Showing Posts For PsychoDM.5279:

Aquatic Benevolence - new grandmaster trait

in Elementalist

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


What’s wrong with healing my allies?

Aquatic Benevolence - new grandmaster trait

in Elementalist

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


I don’t get the hate for this new GM trait. Ive been playing as a semi support ELE and I’m looking forward to more healing power!

New generation of SD rifle build?

in Engineer

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


Im doing a similar build except with knights gear for survivability. Your kit probably does a crap-ton more damage though

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


Really great advice! When I get home I’m going to try eg/toolkit/rifle turret for static discharge build.

What are the 3 stats people generally focus for this type of build? Im assuming power precision and something like vit or tough.

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


Any Power build can work with a rifle, and most need it. What sort of utilities do you like using? What kits do you like, if any? Do you want rifle as a main weapon or something you switch to out of a kit?

I do like the elixer gun. I feel like it’s a great support kit. I haven’t gotten to try out rocket boots but I will now after seeing everyone freaking out about it after the last patch. The only kit I haven’t had much time to play with was the toolkit.

Also turrets are freaking fun but you can flick them to destroy them =/

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


What are some builds that work well with the rifle? I find the rifle to work well in pve and WvW but I’m not sure what traits and utilities would work synergize well it.