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CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


And then when a balance patch comes out that makes that skill not worth as much as it is in the meta at that time, but a different skill that you could have unlocked, but didn’t becomes the new best thing? Suddenly that 8/10 becomes the most infuriating statistic in the world to the millions of players that got skill A instead of Skill B

You’re still forcing players to play through content that they don’t want to play through, and not only that, you’re forcing them to Grind Grinding isn’t a bad thing, but when its an un-fun grind that you would have never done under normal circumstances?

Getting players to play more should be one thing. Forcing them to play so they can still be effective is a different thing entirely, and should stay out of this game.

Cosmetic and Cosmetic rewards only should be used for the higher end Hardcore players, not things that affect Gameplay in any way, because it automatically makes them more powerful players.

Alrighty lets keep the idea but remove the skills as the reward and have some cosmetic items instead.
I liked his idea, tying the skills in was an afterthought because it seems to be what some people want its not a personal interest for me.

I will say I’ve played games (Mabinogi) where getting the “elite” skills for your class was one hell of a journey (Ice Spear, Fireball, Thunder, Final Hit, Shock) Which involved a mixture of a treasure hunt, soloing certain dungeons and hunting down specific bosses.

I support that idea 100% as long as the skills are left out.

Also, Skins and new Looks is the way for Players in GW2 to tell other Players “HEY, I’M BETTER THAN YOU”, even though the character’s power and skills are all inside of the same limits. Using skills for that purpose has worked in past games and worked very well, but, imo its not a good fit for Guild Wars 2.

Again cosmetics things? No thank you. We have enough cosmetic things that no one uses or at least I have seen so few players using of them.
How many people do you see using the achievement skins? How many people do you see using skins from the shop?
The only thing I see is those tentacle back skin, the blue wings from dragon bash and red/ or yellow roses. Nothing else.
I think people are fed up with useless skins. They want something to stand out in the crowd. Cosmetic skills will be a lot more used then item skins because they can change them without a cost. They are just different skills in the panel.

Some player just want new skills, others want more challenges, other just want different animations. Nothing of these conflicts with the original post, which was kind of hard to find btw, because I am not following this thread so closely.

I think cosmetic adaptation of skills including animations, skins if there are items (banners, turrets, minions) and names will really fit the horizontal progression.
You want to have that different looking turret? Here is a challenge for you. To compensate this for those who don’t like the challenge, a different skin skill of turret can be sold in gem store. You can farm money in the game doing what you like and then buy from the cash shop. We need to have a difference between who has played the game and who is just using money. This doesn’t happen with the Legendary weapons: The person who buys it with cash looks the same as the one who has farmed all the mats and created it.
This should not happen so these skills added to the titles show who has played the game and who has not.

So I totally support the original idea and the unlocking skills system proposed in here even if being just cosmetic adaptations of skills. It is not our job to say if a feature is waste of money and resources or not. This is ArenaNet’s job. They know what funds they have, not us.
This CDI is here to gather ideas and little bits of implementation methods. It is not us to decide if this is good, profitable, expensive or time consuming.

(edited by Rebekka.6875)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


1) Add meaning to existing Personality System
(Charm = Foes less aggressive; Dignity = Foes like they are now; Ferocity = Even yellow and white foes are attacking)
2) Racial Titles
+ Prestigous title like GWAMM
3) Order Specific Events

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


Have you open from Dredgehaunt Cliffs that Forsaken Halls? There is not PoI in there, but it is area what you need to open. You can open it by doing mini dungeon Forsaken Fortune.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


1. Costume Maker
- Same kind of service as GW1 have. When player have bought a costume or Armor from Gem shop, it would be available from this NPC.

2. Festival Hat Maker
- Same kind of service as GW1 have. When character have Festival hat from specific festival, like Wintersday, Halloween and so on, character can show that hat to Festival Hat Maker and “store” it in further use. It will cost small amount of money to make that hat to another character in same account.

3. Heroes
- Heroes what character could call to help in all instances, like Personal Story, Dungeons. In Gem shop could be sale “Mercenary Hero slots” what would be available to whole account when bought. Player could make at first 4 mercenary heroes from his/her lvl 80 characters for themselves. Heroes would be downscaled as player in low level instances. Same system as in GW1. (When expansion will come, those mercenary heroe slots could be bought more than 4, if party size would be greater in expansions)

Karma nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


I have done now all the heart quests and got 95 014 Karma points. So I am still short of 156 986 karma points to my first decent exotic armor from Orr. So I will get it doing 262 times dailies. This is so frustrating now. I have to run around in rags and shoddy armor at least that 262 days.

Ok, Chinese players will come to the game soon, I know they like grinding games, but this start to feel pathetic.

I can not play this game 24/7 so it means, I will not get my Karma armor in a year. How many players might be in same situation? I bet thousands. So should I be grateful for this disadvantage? I am not, and I will never be grateful. I lost my trust to Anet and their logic.

I don’t see a valid reason to rage that you won’t be able to get exotics now using karma.

there are other ways of obtaining exotics. the every popular cof/se/ac. crafting them yourself, buying off the tp, buying with Badges, and the old fashioned mob drop.

Fist of all, players who have on rags and shoddy armor, don’t get in any dungeon party. So in that way you dont get any badges.

I thought this game supposed to be “fun”. Dungeon is not “fun”, because you don’t get in with any party and you can not do it by yourself.

For crafting, player needs a huge pile of money to get elite armor. And stats are not as good as Karma armor have. And players dont get huge amount of money just playing this game. They have to do those dungeon runs, and…. as I said, those players are out of dungeon parties, who does not have decent armor.

So players don’t have enough money for crafting, they can’t get in the dungeons to earn those precious badges because of rags on them and now they are out of Karma too.

I hate to admit, that all those elitists players ruined this game and Anet start to change this game for those elitists gamers. It is not enjoyable anymore for normal casual players.

Karma nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


I have done now all the heart quests and got 95 014 Karma points. So I am still short of 156 986 karma points to my first decent exotic armor from Orr. So I will get it doing 262 times dailies. This is so frustrating now. I have to run around in rags and shoddy armor at least that 262 days.

Ok, Chinese players will come to the game soon, I know they like grinding games, but this start to feel pathetic.

I can not play this game 24/7 so it means, I will not get my Karma armor in a year. How many players might be in same situation? I bet thousands. So should I be grateful for this disadvantage? I am not, and I will never be grateful. I lost my trust to Anet and their logic.

Why is ANet making it harder on new players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


I think decreasing Karma drop is one huge issue for new and casual players. You can get first decent Exotic armor from Orr to 252 000 karma points. Before this nerf, you got enough Karma for it in 56 days just doing dailies. Now you will get same amount of karma in 420 days. And all other Karma what you can get from the game is totally too small amount.

Not all players are able to play this game 24/7, they need to go work too to earn their living. So in this way Anet made sure that those players who does not have enough time to play this game, dont even deserve have decent armor or any other Karma product.

New players are nearly in same situation. They dont have enough gold nor karma to get good armors.

Well maybe Anet want that people start to put their RL money to the game and buy gems and change them to gold and lower gold to gem prize in that way. But not all players have RL money either to put some MMO game.

In my opinion GW2 is turning into a C rated platformer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


I have a bad feeling, that they are going to do most of new contents like jumping puzzles. If they are really going to release every 2. week new content, they dont have time for good stories.

Ok, for example: If they have 6 living story teams to make these contents. And 1st team release their product to the online. They have only 12 weeks time to make new content. It means, they need to make plans, scripts, build cutscenes, write code, doing voice acting and put them all together. Then they need to send it to testing team, who will test it as fast as they can, they are not testing everything, they are just checking major bugs and hand it back with fix or release notes.

So only thing what they can make in sucha a hurry is some kind of jumping puzzle. They have platforms ready, they have blocks ready and they just put them together, decorate it different way and they start to get ready for next jumping puzzle.

Stupid question about Achievement points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


I started to play elementalist and I noticed that when I use Arcane Wave skill, and kill with that skill a foe, it is registered to the Sword Mastery inside of Weapon Mastery achievement points. Are those points going now right place? Why they are going to the Sword Mastery? Is that somekind of mental sword? Any opinions?