Showing Posts For Phatal One.8069:

[Build] The Blackwater Mesmer (Condition/WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Yes this build is very viable. I run the same basic build in WvW and sPvP. It took me awhile to get used to it but it was worth the patience.

The changes to my build vs the posted are:
-Sigil on energy on both greatsword and sword
-Sigil of purity on pistol
-Mirror instead of Ether Feast
-Debilitating Dissipation instead of Master of Manipulation

Almost all of my changes are focused on enhancing condition removal and clone generation. With 2 sigils of Energy you should basically always have a dodge available. Sigil of purity should nearly always proc off of its’ ICD and give you an additional 6 conditions removed per minute. I like Debilitating Dissipation for the additional condition pressure on opponents vs. the decrease on Blink’s cooldown.

I have also experimented with Sigil of Strength over Sigil of Battle since the build’s crit chance along with the clones should allow Sigil of Strength to successfully proc quite often. I haven’t used it long enough to determine whether I like it more than Sigil of Battle.

All-in-all, this really is a great build and should remain viable for quite awhile. Thanks for posting BlackDevil!

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

2/8/13 EB v IoJ v DR

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

DR guys… don’t know what is up with you guys but possibly helps explain what we saw last night. Anyone on the DR side care to help us understand what we experienced?

We ninja’d your garrison and were more than willing to stick around to defend to the death. You started trebbing from NE tower almost immediately. We built a counter treb at the supply camp and took it out. We were going to just farm your tower but there was too many of you there for us to setup.

Around the same time we noticed you had 3 catas on the west wall of garrison. On each wall you stopped one hit before they were down and ran off. (To resupply I guess.) We took advantage of that to destroy your catas. Eventually your group came back. What ensued was an hour of sheer boredom. Groups would approach the break in the wall only to not push the advantage. Even with us flinging cows at you from the east supply hut no one came to take it out for at least 20-30 minutes. Half-hearted attacks on the water gate were repelled but eventually you got that outer gate down. (Once again, no one would go in to the inner!!!)

Finally the group streams in and masses at the north inner gate. Then you guys just sat there for what seemed like an eternity. By this point we were really starting to get bored but figured we’d stick it out 5 minutes and see if you’d press the attack. (It was a wooden garrison with paper gates after all!!!) The group then started to build three ballistas… understandable but still no rams or catas on the gate. The final straw for our guild group was when your group started to attack the gate with a ballista and just mill about. We decided that it was better to go somewhere else than to wait for you guys to get your kitten together.

Hopefully you regained your garrison from that whole thing because it was certainly the first time I was literally bored out of a borderland.

If the assault had been more decisive, you should have cleared us in under 30 minutes. We literally had no supply, little siege, paper gates, and small group of defenders. Hopefully you get that stuff sorted out because you could have been easily wiped had we felt it important enough to call in reinforcements from other maps.

I’m not questioning your skill or your honor so no need to get offended. I’m just telling you what we saw from our side of the battle.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Let me start off with good job maguuma from tier 5 to tier 4 again glad to be back to a more skilled tier. YAKS no ideas what’s going on with you guys , for the most part you guys have skills and today I wasn’t to impressed by you guys. Lol not going to get into the other server. You guys are dropping to tier 5 lol bottom line eBay will be back soon. From what I seem when eBay isn’t in the big maguuma could do so much better. Not here to brag but looking forward to more wvw this weekend

First, I must say congrats to Mags on moving back up to T4. Unfortunately, I do not think eBay will be rejoining you guys any time soon. We lost a number of guilds over the past week and has noticeably affected our WvW efforts. We’ll have a better idea of where we stand once paid transfers start and Kaineng moves on.

I must say Kaineng is an impressive opponent so far. We are currently getting our kittens handed to us in a way that never happened with Yak’s, Mags, Dragonbrand, and Crystal Desert. I’m hoping their off hours will give us a chance to make up ground but I strongly believe Mags and Yaks will be seeing Kaineng very soon.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Fight club in progress whiper me for location.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Nice golem rush tonight Yak’s. I must say that was very highly coordinated. I spotted you at the very south entrance of the pass between Hills. It seemed like only a minute or two for you to get your golems from there to SE gate of our garrison. Sadly we lost, but you certainly deserve props for that attack.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

(edited by Phatal One.8069)

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

I thought there were many great fights tonight against both Yak’s and Maguuma. Fights at our camps were intense and several of them in lowlands seemed to last 20-30 minutes each. Looks like we are slowly gaining control of our BL but Yak’s is still a force. It’s great to be back in T4!

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

12/21 BP vs EB vs DH vs Xmas

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

For a guild called One Vs Ten Np

It’s a pun. They’ll Ten Vs One Np you anytime :>

to the ranger who killed my treb with your pet at Hills in EB BL a few hours ago

We took a tower hoping we’d get some action. Instead what we got was siege fighting with a mesmer and thief, and your treb later. Pretty empty for a last day :<

yeah, the BL was pretty deserted when you did that. I built a treb because I could not get anyone to help retake the tower. I was on my alt at the time who happens to be a thief; So that was likely me.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

12/21 BP vs EB vs DH vs Xmas

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Good luck to both BP and DH. Even though we ran away with it you guys never gave up.

DH, hang in there. You had some great numbers in our BL but the coordination and tactics weren’t quite there. There were plenty of times we defeated larger parties because of that. Also, have to say I enjoyed chilling with Loki and our commander Goldiy the other day. It was nice to not kill everyone you come across for a change! Lastly, to the ranger who killed my treb with your pet at Hills in EB BL a few hours ago… nice work! Although you annoyed me to no end while doing it. I definitely learned that the invincible treb spot is not safe from pets!

BP, I didn’t see you guys that much while I was on. However, your server has like 2 hours of power every night that is very impressive. Hopefully your coverage improves because you certainly show moments of strength.

Good fights all around this week!

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

12/21 BP vs EB vs DH vs Xmas

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Does your sleeping giant only wake up for a couple hours a day? Anyway, it is nice to see you guys fighting hard and keeping us on our toes.


Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Maguuma is full of class, just look at how this guild and their commander stood in the invulnerable spot at the sw supply camp..

I was going to say that this is a completely valid tactic and is as funny to watch as the idiots that like to fight the home server at the cliff entrance to Godsword. However, if I have to resort to retreating back to my safe zone I certainly don’t act like a kitten while having to do it.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

Possible Bug: Equipment Damage Indicator

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

I checked, nothing in my back slot or my bag was broken and this is not the first time I have noticed this behavior.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

Possible Bug: Equipment Damage Indicator

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

It is easier and cheaper to replace the armor than bother with repairing since:

1.) My character is not lvl 80
2.) By the time the armor breaks much better armor is available on TP for minimum markup due to #1.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

It goes uncontested for a second or two every 3 mins. And nice try, EBay. You guys are not getting into our garrison.

That was a fun attack sequence even though it failed at Garrison. I really have to say CD does a fantastic job of scouting. So much so that some hunter/killer teams should really be deployed around the main attack forces to keep prying eyes away.

I really enjoyed the running battle between Bay and Garrison in the CD borderlands while you were trebbing Bay. Your hammer and anvil maneuver on our ballistas really changed the entire pitch of the fight. In hindsight your team who sacrificed themselves near the front steps did an excellent job at holding us in place until your second force could arrive.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

Possible Bug: Equipment Damage Indicator

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Equipment Damage Indicator does not properly reflect the armor I am wearing.

If a piece of armor becomes broken, I will normally sell the piece to the merchant instead of repairing it and use a spare set of armor that is either undamaged or damaged. When I do this, the indicator on my HUD does not change. The indicator will not change on my HUD until I either repair my armor or log out. I have attached a screen shot that shows my armor as broken on the indicator but all pieces on me are only damaged.


Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Just had to give props to the Maguuma thief that was able to keep my small camp team from capping Greenvale until your reinforcements showed up. You made me really wish I had wider AOE on my necro. I would have saluted you but your teammates were busy bashing my skull in…

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

Did something happened between Mag and Ehmry in the past?

Mag and EBay met 2 weeks ago with another server that was in free fall when we rose into T4 for the first time. The result was a bitter week of fighting between Mag and EBay in which they thumped us (EBay) pretty good. The thread for that week even got closed once so there is no love lost between the two servers.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Phatal One.8069

Phatal One.8069

I just spent all night in the Maguuma BL and I have to give them respect for the hours long battle with EBay over Dreaming Bay. That was an absolutely epic back and forth. It is too bad our crew is getting a bit light as I was really enjoying the fight. I’m looking forward to a good match this week.

Phatal One – Mesmer
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay