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are globs of ecto going to tank?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reashu.2734


Read how I defined a success, click on the salvage study that I linked, click the results tab and let me know what you find. I’m using the best data that I could find, which indicates that the probability is closer to 75%. If you have better data, please provide.

The sample size is too small for BLSKs to get anything resembling a correct drop rate. In absence of at least a thousand data points, I’m going to trust that the stated 50% on the tool tip is in fact accurate, unless a dev says otherwise.

Aaah, it’s the old “you need a bajillion trials to get an answer” misunderstanding.

Let’s do it this way

Well said, but the self-selection bias punches a considerable hole in your argument. There is no guarantee that the sample data you have is representative of the actual salvage rates, as there is a very real possibility that the results of a salvage affects the probability of the salvager reporting those results.

You certainly refute the “bajillion trials” argument, but still cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt that the success rate of Ectos from BLTK is != 50%. However, crude kits having produced Ectos certainly disprove the idea that the Ecto rate is the same as the rare material rate.

I can't make any money in this game due to mechanics...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reashu.2734


I’m not sure what you guys are doing to trigger the so called anti-farming code, but let me just put my results from killing the same 8 alpine skelks in Frostgorge Sound.

I tracked the tier 5 crafting mats, tier 6 crafting mats, and rares in 15 minute chunks, and farmed for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The results are in the format:
where a is the number of the chunk, 1-5, x is the number of tier 5 mats, y is the number of tier 6 mats, and z is the number of rares. I had some magic find but not a huge amount, and lost 40% of it (eating buff) after the first hour.


Easily within the streakiness of a random number generator.

So what are you doing to trigger the anti-farming code? I’m killing a limited number of the same spawns, and doing it for way more than the 1/2 hour described. Are you farming far more mobs or something?

I spent 1.5h farming the same Skelks at approximately the same speed that they spawn. I ended up with 1 Tier 6 blood, no rares but roughly 20 Tier 5 bloods.

How can I get xp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reashu.2734


Run to Lion’s Arch or go back to your home town and take the free portal to Lion’s Arch. From there you can access all the other cities and through them all the other starting areas. There are quite a few zones appropriate for your level.

Alternately, if you find someone to hang out with, content up to 5 levels above you should be no problem.

Help a noob warrior cope with conditions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reashu.2734


Are you using Vengeance (the #3 downed skill) to get back up? Because that kills you after 15 seconds – unless you take the master trait in Discipline which makes you rally after getting a kill in Vengeance.

Which weapon are you using? Shields, offhand swords and maces and hammers are best if you feel you’re taking too much damage.

Using Signet of Restoration, which provides constant regeneration and has a weak heal on a short cooldown combined with the trait which removes many of the weaker conditions in combination with Shake it Off makes you quite resilient against conditions – if you can get reduced CD for both Signets and Shouts they will be up every 20 seconds. If you still have problems, try the Quick Breathing trait (I think it’s in Tactics) combined with a Warhorn. If conditions end up not being the problem, there are traits which make Shouts heal you, make Banners cause regeneration or give you innate regeneration based on you adrenaline. These are in Tactics and Defense iirc.

Resetting traits is indeed very cheap – 3.5 silver is less that going to town and back out. You can also go to the Heart of the Mists and experiment for free – there are NPCs you can spar against, but I don’t think there are any regular mobs there.

What armor are you using in terms of level requirement, rarity and the modifications it has? If you want to be less squishy, try getting gear with +Vitality, +Toughness, or maybe +Healing. Condition Damage is helpful for tankier builds if you’ve got a sword, rifle or bow, but I think there are many better classes than Warrior if you want to go that route, so accept it as a welcome bonus but don’t focus on it.

Magic find vs Glass cannon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reashu.2734


I guess you’re not very smart are you , if you don’t know the reason why I asked that question .

If you still don’t know , the main reason is , you already point out berserker gear do more dps because of 3 purely offensive. so that also mean it would do more dps than a magic find gear . so people going in arah with a full set of MF gear and someone with a full berserker gear. so who is the one doing the most work? enough said.

(emphasis mine)
Probably the guy keeping you topped off with regeneration and cleansing, keeping the enemy weakened and chilled, while you mindlessly zerg them to do the damages.

Black Lion Mining Pick

in Crafting

Posted by: Reashu.2734


The master mining picks (and etc.) are of a random level – I’ve had one which could only mine up to Gold, and one which could mine Orichalcum. Afaik there’s no way to tell except by trying.

Bad attitude towards other nationalities

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reashu.2734


1. Someone posts a recruitment message, in their native language, for a guild which only accepts people from that country/which speak that language.

2. Someone else complains that, “Hey this is a public chat-room on an international server. Please use English, the language we are all assumed to understand”

3. You claim that the second person is the nationalist

Am I the only one seeing the absurdity here?