Showing Posts For Pimpology.6234:
You only realized this after losing 2k? Me after losing 20g i’m done.
I want to begin with saying that I enjoyed the new content but I do feel there is room for a few improvements to make it even more enjoyable.
The good:
- Mounts and their animations are very well done.
- The story instance felt already better than LS3 instances even though it was relatively short.
- Very easy to navigate on the map, found everything within minutes.
- Always active events which will make sure the map won’t feel ‘dead.’
- Amazing visuals all around, especially the water seems to be improved a lot.
- No technical issues or bugs, very smooth experience.Room for improvement:
- The bounty system seems solid although sometimes a bounty is pretty much over by the time you get there. A spawn window/timer where we can gather before the event would help I think.
- The raptor ends up stuck on a lot of slopes and small objects, feels very awkward when running long distances.
- There doesn’t seem to be a meta event which I personally dislike as I believe that the only reason that HoT maps are still this much played is due to their meta events.I want to address one concern separately. The size of the new map. In 1.5 hours I finished 67% of the map (the full demo I think) without extreme rushing. The first map doesn’t seem to be much bigger than the previous maps. I hope the other maps are larger than the current one.
Ive’ ‘ve heard this map size thing beforerem. ember you are on a mount which travelfast er then on foot. If u ran around everywhere without the mount, i’d bet you’dfeel it was pretty big and too spaced out.
So finally able to log in.. The chests did not reset.
This means my friend that completed Diamond before the patch, “lost out” on 190 Tickets compared to someone that starts doing the chests now.
I completed Mithril 4 already, meaning I’ve “lost out” on the 52 tickets I would’ve gotten from the first 4 Mithril ones, on top of the 92 Ticket increase from completing Wood -> Platinum.. That’s 144 Tickets.. But I’ll still get 46 tickets more than my friend.This is unfair all over the place.. Whose bright idea was it to implement the chest change in the middle of the week instead of at reset night? And how will this be “fixed”? Just let it remain unfair all across the board?
True it does seem to be poor implementation for what you mentioned above , but nobody is perfect and life ISN’T fair. buck up, you get tons more tickets now and it was just a couple days.
no more Ticket cap , i just got 14 tickets on the first Diamond Chest after finishing diamond tier.
This is unintended. There is supposed to be a weekly ticket cap and we will be fixing this.
Please consider leaving it as is, wvw is really fun again. I want to be rewarded for the amount of time I spend in a game mode. Thank you.
The main reward for playing a game mode is called “fun”.
Real-WvW-players do it for fun (and not for tickets).
“Real wvw players” well call them “hardcores”(but i have another name for them) do it cause they like fighting plain and simple. They like to boast about how they almost had that guy… “almost” (meaning they failed at killing them. /facepalm) And then continue to talk about how great they are. These hardcores are so addicted that when they say “get out of the aoe”/ “get back”, they really mean “push to the gate” and then yell and scream and throw tantrums when the squad actually does what they said and not what they meant. So even if they’re on a losing server its even better because they like power-trips, and they can rip everyone a new one.
Basically with this change by the end of the week Hardcores can go back to screaming and yelling at each other while casuals can do other things they actually enjoy, instead of grinding all week in hell with immature grown adults to barely finish diamond in time if at all.
I use to wvw a lot before my internetz slowed to almost nothing. What happened to WvW players, never use to be this bad. Salty PvP’ers are much, much better.
(edited by Pimpology.6234)
where is the info on the change to outnumbered. i don’t see it listed here on the forums anywhere.
if these aren’t the official forums where information about the state of wvw is released what reddit? url is it? Doesn’t make sense anet using reddit instead of here.
cool. i just tabbed back to the game where i got pulled 1 million miles off a wall and condi bombed. i alt f4’d.
Sounds like nerd rage to me.
Hope you’re not a commander on TC. I’ve seen many do this.
Raged & alt f4’d that is lol
It also doesn’t help the fact that ANET seems to keep incentivizing blobs (which I have always despised).
I wonder if anet changed it so people could get more pips per tick for fewer people in a squad. Would big zergs almost disappear?
Prolly not because more peeps would be tagging up, but still just running together, right? “Follow the red dot only!”
Maybe limit it again by being in proximity to other players of same server. Those small squads would have to be spread out away from each other to get extra pips, and if joining forces for “X amount of time” the pip production would be decreased back to what it is currently.
just an idea. modify or add your own
(edited by Pimpology.6234)
Squad message can be a useful thing if you use it. Please start using it!
Put voice info in it.
Name of voice service. Address for voice service. Password if any. and which section.
It’s real simple. 1st thing to do when you make a squad.
- plus just a voice addy without the name of service is fun when you try putting discord info into ts
Otherwise every random player when they join asks “you in ts?” and the lame answer usually is “yes”. (which btw is really not that helpful, WHERE on ts?) Sometimes they don’t respond right away (cause they are busy fighting we’ll assume) and you want to get to them as fast as possible to start “the fun” and when they do respond, you can’t sit around afk in middle of map for 5mins looking for their name on ts (which btw might not even be there account name on ts, uhhg.)
But now i understand why squad message is always empty because commanders LOVE hearing people ask them a million times over if “u in ts?” Plus whenever anyone joins your squad they immediately see the message! So no need in asking.
- and yes, peeps aren’t always in the BL channels. sometimes they are in their own guild channel or their own ts server. And if they’re not using their account name on ts, its awful fun finding them.
No squad message = you’re not in any voice comms, period
(edited by Pimpology.6234)
My problem is that i cap tickets in Sunday and i don’t have motivation play before reset. EotM is dead too so i can’t even have any good fights.
pretty sure killing players can be completely avoided. get participation up to max then collect pips. PIPS ALL IMPORTANT!
What’s not enjoyable about running in circles like nascar, but with the added bonus of immature grown adult a—hole commanders screaming at squad in teamspeak and then rage quitting because stuff doesn’t work out the way they wanted. LOL
Rewards gated behind ridiculous rank requirements.
Rewards are for the hardcores that have only played WvW and nothing else for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever clearly….
Skirmish tickets weekly cap is extremely low.
yea, but they gotta bring you back week after week for some reason. Plus they don’t have to update anything for a while cause it takes you so long to get anywhere.
Too grindy for new players to hit weekly ticket cap or get rank hi enough so it is easier.
just gotta spend all your time awake playing WvW, quit yo job, skip school-oh wait its the summer-you got plenty of time! no time for real life- THIS IS YO LIFE! just spend the 7 days— 8 hours a day grinding – its easy!
No other way to earn tickets other then grinding participation and maintaining it with mindless activities.
Nascar isn’t mindless why would WvW be.
New participation system eliminates even more ways of playing wvw and makes maintaining participation a chore.
Srs though i noticed the other day that building siege and running back and forth from camps gets u no participation. anet should change this. building something, repairing wall/seige is participating.
(edited by Pimpology.6234)
I finally made it past all those evil Trib mode traps and to my surprise when i jumped down the “hot hot hot” lave hole nothing was there!. No furniture coins, just empty room Is this a glitch? or pure EVIL? they coulda been added to my bag automatically but no notification of that at all. Is that room suppose to be empty?
(i doubt this matters) I started with a group of 5, but by checkpoint 4 they all bailed and i finished it solo, well to the furniture room – finish that is.
I just want the achieve for finding all the furniture rooms so i can convert my baubles into furniture tokens for my guild.
What a waste of 4 hours…..
edit : i did maze room already but chieves panel didn’t have it checked re-did it and decor chieve was given. :/
(edited by Pimpology.6234)