Showing Posts For Poli.2341:
I woudn’t mind more cosmetic mounts in the game. I hate the waypoint sistem you hopp from one side of the map to the other in seconds and skipp a lot of contect becouse even if you like the world you simpely get borred by walking everywhere and you will youse the waypoint sistem.
If I coud get I dunno a small light armor charr tank or something to “ride” I woudn’t youse the waypoint sistem at all only to tp fast to a word event if I am way to far away or somebody woud nead help in my guild etc. And then I coud meet a lot of people on the way and actualy see the beautifulle world Anet made instead of I explored it and then teleport allower the place becouse you simpely can’t run everywhere and not get borred in the procces.
Nope not gona happen go look for 4 warrior and 1 mesmer in the trade chat if you don’t like it thet the look for group tool whant to help people to get groups to do dungeon runs.
Not sure if it’s a engineer or a warrior undercover. Well if he is a actualy engineer then please let me learn from you master!!!!
The devs coud replace the animation on our “rifle” so to speak. Serously the rifle dosn’t make any kitten sens on engineers I mean it’s have a long ranged ability which you character aim from the hip and it’s have the longest range from the “rifle” abilitys (serously wtf? a engineer shot like a pro sniper from the hip instead of aiming from eye level? Yeh seems legith)
Then you have the overcharged shot which is a somewhat fiting ability in my opinion for our “rifle” wiht a mid range.
Then we trow out the logich out from the windov and shot our “rifle” like a shotgun wiht a close range ability.
Then we shot a net out from the tube like it’s a grenade launcher and this is a long ranged cc ability.
Then we do a rocket jump like the solder from TF2 wiht it agan on a long range.
Coud the devs finaly make up there mind what they whant to make out from the engineer’s “rifle”? Serously the warrior youse the rifle as a normal person woud and thet rifle make sense it’s a rifle not a sniper/rocket launcher/shotgun hibrid all in one.
I know thet the dev’s woudn’t change the rifle abilitys becouse most of them are okay in my book except the 1 skill. Serously they nead to replace it wiht a normal eye level aiming animation and a new name and icon becouse so far it dosn’t make any sense.
Alos the kit’s and the turret’s. If we whant to youse a kit wiht it’s full potentional then we nead to heavyl talent into it other whise it’s going to be weak and or yousles. The turrets are even worse I mean WvWvW where all the fun happen we all know it (well those of us PvP players I can’t speak about the PvE players since I am not a PvE player) and the engineer well what I gathered meant to be thet class the spam the turrets all over the place and make the life of other classes a living hell. But the fact thet the turrets AI is as smart as a rock and there healt and armor is so love thet any normal player can one shot it wiht out paying any atention to it.
So my rant in a nut shell: Replace the 1 “rifle” skill animation wiht a normal animation thet have a eye level aiming becouse so far the skill and the animation wiht the fact thet it’s the longest ranged ability on our “rifle” is sticking out from the other skills like a sore thumb and fix the AI of the turrets and there healt or armor so we coud youse them in WvWvW wiht out the fear thet as soon we put it down it’s get destroyed becouse our oponent looked mean on it.
First they shoud fix our “rifle” skills. Serously ho thought thet give engineers the rifles as weapons and make the rifles thet they are like shotguns in the hands of engineers do you know how imersion breaking it’s look like when a engineer youse the legendary rifle? You know thet sniper rifle and he/she shoting it like it’s a one tubed scoped shotgun? Most of the rifle skils are actualy good in my opinion but thet freaken hip shot ability breake it for me.
ahhhhhh i see!! so only replace the animation! ?
things like this could miss lead the readers like it happened to me :P
“It woudn’t break any balnce in my opinion if the hip shot woud be replaced wiht the warrior 1 rifle skill”
Thx for pointing it out for me english isn’t my native language so sometimes I mess up and write something completly differently then what I whanted to write down thanks.
There would be a huge imbalance tho, warriors #1 at max attack ( no might) deals 800-900 crits. and that’s with lots of +% dmg.. if we had the same skill, power builds would be dealing around 600 dmg. leaving us rifle users with no chance of killing anything that runs.
The auto attack might be plain, but its one of the strongest hitting attacks on ranged weapons, which also happens to pierce by default.
I didn’t meant to have the same skill as the warrior I meant to replace the hip shot animation wiht the propel animation what the warrior youse for it’s 1 rifle skill and rename the hip shot to “precise shoot” or something.
Becouse thet hip shot animation driwing me mad! Serously there is so much awsome looking medium armor and I like the engineer class as a theme for it and I woud like to youse the rifle as a propel rifle in it even if it’s 1 skill out from the 4 skill on the “rifle” but creating a sniper/hunter themed engineer is neraly impossible since if you whant to youse the rifle as a rifle then you nead to re roll to a warrior but the heavy armors don’t look good for the sniper themed character so I kinda stuck.
Do you whant to youse the rifle as a rifle? Go make a warrior.
Do you whant to youse medium armors to create a sniper looking character go roll on engineer/ranger.
Do you whant to be look like a sniper while yousing medium armor a rifle and being a engineer? Haha good luck wiht thet.
(edited by Poli.2341)
Now I know thet a lot of engineers like the rifle and I do to it’s hawe some realy nice control skills and all but there is one thing I and problably a lot of players hate about it thet no mather what kind of rifle we youse we shoot it like it’s a shotgun.
I talking about the hip shoot ability. It’s noting more then a damage dealing ability for long range (longer if you talent it like thet) and it’s giving thet hole shotgun feeling whiel you yousing a so called “rifle” I means serously thet’s your only long range damagedealing ability in the game wiht a rifle and you doing headshot’s wiht it while fiering fromthe hips. I don’t get it how coud you aim perfectly wiht the hip instead of aiming wiht your eye and thet’s why I suggest thet the 1 rifle skill shoud be replaced something what the warrior have for animation for there 1 rifle skill.
It woudn’t break any balnce in my opinion if the hip shot woud be replaced wiht the warrior 1 rifle skill animation and rename it I mean it’s a long range ability there is no sense to aiming it like you yousing a shotgun in close range it’s only breake the imersion in my opinion.
So what woud happen if the 1 engineer rifle skill woud be replaced wiht the 1 warrior rifle skill:
-it woud give the fell thet we yousing a actualy rifle to shoot to long range and not pretending to be ultra heavy mega pro no-scope headshot skilled fps player.
-there woudn’t be any PvE PvP inbalance after all the only thing woud be changed is how we shot wiht the rifle in the auto attack (taking it up to eye level aim and shot).
-noobs (like me) woud finaly get what they realy whanted from the engineer rifle and shut up
(I realy like the engineer class and I love rifles but the hole “you yousing a rifle which is a shotgun no mather thet the texture is a sniper rifle (legendary rifle)” break it for me and it’s hard to play wiht it since I don’t like pistols and the kit’s are only for combat.)
-for those ho dosn’t have any problem wiht the current engineer rifle skills woudn’t be affected afteral they didn’t chared about them or prefer to youse a pistol but for those ho whas let down by the animation woud finaly reroll to a engineer and youse rifles becouse they woud get the feeling thet they youse a rifle while the other skills are greate for pve and pvp.
-we woud get a rifle/shotgun hibrid for the engineer and everybody woud be happy finaly. Oh and befour I forget about the lore well I am a engineer if I whant to make a rifle thet have shotgun abilitys while can youse it as a rifle too then I make a rifle wiht shotgun abilitys thet I can still youse as a rifle too btw “Trust me I am a engineer!”
-as I said it woudn’t cause any balance issue since the 1 rifle skill on engineer is a auto attack to cause some damage and crit damage it’s not giving boon or condisions or imbolize you etc it’s only a auto attack and replacing it wiht the warrior 1 rifle skill woudn’t cause anything mayor class change/breaking on engineer it woud only change thet the engineer woud have a rifle ability which is a actual rifle ability and yousing the rifle as a rifle and not as a one tubed shotgun.
My main problem is thet I love the engineer class feeling I love the medium armors and what sets you can make out from them but I don’t whant to roll for a warrior wiht heavy armor to youse the rifle as a rifle. I whant to youse the rifle on the engineer as a rifle if the 1 auto attack woud be switched to the warrior 1 rifle skill I woud be completly happy about the engineer rifle.
And by replacing the 1 skill wiht the warrior 1 skill I mean copy it rename it and bam finished or leave the hip shot ability as a optional ability for enginerr if he/she whant a pure shotgun or whant a rifle/shotgun hibrid.
(edited by Poli.2341)
Yes I woud like it if it our “rifle” first skill woud be replaced wiht the warrior (actual) rifle skill for the auto attack. I woudn’t chare if the rest woud be keept they are actual nice skills to have. But I woud like the idea of a rifle kit or something a kit where you youse a rifle to actualy shoot like a rifle.
It woud be also a nice tuch if we coud youse the skins of the in game rifles for it buuuut it woud be nice if we woud get a skill or kit thet actual yoused as a rifle as a rifle and shoot wiht it (aiming by bringing up to eye level etc like the warrior do and I don’t mean the kneeling down position. And not as a shootgun.
Well actual classe can be in a specific role for example: I have a friend ho is a elementalist and he is full healer on our dungeon runs while my other friend a guardian tank the bosses mobs etc. So it’s all about the build.
I love this idea! It woud make the game so much more fun and woud mean a profit incrase to Anet for sure if made right. Anet please make this idea happen.