reprezentowania gildii. Jest to potwierdzeniem tego, ?e mo?emy Ci ufa?.
5. Oczekujemy (nie wymagamy) od Ciebie aktywno?ci na teamspeaku. Pami?taj: nie trzeba rozmawia?, czasem wystarczy s?ucha?.

Po wi?cej informacji zapraszam na whisper: Phantom.6395 nick: Devil Phantom

PvP condition builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hello guys i created this topic to get beeter look at currently pvp builds. I saw a lot of builds, which are basing on condions per one target, but i currently create build, based on wells, which i can apply condiotions for more than one person and also stay alive because of blinding.
Ok i have already played with this build 30 matches and i have won 27. Nice? I think so. Or maybe fortuity.. i don’t care, but it works.
I don’t wanna play which fear build anymore. Just fear fear fear, i fighting vs necro whose use that build and easy i won. First you have got to embrance blinding on my build, not enought? Then look on fear from staff and ds, then remember about dodge, then i can already apply next blinding.

Please give my a hope of this build, i very like it. But if you have small (not changing whole build) advices, please tell me

WvW condi necro.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


thank you for unhelpful advice. Noone comment build, which i made… I didn’t ask whether it pays to play as condi necro, but do you know any builds.

WvW condi necro.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hello there! i have a few questions. What is currently builds which are based on conditions?
Today i made a simple build by myself, just my happy invention. Here:

I looking for build to have fun i small group 20-30 players. Please advices, sugestions and links to currently builds.

Guardian WvW tank/healer

in Guardian

Posted by: Phantom.6395


thanks man, you advices are very helpful for me

Guardian WvW tank/healer

in Guardian

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Can you show me how traits should look like? I will be very grateful

Guardian WvW tank/healer

in Guardian

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hi there! I would like to know what you think about this build.

I combined here with the healer-tank. No I tested this build yet, but I’m going to do it. I think it will be quite tough to stick to in the first line and also be a good support act.

WvW guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Phantom.6395


i walk with “Retreat” when we have small zerg, in larger i walk with stability from “Stand your ground”

I invite you to submit further advice as to the build.

WvW guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hello guys. I am a new Guardian, which does not mean that I’m a new player GW2. I did a build created after parts of several other builds that I watched and I want to ask about its usefulness.

Looking for WvW build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hi again. Today I made a self build quickly into WvW, I do not know if it is useful. Please help me.

Looking for WvW build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


I will be very grateful for a link to the build.
My English is not very good, so every link will be helpful for me.
I can not understand everything, even with lousy online dictionaries.

Looking for WvW build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hi there!

For some time I’m looking for a build for a necromancer on WvW. I do not want power build, because I’m using this for PVE. I would like to know a good condi build. I’m counting on proven builds, but also completely new ideas.

I do not have much time to browse the forums, so I am writing this short subject.

Looking for some builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hi there!

I would like to introduce you build that I personally use in PVE:

And now a little explanation: Ruby orbs can and even recommend change to Superior Rune of Strength, which give you “might duration”, so it will be able to independently maintain 25 stacks of might.

If you are a player who depends on good fun with great dps should fall in love with this build. It’s about not much can a 5-10% less efficient than dagger build, but offer greater survival.

Laidri trial

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Here you are!

According to me this is an easier way, because you do not need to bother yourself the boss.

In the second phase of the boss requires slowing down, which makes it difficult to avoid the pitfalls, and the damage is not so small compared to me from the boss

Laidri trial

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hi there! I would like to present to you a quick way to make Laidri on the first phase. This is not my original build, but I think it might be useful to many people that continue to match the arena.

“Life siphon build” :

This build is a simple way to kill Laidri. The runes in the armor are not mandatory, but useful.

Power necromancer build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Yeah i’m talking about PVE whole time. So first build isn’t that bad?
Second build I used for a short period of time and didn’t like it.

Power necromancer build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


I always run with the golem, look at the build of which I speak, I would like to know how it is useful and if it can be an alternative to the second one build, which I do not really like

Power necromancer build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


The first build is much worse than the second one, or can it be considered as a good alternative?

Power necromancer build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phantom.6395


Hello guys. I would like to know your opinion about two different builds. First build, which I currently use it:

And a second build, which seems dmg increases, but decreases survival:

Which one is better?