Showing Posts For Quassie.2059:
Does anyone know how the cap works for population on a borderland? I know there is a cap of some kind and then we start to queue but is there a cap on each server or is it a cap on each borderland?
Ex: If the cap is set to 300 (just using this as a simple number) Is each server capped at 100 or could one server come in with 300 members of their own and everyone else would queue?
NSP has a very low Australia/Asia population compared to some of the other servers out there (I was on that server). If you want to know servers with a larger presence in these times, a quick way to find them is to just look at any of the servers within the first 3 tiers for WvW servers. 24/7 coverage is a must to maintain a high ranking. Obviously some of these servers will be tough to transfer to due to full populations.
“Hey, why is there a portal on this wall….?”
Count me in as well by being confused by the monthly ending before the end of the month. I got burned for a gold buying items to disenchant. I don’t give a crap if they use GMT or whatever but putting it on a Wiki and expecting everyone to look for the answer is bush league.
Put a timer in the UI.