(edited by Quality Player.6975)
Showing Posts For Quality Player.6975:
yep gw1 had so much more depth to its pvp
this game is so basic
it’s like chess (gw1) compared to checkers (gw2)
(edited by Quality Player.6975)
I’m more than a bit disappointed in the meta. I’ve stopped playing much, as have most of my friends. This is largely a result of conquest being the only game type and the bunker/burst meta it results in for obvious reasons.
I have a friend who talks about wanting to “break” the meta with some clever counter. But he can’t do it. More mobile, more bursty roamers just get the job done better.
The challenge of most games is more in the specifics of the fight and outplaying your opponent. In most tournaments 90% of the challenge is the coordination of blowing up your opponents with cookie-cutter FOTM bursty roamers. This just isn’t as much fun as more of the challenge being the fight itself and outplaying/countering your opponents.
Needless to say, hot join is even less enjoyable. The scoring system doesn’t incentivize others to play to win with you. So it’s back to cookie-cutter FOTM monster dueler builds to wrack up kills and points. That’s it. Hot join is just futilely playing to win w/o a team that cares, or pointlessly stacking up kills/points without purpose.
There’s just no competition. No intense fight for victory. It’s just roam around and kill for points.
Yeah when I used to play hot join I felt like I was farming pve monsters literally
PZ doesn’t really play that much anymore. They got bored of the game in general.
I went from playing GW1 PvP ALL the time(15+hours a week) to playing GW2 sPvP for like no more than 10 minutes a week. Shouldn’t of changed what worked great.
with this sentence you have proved that you have 0 image about pvp
the current pvp IS FUN. the problem is that the whole content is not available to everyone when you dont have a regular team.
edit’d this to the top because it was just so perfect when I read it on QQ forums. “GW2 should just revert to GvG game mode. It takes a big man to admit failure so I doubt anet will even consider this.” (http://teamquitter.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=29540&start=375) I’m not so sure GvG would work without healers, but it’s possible. This would take awhile to develop though and there would be no hope of seeing it before the next expansion. Anyway, I’m mainly agreeing with the fact that anet is unwilling to admit failure. It’s happened in GW1 – They removed HB + TA and added Codex Arena. Codex arena was utter garbage and no one played it after a week or two. One of the biggest mistakes of the game IMO (pvp wise). Who cares if people were screwing around dancing in the HB mAT in the finals because they’re friends or doing red resign. Just add detection for red resign so those players that did it would get banned. I know people who got commander 8/9+ off botting red resign and anet did nothing about it. Just like they did nothing about bots in PvP such as interrupt bots, bulls strike bots, cancel cast bots to avoid dshots etc. The only bot people could possibly get banned for was interrupt botting if you made it blatantly obvious, but they had no detection system for it. They banned based off of your name going on a “interrupt bot list” on the test krewe forums and would spectate you sometime in the future to see if you actually are botting. (No i wasn’t on the test krewe, but I knew several people who were and we all laughed at how some of these interrupt botters never even got banned even though it was so obvious – no one consistently hits 1/2sec interrupts etc).
I’ve played sPvP for 100+ hours. Currently I stopped playing it almost completely due to lack of fun. There are no variety in builds – every class has 1-2 “best” builds and that’s it. Guild Wars 1 had unlimited opportunities because you weren’t limited by your weapon choice like in GW2.
But if it’s “SO FUN” how come no one is playing it? Clearly the majority of people are not interested in sPvP because it is not fun or whatever their reason is. It gets old pretty quick IMO which is one of the big reasons why I stopped played it. Their is no sense of like progression idk. I liked that you could become rich off PvP in GW1 due to unique drops etc. There are just little things that annoy me like being required to use a finisher to display your rank when executing someone. It shouldn’t be like that – it should just be by default it shows. Another little thing is the /rank. It should be like GW1 how they fixed it later on so that you could use previously unlocked emotes by doing /rank 1, /rank 2, /rank 3 etc.
If they want to save sPvP before everyone completely moves on, then they need to double the size of their sPvP team to create more game modes etc.
Also I’m talking about in general they have said nothing about the state of sPvP (the population has drastically lowered compared to 2-3 months ago). I’m not talking about how they’re saying nothing right now. Obviously they’re saying nothing right now as they’re on holiday. They have said nothing at all about it being completely dead unless you play during peak hours or how they’re going to solve that. Simple solution: Cross region sPvP, but they will need to do more then that as that will only partially solve the problem. GW1 was cross region PvP and ping was a bigger factor in that game due to interrupts. In the mAT if you knew you would get EU servers then the NA team(s) would not run a ranger or a mesmer because of ping disadvantage. Ping disadvantage isn’t even close to as big of a deal as it was in GW1.
None of my GW1 friends enjoy sPvP at all(I know a LOT of people). They either just pve because they have nothing better to do or just simply quit the game. This is what a lot of high level GW1 pvp players think about the game(http://teamquitter.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=29540).
TL;DR – just me ranting about how they could make the game better from a sPvP standpoint, but they are catering more towards pver’s because that’s what the majority of the player base is.
I don’t even know why I posted this wall of text
(edited by Quality Player.6975)
It’s basically dead. It’s not dead because of lack of ladder system/spectator mode or even custom arenas. It’s dead because it’s simply not fun. It would be nice for them to let us know what their future plans are besides “ladders,spec mode, custom arenas!” because I’m 99.99% sure that will revive sPvP for only a week or two at most.
I went from playing GW1 PvP ALL the time(15+hours a week) to playing GW2 sPvP for like no more than 10 minutes a week. Shouldn’t of changed what worked great.
(edited by Quality Player.6975)
You said you thought it wouldn’t be “fun”, but the current sPvP is really a joke. No one plays it. Why don’t you just finish polishing it and give it a try to see if people like it because obviously the majority of people dislike conquest.
sPvP is slowly dying day after day. I log on and pretty much all of my GW1 friends quit just because the sPvP is plain boring. You can only do paid tournaments during prime time in NA and even then you fight the same teams over and over again. GW1 had amazing PvP because there was so many options (RA, TA, HA, GvG, HB, AB). GW2 has 2 options… cap points and WvWvW. WvWvW to me is like alliance battles and I see it for PvE type of people only(just in my opinion). I fear this game could just completely die unless new PvP game modes come out ASAP, but they need to increase the size of their PvP team by double or even triple what it is now.
I miss the old HA days from GW1 coming up with just cheese builds that no one would ever think of/not know how to play against it. Can’t do that in GW2 because everything is so basic.
(edited by Quality Player.6975)
It’s just not fun. Everything that made Guild Wars 1 probably the best PvP MMORPG is not in this game. I just feel like I’m playing any other generic MMO except that everyone is on an equal level playing field. There is no team build creativity in this game whereas in Guild Wars 1 there was unlimited possibilities. That is the #1 reason why myself and all my other friends have quit. PvP also is not as rewarding as it was in Guild Wars 1. I liked winning Halls and getting to open a chancing knowing i have a 0.001% chance or whatever to get a Mini Ghostly Hero etc.
Idk just my two cents
Why change what works and makes the game unique..
You do know that all the worlds are hosted on US servers (the European ones are located in Texas). So no, that won’t be a problem.
No, EU is actually in EU
NA is in TexasIm pretty sure you are wrong about this. IIRC I saw a mod post about all the servers being in USA. And this may not solidify the argument, but all of the “server times” are PST, which may indicate as to their location. Then again I could be wrong
EU servers connect to an EU data center
NA servers connect to an NA data center
You can change the timezone to your proper one in the options
You do know that all the worlds are hosted on US servers (the European ones are located in Texas). So no, that won’t be a problem.
No, EU is actually in EU
NA is in Texas
paid tournaments and free tournaments
No. Lag issues would destroy pvp for a lot of people.
No. Guild Wars 1 has cross region pvp and the only issue was interrupts (which were key in that game) and ping. Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have mesmer/rangers that spam interrupts so ping isn’t an issue if its the difference between 60 ping and 120 ping
It’s kinda ridiculous having to wait 30+ minutes for a paid tournament because it’s not prime time. Also pugging groups is almost impossible for paid tournaments as well because out of the like 30 people in HotM around 50% of them are afk. (Another reason why districts are so important)
This reminds me of the last few years of GW1 where the game was just dead in PvP and you could only really play during prime time.
QP’s are for monthly tournaments
you win monthly tournaments to get into the yearly tournament
Rewards for monthlys vs regular tournaments in GW1 was 80 reward points vs 3.3k reward points
If you won the monthly in GW1 you made about 3.3mil
No one likes the water map anyway
In sPvP it’s 5 stacks per kill with 1 sigil. 2 of them together don’t stack
Allow us to show our PvP rank by typing /rank like in GW1
in Suggestions
Posted by: Quality Player.6975
Title. I really liked how it was in GW1 being able to use it anywhere.. not just when you kill someone in PvP. Oh.. and get rid of all the finishers and just have it show our rank everytime we finish someone… It’s really dumb having to use a consumable to show your rank off when you kill someone
(edited by Quality Player.6975)
You’re talking about the boss Effigy, right? I was in a group yesterday that killed him.
Did you guys kill his acolytes after taking him down quite a bit in hp? (You damage him to about 75% and then are able to attack his acolytes)
If you fail to kill his acolytes, he will just keep healing.If you did kill all of his acolytes over time (took us about 4 ‘resets’) – then it probably was just a single bugged instance.
No that’s not the Legendary Charr Effigy. You’re thinking of the 2nd pathway boss
The Legendary Charr Effigy is bugged I believe. He spawns the purple crystals that heal him and it’s literally impossible to kill them all because by the time you kill 5.. 10 more spawn making it impossible to kill the boss. Unless there is some special way of defeating him.. it is most likely bugged and not supposed to spawn that many purple crystal things.