Showing Posts For Razel.2745:

A massive thankyou to ArenaNet

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Razel.2745


Nice screens! and i agree all the way. Love this event and love Anet for doing it so well , despite the few issues i have with it!!

Clock Tower Appreciation Thread :D

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Razel.2745


I will add my thoughts not to brag but just to… idk what ever.

i love this puzzle and would love to see more as challenging. I do hate it for people who cannot complete it and i would love to help out any way i could but regardless. Myself and my friend completed it in roughly 30mins to an hour. and it was so fun dying all the times but getting a little further each attempt. Love this event!!!

Cost of waypoints [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razel.2745


Any reason why they made it cost to teleport. Id love actual post and not speculation if you could, please and thanks

Sayeh Al' Rahjihd voice actor.

in Audio

Posted by: Razel.2745


Tali from Mass Effect? jk

Where to Farm Events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razel.2745


Also like to add the repsawns on door are fairly short and i only spent 1 maybe 2 hours and got a lot of karama without boost. so Boost up and go go go

Where to Farm Events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razel.2745


I agree with the mad king area. I did the doors, a few in the Middle of the map, one to the north, 2 to the SE and 1 south. There are others but i focused on those mainly. I am up to about 60k+ Karma on my level 75 war.

Also great place to get a lot of items to Salvg, keeping them to sell will prove to be challenging as my bags filled up very quick.