Showing Posts For Pyrocat.3984:

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Signet of Shadows does not stack with Swiftness. As soon as you get swiftness, you run exactly as fast as everyone else with Swiftness.

Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Yes please, some control over FoV would do wonders.

Audio Problems with all storyline conversations.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


also experiencing this, and it’s happening with more frequency the farther I get into the storyline quest. I’m currently experiencing it in my conversations on the story quest Reconnaissance (51). I am a female achura thief doing the Orders storyline, and if it helps, I started with the weather invention storyline.

Running windowed fullscreen in Windows 7 64bit, sound set to highest quality, music interval longer, buffer size 100% lowest latency. I don’t get the feeling that lag is causing it, since there are no other stutters or mix-ups except with this audio.

Jinzu's Burst Backstab Build

in Thief

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Why not pick the 100% crit rate when stealthed trait?

Another offhand / light weapon for thieves

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Really, anything. Currently thieves have one of the smallest weapon selections available, and it gets worse if you think about offhand. Currently they can only have a dagger or pistol as an offhand weapon, which doesn’t leave many options. A whip, a torch, a light sword, a punching dagger, a rapier, really anything to add some variety.

There appears to be a place for another offhand weapon in the thief character sheet (if you click on the weapon skills tab, there’s a greyed out offhand/light weapon skill area), but I am perhaps misunderstanding the character sheet?

/g = guild, /p = party, /s != /say?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


As far as I can tell /s is not used for anything, is there any reason it couldn’t be used as shorthand for /say?

Social animations - more of them!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Currently there is:

and maybe a couple more (another suggestion, make a list!) that I haven’t found. These are pretty cool, but really only a handful compared to pretty much any other MMO. Even EverQuest had /tap /kneel /cry /point /whistle /blush as well as a variety of alternate emotes that used the same animation. For example, /laugh /chuckle and /cackle all had the same animation, but added different flavor text to the emote, which in turn added more options for (and encouraged) roleplaying.

Additionally, allowing the player to craft their own emote and tie it with another emotes animation would do wonders for roleplaying. Instead of /shrug, the player could type something like “/em-shrug ponders where the heck to go next” and the output would be my character shrugging and the text “Pyrocat ponders where the heck to go next” would appear.

This game has a noted lack of socializing between strangers. Occasionally people will /bow or /say ty if you rez them, but there’s not a whole lot of non-task-based communication (outside of guilds).

Simple additions like more freedom with emotes, more visibility of what emotes are available, and more animations for emotes ALL contribute to making the world a more vibrant, social place. Please add them, I miss them every day I play.

100% zone map completition = cheaper waypoints in that zone

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Title says it all. This would help out players who are complaining that waypoints are costing too much, and it would add even more incentives to exploration. Win-win!

Gathering From Rich Ore Veins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


I’m no programmer, so I can’t profess to know how much effort would have to go into this change and whether or not it’d be worth it, but it would definitely be nicer to just take 10 swings on a rich ore vein in one channeled interaction, rather than having to ‘use’ the node four times. It doesn’t help that rich veins are often guarded by a group of mobs with a Veteran in it, when they can start respawning in 15-30 seconds in some cases.

I think you’re exaggerating a bit here. I’ve never had a problem with harvesting rich nodes before mobs start respawning, and I’m not the quickest player. I personally like the feel of having to harvest several times to get all of the ore you can, it makes sense to have to harvest for longer to really mine everything from a rich node. Not everything needs to be streamlined to an extreme, otherwise we’d end up with a very quick game where we all achieve our goals immediately.

Infiltrators Arrow

in Thief

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


I don’t get this skill. It’s useful for a closer, but the time it takes to shoot the arrow and move is kind of long compared to other instant-teleport closers/abilities. I am constantly frustrated by it when traveling because it never allows me to jump over gaps, climb mountains, pretty much do anything I would want it to.

Has anyone had success with this skill? It’s useless for PVE exploration atm.

Thief Downed State =(

in Thief

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


You can become invisible = opponents can’t finish you
You teleport away = opponent can’t finish you

This just isn’t true. Vanishing in stealth does not mean you can’t be finished. I’ve killed people who were stealthed and I’ve been killed while stealthed.

Teleporting away usually gives you a 3 second relief while they look behind them and run to finish you. It’s maybe enough to buy you some time if reinforcements are coming, but that’s it.

And if you would wait for the stealth to come up while you still haven’t used teleport, you would be perfectly able to escape in PvE.

This is great advice actually, I usually teleport as soon as it’s available. Thanks!

And it’s the best in dungeons where you can move away from AoE attacks.

Yes teleport does come in handy in dungeons with traps, but again, very hard to aim with the viewing angle (it probably doesn’t help that I’m asura).

TP needs higher "default price", better messaging.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


I think this is due to the newness of the game and the fact that people still don’t quite understand how to use the trading post. As the game progresses and gets older, and the player-base becomes more knowledgeable, I think that the trading post will shift away from this trend.

Except there will always be new players, so items level 1-30 will probably always be 1 copper higher than vendor price. Unless ArenaNet fixes the messaging, all new players will unknowingly lose money on the trading post and probably think it’s useless.

Thief Downed State =(

in Thief

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Does anyone else think the thief downed state is kind of underpowered? I do so incredibly little damage with my main attack it’s laughable.

The teleport is cool but the range is short and the viewing angle when you’re downed makes it extremely hard to find a spot to TP to.

The invisibility is by far the weakest utility. It lasts maybe 2 seconds tops, you still take damage from AE and people swinging randomly, you deactivate it by using any of your other skills, (including healing) and by the time it becomes available you’re already at low HP and if you stealth for the duration you will probably just die anyway from the DoT. Oh, and in PVE the duration isn’t long enough for the mob you’re fighting to walk away so as soon as it fades the mob comes back to finish you off.

I love the thief class, but compared to the other classes I’ve tried, our downed state is pathetic.

TP needs higher "default price", better messaging.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Two major problems with the TP as it stands today:

1) The default price when selling an item is entirely too low, and people just end up listing things for 1 copper more than the vendor price. There is no interesting economy there, that’s just people losing money for no good reason. There’s no undercutting, no buyouts, no manipulating the market, no price wars, absolutely nothing that would otherwise make an MMO economy interesting.

2) The vast majority of people selling on the trading post are not aware of the 15% tax and are consistently losing money when putting things on sale. The messaging is simply not there, you have to go on the wiki to find out about the tax. For those unaware, there’s a 5% tax when you first list an item, and if it ever sells you incur another 10% tax. There should perhaps be a warning that pops up when you try and sell something that will end up giving you less money post-taxes than if you vendored it. This would help out with problem #1 as well.

Favorite DEs to farm?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Pyrocat.3984


Ths Dredge siege event in Dredgehaunt Cliffs [40-50] near Frostland Melt repeats fairly quickly and is quite fun. Lots of Dredge to kill including a veteran mob, and if you get bored waiting for the next event you can head north to the mines are there’s usually at least one event going on there (kill Imp Lord or help collect documents).

What are your favorites?