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Gunnar/Piken/Riverside - 31/5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phetid.1802


When you’ve been thoroughly beaten and outclassed by the opposition, as Gunnar’s Hold has this week, the key is to go have fun however you can.

This was the first GH ‘Mini Night’, and it didn’t quite go as well as previous theme nights – we had a lot of very low levels, a poor mix of classes, not appropriately geared, and most of us not playing classes we were particularly comfortable or experienced in playing.

Despite this, and getting mugged constantly by VII (props to you guys – seriously good players) we had a great laugh. It may be contrary to those that take their WvW seriously, and lots of us do too, but I would highly recommend a night of levity once in a while. Seeing a mass of Asura running around would bring a smile to the saddest of faces.

Thanks to the Riverside group on centre island that cheered and bowed us – we appreciated the acknowledgement. It was our intention to come fight you but we had to rush to Bay to get wiped!

We did actually take some targets, we did actually wipe a few groups, and we sowed the seeds for future mini nights. We need a few more guardians and warriors next time!

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Gunnar/Piken/Riverside - 31/5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phetid.1802


Those of us Gunnar’s that have been here since the beginning hold Piken Square in the highest regard of any server we have faced. The server with so many, amazingly organised, skilled, 20-30+ players who are also honourable and really properly good people.

It has been a long time since we last met, and much has changed in that time. What is clear is that, while GH has improved and developed as a server, Piken has too.

It is nice to play against the likes of Seventh Legion again. I remember so well being wiped by you guys all those months ago, and wondering what the hell just hit us. We learned from that, and adapted and got better as a result. Clearly you guys have got better too.

Riverside I don’t remember, but you guys clearly have numbers and ability.

Whatever happens this week, Gunnar’s will fight their hardest, do their best, and will meet both Riverside and Piken Square on the battlefield. We will certainly lose the matchup, but we will do as best as we can and fight as hard as we can, no matter the odds and number stacked against us.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

5/24 Dz-RoS-GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phetid.1802


To clarify the matter of the fairly significant group of GH on Dzag borderland last night, it was an organised server event. Our ‘Heavy’ night, obviously consisting of Warriors and Guardians. The night is open to anyone on the server, as long as you bring a ‘heavy’ – gear, level, spec, experience, skill is of no concern – just bring what you have (or go roll a new one) and join in. We had people ranging from full exotics and WvW specs, to level 5’s in blue and grey gear.

Events like this make our community stronger – and its strong already – and huge thanks to Ben who organised it, and Riki who lead the night.

As to any on the opposing servers that didn’t like what we were doing – specifically RIOT – you guys came at us a good number of times. Props for trying at least – whilst we were pretty unbalanced as a group, there were an awful lot of us (over 50) and we were well organised.

It is rare that our server guilds all get together and group up, despite what you may believe to the contrary, although we do communicate and occasionally coordinate. An event like last night is very good for the server, and I can wholly recommend giving it a go.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)


in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


I will add to the praise for WSR’s defensive capabilites. They fight like demons on their own borderland and are very good at it.

AS have had some fairly large groups roaming around on the offensive. They have tended to overpower us (CHvc) although we have done our best to fight against significantly greater numbers.

CHvc have not quite managed to get our usual numbers in WvW this week – running somewhere between 15 and 25 people. Hopefully we can get our full force of 30 or so online tonight. For what it is worth, we are utterly against zerging – but if forced to co-ordinate with other guilds to take down a larger force, we will. Although we will try to do it on our own first!

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802



I do not understand, why playing with others guilds, force you to stick them !
You don’t have to play at 80 seriously ! Chvc was maybe 25-30 ? Why blobing at 80 on hills seriously x)
Congrats you took hills before we came, but after we can’t had a good fights.
I hope we will be able to meet each other without your friendly stickers.

I see very little fact in this post, other than CHvc did indeed have 25-30 people online in WvW (albeit not all in the same place at the same time).

Co-ordination is not the same as grouping up. You do know that, don’t you?

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


CHvc had a great laugh in RoS BL last night – our aim was to coordinate with a couple of other guilds, take and hold Hills, and really establish ourselves on the RoS map. We know we’ve been beaten soundly this week, but the server as a whole, and especially the guilds that make up the backbone of our WvW, wanted to still enjoy ourselves.

Props to Dis for sorting it all – it was a good plan!

Thanks to SOE, CORE and MM – Gwyn’s team seemed to be having all the fun on the west side of the map after we took Hills and were consolidating ourselves there. We had a few RoS guilds knock on the door, but nothing that couldn’t be pushed back.

Dzag started to push in small numbers at water, then in much larger numbers when HON appeared.

From then on it got a bit crazy with a huge three way battle at Hills. Fun times, nothing I could see that was blobbing or zerging, just good clean fights between well organised guilds and groups on all three servers.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


A few of us from CHvc had the pleasure of running with SOE tonight. We had a really tough time, but I think we did pretty well all in all. Except against VoTF who are properly good – /salute to you guys, the best guild group I have faced so far in WvW, and that includes all the Piken guilds that have, thus far, been the most respected by us long standing GH’ers.

Props to SOE and their leader Fab. They are a great team and excellent WvW’ers.

GH are getting smacked hard this week. We will take it on the chin and move on. RoS now officially belong in a much higher tier and are proving that this week.

The great shame of this match up is that without the dedicated night capping guilds that left us a few weeks ago, if it was RoF and Dzag facing us we would be having an even, hard fought, well matched fight.

I think us three servers now are very evenly matched. Here’s hoping we all meet up again soon.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Gunnar's Hold~Ruins of Surmia~Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


No, Roo. Not just beer. Some of us drink a lot of whisky as well.

Booze makes us all WAY better players. Its true. And better singers too.

Some of us on GH use those electified dog collars rather than cattle prods. Harder to apply, but more effective over a longer period.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Gunnar's Hold~Ruins of Surmia~Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


On a side note, props to CHvc for being the strong guild they are in wvw, and for showing much maturity in their forum posts

Thank you – this is much appreciated.

As Dis (Toxicthrash) says, we had a blast in RoF Hills last night, fighting VcY whilst trying to break in to Hills defended by RoF. We were sandwiched a few times, held our own okay, but VcY definitely got their revenge later on after much persistence.

And props to VcY again for that treb and cata fun – we were all chuckling away on Mumble when you started throwing cows at us.

We are really looking forward to fighting you guys again next week, and its a great shame your server will be leaving us (or we will be dropping down) in the weeks following.

VoTF was a surprise to us in more ways than one.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Gunnar's Hold~Ruins of Surmia~Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


CHvc have had lots of fun fighting both RoS and RoF so far this week. Reset was brilliant, we managed to field a group of 20 or so due to the earlier reset time. Spent most of it in RoF BL due to queues in RoS.

Sunday night we finally managed to come across RIOT and VcY plus a bunch of other guilds, and some decent numbers from RoF. Lots of good fights, we did our fair share of killing and were wiped enough times to keep us grounded. Very good work by you guys at north Hills in RoF BL. We got flattened.

After weeks of having the same servers to fight, it is nice to have a new one in the mix and against some guilds that have experience of the higher tiers. We hope to learn from you guys, as you are clearly well organised, well disciplined and know your stuff.

My respect for RoF continues, as we regularly outman them yet they punch well above their weight.

Look forward to seeing you guys in the field over the next few weeks, as while RoS so far have the points advantage, I know both RoF and GH will continue to battle until the final moments, both this week and those that follow.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)


in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


Leading CHvc in WvW last night it was clear we needed to be in GH borderlands due to the inevitability of KISS being there. That we had Night Pact and LoE join in as well, and a showing from FSP, all made for a very interesting evening. I did not expect to have to spend all night in one keep.

I would like to commend my guild and all those Gunnar’s that were with us for the defence of Hills. It was the most dogged defending of any keep I have seen outside of one or two SM battles. We were constantly attacked on multiple fronts, conceded north and south outer gate, and had to fight like demons to protect inner. We faced golems, catas, balistas and three WvW focussed guilds.

To NP, KISS and LoE thanks so much for a wicked fun night. We were at times forced in to desperate sorties to try and push you back, to try and take out your siege, to do anything we could. That you guys never gave up and eventually took Hills I think is likewise worthy of praise.

I don’t care that we are down in ticks and will lose this match up. I think GH is a little out of their depth in this Tier. What I do care about is that we can still enjoy battles, and still have epic fights whether we win or lose. Last night was definitely epic.

To Night Pact – if you want to have a little friendly GvG can I suggest Friday evening, same place as before? Actual BL to be decided (probably AG)

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

Gunnar's - Far Shiver - Miller's

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


Thanks to FSP and MS for a fun battle across the south and eastern side of FSP BL. We logged on at 75 points per tick and logged off at 245 per tick. Took back Lake, consolidated there, then kept hold of Water and pushed Hills.

Great fight to take Hills, which then had mutiple battles at various points with MS and FSP attacking at the same time. Had us running all over Hills to defend furiously.

We managed to take Dawns and then decided to have a go at FSP Garrison. We were so close, got the Lord down, but a determined defence from FSP wiped us out before we could cap.

A great night, and thanks to both MS and especially FSP for some quality fights.

At @ Maloki – that green half of your bordelands at prime time last night (for periods more than half of your borderlands). That was ours.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)

NP possibly looking for new home

in WvW

Posted by: Phetid.1802


Guild leader of Cry Havoc (CHvc) here. We had some fantastic fights against Night Pact. Always sent a ripple of anticipation amongst the group when we came across you.

Not sure which of us came out better – probably evens – but win or lose we have a ton of respect for NP as a guild.

If you didn’t want to consider Gunnar’s Hold as a new home for your guild, please don’t leave the European servers – we would be the worse for your departure, and if we can’t fight with you, we definitely would want the possibility to fight against you. And you deserve more than fighting doors during off-peak times in NA timezones.

Guild Leader – Cry Havoc (CHvc)