Showing Posts For Redknot.1042:

Raiding Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Thanks for insights. I guess I’d be mostly looking to get into a successful qt speed clear type group eventually.

Is there still just one level of difficulty?

So far the LF forums and Reddit gw2raiders lf group have been unsuccessful. Where do people go to find a group?

[NA][PvE] LF raid team | Returning player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


High level WoW raider (top world 200) looking for a raid team in this game.

Can reliably make 2 days.

Multiple characters fully ascended, but not all.

Only experience through Sabatha, but I’ve been raiding in MMOs for 10+ years now, so I can learn quick and adapt.

Add me in game and reply on here for best results. Thanks.

Raiding Questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Redknot.1042


I come from raiding in WoW where I have been top world 200 consistently for a couple years now and I’m really interested in raiding in this game going forward into PoF.

My question is: what is expected of me?
How many characters should be fully ascended?
Currently I just have a thief/warrior both condi/power fully ascended but that’s it
How many hours does it take to clear raiding content for a proficient guild?
Or how many hours a week do most guilds raid in this game?

Trying to find out how many difficulties there are in raiding?

Anyone with high end WoW raiding experience can let me know how similar in difficulty/mechanics gw2 raids are?

What is truly puggable these days?

Thanks for any answers.

[VT] Veritas Tres [RAIDING][FOTM][NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Need to gather a few more active players for raid nights Monday and Friday. Hit us up on the website!

[VT] Veritas Tres [RAIDING][FOTM][NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Need a couple more consistent members for the raid core. Sick of pugging 1/2 slots!

[VT] Veritas Tres [RAIDING][FOTM][NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Wanting to add a couple more to the roster. Hit us up in game and make sure you app on the website and track if we reply to it.

[VT] Veritas Tres [RAIDING][FOTM][NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Fielding roughly 9, looking for a few more members to round out our core roster.

[VT] Veritas Tres [RAIDING][FOTM][NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Back to the front page.

[VT] Veritas Tres [RAIDING][FOTM][NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


About Us
Veritas Tres [VT] is a raiding PvE guild based in NA. We play generally from 7pm – 11pm EST Sunday – Thursday and late into the night on Friday and Saturday. Vertias Tres [VT] is looking to recruit active, experienced, and friendly raiders who are looking for a new guild to call home.

Raids are scheduled for 7 – 10 PM EST on Mondays and 8 – 11 PM on Fridays. Outside of raids we run fractals daily, pimp out our guild hall, do weekly guild missions and spend other time doing lots of meta events and other randomness.

Current recruitment needs are posted on the website. We may need specific roles/classes, but don’t be discouraged to apply if you do not see your role/class listed.

General requirements:
Respect All
Ages 16+
Use Discord (need a mic/headset)
Be early for raids! You are expected to be online 15 minutes early for raids.
Be comfortable with meta builds (this does not mean you must run a meta build only, but meta builds are generally a nice starting place)
Have fun!

How to join Veritas Tres:
Read the “About Veritas Tres” :
Register on our website
NOTE: Part of the application process will require you to provide your gw2efficiency information. Instructions will be provided in the application if you need help.

If you have any questions, hit us up in game:


Engi - Charr or Human?

in Engineer

Posted by: Redknot.1042


You guys are making me switch from human to charr engi mains omg.

DPS loss if we lose a kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Switched from teef main to engi main for HoT. Love the class, but something that bothers me is how we have to sacrifice dps to bring another utility skill like slick shoes.
Whereas say a condi warrior has all their dps come from their weapon skills.
If there is a fight where condi warrior or condi engi are even, it would seem more attractive to bring the warrior for banners.

Do other engis feel like we are in this choke hold?
Have multiple geared out toons, what argument would you use to bring an engi over my equally geared rev/war/tempest if condi isn’t needed?

Engi - Charr or Human?

in Engineer

Posted by: Redknot.1042


There’s nothing better than a charr engineer

Dude, what goggles are those? Gotta get my charr engi on that level. Teach me senpai.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


If you’re serious about raiding, hit us up.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Need members who prioritize raids over everything else. Still searching for active, reliable players. Hit us up in game mail or on forum with what you play and how well you’re geared, etc.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Getting gorseval to p3. Need to squeeze a bit more dps. Need fully ascended geared people that know meta builds. Definitely need a tank. Should be downing gorseval hopefully by next week and moving on to Sab shortly after.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


If you like fractals we also run 50+ daily. Guild missions usually on Thursdays.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


We almost have a full raid team, we just need consistent members for our raid days.
Next raid is tonight, Friday 8PM EST. Working on gorseval.
We need a reliable tank and healer who can show up consistently, 1 more consistent condi player (preferrably warrior, but any will do), and maybe 1-2 solid DPS players one of them being rev.
We usually end up pugging 5 or 4 players, but we would like to not have to do that moving forward with say 10-12 raid members.
Hit me up with in-game mail preferrably. I will periodically check this as well.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Looking for a solid healer and/or tank. If someone can fill both roles that would be awesome too. Also need consistent DPS members. Revs would be nice, but we can work with you. Just hit us up via mail or on these forums.

We actively do fractals every day, even 50+. Lot of members working on backpack so we can help you with certain motes or fractals you may need.

We’re also involved in a lot of world events including any meta events throughout the jungle.

Just need consistent members to log on for raids every Tuesday and Friday @ 8 PM EST.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Working on gorseval tonight 8 pm EST. Hit us up in game if you’re interested. May need to fill a spot or two.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Bump. Need a few more consistent players. Revs would be nice, or a healer. Next raid is Friday.

[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Back to the Top of Pg 1

[Teef] A Thief Forum Guild (Lock pls)

in Thief

Posted by: Redknot.1042


IGN: Redknot
Thief Type: Artisan/Scholar
Server: Blackgate NA
Experience with thief: ~1000 hrs. GvG, PvE spd clears/Fractal groups, sPvP lvl 45.

[AIM]Ambition Hardcore WvW Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Your raid times say 12 am server time. Is this accurate? Thanks.

Ele/War/Thief LF GvG/WvW Focused Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


After returning to the game I noticed my zerg busting guild is no longer zerg busting or GvG’ing.

I’m a dedicated player who is willing to play the needed build for any scenario. I can take criticism well, and will communicate in Mumble/TS when needed. I learn quickly, ankitten ever the weakest link.

Currently, I’m looking for a WvW focused guild that zerg busts and has small roaming parties frequently. I usually play every night of the week after reset until around midnight EST.

GvG’ing I do not have too much experience with, as I’ve only done 2 matches. I would love to be able to get more involved with GvG though.

I’m currently on JQ. Looking for T1 guilds for the time being unless convinced otherwise.



(edited by Redknot.1042)

Orr dead everywhere? Legendary options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redknot.1042


One can only hope. I guess I didn’t read where it said they were nerfing the gold from CoF1. I thought they were just making it more rewarding to do other exp paths. But I’m still kinda fresh from coming back.

Orr dead everywhere? Legendary options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redknot.1042


I had to leave the game for personal reasons for 8 months (sucks, I know). Before I left my server (Fort Aspenwood) had people all over Orr grinding events all day and all night. Now I can’t even claim a temple anymore let alone grind any of the group events in orr since there are only 10 of us at max even during prime time.
I tried guesting some other high pop servers to see if I should server transfer, but so far no one grinds these events anymore. The only people in orr are the gatherers or solo players it seems. Does ANet see this?
Not sure how to grind for my legendary now unfortunately. My friends I use to play with have told me no one messes with Orr anymore and most of the time people just buy their legendary off the TP. Is this the best route now?
Any thoughts/ideas of what I should do to finish my legendary?

No Dice (FA PvX) lfm for tPvP, WvW, and PvE!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Hey, I’m interested in joining your ranks. Although I must warn you, I haven’t played in 8+ months so there is a lot of things that are new to me.

CoF Magg Complaint

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Redknot.1042


Making this post just for ANet to read.
Magg’s run has become a run to avoid because of high repair costs and frustration.
Not sure what they were going for by “fixing” the kiting stage while he blows up the door, but it has become ridiculous.
I understand fixing the issue of people sneaking past, but why make the event harder? It was moderate enough in difficulty to earn a chest.
If anything, nerf the ranged mobs’ damage, then it becomes plausible with any group.
I won’t do another Magg run again unless I have at least 3 theives just for an aoe stealth rotation.
I use to have fun with this run without the cheating, now its become a run that calls for class stacking which I thought ANet was trying to avoid.