Showing Posts For Ponendus.4987:

Lack of communication during holidays

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


Maybe they are enjoying the holiday season with their families?

Lack of communication during holidays

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


Creating an expansion for us.

Suggestion for future "one time only events"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


the instance is the boss. de’s would be stuff leading up to the opening of the instance

Yeah but then you lose the awesomeness of a huge pack of people bringing the thing down. I would rather world bosses personally.

But then you get qq rages like the 50 that just got posted in this last hour.

True, but there is a middle ground. It is possible.

10-20 man instance for the event only.

What about a bit like how the clocktower thing was handled. We were all just distributed into random instances and ANet was able to determine the minimum/maximum. Something like that might work, but I do think more than 5. I think at least 20; but that’s just personal preference.

I still think running the world event several times is as effective though.

Suggestion for future "one time only events"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


the instance is the boss. de’s would be stuff leading up to the opening of the instance

Yeah but then you lose the awesomeness of a huge pack of people bringing the thing down. I would rather world bosses personally.

But then you get qq rages like the 50 that just got posted in this last hour.

True, but there is a middle ground. It is possible.

Suggestion for future "one time only events"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


the instance is the boss. de’s would be stuff leading up to the opening of the instance

Yeah but then you lose the awesomeness of a huge pack of people bringing the thing down. I would rather world bosses personally.

Suggestion for future "one time only events"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


To be honest, I don’t see why the event can’t just run every few hours, for a couple of days? I mean, I understand that you want to make it ‘the thing is dead and that’s it’ but really, we are in a game here. We already have about 100 things that don’t make sense consistently, like dungeons we can run over and over etc.

If you want things to permanently affect the world, that’s great, I think it’s a really awesome thing. However, I think we can handle reality being suspended for two days for the chance for us all to participate.

Chat Log or Copy/Paste Mechanics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


That didn’t mention anything about copy paste mechanics though. A chat log function is ideal but I would honestly settle for copy and paste, which I can’t imagine would be terribly hard to implement.

Chat Log or Copy/Paste Mechanics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


Hi all,

Firstly let me say that I enjoy RP, so this is particularly for that, but I think everyone could benefit from this functionality.

I would really, really like to see the ability to highlight and copy/paste from the chat box. I recognise you can highlight your own text before hitting enter, but I mean the ability to highlight whole conversations. I have experienced some amazing RP in game and it’s such a shame I can’t save it without taking hundreds of screen shots.

Even better would be a chat log feature that let’s you save your entire play sessions chat to a document available offline.

Either way, it is what I would love to see!

Thanks for an amazing game ArenaNet and thanks everyone else for reading.

Waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


If you make City WP’s free to travel to from anywhere then it will discourage people from going out of the cities. This would make the DE system fall down because there will be nobody around to do group events.

I say lower the waypoint cost if you like, but don’t make any more free.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


It’s a fun game, and if you can’t see that then it’s your own fault for burning it out. Go play something else for a change, the game is free for god’s sake and you don’t need to worry about a subscription. You can come back to it whenever you want.

This pretty much sums up my opinion on the whole thing. Everyone I’ve spoken to that came into it with the typical MMO mentality rushed to 80 and now are standing around unsure of what to do. Those of us that knew this game was different enjoyed the hell out of the journey and are now enjoying the hell out of other journeys, like the experience of WvW (not the kill count), or the Personal Story (not the rewards) or crafting/economy (not the level), or dying our armour and collecting them, or running a dungeon every now and then (not farming them) or chatting to our guildmates in Lion’s Arch and going on the pirate adventure, or rolling alts and experiencing it all again.

This is the best game for casuals like myself. I love logging in for an hour or two and having a bit of fun and logging off to play something else.

I don’t ‘blame’ those that are more hardcore and were expecting something else, but I just think they should consider shrugging and saying ‘oh well, not for me, might try something else’, why is that such a difficult thing to do? Eventually you will tire of the ‘something else’ too and you might stop by GW2 again and enjoy a content patch you missed. As quoted above, you aren’t paying a subscription, so you get to do that.

Just relax, enjoy, smile, stop thinking about what you wanted it to be, and enjoy it for what it is. Find something else that is what you wanted it to be to satisfy that urge if you need to.

Frustrations over lack of endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


Grind is only present when the destination is all that matters. It’s subjective. If you are feeling grind it means that your expectations are set at the destination, instead of the journey. Not everyone is like that.

This MMO is for those that enjoy playing a game, not arriving somewhere. I really think its that simple. If you aren’t enjoying yourself, I just don’t understand why you are still playing? It’s ok really, you paid 60 bucks and got 80 great levels of content. Well done, that’s nice, it’s ok to move onto something more rewarding for you now.

Frustrations over lack of endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


How are you people reading up on Guild Wars 2 before buying it and suddenly being shocked when you find out that the game is exactly like ANet said it was be? If you were keeping on on the game’s development, if you were reading what ANet was saying for the past 3 years, you should have known that what you’re looking for is completely absent from GW2. “The Endgame Reimaged” was just an amalgam of information that ArenaNet has been giving us about the game’s content since it was announced.

So why didn’t you know this stuff? Why did you buy this game thinking that the “endgame” was going to be like every other MMO out there? Why didn’t know know that the combat gets rid of the trinity? How do you not know that traits and a chosen build aren’t the only determining factor on how good a player is, that they avoided those “cookie-cutter” layouts you look for in party members in WoW on purpose because a person’s build doesn’t determine how good they are at the game? And for that matter, how did you not know that this game is more skill-based than gear-based or spec-based?

I’m pretty sure you lied about “scouring the web for a glimpse of this game’s content for the last 2 years”, because if you did, you wouldn’t be surpirsed upon learning that this game is exactly what ANet said it would be.

THIS! I am so sick of seeing people saying they feel ‘cheated’ because the endgame isn’t what they were promised. They were never ever ever promised that the endgame would be anything like anything they have ever done before ever. This is not a shock and if it is, it means you came into the game expecting it to be like every other MMO you have played. You are wrong.

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


Hmmm, I have to say I really enjoyed having NPC party members in GW1. Here is just a modification of your suggestion if I may: make it so that these are only usable in story instances.

The reason I think we should suggest this compromise, is that GW2’s design philosophy was around getting random people to play together. I think this has actually worked in every area except story quests. In world events everyone jumps in and helps, and I don’t think AN will want those events crowded with NPC’s too. I think dungeons naturally involve group work, so that will need to stay as PC’s only. Also, remember GW1 was a heavily instanced world, which is why NPC’s were used, in this game the instanced parts are – the personal story areas!

However, you are right that story quests are not attractive to anyone except the person who is experience their own story, so naturally lend themselves to being soloable.

So a +1 from me, but with a suggested compromise.

PvE-Gear Locker (a "carrot" for the PvErs)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


I really would like to see this too. I love collecting armour just for the skins so I can change things up a bit in the future. I have completely filled several bank tabs just with armour sets!

Please let us redo story missions freely!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


This is a great idea. There are some I would really like to revisit.