Showing Posts For PotatoCable.1425:

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not everyone played the beta.

Well maybe you should have? That was the point of them, for us to see what the content was like and if not wanted to comment on it so that it could be tailored more to what we want. Really I just don’t get some people….

What the… I’m so baffled by your post. Did you read it before you hit post? Whoever claims this is the nicest MMO community out there, clearly hasn’t met you.

The “beta” was behind a paywall, remember, not everyone blindly prepurchases without knowing what they get.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

sacrificing one's happiness for the

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


6/10 OP, you need to spread out your troll topics more. People are catching on.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

New trend in EOTM?

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I actually laughed loud at this topic, thanks OP. But I really hope you’re joking.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

GW2 vs. FF-XIV

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


It’s not really fair to compare the two games to be honest. They cater to different people.

Guild Wars 2, is a very casual game. It allows players to come back to the game, without them feeling that everyone else has better gear than them. ArenaNet has done a good job on making it as easy as possible for both new and older players to get into the loop without very much effort. It allows you to replay story missions without having to go through the hassle of queueing with others, or having to find a party (cept for dungeons of course). While other games focus on gear progession and large end game raids, GW2 focuses more on the social and cosmetic aspect. I really don’t want to start on the whole WvW debacle, but Arenanet has a huge potential endgame right there.

Other traditional MMO’s are not like this (atleast not the ones I played)

Now, I just want to state that I am not saying that Guild Wars 2 is less MMO than others, it’s just very casual friendly. I for one think that’s what defines it, and makes it different from the others.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Who said we wanted to remove White Swords?

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


But guys!!! They will implement Guild Halls, and a Guild Vs Guild mode! They said it on the CDI.. Or… they mentioned it… Well not directly, but that they were thinking about it… Or was it thinking about thinking about it?

Lets face it, it’s too late. The people interested in the whole WvW scene moved on, or they’re waiting for something else to come along. I’m sure Anet knows this as well, and are just trying to make the best of the situation. The aren’t patching it for the old hardcore WvW’ers, because most of them are gone, and are most likely not coming back.

It all went downhill after the implementation of EotM, where we saw a serious fall in the casual WvW players. And upon reflection, it was our fault, because we were the ones shouting and telling them to bugger off and to level another place. After they got another place, the whole thing declined and the main WvW maps suffered.

We’ve now become the grumpy ol’ farts at the old peoples home, refusing to give in, and getting angry and upset about everything. “EVERYTHING WAS BETTER IN THE OLD DAYS LADDY, GET OFF OUR LAWNS, QUIT MESSING WITH MY INSULIN”.

Sorry for the rant, and the schizophrenia in my post, but I give up. It’s not for me anymore, and I accept it. Something else will come along eventually and I’ll forget about this.

Edit: words.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

SPVP broken stuck in a loop

in PvP

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I am experiencing the same issue.

Used to be an avid WvW player, but I couldn’t settle for that mediocre game mode, same maps for 2 years, no positive changes.

So I went over to sPvp and had a great time, random dc’s here and there, and now this. My account is useless until the bug is fixed or the match ends, which I saw in another post could take 30 – 40 minutes. On top of that I read that the same bug was around last year as well?

How is this possible? In the “fastest selling/growing MMO ever” (Your words, not mine). One would think that you were on top of game breaking issues like these, and that you would of sorted them out the first time they came around.

Sad to see you taking this direction, this game had such a great concept and possibility, only to be flushed into the toilet, by taking shortcuts and the easy way out when you encounter bugs.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I seem to have the same problem as many posting here.

Insane skill lag, random DC’s out of nowhere. There are times where everything stops up and I experience a rubberband effect, which is common for racing game AIs..

We can clearly see that there is no WvW team, just take a look at the latest patch notes. WvW gets a puny little section, where most of it is a story on why you removed a merchant. Meanwhile a ton of bugs (stuck in siege, not being able to damage dollys) mentioned in this thread are still going strong.

I could go on, but it’s all been said, in this thread and countless of other threads created by players trying to give you a heads up, which you have then gone and deleted.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


The thing is, that, as far as I know, the money from the gem store goes to NCSoft, not directly to ANet. And NCSoft funds other projects with their money pool… So, if at all, it would be NCSoft’s greed you’re talking about. And in the worst case GW2 would just shut down, if NCSoft deemed it not profitably any more.

Well aware of this, and NCSoft would investigate before they shut anything down. I think Arenanet needs a bit of pressure when it comes to WvW. If we let this slide by like we’ve done before, they will continue to neglect it. So if all these people on the forums complaining really want to make a difference, we need to stop giving them money.

We see countless threads on this particular sub, and the only responses we are getting are “We are working on it, hold on tight”, and then radio silence. So voicing your complaints here is useless, because you’ll get the default answer, just like the guy before you. If they start seeing a decline in the money flow, their flute will get another tone.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Guys and girls. Why are you all crying over this, Anet has stated they are working on things. Will you just give them a kitten chance, you are acting like total babies and to be honest if i was Anet and see all this QQ I wouldn’t fix the problem due to you acting so Ignorant. Just calm down and let Anet fix things when they can.

Good thing you don’t work in the videogame industry. Sounds like EA.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Speak with your wallets people. Don’t buy from the gemstore until they’ve fixed the current reward issue.

We constantly see that Living Story and Gem Store issues are fixed within several hours. But when it comes to WvW, they take up to several weeks.

Or we can sit around for them to fix it, like they fixed the season 1 rewards. It’s hilarious, that every time, we complain and moan of the forums, yet we buy from the gemstore and give them money for not fixing the part of the game we care about.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Troll on Gunnars Hold server in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


ahahah, is this your doing butters?

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


So… Let me see if I got this right…

Jessica says:
“We have identified the issue and are working on a solution to distribute the proper tournament chests to all who should have earned them. We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this.”

Then Mark comments a couple of pages later with:

“Hey everybody, the team has a lead they are working on. Please hang tight. We haven’t forgotten about you. We will post more information when things are more certain.”

What’s going on here? I thought it was clarified what the issues was? And yes I know that he corrected himself and said it was a lead towards the identified issue, but I find it rather strange that he “forgot” to mention that in his first post, when they know how angry this forum is.

It’s really sad to see how this game is going down the drain, and when there’s a problem with the gemstore or their “baby” the Living Story part, it gets a fix within 24 hours. The WvW on the other hand is something they constantly fail to address, with bugs that have been there since the launch of the game.

What’s even sadder, is that after a 9 week tournament, where they had all the time in the world to check out bugs and catches, they still managed to not get it right. Don’t be mistaken, I couldn’t care less about the reward, but it’s the whole “Meh, we’ll fix it when we have the time” attitude they show towards the whole WvW part of the game.

But then again, as mentioned before in this thread, people will forget about this and be just as suprised next time, when anet screws up and just throws the whole thing out of the window and hopes that it will be forgotten (Season 1 rewards).

Sorry for the rant, but just had to get it out.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425



Well, after this “Megaserver” thing, I’ve basically quit. Logging in and seeing a bunch of random people isn’t as fun as logging in and seeing the old familiar faces. The new update also brought with it a bunch of goldsellers, which spam constantly with seemingly endless accounts.

So until Arenanet rolls it back to how it used to be, I’ll just find something else to play.

I’d also like to point out that, if you people dislike it, then show it. Stop your gem purchasing, don’t play the game. If Anet sees a drop in one of these departments, they will more eager to listen and actually communicate.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

(edited by PotatoCable.1425)

[HT] on Ros recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I’d like to join

edit: are you a christian guild btw? I noticed your guild motto in your sig.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Look at the ppt …noone cares mate. 100k ahead in points, no-one in deso is remotely trying hard now, but hey as long as you had fun thats all that counts.

NOW YOU DID YOU….is this english>?

SAY WHAT GOLEM RUSH IN A GAME THAT LETS YOU BUILD GOLEMS>>>>>NO WAY …… we used the golem rush when it was cool & you were sucking on your mammas titty.

Oh what a filthy casual you are, with your easy mode blob server.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Ow lord, Deso just got golem dropped. Didn’t expect that NOW YOU DID YOU!?=

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold


in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


i dont run with the tail betwenn my legs.i just dont fight against builds my build cant beat thats a difference. just testing if its beatable if not goodbye..

Wow, you must be a thrill at parties… So if you see you cannot win a duel, you use a “tactical retreat”? So when you run away like a sissy, you consider it a win? A draw? I am truely intrigued by your logic. Please share your views on this.

Also, calling builds that your overwhelming skill level can’t beat cheesy? Should we all just /w you and ask what builds you can beat, so we can stop being cheesy?

Now lets play a game of spot the sarcasm, winner gets an icecream!!!

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

8/2 Underworld vs Arborstone vs Gunnar's Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Wow.. All I see is whine whine whine. Seems like UW needs a good nap. I would also like to thank Corvus for all the nice praise he’s giving [Lion]! Mad props brah.

Play the game, quit whining.

Forgot… [Lion] is recruiting

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

(edited by PotatoCable.1425)

12/7 Gunnars Hold - Drakkar Lake - Arbostone

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Lol, someone from DL trying to justify 24/7 blobbing

>24/7 blobbing

Don’t make me laugh.

Make you laugh? Why would you laugh at the truth? It’s all you are, a blob! Without your high numbers, the players I’ve met have been aweful. I apologise if this in some way offends you, but you can hardly deny that you’ve been blobbing. I’m quite sure both the servers playing against you, will agree with me.

i had great respect for gunnars from our last matchup, and was eager to face them again. But posts like this, filled with heatred and misconception makes me doubt. during the night you proved yourself wrong, when you nightcapped everything. no 24/7 blobbing.

“and gunnars are all cowardly nightcappers with bunker down and build only ac’s. and run fast when they see an opposing player. No class and no style, only during the night they even dare to achieve something”

how do you feel about my generalisation of your whole server, potato? now go and read some posts from other match ups, it’s always the same old song, the underdog complains about blobbing and no class, and when the same server faces a weaker server they fiercly defend their numbers.

we had some nice fighting with rage, mm and fury during saturday, but your guild wasn’t even memorable, dear potato

Oh my, a post filled with hatred and misconception… I hardly see my posts as filled with hatred. I was simply pointing it out. And as for my posts making you doubt Gunnars Hold? You base your opinion on Gunnar Hold, from what one guy on a forum says?

Anyways, I’ll drop it there, as apperantly I’m the only one who thinks blobbing is a cheap tactic. My intentions was not to offend, so I apologize if that’s what I’ve done.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

12/7 Gunnars Hold - Drakkar Lake - Arbostone

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Lol, someone from DL trying to justify 24/7 blobbing

>24/7 blobbing

Don’t make me laugh.

Make you laugh? Why would you laugh at the truth? It’s all you are, a blob! Without your high numbers, the players I’ve met have been aweful. I apologise if this in some way offends you, but you can hardly deny that you’ve been blobbing. I’m quite sure both the servers playing against you, will agree with me.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

12/7 Gunnars Hold - Drakkar Lake - Arbostone

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Lol, someone from DL trying to justify 24/7 blobbing, because we happend to blob once… I am anxious to see how good you are without numbers.. The few times I’ve encountered DL players in small groups, it has not been impressive.

As for Arborstone, happy to see you again! Hopefully you will get some more people as the week progresses and we can get some good fights in!

Good luck to all

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


Well well, what a week it has been! Been some great fights, even though AG and DZ have been blobbin’ like crazy. I mean BOMBIN’ blobs! But great fun and great practice!

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I see some players are taking this way too serious.

Anyways, to try and change the tone (It’s only a game guys) I’d like to say that boy, has it been fun up to now. I quite enjoy the difficulty, and you AG guys sure know how to play! Haven’t seen much to Dz though, but I remember them being some tough cookies as well.

Right now, it ain’t looking too bright for GH, but who knows? Maybe we’ll turn it around somehow? Maybe some of the guilds that were on 24/7 last week during our easy matchup, will come back and fight with us. Regardless, we are getting some good practice in, which will without a doubt benefit us.

I think I speak for the entire [Lion] guild when I say; [Lion] recruiting, join NOW.

Have fun guys

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I like the way this thread is going! Alot of tension and aggression!

Good good… let the hate flow through you all!

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


With all the threads going up right now, they are bound to atleast give us an answer. They can’t shove an increasing problem under the rug. I find it amusing that when we posted a 7:11 error in the game bug section, we almost got an imidiate answer to move over to the tech part of the forum. Yet here there’s no one to answer us…

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I doubt reinstalling would help. I don’t think the problem is on our side. My room-mate is experiencing this problem, yet I am able to play perfectly fine, without even a hint of lag. Would be nice if someone from Anet could verify that they are aware of this issue, and are trying to fix it.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Game Client disconnects: Code=7:11:3:191:101

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I’ve been getting this one quite randomly, and not as sporadic as the others in this thread. But it’s kinda hard to play when you constantly fear being disconnected.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold