Showing Posts For Professor Munchies.8472:
my presence in sPvP has slowly been dwindling because of lack of content and things to do, its just the same thing over and over again for practically no gain and it seems like such a grind just to get the next factor of 10 rank. I’ll admit i really like PvP, i have hardly played PvE at all, lvl 12 max. If the PvP does not improve GW2 will lose lots of its players :’( including me
+1 OP
please fix this anet
cant see image :/
real question is what class do u play
Professor Munchies.8472
Hon Yolo
Warriors are not underpowered
they just get kited around easily
Hardcore PvP Build 2
hey i posted a build a little earlier and I tested it multiple times and was getting aggravated b.c it wasn’t working to my expectations so I did a little testing . Here are my opinions on some builds, I use to rock the sword/sword, scepter/pistol and it was alright, had mild cc and dmg out put but it was kind of hard to land your Main hand sword skill #2. Then i tried a condition dmg build with Staff/Scepter+Pistol, or something else, it varied. I really like the condition dmg build because it has good survivability, good AoE, just an all around good team battle build. Illusion elasticity (+1 bounce attack) is a necessary trait for any condition dmg build b.c it greatly increases your dps/condition stacking ability. The only problem I saw with a condition dmg build was that verse some enemies I simply couldn’t produce enough DPS and so I would just run away b.c I wouldnt die and my enemy wouldn’t die. I did a little research into builds and this is what I came up with as the optimal build
Optimal PvP Build
This Build uses the GS/Scepter+Sword
There is a little leniency in choosing your traits and utility skills but in general you’ll want to stick to the 20-20-0-10-20 regime. The way I use this build, I will open up with Scepter+Sword, I’ll call my sword phantasm out first, this one does lots of dmg, then depending on the enemy I’ll either use confusion ray or one of my 2 block skills. This build is good vs. thieves and warriors because you have 2 blocks and the trait that grants retaliation on block which is extremely beneficial. Next I’ll either do a couple scepter auto attacks until the cd on my sword phantasm is up, but if you do not want to wait that’s fine, just switch to your GS. Hopefully you’ll have one sword phantasm out by the time you switch to your GS so then you can do your #4 skill for another phantasm and #2 for more clones. Then I would advise doing some GS auto attacks. The procs from your weapon enchantment and trait where illusions have the chance to cause bleed, will allow you to stack bleed on your opponent for more DPS. Dont forget to shatter and use the appropriate shatter skill for each situation. The GS + cd reduction traits will make it so your GS has the highest clone production rate of any weapon. As for utility skills, I’ve been using blink, which is a good stun break and useful to escape a ganking situation. Also arcane thievery, I know that it is still bugged but it can still be useful, swap when you either have lots of conditions on you or if your opponent has lots of boons. As for the last utility skill, I’ve been mostly using the stun signet or the illusion signet, but you’re not a fan of either of those feel free to mix it up. the only problem i’ve seen with this build is that sometimes I do not have enough skills to escape a sticky situation since all i have is one blink as opposed to 2 with the condition dmg/staff build. This build will put out alot of dps which is good, hope you enjoy
(edited by Professor Munchies.8472)
Retaliation is the only way us Mesmers can compete against thieves and warriors and spirit weapon gaurdians. dont nerf/remove it
L2confuse your enemy, the more skills they cast the more dmg they take simple
Does anyone know by any chance if there is a limit on the glory that one can have at any point in time?
PvP Mesmer – Upclose and Personal
The link is good, the forums site just doesn’t recognize it so copy it into your browser;9;4JO-4J42-31;549-NB0;3sV2DsV2D5BC
I have yet to see anyone with this build or post something about it so I’ll share mine.
How to use
The trick to this build is to always initiate with your sceptre and pistol at a range distance. Depending on who I’m coming up to I will typically initiate with Confusing Images, or Phantasmal Duelist. Also the sooner you cast Phantasmal Defender the less time you have to spend casting it in the heat of battle. Once you initiate on your target dont forget you also have a block/blind skill that can be useful before switching weapons. Now before you switch weapons it can be beneficial to use your Magic Bullet skill to stun the enemy so you have the oppurtunity to switch weapons. Then once your Swords are out, you can initiate with Blurred Frenzy if the enemy is within striking distance/stunned or use Illusionary Leap for the slow/clone or Phantasmal Swordsman for DPS. At one point or another use those skills, the Phantasmal Swordsman will do lots of damage and when it’s out with the Phantasmal Duelist it adds for one hell of a combo. For those who dont realize it your Phantasms will do maybe 1/5 to 1/3 of your dmg. Blurred Frenzy is a strong move against other melee classes like warriors and theives, and I would advice using it strategically like when they’re doing their big DPS skills so you can evade it and attck them. Dont forget to heal, I’d suggest using it as often as your can. The Utility skills are Blink, which is good for sticky situations like if you’re getting overwhelmed by a melee class you can either blink or use distortion. The Phantasmal defender is good because it will allow you to become a little bit more tanky. The sigil is an extra stun and is useful when you want to interupt a revival, catch up to someone to use Blurred Frenzy. When you’re fighting with your swords out dont forget to switch back and use Magic Bullet every so often, this build has 2 stuns so use them to your advantage.
Things to note
this set up works best when you constantly switch between both weapons because swords do not have any range so if you hope to not get kited use Magic Bullet or blink or the sigil. Also after you stun an enemy I’d advise using Blurred Frenzy because that will do most of your DPS or cast P.Swordsman. I tend to not use Mind Wrack that often, I will ocassionally do it at the end of combat, and I like to combo with Diversion after my stun and use the daze from Illusionary Riposte, this will maximize the CC on your enemy and allow for you to use a heal or just DPS more.
I have yet to find the optimal armor set up and weapon enchants but I would advise maximizing crit/dmg and such
(edited by Professor Munchies.8472)