Showing Posts For Reidlos.5437:

Paid Sabotaging of our WvW Supply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


In Jade Quarry today, someone that was speaking Korean most the match claimed in English he was paid by Sea Of Sorrows (someone on that server) to dump as much supply as possible. I have no idea how this can be proven, but this needs to be looked at, there are claims of sabotage with this server for a long time, some people reported in game but this player should be banned but this should be looked into, this isn’t an uncommon thing, sadly no way to tell who on SoS commissioned this if true.

My guildy just got 2 dusks in 4 days

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


From fractals 20 and 26….sigh

Twilight Arbor only 45 Tokens at the end

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


Would like some official word on this, this DR is getting pretty bad in this game.

Why are we being punished for playing.

Jormag drop rate [Merged thread]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


I have done the dragons for days and No yellows and 1 or 2 greens, not worth doing anymore

Why so few staffs from Mystic Forge?

in Crafting

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


here is the list of special forge weapons, there are a lot of some things but very little of others. Does anyone know any more staffs or scepters? or a places sides the wiki to find em

Perfect Inscriptions Lost It's Effect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


Same issue, this has been broken since launch, could we get this fixed someday

CoF Damage ninja increased?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


I run with a guild group in path 1 and 2 of CoF quite a bit, however today we were downed alot more then normal, it feels like damage to us went way up. Is this some illusion? ive never been downed as much today compared to the 30 runs ive done in the past.

Unresponsive Jumping @ Dec 3rd Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


Same issue Cant seem to jump at all, kinda annoying when near edges

Unresponsive Jumping @ Dec 3rd Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


Same issue, few guild members and I couldnt jump when near an edge

1 thief vs 30 cant cap.....

in WvW

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


either make it so majority wins or nerf perma stealth

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


If they put in a “LFR” system and a way to see peoples gear i’m kinda happy with it.

Being serious too.

Indeed your entitled to your opinion and it seems that the Devs view of the future is more inline with your’s than mine. Thats fine and I’m happy that you like the new features and direction that the game is taking.

A question to you though,

Were you aware of the pre-release statements made by the company? Can you at least appreciate why those of us who seen those statements are a little irritated at the new direction the game is taking?

It’s great for you that the game is progressing in a direction that you like, however for those of us who took A-net at thier word, this about turn leaves us feeling kinda bitter

ignore that troll hes knows everyone here wants the opposite of what he keeps saying he want so hes trolling. Making false progression and then screwing people out of groups because they are a few pieces behind due to “gear checks” is what killed WoW for many people when they could no longer gear up due to “you need better gear then this place will drop to come” This game wasnt designed to be like that, maxing out your gear was suposta come fast and naturally, then it was up to the team and player skill to fill in the rest.

Yes or No: Manifesto Represents the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437




option to view gear on others in-game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


I think it would help those of us who are more interested in gearing up through PVE…

I give up, just remember before this kitten patch there wasn’t much possibility to be Under geared. If you had lvl 80 gear you were able to do everything. Enjoying being part of the group that is and will kill this game

option to view gear on others in-game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


If you could see the gear of people you’re going into a dungeon with… it would help because you could know to either not take them or bring them along.

It sucks when people aren’t well geared and either:
a) make the run harder then it should be or
b) slow everyone else down from their laziness of not trying to get better gear.

It only makes sense for PVE if people are trying to get better gear in dungeons.

No this game was desigend so that all gear was equal at 80 give or take very little and it would come down to player ability and team work etc. If you read any of this board and if the community is actually listened to, this gear grind will go away, but if it doesnt it wont mater because it will become another dead MMO

option to view gear on others in-game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


THIS game wasn’t designed to have to be gear scored, I am so pissed right now

option to view gear on others in-game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


you do realize this entire board RIGHT NOW is complaing about the chance this game IS DECAYING to this lvl and turning into WoW right? I hope to god you trolling.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


I am not 80 yet, I started a week ago, I am so confused by all this new gear and stats and stuff I have no idea how to make or do or find any of this yet, but I do no like it one bit and I am very disappointed they just don’t care already. They have begun not only doing the opposite of what they said, they are destroying the new players, I cant find anyone in the zones im in atm, and im sure it wont get better with this game becoming the new WoW Gear score game.

Latency bar/option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


I have a decent connection but sometimes Id like to see if I have a higher then norm latency lag rate. Maybe I forgot I have something running on another computer or something along those lines

Other viable TP Items aside from mats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


Seems only mats sell on the TP, nothing made is worth selling most the game. Maybe make it so we can make some vanity items per crafting profession?

low lvl WvW worth it?

in WvW

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


Is it really worth it for anyone say under lvl 65 go into WvW? I know we all scale to lvl 80 but from what I am experiencing at lvl 35 is that the gear does make or break you in either the PVE or PVP portions of the events.

Why wont they just tell us about the anti farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


If they told us all about their anti-farming algorithms, bots would use that to further their farming. Take a break, farm somewhere else, play an alt. Get out, see the world they made for us.

There are other ways to help vs bots that dont break the game for real players, you dont increase taxes on 99% of america to teach the 1% a lesson in how to pay taxes

Why wont they just tell us about the anti farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


The thing is I could move to a different Mob further down the map BUT from discussions we have no idea how to prevent it from ticking, if i spend 15 min one area killing birds then move to the other side of the map do do fish, does that count? we dont know, it could still kick in,

Why wont they just tell us about the anti farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reidlos.5437


I just started playing and finding the economy of this game to be one of its weakest points, nothing sells and money is hard to get. I figured Id counter some of this buy crafting, but i need way to many Small Fine Items and trading post is out of the question due to prices vs income. I figure I guess ill just suck it up and farm for them, then I hear this mystery Anti Farm code which punishes players for doing something they want or have to do for too long, NO INFORMATION on how long it lasts, how long till you get it, where you can go to counter it nothing. So here i am lvling far past my crafting tier and not using this game system because I cant. I love this game so far but this lack of ecnomomy and variety in it with anti bot mechanics that hurt players is far worse then any other MMO ive played in a long time.