(edited by Puppet.8139)
Showing Posts For Puppet.8139:
It isn’t a ‘fear’ of ranked. It is the Q times. Unranked Q is much shorter. The gap between the Q’s gets bigger and bigger due to the fact that everyone sees this and more switch over to unranked. A Q for both option would be great and I am sure most would do it. It will pop for whichever one find a match faster for you. I Q ranked usually to start and after a couple 6-10 minute Q’s I switch over to get 3-4 min Q’s. Eventually you get tired of waiting around all the time.
Even though I tend to Q unranked more and more due to the wait, I am more ‘scared’ of unranked. In there you get more daily heros, more people that do not know what they are doing and people trying out ‘new’ useless builds. It is much more frustrating to play, but a fair compromise for the Q time….I guess….
Make a Q for both option and I will be happy
(edited by Puppet.8139)
Same I have not heard anything from Anet yet. I know there SHOULD be damage in the combat log, but there is not. I even went in and checked every single box to make sure then went out and died by them again. Nothing. There is another thread here on the subject, https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Invisible-Cheater/first#post5096987 and here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Hack-in-Eotm EDIT: and here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Cheater-on-WvW/first#post5096558.
Looks like they are out in force this week. My guess is a group of friends recently acquired their new hack tool and are going crazy with it. I know there is spotted hackers once in a while (usually speed hacking), but this is too frequent and the EXACT same thing across different times. The thief seems to hold true, but the 2nd person seems to be changing from necro > engi > mesmer.
(edited by Puppet.8139)
I am glad you are applauding the ban of hackers, but that is not necessarily why you went up the leader boards. You do realize that you can get negative rank points right? Most likely 1 or 2 people went down, forcing you up…..
Example: You are rank 2 with 100 rank points. Rank 1 has 101 rank points. The guy at rank 1 plays a match that he is set to win by 80%. Someone in his party disconnects from the match. He now receives -3 rank points for his deserter buddy. You are now rank 1 with 100 points and he is rank 2 with 98 points. Moved up, but not due to a hacker being banned…..
Ty, there is the IP that everyone is claiming we need. There is another thread going. These guys were at it all day it seems.
I understand what you are saying, but I did not know about the ip thing for the server. All the admin has to do is use my account and the timestamp and it will show them what map I was in. It’s not hard for them. My account data is saved to the specific map during that time stamp. People in PvP threads do it all the time, give a timestamp and the admin can see every detail of the match. Your data is saved and recorded everywhere you are. As I stated before, there is no combat log. Anyone there can attest to that. All you see is the healing you are given to yourself. I even threw out AOE condies and it doesn’t show up as hitting anyone. The combat log is completely empty or we wouldn’t be here. If it showed a name, we would have been able to report them the easy way.
This late at night. Pretty sure there is only 1 EoTM map. Worse case there is 2 or 3. But hitting that time stamp and looking in Blue keep for 3 at that time, will not take long. They can hopefully figure it out from there. I would not see why they can’t see what EoTM map I am in from my account… The PvP admins can do it for looking at matches with a time stamp and account.
(edited by Puppet.8139)
This is happening again. Time 4:24 a.m. server and it happened in our keep about 5? minutes ago. That rough time stamp should be able to see something.. EU team blue got wiped. Then 60 seconds later they were INSIDE our closed keep and killed everyone again. There is a mesmer and a thief from the looks of it. Completely invisible and speed hacking to move across the map that fast. Combat log shows taking no damage, so can’t see names there either. This needs to be stopped. Can’t report them because we cannot see them. I hope the time stamp helps.
EDIT: Just happened again 4:40 server time. I watched them wipe a green zerg coming to our keep (Blue) and then they killed us too. So they are a current red server. Doubt that helps anything though
(edited by Puppet.8139)
You can do this in your chat bar options…..Just make a tab that only displays Guild chat and you are done. Then go into your settings and disable text boxes above players heads. Nothing new here. GL
You are mistaken. You can do it with all 3 classes. You can also do it with a guardian GS pull, or a Mesmer curtain pull.
I have personally done it with Engi, Guard, Thief, Necro and had it done to me by all the above classes as well.
Now granted, every time I did it, I was standing on the edge (hole in front of me), so there is no possible way for them to be on the edge as well….
(edited by Puppet.8139)
New specializations locked behind gem store?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Puppet.8139
It’s simple. Buy the Xpac and get all the goodies. If you don’t, you get nothing besides the new maps. When it says everything is unlocked in PvP if you purchase it, it is exactly how it is now. When you go into PvP, all skills are unlocked whether you have them in PvE or not. The only way to get the specializations is by buying the Xpac; and that is how it should be (as it is with EVERY game).
Buy Xpac > unlock specializations via reward track while in PvE
Buy Xpac > everything is unlocked already when in PvP only.
Don’t buy Xpac > Drool at all my cool skillz
I went to the Super Bowl this year (Patriots/Seahawks)!
The Seahawks were short two people, so they pulled me and another random person in from the stadium to play with them.
We did a great job, I had fun; but the other person didn’t. He didn’t know the plays, couldn’t hear the calls well, and couldn’t keep up with the others.
. . .
It’s ok, the Patriots had the same problem. They had to pull 2 players in as well and 1 of those players had the same issue as your guy. At least the match was still even.
All we are asking is for a semi competitive game mode where solo players don’t have to worry about an extra RNG factor.
kitten? You don’t want RNG, yet you Q solo? No matter what they do (even bring back solo Q), you get RNG with who gets put on your team. Want to get rid of RNG Q’ing….Q as a team.
Also how is entering a match solo and the rest of you team partied in say a 2/2 fashion, against an enemy team of 2/2/1 as well; unfair?? or 4/1 vs 4/1. You are at the same advantage as the other team… This doesn’t place the solo Q’er at a disadvantage. The match is fair and even…
You CANNOT please everyone in PvP…that is a fact, along with the rest of the game; AND every other game. So what do you do? You please the majority. The majority is NOT solo Q’ers… Most people Q with at least 1 friend and that makes them a partial premade (can’t solo Q). The game is catered to the majority and most people have friends they Q with.
So what are the options? Have Solo Q and make the majority of the PvP community wait twice as long for matches??? Or do you merge them together and have shorter Q times for the majority, with only slightly longer times for the Soloers (minority). Being logical is the correct option.
Why do you have to worry?
If a 4+1 versus a 4+1 is an even match, why shouldn’t we make it? There is no right or wrong answer here, just curious as you seem to not think this is a good idea.
Exactly…. the match is even as I said as well….how is this unfair to you, as the soloer?
You can also double dodge roll out of the cast, to cancel it…. … On a more serious note. Maybe this will help out some new players out there
Activity 1: Workout (Situps, pushups, etc etc). Be a more attractive streamer.
Activity 2: Hide and seek (hide the profession NPC’s all around the map, so players cannot find them and duel).
Activity 3: Run over to golems and locate players using banners to test their DPS and skills…. Say “Ooo a banner”, pick it up and run off with it.
Activity 4: Buy all kinds of useless things in the TP, that you will end up destroying at the end of the week.
Activity 5: Evil Knievel over the canyon as many times as you can (yes the jump can be made by most professions (get creative)).
Activity 6: If Mesmer, portal people to their deaths…Bored players love taking random portals that are lying around the waiting area.
Lots of other things to do as well (could list many). If you have a hard time entertaining your streamers…stop just standing in one place and do something interesting/ funny. It’s your own fault they are loosing interest (yes Q times don’t help); but if you keep them entertained, they won’t go anywhere.
I love Evan. I know you don’t intentionally smash QQ’ers dreams into the ground, but I find it amusing when you do. Player comes on after a single bad match and says, the past 20! games were against premades; only to get shot down by the truth.
Also confused at OP, he says Anet is afraid to bring solo Q back, so instead just keep premades in ranked…. …… …. So unranked will be…you guessed it! SOLO Q!!…that’s the same thing m8….
(edited by Puppet.8139)
We are on topic…..the topic is when the game will be released and that is EXACTLY what we are talking about…
How can you say that after what I just posted? Do you have any idea what happens if they release out of Q3 and completely botch their 91 million projected. They have investors, that must keep happy. The game will be released in August. If they even wait until September, getting close to that 91 million would be impossible. Maybe the 1st week in Sept they could push it, but that is risking to much. The investors in their company are far more important than anything else. The stakeholders are all that matter. They will release it even if they think it isn’t ready, otherwise they will loose a metric ton of money from the stakeholders.
We can narrow down the release window using the information provided:
1. They said each specialization will get a full week devoted to it. We have seen 0, so the release is a minimum of 8 weeks away.
2. We know of at least 2 more blog posts related to legendary weapons are coming, so add another week minimum.
3. We know they plan on doing many beta tests which will need to include the specializations. They obviously won’t do these until they officially announce the specializations so they will have to come after the 8 weeks of announcements. Beta tests usually run for an absolute minimum of 4 weeks, so we can add another 4 weeks onto the time.
4. They will need at least a month before release to announce the release date. This can fall during any of the other information so it unfortunately doesn’t help us.
At an absolute minimum we are looking at 13 weeks until release. This is the minimum and it is 99.9% sure that it will be longer than this, but we can guarantee no release before that.
That puts us at a release of July 21st as the earliest possible release date. The august anniversary is far enough past that date that it seems like a good candidate, but if we miss that release we probably won’t get a launch until the Holiday season when sales can be higher.
Pretty good deduction. HoT is guaranteed coming out Q3 of NCSOFT. This a July, August or September. Most likely August (beginning or anniversary date at it’s latest). If you look at projected earnings of NCSOFT’s statement for this year they plan to go from making 21 million in Q2 from GW2, to 91 million in Q3 and then down to 53 million in Q4. That big jump guarenteed it is coming from July through September. Now with the 42% drop into Q4 suggests it will not come in July as most copies will be bought in the first 3 months. Of course some will come with the holidays (Q4) as well. A 42% projection drop suggests it will be mid Q3 sometime which puts it in August, and what better time than the anniversary date? I would say week 3 August is a good thing to bet on.
(edited by Puppet.8139)
Here is the thing….They are harming no one. Would you rather have more people that don’t know how to play their daily class in ranked or unranked with you? They are not farming rank points or rewards. The DAILY cap is only 2 tiers? a day on the reward track. Playing ranked or unranked will get you a lot more faster, even if you loose them all.
The only time you need to jump is if you are climbing rocks, gravestones or something of that nature to escape. 99% of people getting this bug just random jump all over like they are avoiding skills doing so. Fix for them, is to stop jumping for nothing. It is an issue that needs to be addressed and has gone to long unchecked. Other time but more rare is when someone falling and gets imobed. For example…walking off clock tower to get home with someone behind you; imbos you right as you start your fall..etc.. OR a leap move that doesn’t cause evade.
Rogue or Paladin is also nice. Either you want to be stealthy against hunters with animals or tanky against Mesmer with ghosts………………… o.O…………………………..
Oh and I score you a -5 on the troll scale.
Have you tried screaming at the players while looking at the map. No I am not talking about typing in chat. I am talking about physically yelling in hopes that someone can hear you. Something I try frequently and I am still unsure of the effective level.
You have to be in the match for at least 7 minutes in order to get full rank points. Before that is diminishing returns. If you win in 6 minutes…you get about that many..5 minutes you will only get about 1k. So on and so on.
If he is in your ‘party’ you loose full points. If he is not, you do not loose any. The loss will show on the leader boards but you will not loose rank points (only your W/L ratio will go down).
Are there really many five man versus all solos where the solos are favored? Is this what we are saying here you were put with all solos versus a premade and the solo’s were favored? If it did happen I agree that should be extremely rare. An outlier maybe? If this is happening a lot they need to start giving groups of three or more some secret sauce extra rating starting at 3 man group and escalating up to 5 if it doesn’t already exist. Five experienced solo players should be able to beat 5 noobs though there is a reason they are noobs and that won’t be fixed by VOIP. But the vast majority of the time solos should not be favored to beat groups of 3+.
This happens actually. A LOT of soloers are either even with or slightly favored in one direction or the other. Why? Because there is a premade buffer % that adds to their MMR. Say 5 solo Q’ers average together for a team MMR of 500. They can be put against a full premade with an average team MMR of 454. Now this matchup should be a 50-50. Yes they have coms, but you are better players. The system take a party and adds 10% (i believe) to their MMR to search for a comparable team.
So with their team average at 454 the system is actually searching for a team around 454, or a random group of players (5 solo/ 3-2/ 4-1) with an MMR of 500. This is all in perfect situation standards of course…. If it can’t find it, it will get the closest thing it can find (not always that close). So yes, 5 solo Q’ers can be favored over a premade and that is why they win against them sometimes. Said party of 5 (at 454) can’t find a close match-up around 500 and the closest thing is a group of 5 soloers at 550 together. This 5 solo team WILL be favored to win and should. Communication will not help the premade of less superior players.
(edited by Puppet.8139)
To answer question #1. Yes they decided to give you a loss because you ‘deserted’ the match. You say “fairly quickly” but the reality is you were gone for over a minute. That is not quickly.
To answer question #2. To have fun. If the only reason you were playing is to get high on the LB’s for a mini Llama, then there is nothing left for you.
You do not get deserter status for a team member disconnecting. You get it for a party member disconnecting. This, only if they are gone for more than 60 seconds. If you are solo Q’ing, you only ever have to worry about yourself.
We tried to fight for that in the beginning. Justin said he would take it the the staff to see if the exception can be implemented on a 4v5 win that you still gain points. He said on page 2 “I’m going to bring up the ‘party has deserter but won’ scenario with the team.” but nothing has ever came of it. If you win still, even with the disadvantage, IMO you should still get the win. The rules just cannot change for a loss, or it is exploitable.
No one is going to give your points back. That is the punishment for everyone that plays the game. This is the best way they could figure it out to prevent exploits. As in, if there is a couple minutes left in the match (and you are going to lose), pay a party member who doesn’t care about LB’s to leave so you don’t lose rankings. This way you get punished for your party member leaving and it cannot be exploited.
I believe it was Justin in a thread who said , “If they are prone to disconnects, it is your own risk and maybe you shouldn’t party with them”.
This literally was the only way to prevent exploit. If someone not in your party disconnects and you win, you still gain points. If they leave and you lose..you lose normal points. Their actions do not affect you so as to not be exploitable as well.
(edited by Puppet.8139)
Yes, that is what was said. Here is one of the couple threads there was confirming https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Party-members-will-receive-a-desertion/first (Near bottom of first page confirms/ clarifies). Justin said:
“To clarify, I am not using party and team interchangeably.
If you play solo, you will never lose ladder standing because someone else on your team deserted.
If you play with a party, you will never lose ladder standing because someone else on your team, but not in your party, deserted.
If you are the deserter, no matter who wins, you will take a full loss worth of ladder standing regardless of outcome.
If you play with a party, and someone on your party deserts then everyone in the party will take a full loss worth of ladder standing regardless of outcome.
You will only earn ladder standing if the losing team did not have deserters, with the assumption that the game wasn’t a valid challenge between teams.
If both teams have deserters, the game does not count for ladder standing at all.
The point in emphasis is probably controversial to some, but we feel it is necessary to prevent exploits, and permissible because of the grace period.
Edit: Clarifying two points.
Edit 2: Corrected the emphasized text with what was intended. Thanks, Arvid.3829.”
(edited by Puppet.8139)
Only people who disconnect get desertions. Their teammates will get get a win or a forfeit.
Update: 4/5 players on the winning team had desertions.
If you are partied with the deserting player, you too get a desertion. That is why he is asking. He was not the one that disconnected, but his friend in his party did. Must have been in a party of 4 if they all received desertion status. Their 5th solo Q’er was unaffected because he was not in party.
It is written down. It is 60 seconds. If you are gone for the whole Pre game timer (That is longer than 60 seconds), then you and your party gets desertion. This is also compounding 60 grace. You can DC for 20s twice and 9 seconds the third time and still be good. As long as you do not total over 60 seconds.
The OP was partied with this player, so he gets the desertion status as well = Negative 3 pts. IMO the 60 second grace period is plenty and shouldn’t be changed. I also think that the 2 minutes prior to match start should not count; as it does not effect the game. I have seen many people with issues getting DC’ed upon first entry. They come back right before the game starts but it doesn’t matter (they have been gone 2 minutes).
Well, I have seen a little extra in Q’s on NA, all the ones in the tourneys always have run guardians. Not always on the same team as we saw a double guard comp, but…. If you think the NA has gone up, don’t go to EU. Every Q has a minimum of 3 guardians, usually 4. It is just bad. Guardian roach community has taken over turret engi’s there.
OP must be from EU. Correct me if I am wrong on that. There is an infestation of Guardians after WTS. Most of them suck for obvious reasons (New to the class), but there is definitely still more warriors on NA than Guardians. If you need deeps, Guardian isn’t bad depending on your comp. If you don’t want deeps, Warrior is a better option. All depends on what the rest of your comp is; but EU does have a new massive infestation of hammer medi guards. It’s ridiculous.
Seems legit
To have fun. If you are not having fun, I am not sure why you are here. You play games to have fun. Only other reason there is to play a game is if it makes you money, or gives you BJ’s. Both of which you are probably not getting, because you play this game.
What about Irishman with distant relatives that fought for Mexico, during the Mexican-American war? Could they have a shot if provided with an Ancestry.com family tree report?
Unfortunately, Mexico is considered North America, I think you’re sol. Sorry bud
I thought someone might say that. My argument even though distant, is that part of Mexico was once part of Central America and therefore oddly related to my ancestor. This part of Mexico is called Chiapas.
So in reality my ancestor was fighting for a portion of a country, that a mere 20 years earlier was part of Central America. Our ancestors bled over the same land, is what I am saying. That practically makes us blood brothers.
(edited by Puppet.8139)
What about Irishman with distant relatives that fought for Mexico, during the Mexican-American war? Could they have a shot if provided with an Ancestry.com family tree report?
Oooooo I like this game. Sesame Street had it all the time when I was young. ..One of these things is not like the others……
Answer: Low MMR players higher on the LB’s for the ‘same’ win/ loss ratio. Getting rewarded for loosing, while you are loosing points for loosing.
Sooooo.. You don’t belong. Wasn’t there a discussion already on this with some player arguing that all the higher MMR players must just suck; since their LB points are lower? Lexi? This is proof of the flaws right thur.
So I have noticed a LOT of trolls lately in PvP making games 4v5. Why do I say trolls you might ask? People that enjoy ranked but don’t care at all for LB’s. Now I don’t care at all for them either, but still makes playing frustrating. Very large amount of 4v5’s lately after new season starts. Also you get those players that leave the match 60 seconds before loosing on the enemy team. They know they are going to take -3 pts but do not care. Then everyone doesn’t gain any points on the winning team due to said person leaving. OR as soon as you fall 50 pts behind, someone on your team bails… I thought there was going to be dishonor. We were told it was fixed and going to be re-implemented; but it has not. Is there an update on when that will be, so we can stop these 4v5’s? We want competitive matches while we play. We don’t want 4v5’s and there is nothing stopping people from doing it. In unranked there is no consequence. In ranked, they just loose LB points. Can we get dishonor rolling yet or not?
The amount of time spent debating on this thread could have probably earned you enough skill points to unlock the traits youre talking about.
Just have it turned on automatically as soon as you enter the PvP match for your team (unless you have it unchecked in settings). Then only the players that have it turned on have a “Speaker” symbol next to their picture (or whatever). When they talk, the speaker lights up. Anyone at anytime can individually just click the “Speaker” icon to mute that player on their end. This prevents trolls, because everyone can just turn them off. Just don’t like the sound of someones voice? Turn them off. Don’t require people to have to physically join in the voip. Make it automatic. Then each player has the ability to either turn the whole thing off in settings, or mute anyone they want.
The purpose of the icon is 1: So you know who has voip enabled and can at the least hear you, even though they might not speak. 2: So it can light up or animate so you know which player is talking. 3: So you can just click it and mute them.
But thats not convenient for those who want to opt out. So instead of pressing 0 buttons, I need to press 3 or more buttons not to hear some jerk raging because he died.
(See what I did there?)IF, and a big IF, it was introduced, I would much perfer to have to opt in/join rather than automatically. This way I don’t need to be bothered if I don’t want to join and spend the time to opt out/mute everybody. And if I was feeling like taking PvP a bit more seriously I could join with a click and go.
That’s fine. Make it a 1 option box to check to opt in. If they do that, they will need in game news announcement (top right) to alert players it is available. Otherwise most will not know it is even an option. So if you have it checked to opt in, as soon as you load into the PvP map, you are then on comms with everyone on the team. You can then mute whoever you want by clicking their symbols (or however). This could be implemented into dungeons as well, but I don’t think WvW, EoTM or open world should have it. It would be way to chaotic for those things and is not needed as every server in this game has it’s own TS for it anyway. Or just open it into PvP and see how it goes. Small scale then then try the dungeon push if it is successful.
I know you shouldn’t compare it to FPS’s or other games much, but you must in terms of what people hate etc. Some games you just hear everyone or mute all and hear no one. You need the option to mute individually if you want it to be successful. Otherwise you get 1 troll and comms goes dark for all.
I think the smart thing as to have to opt in off launch is good honestly. Otherwise you will have too many people that didn’t read or see the announcement freak out upon entering the match.
Also, your argument of having to press 3 buttons to have to opt out of being inconvenient is ludicrous. It can also be reversed by everyone that wants it on having to push 3 buttons to opt in. If you are that lazy……..Probably shouldn’t be playing a button mashing game.
(edited by Puppet.8139)
Turn everyone into child form. I would love to see some of my charr characters in cub form. xD
Though I have no idea how they’d do that for Sylvari characters. >.>
I believe they would turn into a house salad. That is the smaller version of a salad.
Well, The main class you have listed (Ranger) Isn’t viable at high level PvP no matter what.. So that part of your argument is invalid. Also, why are all your cousins trying to make rangers? That won’t work out well for you.
Just have it turned on automatically as soon as you enter the PvP match for your team (unless you have it unchecked in settings). Then only the players that have it turned on have a “Speaker” symbol next to their picture (or whatever). When they talk, the speaker lights up. Anyone at anytime can individually just click the “Speaker” icon to mute that player on their end. This prevents trolls, because everyone can just turn them off. Just don’t like the sound of someones voice? Turn them off. Don’t require people to have to physically join in the voip. Make it automatic. Then each player has the ability to either turn the whole thing off in settings, or mute anyone they want.
The purpose of the icon is 1: So you know who has voip enabled and can at the least hear you, even though they might not speak. 2: So it can light up or animate so you know which player is talking. 3: So you can just click it and mute them.