Showing Posts For Rabiez.9178:
So there are a few issues I can easily point out
- For running boon’s the boon duration is 60% opposed to 75% which is what most have but I can easily deal with the 60% not a big deal
- Cit damage is pretty low compared to some builds i have seen but I sorta make up for that with pure power and I believe a bit more vit/toughness
- The gear I have isn’t arranged to be mathematically correct for stat optimization eg. Celest Head, Chest, Leggs ect….
Im wondering if there are any small tweaks that will benefit me 1vX small as in easy gear swaps not switch all of my gear for different stuff maybe different foods that will work in my favor or anything like that thanks.
I build a 1vX build with a nice balance between survival and DPS but leaning towards DPS thoughts on the celestial is it really worth it?
After re-creating my character i was transmuting my hood into a mask and it miraculously glitched me and my friend freaked out because it looked so rad on a Asura but unfortunately after logging out and in the glitch vanished, just thought i would have and ask A-Net PLEASE PLEASE MAKE A HEAD PIECE FOR MEDIUM LIKE THIS… it gives that “Sense of Secrecy” look to our class and quite frankly none of the medium head pieces look good on Asura :/, anyways everyone enjoy!
Ps – You may want to move this topic idk if it is a actual bug….
A – So me and a friend struck up a conversation about one of us being better at MMORPG’s then the other (GW2), and being as human as we are we both have different opinions on who is better as well as why.
now personally I think my criteria is pretty solid and realistic and lets be honest a MMORPG is basically how much you can no life it, now basically my criteria is :
Achievement Points
PvP Levels
Currency Saved up
Types of Armor & Collectibles
Amount of 80’s you posses
And of course its based off the more you have or the higher amount of w/e you have = the better you are.
B – Now my friend thinks you base how well you do something reflects how well you are at the game now here are a few examples…
If he can kill me in a 1v1 in PvP that means hes better than me at the PvP.
Now that seems pretty fair but what if it just so happens my build is made for defense and his is offence, obviously he will be able to kill me faster then I will be able to kill him but your ability to be able to kill something or DPS output shouldn’t how how we are rated on wow well we play MMO’s.
Or if he can kill i certain creature more efficiently than me.
All classes are different so obviously one may do ore DPS than the other you cant have 100% balance.
So this wasn’t a post asking you guys what one you agree with i would just like to know what you guys think how “good” you are at a MMORPG should be based on, anyways that’s all and thanks, what side do you take A or B and why?
I hate GW1
I love GW2
If you love GW1 feel so much, play GW1.
You sabo-trolls need to stop with the same post over and over again, and leave my game alone.
I would like to first of all state i love both games i have 402 hours logged on GW2 and 2 80’s alright im just saying im not getting the full feeling from drops nor collectibles.
- stop assuming people are trolls because they post on the forums saying something other then “I love the game” im just pointing out a few flaws the game has and asking for other peoples feelings on the differences, i said i couldn’t quite put my finger on it that’s why i was asking.
Good day sir.
Alright so i know im gonna get alot of kitten for posting this but i don’t feel the warmth in GW2 that i had in GW1, now I played GW1 since phrop released it was my first MMO I played, I had such great times playing it especially doing missions and getting hard to get gear, i cant really put my finger on why.
it doesn’t feel like GW1 I know most of you guys are going to say “Because its a totally different game” but the dosnt mean i shouldn’t have the same feeling i had playing GW1 that “full” feeling, I also feel like there’s nothing to work towards, don’t get me wrong we can do world exploration and crafting and all that great stuff but it doesn’t have the underworld farming solo builds you had to make and really awesome mat drops where you where all like “Jackpot im gonna make a killing off these ectos” and that warm and fuzzy feeling inside when you go it im hoping that we can get stuff like this in the future but who knows, I also feel like there’s a lack of social aspects in the game im not saying that this is a developers problem but the community is kinda dull, when i played WoW my guild would always be in vent talking about changes and what there doing and I have searched and it dosenot feel like anyone is taking part in that in GW2 everyone just likes to keep to themselves and grind away at there crafting and daily achieves, i would enjoy looking forward to more rewarding and rare drops off monsters something that i can grind toward and maybe a little more of a collectible aspect where i can chill in LA and show off hours i spent farming something, i know the game is new and changed are being implemented but it would be a good idea to restore old roots and implement some awesome things you guys did in GW1, don’t be afraid to add anything or respond with how stupid i may be. THANKS!