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WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Hey Grant and McKenna, that’s great news.

Just one quick question: If you bought the Exotic version of the WvW Triumphant Hero’s Armor and transmuted another piece of regular Ascended armor with the skins, are you able to convert it to legendary armor?

Because the cost of tickets to get the Exotic version is the same of the Ascended and a lot of people (myself included) already bought the Exotic version just to unlock the skins and transmuted other Ascended pieces to it.

You cannot upgrade the exotic into ascended or legendary. You will need to purchase the ascended gear.

What if you transmuted the ascended armor, will that work?

Reward Pips

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


I feel what would alleviate the PIP grind is for a Reward System, and this are some of the ideas:

1. Skirmish. Award a percentage of your pips earned during the end of a skirmish (e.g., you obtained 100 pips, and for easy math, lets say you get 10% bonus, which would get you an additional 10 pips). Again the higher your rank maybe the higher the percentage that you get, I do feel that people that put in the time in the game mode should be rewarded more, even if you have to give those eotm people some rewards.

2. Skirmish Score. Same idea as above, give extra pips for your world’s placement in a skirmish. So if your world comes 1st, you get an additional 15 pips, 10 pips for second, 5 pips for 3rd, just an example. Yes, we all know some servers are stacked, but you will still get extra pips.

3. Proof of Heroics. Remove Proofs of heroics from the skirmish chest and allow us to buy pips with the proofs of heroics.

Well this are some of the ideas which can be expanded or added on.

Squad Party UI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pillo.3490


I’m not following. What is the problem?

Only option is simple party UI in squad party. I would like to see an option to have regular party UI.

Squad Party UI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Could you please make an option so regular party UI its the default unless simple party UI is selected and/or an option to have it turned off.

Scoring Changes (Maybe)

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Are those timing server time or your personal time?

Its based on Eastern Timezone, but it can be easily adapted to server time. All it needs its a division of 3.

To answer some of the previous comments, most people that are casual to WvW don’t play because they have no chance of winning (ppt). Most of the time, a server’s is contingent of having complete coverage in order to win a particular match up. With a system like this, if one server only has NA coverage, and completely lacks in the other time zones, it still has a chance of winning if it wins its time zone and its fights (potential not guaranteed).

I honestly don’t believe there will be a lot of ties, and if there are, it will be good because the match ups will be competitive and it will promote people to try harder. After all, the more bodies in WvW the more the game becomes. I believe my system is not perfect, but with a few changes it can be better than our current system. Most important, the one up one down will promote server stability because there will be no need to transfer off servers every 2 months.

Scoring Changes (Maybe)

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Servers can’t tank to change tiers, 5-4-3 scoring prevents it. There is a glicko wall between T1 and T2.

The reason TC and Maguuma are doing so poorly is that many of their guilds transfer to other servers.

I know what is going on, it is just an example, but I want to focus on the proposed changes, I could care less about specific servers in general to be honest. But to answer you, it happens in the bottom servers too, because they are not doing as best as they can because everybody is scared to move up and be stuck.

Scoring Changes (Maybe)

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Generally, a server’s potential to become a T1 server has been contingent upon having 24 hour coverage. As we have seen from recent weeks, there is an unhealthy balance in the game between activity levels between tiers, causing servers to “tank” for a change. Here is what I propose:

Break down WvW into three (3) time zones scoring wise (WvW players already do this naturally):

1) OCX/SEA – 2:00 am – 10:00 am
2) EU – 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
3) NA – 6:00 pm – 2:00 am

Maintain current 2 hour skirmish. However, the total amount of skirmish won overall will not determine the winner for the week. The server that wins the most skirmishes during a particular timezone will win that timezone and obtain ONE (1) point. Meaning there will be a possible of THREE (3) points overall, plus ONE (1) extra bonus point for the server which at the end of the win obtains the most kills against the enemy servers (this has to be argued since you can have the most kills and still not be be on a positive kill per death ratio). At the end if there are two servers tied with 2 points a piece, then overall skirmish won will be tie breaker.

With this system, a one up one down is necessary, since it will be harder for glicko to adjust. In addition, the fact that a server does not have 24 hour coverage won’t really determine the overall win. If a server for example where to have a really good timezone, and consistently win during that timezone, and that server can farm the kills necessary to win the KDR point, then that server has the potential to win a week against a server that potentially has a more balanced coverage. I believe this will make the game more competitive and allow for match up changes. Most guilds wouldn’t be transferring off servers if they have different competitions every week. Some of these stuff could be improved, but I think it is better than what we currently have (for both types of WvW mentalities).

Identities of Linked Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


This topic goes hand in hand with the “New Word” topic. We have had about 3-4 server links since the inception of the idea. My observations are that with every new linkage, I see less and less players, and rarely do I ever see an organized guild with more than 10 members in one of the linked servers. The linked servers will not grow because 1) guilds cannot recruit and expand (specially if they lose the linked server); 2) competition from bigger guilds in linked servers; and 3) linked server population is scarce. By now server any server identity from the small servers is likely to be dead or going in that direction. Lower linked servers are just used to transfer to preferred match ups for a temporary period, but any spike in population is always temporary. What we need is WvW Guild Tier System concentrated around the health of guilds, and not population in general. I have no idea what that might look like, but I can definitely say that more worlds or any of these stuff proposed in this topic do not solve the underlying issue which is that the game mode needs an overhaul. For suggestions see my prior topic.

Guild System

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


“2) Create a ranking system: I have not fully developed the criteria yet, as just thought about this, but Anet could easily track captures, upgrades, and kills. Top guilds in the server in the different categories can get a special reward (haven’t thought about what this could be yet). "

This seems awful to me, primarily because it looks like another “big guild benefit” which isn’t needed, as big guilds have such a great advantage in the guild system now because of guild halls. There is no need to make being in a smaller guild less desirable because of another reward that in reality is related to size.

What if you make it by tiers just like there is in pvp? For example, Gold league is for guild that have over 300+ Members, Silver for Guilds that have 150-300, and Bronze for smaller guilds, all getting the same rewards. Basically this is to promote guilds to go run out in WvW. Lets be honest, most guilds over 300 members are pve guilds and are terrible at WvW or don’t do it at all outside of of 10 members. I know guilds with 200+ members and the most they raid is 3 times a week, with a max of 25 members on at a time.

Guild System

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Yes, for the most part they are suggestions which I just came up with to start the discussion. It is impossible for 100% of the community to agree with everything that is implemented, but as long as positive stuff are being done, it keeps players interested.

Guild System

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


1) Guild only Commander Tag: allow guilds to run privately without losing the benefits of the new commander system. If someone wants to follow, let them try to join the guild.

This is already in the game. You can lock the squad. That it show on the map for everyone instead of just guild irrelevant – any idiot can follow a guild whether they show tag or not.

Unless you are suggesting a guild only tag that insta-kill all server members within 2400 radius unless they are part of the guild.

No, what I would like to see is a tag that only guild members can see. You can run without a tag but it hinders your ability to follow a specific person or enemy targeting since the target would be on the commander. Yes you can lock the squad with the current tags, but then you would have all the pugs following you around, when that is obviously not the intention. Could someone follow you regardless? Of course, but that would mean that they have to find you first. A simple waypoint and you are out of reach.

Another possible solution would be to allow markers without a leader. But I can see why this would not be done, there would be no need to purchase the tag.

Guild System

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


From my experience playing on a T1 Server, and also playing in other multiple servers, what makes a healthy server and a healthy match up is when there are many organized guilds. I feel that Anet has done a decent job in the last few months revitalizing the game mode. I would like to see Anet further expand the capabilities and incentives for people to join guilds and raid as a group. Below are a list of ideas to make this possible:

1) Guild only Commander Tag: allow guilds to run privately without losing the benefits of the new commander system. If someone wants to follow, let them try to join the guild.
2) Create a ranking system: I have not fully developed the criteria yet, as just thought about this, but Anet could easily track captures, upgrades, and kills. Top guilds in the server in the different categories can get a special reward (haven’t thought about what this could be yet).
3) Unique guild armor, the one we currently have is plain ugly; I am amazed this hasn’t been developed yet.
4) Guild Challenges: allow one guild to challenge another, similar to a mission system. Same criteria as the ranking system: the challenge can be made towards kills or captures. I know some of you might think about gvg’s for this, but I haven’t developed the idea in my head enough to add this.
5) Weekend Tournaments: similar to a seasons, but starting on reset and ending on Monday morning.

This list is not exhaustive. I basically just thought about this while drinking my morning coffee. However, I do think that the WvW team should be focusing on the guilds and the players, not necessarily on adding gimmicks to the game mode (repair hammer and mobile cannons). The reward track system was a good start, and allowing us to buy pve items with proof of heroics was also another good addition. I feel that even if the game mode is dying, if there are enough organized guilds, the game will still be enjoyable.

Karma into Hearts (Tasks)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Only reason to do it is for a legendary of course, and I don’t want to be a PvE hero. This game has 3 games modes (PvE, PvP, and WvW). There is a reason why WvW was removed from map completion, because PvE players did not want to play it, just like I don’t want to play PvE. I won’t get a lot of support here since most people that use the forums are PvE players, but I wanted to get the idea floating.

Karma into Hearts (Tasks)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pillo.3490


But.. you get Karma from hearts. I’m against any form of instant World Completion.

World Completion is meant to be a long term thing. It’s meant to take effort, otherwise the reward at the end isn’t worth having.

At this stage of the game map completion is just a grind, doesn’t serve any other purpose other than to waste my time. I assumed Karma would be the best currency since Hearts already give Karma, you can charge per Heart whatever amount of Karma that gives or increase it to a reasonable amount. I mentioned that I already have done map completion, once you do it once or twice, doing it a third time is unnecessary.

Karma into Hearts (Tasks)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Please allow us to turn karma into completed Hearts (tasks), similarly to how Proof of Heroics can be turned into completed Hero Challenges. I don’t think I can bear to do map completion again, the repetition kills me. Thanks!

3 Simple Changes to Fix Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Pillo.3490


1. Make the grandmaster trait Cleansing Ire similar to elementalist Diamond Skin, removing conditions when the warrior health is above 75% or uses all their adrenaline.
2. Fix adrenaline closer to previous state and/or faster adrenaline charges/usage
3. Increase healing for Healing Signet

I feel that these 3 changes will bring warriors back to meta. The problems with warriors today is not only that other classes do some “job” better than the warrior, but current warrior state is one where sustain is nonexistant. Once you use endure pain and Berserker Stance you are basically dead, and if you go full tank, you will not kill anybody.

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


1. Stability: revert stability to old mechanics. In PvP it makes sense because there is not enough CC to strip all stacks of stability, but when you include over 60 players casting abilities, no amounts of stacked stability is ever enough. In addition, new stability changes made the game very laggy since it take the serves longer to register. Either remove stacking, add more stacks, or decrease amount of stacks that can be removed at one time.
2. Maps: it is a fact that the dessert borderland have no strategic advantage. Other than the middle event, which was extremely laggy, no WvW player wanted to do a pve event. Scoring wise, even undefended it can take over an hour to flip the whole map, usually players don’t have the time to do nothing for extended periods of time, they want to come in and see action immediately. Alpine Borderlands played faster, better fights, terrain, and every tower and keep had strategic position.
3. Population: consolidate lower tier servers and reduce the amount of gems necessary to transfer, since only wvw players will need to transfer servers (don’t make it a penalty to play wvw with your friends). Going with the previous point about the maps, take the EOTM model and rotate it with the Desert Borderland, but instead of 3 hour match ups, do a whole week match up with only one map, where players have to queue for the map when it gets full. This will insure that servers or tiers with lower population always have something fun to do and players to fight against. This is especially true on off times.
4. Rewards: use a reward track identical to PvP into WvW points. Similarly how winning or losing a pvp match give you rewards, fill the WvW bar with reward similar to PvP. If needed extend the number of WvW points needed to rank up in order to add rewards
5. Scoring will fix itself if above changes are made because it will balance the servers and increase the player base.

64-bit Client Beta FAQ

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Auto detect is working differently for the 32 and 64 client (in my case): on 32 auto detect sets everything High/Med on 64 it sets Low/Low… I though it will utilize the hardware better not dumb it down.

I am having same issue.

WvW Map Change Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Then whom ever gets what side would be at a greater advantages over the other 2 sides. That the ideal behind having the same bl 3 times so at least one map you hold an advantages.

But that is the beauty of this idea, there are no home Borderlands, just straight fighting for map dominance. I think having one map for bloodlust will be good, specially if for example stomping the enemy gives the server 2 points instead of one. That will create intense battles at the points. What I propose is straight out WvW at all times, which right now only really happens all the time at EB. But is just an idea.

WvW Map Change Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


I feel that for the health of WvW it would be a good idea to remove the home borderlands maps, and just have three (3) maps generally: 1) Eternal Battlegrounds; 2) Desert Borderland; and 3) Alpine Borderlands. Some things might need to be worked on like the player cap for each map, but in general I feel that it would add variety and give players a choice of playing the map they like the best. In addition, by removing one map, you concentrate whatever population is left unto 3 maps, making it more populated. Bloodlust can be fought on Alpine borderland map giving roamers good alternative, and old WvW players a better option to get fights. Having 3 similar maps is unnecessary, it makes players stick to their home borderlands and creates boring competition. I hope that a Dev reads this and it is possibility (developing wise).


The new auto loot doesen't work in WvW. [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pillo.3490


We are looking at adding a way for players to earn Quickloot in WvW as well. We wanted to keep PvE progression (Masteries) separate from WvW progression (Ability Lines). However this means when a new Mastery ability is created, that might also be useful in another gamemode, it doesn’t automatically crossover.

Why not implement some of these useful masteries in WvW through our rank up points. People that have been doing WvW for a long time have an expansive number of left over points after maxing all the WvW abilities and currently we have nothing to do with them. New WvW players can choose to max it if they so choose.

(edited by Pillo.3490)

FEAR returning on Blackgate! WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pillo.3490


Next guild raid tomorrow night if you want to try us out!