And then when a balance patch comes out that makes that skill not worth as much as it is in the meta at that time, but a different skill that you could have unlocked, but didn’t becomes the new best thing? Suddenly that 8/10 becomes the most infuriating statistic in the world to the millions of players that got skill A instead of Skill B
You’re still forcing players to play through content that they don’t want to play through, and not only that, you’re forcing them to Grind Grinding isn’t a bad thing, but when its an un-fun grind that you would have never done under normal circumstances?
Getting players to play more should be one thing. Forcing them to play so they can still be effective is a different thing entirely, and should stay out of this game.
Cosmetic and Cosmetic rewards only should be used for the higher end Hardcore players, not things that affect Gameplay in any way, because it automatically makes them more powerful players.
Alrighty lets keep the idea but remove the skills as the reward and have some cosmetic items instead.
I liked his idea, tying the skills in was an afterthought because it seems to be what some people want its not a personal interest for me.I will say I’ve played games (Mabinogi) where getting the “elite” skills for your class was one hell of a journey (Ice Spear, Fireball, Thunder, Final Hit, Shock) Which involved a mixture of a treasure hunt, soloing certain dungeons and hunting down specific bosses.
I support that idea 100% as long as the skills are left out.
Also, Skins and new Looks is the way for Players in GW2 to tell other Players “HEY, I’M BETTER THAN YOU”, even though the character’s power and skills are all inside of the same limits. Using skills for that purpose has worked in past games and worked very well, but, imo its not a good fit for Guild Wars 2.
Again cosmetics things? No thank you. We have enough cosmetic things that no one uses or at least I have seen so few players using of them.
How many people do you see using the achievement skins? How many people do you see using skins from the shop?
The only thing I see is those tentacle back skin, the blue wings from dragon bash and red/ or yellow roses. Nothing else.
I think people are fed up with useless skins. They want something to stand out in the crowd. Cosmetic skills will be a lot more used then item skins because they can change them without a cost. They are just different skills in the panel.
Some player just want new skills, others want more challenges, other just want different animations. Nothing of these conflicts with the original post, which was kind of hard to find btw, because I am not following this thread so closely.
I think cosmetic adaptation of skills including animations, skins if there are items (banners, turrets, minions) and names will really fit the horizontal progression.
You want to have that different looking turret? Here is a challenge for you. To compensate this for those who don’t like the challenge, a different skin skill of turret can be sold in gem store. You can farm money in the game doing what you like and then buy from the cash shop. We need to have a difference between who has played the game and who is just using money. This doesn’t happen with the Legendary weapons: The person who buys it with cash looks the same as the one who has farmed all the mats and created it.
This should not happen so these skills added to the titles show who has played the game and who has not.
So I totally support the original idea and the unlocking skills system proposed in here even if being just cosmetic adaptations of skills. It is not our job to say if a feature is waste of money and resources or not. This is ArenaNet’s job. They know what funds they have, not us.
This CDI is here to gather ideas and little bits of implementation methods. It is not us to decide if this is good, profitable, expensive or time consuming.
(edited by Rebekka.6875)