Showing Posts For RaelZero.2546:

problem login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


Heyo! I’m one of OP’s guild mates, and I’m the guy helping him sort this out at the moment.

We tried all the fixes you suggested, but to no avail. I also tried running some tracert towards GW2 IPs that I’ve obtained by looking at resmon and /ip command in-game, and all seems clear.

What seemed suspicious to me, though, is that on HIS resmon, gw2.exe seems to be trying to contact localhost instead of the actual GW2 servers. I tried flushing route cache as well, but that didn’t help either.

With some further investigation, I found out some could-be trojan horse on his system, so I’m actually thinking about just runnig combofix/format the whole thing. Do you happen to have any less drastic ideas?


Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest

Guess SAB isn't happening =(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


I’m keeping my crosses fingered.

Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


Here’s my new mesmer! Any tips for the dyes? I’m colorblind D:


Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest

Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


And yet back in GW1 people whined about some lucky few got 100p minis whilst other got 50g ones.

People have complained about RNG since release, and now when ArenaNet decides to not have RNG people complain about the lack of RNG.
Which way is it?

I think we should flip a coin to decide.

Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest

Adnul Irongut

in Living World

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


I agree with the guys above that there might be something to do about this encounter, but I don’t agree on what.
My suggestion would be either to increase the reward in achievement points or rework the mini-game so that there actually is some strategy and planning behind it.
If it is actually supposed to be like a rock-paper-scissors sort of thing, however, I’d go with the reward increase.


Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


I’m sorry I can’t help but laugh. A lot.

I wish you the best of luck, anyway. Anet has always been a great company for this kind of stuff!

Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


Some guild members of mine are experiencing the exact same issue. Apparently, it is a route-related issue: it looks like the DSLAMs of some Italian providers got busted by recent flooding. Nothing to do but crossing our fingers and hope everything gets fixed ASAP!

Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest

Pump and Dump and YOU! (how to get scammed out of your gold fast)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


I fear I fell for the cinnamon scam, if a scam it was :P

Well… My way of seeing the thing is very positive. First, I’ll have a lifetime supply, and second… It makes an insanely hilarious “present” to give to friends XD

Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest