Showing Posts For PillageYourVillage.7548:
Seriously? no one is going to aknowledge this as being a “good find” or dev? everytime i make a thread no aknowledgement…even months ago by a dev
If they acknowledged it that would imply they are working on fixing it or something. They dont fix jack in this game so dont be irritated
Srsly the Lord is kitten ing me off too why cant he just spin in place and get vertigo instead of onehitting people
Man I feel you OP I feel the same frustration when thieves get away in stealth after I shoot their HP from hero to zero in one killshot. Maybe remove the stealth from stealth and just make it a buff (5s) that causes pink letters reading “Arenanet” popping up above your head upon dying.
Thumbs up OP
Are Harpy Feathers working as intended?
That is an interesting concern you bring up here.
Lets take a journey together and find out!
“Throw a handful of feathers to blind nearby foes. Stealth yourself.”
Whenever I use Harpy Feathers, i throw a handful (or clawful, im playing Charr! of feathers, blind nearby foes and stealth myself.
It definitely looks like Harpy Feathers are working as intended. Phew, it sure feels good to have shed light on this.
Can probably close this thread now. Did you check the Q/A box while creating the topic? Then you can mark my answer as most helpful so other people who are plagued by the same question get their answer right away.
I just started this game and I am playing a warrior. Whenever I see people in the mists pvp they spam me when i beat them saying im playing an easy class.
Why do they act this way? Is something wrong with the warrior?
No dont worry. Im one of the best fighter warriors on the battlefield but that doesnt come easily. Its not such such a noob class as thieves you have to sharpen your skills and your wisdom in order to succeed.
Ive had to chain up to three attacks to kill some tankier targets, it really gets tough sometimes but its important not to lose hope!
It can be pretty hard to evaluate the situation right, say you get engaged by a thief you have to choose what skills to 3-hit him with. Sometimes you also have to stunlock your enemy to death and wait for them to die of old age.
Also you might consider buying one of those rubber keyboards:
The plastic buttons of regular keyboards can hurt your face after a while
Risen Hunters have stability mayn. Its op pls remove trash mobs from game Anet so i can leave my feathers at home
Its true. I had two thieves engage me and had it took a full 15 seconds to kill both with Final Thrust because of cooldown after i launched the first one back to WP with it.
F1 skill could also decrease skill cd by 20% with each slash
Since I have a PhD in mathematics and astrology I feel eligible to give a prognosis here.
I spent hours making, erasing and remaking charts, rolling dices and mashing numbers into my calculator and came up with this:
Hammer before: Op
Hammer after: Little less Op
More details to come
I for one think that 100b should make 1 stack of confusion per hit.
Good idea.
This is not even remotely enough.. Maybe u only play against really bad players but I myself play against skilled players who even switch weapons and use utility skills.
I think it should apply 1 additional stack for each 100b slash. Since we dont have access to a lot of stun, they shall be punished if they eat it. So with 7 hits the enemy shouldh ave 25 stacks of confusion.
Maybe the duration could stack too
I feel you. Im having huge problems fighting with my Warrior too. Sometimes I mash all the buttons on my keyboard and my target still isnt dead and Im always helpless and dont know what to do next. Thieves are the worst. Sometimes I only kill 50% of their HP with Whirlwind Attack and then they use Cloak&Dagger on me and I only think HOW CAN HE SLAP? and then I have to wait for cooldowns again. Yesterday I even had to switch weapons to hit him from 50% to oblivion with stun and Final Thrust, its really too much.
I guess its good they nerf Thief Vigor.Sometimes I have to use my Heal skill too…
Yeah, the problem is that not everyone out there is so skilled.
ANet cannot balance a class on ultra-skilled players, they must also think about normal ppl with a normal finger extension. I mean, it is really really hard to reach 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 0 on a regular keyboard.
Warriors should have all skills bound to spacebar.
Hmm yes I see. Its probably true that im one of the more pro Warriors out there. My friend though went afk and barely managed to press Whirlwind Attack + F on a Thief that was attacking him while he was showering.
But I actually thought a bit and why cant Arenanet introduce a new type of food exclusively for Warriors that grants access to all Traits. Of course, only for the duration (otherwise would be op maybe, but Arenanet has to decide). This way we could iron out some of the glaring weaknesses we are experiencing.
Also Im glad you brought up that keyboard thing, I remember having huge trouble reaching across my keyboard too when I started my Warrior. Maybe Arenanet could give out coupons for cybernetic hand extensions, this would also improve warrior playability a lot?
Lots of ideas here people, dont give up hope! Dont let the Warrior die with this Patch!
I dont know If I should maybe not switch…. Will I still be able to stun people from 100% till waypoint?
I feel you. Im having huge problems fighting with my Warrior too. Sometimes I mash all the buttons on my keyboard and my target still isnt dead and Im always helpless and dont know what to do next. Thieves are the worst. Sometimes I only kill 50% of their HP with Whirlwind Attack and then they use Cloak&Dagger on me and I only think HOW CAN HE SLAP? and then I have to wait for cooldowns again. Yesterday I even had to switch weapons to hit him from 50% to oblivion with stun and Final Thrust, its really too much.
I guess its good they nerf Thief Vigor.
Sometimes I have to use my Heal skill too…
I play a Warrior on my server and im having big trouble fighting D/D thieves already. Since when they stealth its impossible to guess where they currently are and its also impossible to damage them since I cannot rightclick them when i dont see them, I have to turn my back and try to gain some distance which they abuse to backstab me. Then I only have a 3 second window to stun them and use Whirlwind Attack/Cripple and autohits for 70% of their life, which gives them an ideal opportunity to stealth again and sometimes even run away. I then have to press 5 to close all the distance between me and him once he reappears, it is becoming really tedious.
Now with the initiative gain buff incoming (33%!), they will have even more opportunities to damage me and become invulnerable with stealth.
Arenanet should really reconsider this buff on thieves.
Yesterday a Dagger/Dagger thief even forced me to use Mace and Hammer so I had to stunlock him to death. I dont think its good to force Warriors into such builds like this.
The only option you have right now is to dodge Cloak and Dagger which requires CRAZY reaction times and then retaliate with Whirlwind Attack and rightclick for most of their hp, but after this patch its just gonna get worse.
Please consider this Arenanet!
(edited by PillageYourVillage.7548)
Again not doing a kittening thing about Death Blossom being a worthless odd man out in the D/D weapon set. So people who want to play this burst spec will still have to rely on their enemies being imbeciles that cannot counter a one-trick-pony. Thank you so much Arenanet
What are you even talking about?
They may not be game bugs? If i evade forwards twice upon Rapidfire and still get hit by 3 projectiles then its not a game bug?
When I started running Arah i remember i could just evade once and be safe from Rapidfire.
Oh and of course you can still skip him! Arenanet is promoting that nicely with all those bugs, too.
Since I dont see any thread covering this its about f time.
One of the last patches has introduced a fun array of bugs to Lupicus.
Here is my collection:
1) Eating grub while shadowwalking
2) Shooting (single target) projectile or AOE while shadowwalking
3) Single target projectile that should miss in melee range hits you if you stand directly inside Lupicus
4) Shadowwalk towards a target near wall makes him invisible and passive until he suddenly appears out of nowhere next to a random target and knocks it down
5) Rapidfire (phase 3 Aoe) hits WAY beyond the circle.
6) Random bubbles without any reason (even if melee range)
7) Chases players trying to run away until the end of the big ramp
In addition to that, we have the section “long-established and loved”:
8) Still resets in large parts of the Arena walls
9) Random AoE (phase 2) projectiles coming down without a red circle
10) Instant reset when using stealth in phase 2
11) Melee swing (p2) hit me in evade and backwards (!)
12) Double and triple kicks
13) Backwards kicks
It is a magical game
(edited by PillageYourVillage.7548)
Hey folks,
We’re aware of the issue!
Thanks for the reports.
Thanks Arenanet, love you guys so much right now!
Cant wait for the fix December 2014!
We’re working on a fix that should prevent players from skipping Lupicus.
By that, do you mean a FINAL fix that will prevent any kind of Lupicus skipping? You know, the kind of thing you already have implemented in p3 and p4, which is having him as a trigger for the other bosses? You working hard day and night on that?
(edited by PillageYourVillage.7548)
Instead of banning this in dungeons which basically does nothing for preventing Lupicus skips in Arah for some classes, you could just as easily make him a trigger for other bosses. Funnily enough this is exactly the case with p3 and p4
Not questioning its potential usefulness, especially in leveling. I used it myself to kill packs of mobs. But in a completely burst oriented skillset its utterly misplaced. The funny thing is that you would think D/D would be a superior weapon set in melee combat, and yet D/P for example outshines it in melee utility AND ranged utility.
The skill seems to be placed in the entirely wrong skillset.
D/D is all about burst damage, containing heartseeker, backstab and a cheap stealth skill to set up the latter. Even Dancing Dagger proves to be useful sometimes as a short range cripple.
Death Blossom adds absolutely nothing to the entire set. The physical damage is a joke, the bleeding is nowhere near effective since none of the traits or equipment you will use with this set will boost it.
Even the evade part is worthless since it is 1/4 of a second compared to the 3/4 of evade and i guess pretty much every other evasive skill in the game.
On top of all this, it comes at a 4 initiative cost
Patch and still too lazy to fix this major exploit
This is outrageous. And instead of adding a simple fix like putting Lupicus as a trigger they do absolutely nothing. And its not even bannable lol
Got Banned For Saying The Word "African"
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: PillageYourVillage.7548
Ridiculous. I wanna find other words for it but I cant
I only kicked my offline buddy back then. Those people just left and I was out. Great system, give it up for this amazing idea folks.
How come that I get kicked out of the dungeon that I OPENED MYSELF because 4 people who cant read joined the wrong group and then leave. If its me opening the dungeon then i should god kitten well also be able to stay in it when people decide to leave.
To add to the ridiculousness, I yesterday kicked my buddy whos been offline for hours from my group after I entered a dungeon and I got kicked for that too.