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DCs in Cursed Shore (Sorrow's Furnace)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rath Morfang.8240

Rath Morfang.8240

Same is happening to me. It’s been happening for the last 5 hours.

Change to party kicking.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rath Morfang.8240

Rath Morfang.8240

I am not really a victim of this happening. Alot of the times even when I don’t start a party I will take the lead and do alot of the talking since everybody is a mute sheep in most parties these days.

But, I do read the forums alot and I repeatedly see threads of somebody getting booted right at or before a last boss etc.

Now from my understanding it seems like you literally only need one other person to click agree to boot somebody from a party. And from my experience in all mmos that have a party kick feature, sometimes people just click it instantly with no reason just because, ‘hey, at least it’s not me, right?’

This leads to absolutely no questions, no helping others solve a problem or just downright abusing a system for your own personal reasons.

I propose that this should be changed to make at least 3, but preferably all 4 of the other party members agree before a person gets kicked.

I don’t want to toot my own horn or anything, but I am pretty good at games, I learn quickly and play very actively. It is why I can win most pvp fights even when undergeared/leveled, barring some cheap class matchup/hard counters etc.
I have 4 lvl 80s and am working on the other 4, so when I join an AC exp group on my 40 engineer, and within a fraction of a second the party leader says ‘Oh no way" and im instantly kicked. I just have to message that guy and laugh in his face, as I have been running ac explore on that engi since 31 (below the recommended lvl) and constantly spend time reviving lvl 80s. I swear half or more of all my deaths in dungeons are because im reviving somebody. Point is I didn’t even get a chance to say anything. it was instantaneous. I could have been typing, brb on my 80 warr, or anything. But I didnt even want to be in that group at all anymore, so i just spoke my mind in a whisper to the guy and promptly put him in my block list.

Now if it had required the full party to kick me, I could have probably gotten a sentence out before it happened. This irked me, but i shrugged it off. If I had, like alot of other seem to, get kicked at the end of a run, I would be substantially more upset. Now like I said this has not happened to me, usually you don’t kick the guy leading the charge and helping the slow folks with revives and tactics. But you get my point I hope.

TL/DR – Make the whole party accept a request to kick a party member, not just one other person. People click before thinking in most cases.

Couldn’t agree with you more. This happened to me the first time the other day for no legitimate reason whatsoever. It really bothers me that they waited right after the final boss was killed. They need to change the system or I won’t feel comfortable doing dungeons with random players anymore.

Party kick system [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rath Morfang.8240

Rath Morfang.8240

I feel that the best way Anet could fix this would be to make the kick system timed. If someone wanted to kick someone, it would initiate a kick timer that would last about one and a half minutes. In this time period, the party members would get to vote, to kick or to not kick. After all the votes would be tallied up, if the votes were tied, or under the majority to kick the player, the player would stay, but if the majority of votes were to kick the player, they would be kicked.
With this type of system, It would get rid of the problem of being kicked instantly, and other players being able to do something about it. you would also have time to take a screen shot.
Recently (about 3 hours ago) me and a friend were running a CoF path one with 3 other people. 2 of them must have been friends or something and the other 1 was alone. We were on the final boss and he was at about 20%. my friend was suddenly kicked and replaced by a level 60. We had no idea what happened until we kicked the level 60 and invited my friend back. They tried to kick him again, but we found out who the 2 people were and kicked them both. It made me really angry that our entire run could have been ruined by two morons. They didn’t get their rewards and didn’t deserve them, but that’s not the point. the point is if there was a timed system, none of this would have happened because we would have been able to stop my friend from being kicked.

I recently started another post about this yesterday. I was the victim of two friends booting me because they didn’t agree on how to finish the dungeon. Even though I was more of a help in finishing it, they booted me right before I was able to collect my rewards and chest on CoF path 2. This really bothered me because the other two randoms liked me but those two had the power to boot me. An hour wasted.

Booted by party at dungeon end. No rewards.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rath Morfang.8240

Rath Morfang.8240

…block all rude people.

^^ this is best advice.

I’ve grouped with some tremendous players that I really enjoyed doing dungeons with. But I’ve run 200+ dungeons and my overall experience has been that the dungeon community is pretty rude. I was in a group one time for AC and 2 people in the group heckled this one poor player who was obviously inexperienced. They kept at it until that player left. They they act shocked that he quit the group. For some reason I typed in “well what did you expect after you were riding him the whole time”. There responce was it was that players fault for being such a noob.

Its such a shame but I see this all the time in GW2 and my block list is pretty large. Only other advice I can offer is dont waste your time getting upset by it. Move on as quickly as you can to the next group. There are good groups and bad ones. Its the risk you take when you PUG.

Thanks, I think this post helped the most. I guess I was just extremely frustrated that I put in all that time just for the two of them to boot me right when I was about to get rewards. The other two party members liked me and agreed the other player needed to cool it. But I was outnumbered and the best I can do is move on. Hopefully they improve the system so newer players are given the same opportunities and have as much fun doing dungeons as anyone else.

Booted by party at dungeon end. No rewards.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rath Morfang.8240

Rath Morfang.8240

It sounded like they wanted to skip ahead, and you wanted to stay and fight mobs.

While I find it disgusting that people would boot others just because they are new and inexperienced, I can’t really say you are completely innocent on this matter either. Most players are not new, I can venture to say most players do not enjoy dawdling in dungeons they’ve done hundreds of times.

If you cross the bridge when you come to it, people might feel very justified to not have you cross the bridge with them. I believe in the future you should make your expectations (first time, want to watch cutscenes, don’t want to skip) clear at the start of the dungeon to avoid this kind of things in the future. If your party doesn’t agree, start a new one.

Let me give you the details. We were running path 2 of CoF. The two friends did not want to assist in helping the NPC find the metal across the lava using the water gun. They just WP and expected us to do it. They also did no help kite the mobs around while the NPC opened the door, which made it 10x harder for us three. Of course the one just pulled the boss while the four of us killed the acolytes to attack the crystal. As soon as the boss died, I was booted and didn’t get any rewards. I have ran the dungeon many times. We even ran path one together, skipped the bridge, etc. I wasn’t fighting mobs while they waited ahead. They just didn’t want to help anywhere. And I got punished for finishing the dungeon for them. Not fair at all.

Booted by party at dungeon end. No rewards.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rath Morfang.8240

Rath Morfang.8240

no, you really don’t understand. I regret not taking screenshots of the chat log, but I was not in the wrong here. I didn’t think I would be booted or else I would have. I even have the names of the players but I am not going to disclose them on here. I just want to know how, if at all, I can receive my rewards and move on.

Booted by party at dungeon end. No rewards.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rath Morfang.8240

Rath Morfang.8240

So I ran a dungeon earlier with four randoms. Two were in a guild together and were friends. However, they would take shortcuts and not help us progress through the story of the dungeon. They would wait ahead while the other three (including me) would finish the dirty work. I asked why they weren’t helping and the one gentleman got a really bad attitude. So as we finished the path in the dungeon, I was booted from the party and didn’t receive the karma, totems, silver or the final chest. This really bothers me because I didn’t do anything wrong and took the high road when the player started mouthing off to me. It ruins the game experience for me since I spent over an hour running the dungeon to only get booted unfairly. Anyone have any advice what I could do here?