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Good side support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rellick.9403


I will probably give Druid a try then! I always enjoyed PVP with a Ranger pre-HoT but never leveled one. After researching I was debating a Guardian or a Druid. The only thing that has me wondering is how the Guardian’s new elite spec will compare to the Druid, but the Ranger’s new Beastmode looks pretty awesome.

Good side support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rellick.9403


So I have a bit of experience playing GW2 and understand there is no holy trinity and that all classes damage and support at the same time with some doing one or the other better than other classes. That being said the last time I played was in 2015. I have an 80 Necro, 80 Thief, and an 80 Rev. All Berserk based, none of the elite specs maxed out.

I’m looking for a new class to start that has good support abilities like boons and heals. I’ve tried Guardians but I think I just play them wrong and they feel squishy with more a generalized set of weaker boons (again the last time I played a Guardian was probably 2014).

As for my playstyle I mostly solo play and group for bosses and dungeons. I have no preference for melee or ranged.

Also I’m pretty familiar with how each class works and general performance (minus their elite specs), but being gone for so long I just want input on what is currently better/worse support and the style of support for the classes.

Thanks in advance!

Once again Guardian or Warrior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rellick.9403


Over time and mastery of the class would I be able to stay alive as easily as a warrior? Or is there a survivability issue for even the most experienced guards compared to warriors?

Once again Guardian or Warrior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rellick.9403


So I’m in the process of making my third desired lvl 80 class. So far I have made and loved a Thief and a Necro. Kind of a ranger. Now I want to make a heavy armor character and I cant decide between Guardian and Warrior. I have played both to at least lvl 40 but I cant decide. I want one that I can do PVP and PVE with, I like support, but sometimes prefer to just DPS, but even in DPS I enjoy to make a small amount of support. So far the only thing I didn’t like is the Guardian to me feels squishy as hell when DPSing, and the Warrior just cant seem to be too good at support in terms of keeping allies alive. So based on this which would be a good character for me? Am I just playing Guardian DPS wrong and thats why I have such a squishy dps?

Played for awhile but need help with classes.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rellick.9403


So I have been off and on with this game. I have had a lvl 80 Guardian and a lvl 80 thief, but no matter what I can’t seem to love any of the classes yet I don’t hate them either. All the classes fit my playstyle but at the same time they don’t. Now most games there is a single class that I LOVE but I can’t find it here so I need help understanding and help deciding which one fits me as me.

I love melee combat, but find I am better with ranged. I enjoy mobility, damage, not being squishy, and small amount of support. I also prefer fun skills, so let me explain. I enjoy warrior because of the weapon choices, but it just feels off. Slow, lacking in support, something just is missing. I like guardian because it has a lot of support, but the combat lacks. I love thief because of mobility and damage, but once again there is just something missing. I want to be able to walk into a room with my character, look kitten, feel kitten, and be able to actually have fun with the class. Based off of this what do you guys think would be a good fit? Can anyone give me more advanced playstyles for each class as well??? All I can find is basic in game descriptions or guides saying, damage damage damage. Any help is appreciated.

btw I do prefer PVE over PVP but still love WVW and PVP. Just pve 70% of the time.

(edited by Rellick.9403)

Guardian Questions

in Guardian

Posted by: Rellick.9403


So I have been playing on my Guardian for awhile now. I am going for a support style of play. I use mace/shield as a secondary for healing and self defense, and a hammer as my primary for damage and protection. I currently use the signet that gives 10% damage reduction and never activate it. Is this 10% worth it though? or can I get more usefulness out of using another ability. I tend to enjoy being durable, moderate damage, and I enjoy healing and boons.